-+--* ••
^ ... L
">Vi'fltT3UHSteT Alalbf-y to i:ir
Sir fVp'O Fwp I'loroif^k K.J5,
FOR 1809:
And sold by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Messrs. Wilkie and Robinson, Messrs.
Sherwood, Neeley, and Jones, and Mr. Walker, Paternoster -row ; Mr. White, Flref-street ;
Messrs. Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, Poultry ; Mr. Asperne, and Messrs. Richardson, Corn-
hill; Messrs. Black, Parry, and Kingsbury, Leadenhall-strtet ; Messrs, Crosby and Co.
Stationers'-hall-court ; Messrs. Scatchard and Letterman, and Mr. Law, Auemuna-tuiie ;
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land-place; Mr. Mottley, Portsmouthi Messrs. Congdon, HoxUni], and Platt, Dock; Messrs,
Haydon, Rees, and Curtis, Smith, Rogers, and Nettle-ton, Plymouth.; Mr.' Godwin, Bath ;
Messrs. Norton and Son, Bristol; Mr. Robinson, Liverpool; Messrs. Manners and Miller,
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Lumsden, Glasgow; and the principal Booksellers in the dufcrtnt Seaport T«wn
the United Kingdom.
P JR E F A € E
" Magna est veritas."
vv E sliall endeavour to make the NAVAL
" CHRONICLE an useful and interesting library of
" itself to seamen, and an acceptable work to every
" one who partakes of the glory acquired by our own
" countrymen on their own element, or experiences
" the security derived from their valour.
" Our leading principle will be to adhere strictly
" unto truth ; to render justice unto naval merit, pre-
" sent and departed, both when it has met with suc-
" cess, and also, (which is of the greatest importance)
" when it has unsuccessfully struggled with unfavour-
" able events. We shall not palliate enormities,
" should any such present themselves to our view in
" the course of our labours; nor shall we permit pre-
" judice, unnoticed, to overwhelm misfortune when
" tin aggravated by misconduct."
This is the engagement we contracted with the
public in the introduction of our first Volume, on
New Year's Day, 1799 ; and after mo re than ten years
have revolved, we confidently appeal to the suffrages
of our professional, as well as of our literary patrons,
whether we have redeemed our pledge ; and whether
we have not contributed abundantly, as well as usefully,
towards the naval annals of our country during that
• i Jo
Conscious of the rectitude of our intentions, and
(we will venture to add) of our merit in their execu-
tion, we shall detain the reader by only one more
general remark.
The committee, appointed by the Royal Society to
direct the publication of the Philosophical Transac-
tions, never omit annually to repeat the declaration,
that it is an established rule of the Society never to
give their opinion, as a body, upon any subject that
comes before thein. And therefore the thanks fre-
quently given to the authors of such papers as are
read at tkeir accustomed meetings, or to the persons
exhibiting projects, inventions, or curiosities to the
Society, are to be considered in no other light than
as a civility due for those communications, without the
Society pretending to answer for the certainty of the
facts, or propriety of the reasonings contained in their
'publication; which must rest on the credit or judg-
ment of their respective authors.
We beg leave in our humbler sphere to make appli-
cation of the preceding notice, mutatis mutandis, to
the NAVAL CHRONICLE ; as our apology for freedom
of discussion, with reference either to persons or
things, and as our justification for the apparent con-
tradictions by which the pages of our work are occa-
sionally checquered ; by the insertion of lucubrations
in some instances trivial, of arguments not always
tenable, or of criticism not always just. At least
controversy is maintained, and that is generally no
less effectual to establish truth, than the collision of
flint and steel is to produce light. Our object is the
advancement of knowledge on practical subjects ; and
the dissemination of authentic information. In re-
cording facts relative to the dead or the living, we
seek not to violate the sanctity of the tomb, nor to
wound the individual feelings of our contemporaries.
TRUTH, we must again repeat, is the object to which
our compass points; and while the NAVAL CHRO-
NICLE will ever vindicate the liberty of the English
press, against any living authority or influence, it shall
never incur tha reproach of shewing an example of
its license.
In the succeeding sheets, many subjects of consider-
able importance to the British navy have been occa-
sionally discussed, and with much ability, by our Cor-
respondents. The letter by our friend A. F. Y. is
admirably written, and like bis otber communications
reflects great credit on this Correspondent. We trust
he will long continue to honour the pages of the
CHRONICLE. His remarks have in a considerable
degree served * to elucidate the true and national na-
ture of discipline in the various gradations of rank in
our service. An ample field of untrodden interest is
still open to this Correspondent. Our worthy friend
E. G. F. in the next place, claims our thanks and
apologies, (page 35.) We never intended what we
presumed to say, in the literal sense he has taken it.
His bark is neither old nor crazy, or at least if old, it
seems like the Old Billy at Spithead, whose timbers,
of nearly the standing of a century, are still sound.
We only meant to direct the attention of this Cor-
respondent entirely to naval subjects ; and in con-
sidering the Parliamentary Duties of Naval Officers,
we wished him to confine himself to such remarks as
were alone connected with naval men ; and much
anecdote and interesting observation will be found by
him in that line. If this Correspondent would allow
us to suggest an improvement in his plan, it would
be by recommending him, to take any leading or
important naval speech in either House of Parliament,
and to form his letters by commenting on some of the
most important features in the speech. He would thus
render a most essential service to the CHRONICLE,
since, owing to the press of other articles, we are often
obliged to compress or neglect the naval debates.
Our new, and valuable Correspondent, Raleigh,
is eminently entitled to our thanks, for his excellent
account of Naval Transactions on the Coast of Por-
tugal, (page 377).
Our thanks are also due to an anonymous Corres-
pondent, who rendered our pages essential service,
by his description of Captain JBolton's Jury Mast,
(page 399-) Nauticus, at page 401, communicated
more correct information than had before appeared
respecting South America. The well written letter of
F. F. F. (page 408) on catamarans, fire devils, &c.
* Sec page 201.
will be perused with much pleasure by naval men.
Captain Rickets's valuable communications are inserted
at pages 38, 211, 398; and Sir Joseph Senhouse's
important communication respecting his discovery of
a species of timber to which the salt worm will hot
adhere, is given at page 113. There are likewise
many other Correspondents, whose assistance we are
unable to notice as it deserves.
We feel particularly indebted to the friends of those
Officers, (whose Memoirs are inserted in this Volume)
for their kind assistance in furnishing us with mate-
rials for drawing up the same.
The naval part of an eventful period is, in some
measure, comprised within the present Volume of our
CHROMCLE. The efforts of our tars have accom-
plished some great, glorious, and important objects ;
and, though no second victory of Trafalgar has
crowned their dauntless spirit of enterprise, they may
boast, that they have given the enemy ample cause to
remember their prowess, in the earlier parts of 1 809-
Our squadron in the West Indies has particularly
distinguished itself, by the capture of Martinique,
(page 323) and of the Saints (page 50Q). The Wrest
Indies have also been the scene of several brilliant
actions, on a smaller scale.*
The embarkation of the British troops at Corunna
(page 79) ; the reduction of Cayenne, (page 337) ;
the taking of Vigo (page 333) ; and, though last, not
least, the destruction of the French Fleet, in Basque
Roads (page 344) ; are all services, of a nature,wcll cal-
culated to support, and elevate, the character of the
British Navy.
Of the single actions recorded in this Volume, none
ranks superior to that between the Amethyst and the
Niemen (page 343) ; in which the gallant Captain
Seymour, who, but a few months before, had signa-
lised himself by the capture of the Thetis, again proved
himself superior to the most determined efforts of the
Communications, &c. intended for insertion in the NAVAL CHRONIGLC,
are rcq listed to he sent to Mr. GOLD, 103, Shoe-lane, London.
* See the account of the capture of the Topaze, (page 318) and
of le d'llautpoult, (page 436.)
The above engraving, by Xffibit, is from a drawing by Pocock. It is an accurate reprt*
scntation of The Bow of the fforge, a Danish ship, of 74 guns. Fora more particular dtscrip-
lion we refer to one of the Anecdotes.
" Thesf are thy triumphs, Britain ! Thine alone,
Great guardian of the altar and the throne,
To speak in thunder to the world around,
And grasp the trident of the deep profound." AKO\.
CAPTAIN HUGH DOWNMAN, a brief memoir of whose
public services is here submitted to the reader, is descended
from a respectable family in Devonshire, of which his father was a
younger branch. His great-grandfather was a man of considerable
property in that county ; and he is related to Dr. Dowmnan, of
Exeter, to Colonel Downr.ian, of the artillery, and to Mr. Down-
man, the artist. To the two last mentioned gentlemen he bears the
relationship of first cousin, and of second to the first.
He was born near Plymouth, about the year 1765 : and, in
October 1776. at the early agu of eleven, he entered into the
navy, under the auspices of Captain Michael Graham, in the
Hcl. XXI. »
Thetis frigate. IIo\v long he remained in that ship, or on wlist
station he was employed in her, we are uninformed.
In August, 1778, he joined (he Arethusa, Captain Marshal ;
in which, in the month of March following, lie had the misfortune
to be cast away, on the coast of France. The Arethusa was lost
upon the rocks, near Ushant, while in pursuit of an enemy ; but
the crew were all saved, and experienced the most humane treat-
ment from the French.
Mr. Downman remained a prisoner in France till the month of
January, 1780, when he was exchanged. On his return to
England, he embarked with his former captain, Marshal, in the
Emerald, and continued with him till May, 1782 ; when, on
Commodore Hotham's hoisting his broad pendant On board the
Edgar, of 74 guns, he removed into that ship. He was conse-
quently present at the memorable relief of Gibraltar, in which
Cotfmiodcrc Hotham commanded the van squadron.*
In the Edgar, Mr. Downraan continued till the peace of 1783,
•when that ship was paid off. — He next served three years with
Admiral Montagu, in the Queen ; and afterwards with Lord
Hood in the Triumph and Barficur.
In the mouth of February, 1789$ shortly after Commodore
Cornwallis had bee;i appointed comrnander-in-chief in the East
Indies, Mr. Downman sailed with that officer, in the Crown,
The nature of the service in which he was employed, on the India
station, will be seen in our biographical memoir of the commander-
in-chief, t It was not such as afforded the young seaman any par-
ticular opportunity of distinguishing himself. There is no doubt,
however, that he conducted himself with the strictest propriety,
and attention to the duties of his profession ; as, on the 5th of
March, 1790, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, in the
He returned to England in the Crown, in May, 1792, and, for
some months, was on half pay. In January, 1793, he was
appointed fourth lieutenant of the Alcide, Captain Linzee, and!
went to the Mediterranean. In this ship he was engaged in somg
yery smart service. Captain Linzee, soon after his arrival in the
* Vide NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol. IX. page 350,
4 Ibid. Vol. VII. page 17.
. fyJ.Gold.2e3,
Mediterranean, was made a commodore ; and, at the pressing
solicitation of General Paoli to Lord Hood, for assistance, he was
despatched to Corsica, with the following squadron :—
Ships. Guns. Commanders.
., -, . ("Commodore Robert Linzee.
Alcide 7M ,
(.Captain J. Wooclley.
Couragcux ..... 74 J. Mathews.
Ardent . . 64 • — R. M. Sutton.
Lowestoffe , , 3<2 W. Wolseley.
Nemesis ... , 28 Lord A. Beauclerc.
On the 2!ri of September, the squadron entered the gulf of St.
Fiorenzo • iud on the 30th, before day-break, the ships brought
up in their stations, and opened a heavy cannonade on the redoubt
of Fniuelli, which continued without intermission till nearly eight
o'clock. At that time, no visible impression had been made on the
enemy's works; and the ships (particularly the Ardent) were so
much damaged, by a heavy raking fire from the town of Fiorenzo,
whence Commodore Linzee had been given to understand he was
out of the range of shot, that he found himseif obliged to retire.
In this action, the Alcide had nine of her men wounded j and the
squadron altogether sustained a loss of 16 killed, and 39 wounded.
One cause of the failure of this attack was the want of co-
operation on the part of the Corsicans, who had promised to stornx
the posts on the land side.
From Corsica, Commodore Linzee sailed to Tunis, with the
intention of seizing le Duquesne, a French ship of 74 guns, and
some gun-boats, which were lying there; but on his arrival, ha
found that the Bey would not permit the neutrality of his port to
be violated, and he was obliged to return without accomplishing
his object.
On the llth of April, 1794, Commodore Linzee was promoted
to the rank of rear-admiral of the white squadron ; and when, in
consequence of his promotion, he hoisted his flag in the Windsor
Castle, Mr. Downman went with him into that ship, as second
In the month of October following, he was reraored into the
Victory, Lord Hood's flag-ship, and returned to England with his
lordship, in December.
Jli the ensuing spring, Lord Hood, aa we have stated in our
memoir of that distinguished officer,* had prepared to resume his
command in the Mediterranean, \vithare-enforcement, when, most
unexpectedly, on the 2d of May, he was ordered to strike his flag.
The Victory, however, in which Lieutenant Downman remained,
immediately proceeded to the Mediterranean, as a private ship.
Soon after her arrival on that station, .she received the flag of Sir
John Jervis, who had sailed from England in a frigate, to super-
sede Admiral Hotham,+ as commander-in-chief.
Lieutenant Downman retained his appointment, in the Victory,
and had the satisfaction of participating in the glorious battle of
the 14th of February, 1797. j
On the removal of Sir John Jervis into the Ville de Paris, Mr.
Downman accompanied him, as first lieutenant ; and, on the 4th
of June following, he was made commander in the Speedy sloop.
All the time that he commanded that ship, he was stationed off
Oporto, to protect the tradj ; and he had the satisfaction of taking
and destroying a number of small privateers, and, in one instance,
of beating off an enemy of superior force. This was on the 3d
of February, 1798. While cruising off Vigo, the Speedy fell in
with a French brig privateer, which Captain Downman afterwards
learned was le Papillon, pierced for 18 guns, and mounting 14,
ten and twelve-pounders, with a complement of 160 men. A
Tery sharp action ensued, in which the Speedy had five of her crew
killed, and five badly wounded. Amongst the former were
Lieutenant Dutton, and Mr. Johnstone, the boatswain. The
Frenchman at length succeeded in crippling the Speedy, and then
effected his escape, by superiority of sailing. At the commence-
ment of the combat, ^Captain Downman had a prize in company,
•which the privateer took, but he afterwards recaptured her.
The credit which he acquired on this and on other occasions
•was such, that he received the thanks of the factory at Oporto,
accompanied by a piece of plate, as an acknowledgment of his
services. The following letter, with its subjoined enclosure, was
transmitted to him, by Mr. Whitehead, the British Consul : —
* Vide NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol. II. p. 45.
t Ibid. Vol. IV. p. 32.
+ For the particulars of this memorable action, the reader is referred t*
the IVtli volume of the NAVAL CHRONICLE, page 35, et »ej.
« *rn, " Porto, 5th Jtfay, 1798.
" I send with pleasure a resolution of the Factory, taken this day at
their meeting. I am, Sir>
" Your most obedient humble servant,
H.Dozcnman,Esq. " J. WHITEHEAD."
" RESOLVED, " Meeting, Porto, 5th May, 1798.
*' That our thanks be given to Captain Hugh Downnaan, of his majesty's
f.1iip Speedy, for the protection of our trade, and particularly for his late
gallant action, in engaging and beating off a privateer of the enemy of
superior force ; and, as a token of our gratitude, we beg his acceptance of
a piece of plate, of the value of fifty pounds.
" Mr. Consul is requested to send a copy of this resolution to Mr. Secre-
tary Nepean,
" J. WHITEHEAD, Consul."
'* Stafford, Swanns, Kjiowsley, and Stafford.
Bearsley and Webb.
Quarles, Harris, and Co.
Perry, Frend, Nassau, and Thomson.
Proc. of Samuel Abbott,
William Nassau.
Thompson, Croft, and Co.
Campion, Offley, Ilesketh, and Co.
Pennel, Smith, and Co.
Babington, Tedswell, and Co.
Warre and Co.
Stephenson, Searle, and Son.
George Wye find Son.
Newman, Land, and Hunt,
Charles Page.
Thomas Snow and Co.
Lambert, Kingston, and Co.
Proc. of H. Burmester, Nash, and Co.
James Butler."
For his services in the Speedy, Captain Downman was also made
post in the Santa Dorotea frigate, on the 1st of September, 1798 ;
in which ship he continued to be actively employed, in the Medi-
terranean, and on the coast of Portugal, till the peace of 1801,
when he went, as Sir James Sauniarez' captain^ into the Cassar.
Amongst the captures which he made, while commanding the
Santa Dorotea, may be mentioned the following : — On the 28<h
of November, 1798, in company with the Strombolo, Perseus, and
J3ull Dog, he took the Spanish corvette, San Leon, of 16 guns,
and 88 men ;* on the IHh of January, 1800, by the exertions of
the ship's boats, he cut out a brig, laden with wheat, from under
the batteries of Bordiguera ; and, on the llth of the succeeding
month, he cut out the Santa Anna, armed ship, mounting ten guns,
from under the batteries of Hospitallier. Several other ships, we
"helieve, were taken by him in a similar manner ; but his services,
respecting the two which we have last mentioned, were acknow-
ledged by the following very handsome letter, from his Commander-
in-chief, Lord Keith : —
« SIR> " Audacious, Leghorn Roads, 3d April, 1800.
" I have received your letter of the 29th January last, acquainting me
with your having, on tlie llth, cut out a brig loaded with wheat, from
under the batteries of Bordiguera ; and also that of 27th February, to Cap-
tain Louis, of the Minotaur (which has been by him transmitted to me)
acquainting him of your having, on the night of the llth of that month, cut
out, from under the batteries of Hospitallier, the armed ship, Santa Anna,
of ten guns. — I am much pleased with your success on these occasions, and
with the good conduct of Lieutenant Aubridge, and your boats' crews ; and
am sorry for the loss which was sustained in the execution of these ser-
vices. I am, sir,
" Your most obedient humble servant,
« Captain Vownman, " KEITH."
Sanla Dorotea"
In the spring of 1800, subsequently to the loss of the Queen
Charlotte, by fire,+ Lord Keith proceeded with part of his fleet
off Genoa. Captain Downman accompanied his lordship on this
occasion, and assisted in the blockade of Genoa, which was then
besieged by the Austrian general, Melas, till the beginning of June ;
•when, reduced by famine, the French army evacuated that city, andi
the whole of the Genoese territory. £
* Vide NAVAT. CHRONICLE, Vol. I. p. 337.
t Ibid. Vol. X. p. 22.
+ Whilst the blockade of Genoa was kept up, the city and Mole were
frequently bombarded by the British flotilla. In one of these assaults,
Captain Philip Beaver, of tin; Aurora, in a most spirited and gallant man-
ner, under a smart fire of cannon and musketry from the Mole and the
enemy's armed vessels, attacked, boarded, carried, and brought off their
largest galley, la Prima, of 50 onrs, and f<;57 men, armed, mounted with.
two brass 3b'-pounders, and 30 brass swivels in her hold. In pcrfonnioj
rhis service, only four men \v«re wounded.
During a part of this time, however, Captain Downman was
employed on what might be considered a detached service ; as, in
company with the Neapolitan brig, Strombolo, Captain Settimo,
and the Chamelion, commanded by Lieutenant Jackson, ho was
entrusted with the blockade of the important fortress of Savona,
which, having been reduced by famine, surrendered on the 16th of
May.* On this occasion, as will be seen by the following letter
from Lord Keith, Captain Downir.an, as the senior officer, signed
the articles of capitulation : —
« SIR, " Minotaur, off Genoa, 16th May, 1300.
" The fortress of Savons having surrendered to the allied forces, and the
articles of capitulation having been seen, and approved of by me, I have to
desire that you sign the same, on ray authority, as the commanding ollicer
of his majesty's ships in Vado Bay, Major-general Compte de Sc. Julian
kaving first signed, us an ofiicer of superior rank to you.
" I am, sir,
" Your most obedient humble servant,
" Captain Dcvcnjium^ " KEITH.*1
" The Senior Officer cfhis Majesty's Shipt
and Vessels in Vado B«y.''t
Notwithstanding the exertions of the British and Austrian forces,
the French were destined to b^ successful ; and, in the month of
October following, in consequence of the loss of the fatal battle of
£larengo, Leghorn and the whole of Tuscany again fell under
their dominion. After the surrender of Genoa to the French*
Captain Downman was sent to destroy the fortifications at Port
Aspeccio ; a service which he executed in the most satisfactor/
manner. He also preserved the valuable gallery of Florence from
falling into the hands of the euemy, by receiving it on board the
Santa Dorotea, and conveying it in safety to Palermo. Hott well
he executed this mission, will best be seen by the following grateful
and highly-flattering testimonials : —
* Savona, situated 2<2 miles west-south-west from Genoa, was, next cu
tlue capital, the best belonging to the republic. Besiries its regular fortifi-
cations, it was defended by a citadel, standing on a high rock ; and the har-
bour had been partly choked up, to hinder the approach of large ship*.
t Vado Bay is situated three miles to the south
«' Palermo, November 18, 1800.
" I beg of you, Captain Downman, to accept one hundred zecchins, to
distribute among your seamen, as a trifling acknowledgment of the trouble
which my equipage occasioned them.
" In regard to yourself, it has already been my care to take advantage of
an extraordinary courier sent by the imperial ambassador to Vienna, to
inform my sovereign of the important service you have rendered to him and
to Tuscany, by placing the most valuable possessions of his royal gallery in
safety ; and I feel assured that his royal highness will publicly testify hie
" On my own account, I owe you much more. You have preserved
reliques which have formed, and will continue to form, much of my happi-
ness, and you also entertained me while on board with unexampled polite-
ness and urbanity. For the present, be assured of my lively and sincere
acknowledgments. In more happy times, I may recompense the obligation
at Florence, where, in appreciating the works of art which you have pre-
served, you will be sensible of the importance of your services, and the
weight of my obligations.
" In this hope I remain, with perfect esteem, respect, and gratitude,
" Your friend and servant,
"Vienna, March 3, ISO I.
" The assiduous attention with which Captain Downman, of the English
frigate, Santa Dorotea, has conveyed from Leghorn to Palermo, various
valuable effects belonging to his royal highness the Grand Duke of Tus-
cany, my sovereign, which were accompanied by Signor Tommaso Puccini,
has been stated to his royal highness.
" His royal highness, understanding that orders to this effect were given
by Admiral Lord Keith, desires me to request you will convey to the same
his royal thanks.
" It will also be gratifying to his royal highness, if you will condescend
to forward to Captain Downman a diamond ring, which will be conveyed
to jrou by Signor Brigadier Giovanno del Bava, as a testimony of the high
sense which his royal highness has of the delicate attention with which
Captain Downman executed this commission.
" It remains that I should assure your excellency, that my royal master
i\ persuaded that your official ..orders have not a little contributed to influ-
ence Admiral Lord Keith, to take especial care for the safe conveyance of
the above-mentioned effects. His royal highness has therefore deigned,
in his commands dated 6th February, to signify to me those acknowledg-
ments of obligation which I have the honour of declaring to you.
" Mr. JTyndham:' « G. RAIXOLDI*
"MOST ILLUSTRIOUS SIGNOR, " Trieste, March 20, 1801.
" I have received the honour of your note, accompanied by a diamond
ting, which his royal highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany condescends to
present to Captain Downman, of his Britannic Majesty's frigate, Santa
Dorotea, for the care with which he conveyed various effects belonging to
his royal highness from Leghorn to Palermo ; and I feel myself happy in.
being deputed to testify to my brave and worthy friend so honourable a tes-
timony of his royal highness s approbation.
" I shall not fail to send it to him, with a copy of your Excellency's
letter, by the first courier that sets out for London, being very uncertain
where the Santa Dorotea may be met with at sea.
" I shall do myself the honour of writing to Admiral Lord Keit! >
announcing to him those professions of acknowledgment from the Grand
Duke, which cannot fail to be highly gratifying to him, and to impress him
with sentiments of respect and gratitude.
" Respecting what his royal highness has desired you to signify to me
concerning the official orders that may have contributed to the safety of the
effects in question, I beg of you to assure his royal highness of my hearty
acknowledgments, and to testify to him, that I cannot experience a greater
satisfaction, than when my time and my actions are employed in his ser-
vice ; having a respectful attachment to, and high veneration for his royal
highness, and the royal family.
"Accept my thanks for the gracious and polite manner in which you
have executed the commands of your royal master, and I request you to
believe, that I have the honour to be, &c. &c. &c.
" Sigwr G. Rainoldi." " W. WYNDHAM."
At the same time that Captain Downman took the Florence
gallery on board his ship, he also received the present king and
queen of Sardinia, and suite, and landed them at Naples. For his
very sedulous and obliging attentions during the passage, her
majesty presented him with a handsome diamond ring; and the
king, then Duke of Savoy, wrote to him the following letter^
gratefully expressive of his obligations : —
" I cannot sufficiently express the extent of my gratitude, and that of my
wife, for the extraordinary care and trouble which you have so willingly
taken, during our passage from Leghorn to Naples. It is to your solicitude;
in shortening, as much as possible, the sufferings which the bad weather
might have occasioned to a woman, in the ninth month of her pregnancy,
that my wifV is indebted, for not having eventually suffered from those
shocks, which might perhaps have occasioned an irreparable loss to our
family, had she been exposed to them twenty-four hours longer. Our gra-
. er&ron. (Hot* XXI. c
tittidc will consequently be proportionate to the obligation which you have
conferred upon us-; and it will always be with pleasure that we shal.
remember our acquaintance with an officer of merit and capacity, in all
respects like yourself.
" I flatter myself that you will be convinced of the sincerity of tliese sen-
timents; as well as of the constant interest which I shall take, in every
tiling that may concern you ; and that I shall esteem myself happy in being
able to distinguish you upon every occasion.
" It is with these sentiments that I am, sir,
At the peace, as has been already stated, Captain Downman,
after his return from the Mediterranean, went into the Caesar, as-
Sir James Saumarez' captain. He remained in that ship till
August, 1802, when he was paid off, and was not employed againr
till January, 1804. He was then appointed to the Diomede, the
flag-ship of his former admiral, Sir James Saumarez, in which he
served fourteen months on the Guernsey- station, lie was after-
wards employed on the North Sea station, in the same ship, till
the sailing of Sir Home Popham's expedition against the Cape of
Good Hope, at the latter end of the year 1805 * Captain Down.
man joined the expedition, we believe, at Madeira ; and, Sir Home
Popham having hoisted his broad pendant, as commodore, in the
Diadem, he sailed with him in that ship, as his captaim He was-
consequently at the capture of the Cape, and was sent home'Vith
the despatches, announcing that event, in the Espoir. Having
executed that mission, he sailed fur South America, and1 resumed
the command of his old ship, the Diomede, in the River Plate.
After the capture of Monte Yidea, he returned to England, and
was paid off, in June, 1807.
We have only to add, that, in the month of August or Septem-
ber following, he was appointed to the Assistance prison-ship, at
.Portsmouth, and has since been removed into the Vreugeance at
the same port, where he at present remains.
The subjoined is a fac-simile of Captain Downman's hand
* Vile NAVAL CURONI-CL r, Vol. XVf. page 372.
THE notices we have received in honour to the memory of the
lata Captain Hardingc are so numerous, and so well authen-
ticated, that our difficulty is where to choose ; but we can ven-
ture to assert, that nothing has transpired since the country was
deprired of that hero, more to his honour, and more brilliant in
itself, than a letter which has just been received from a correspon-
dent at Bombay. It is. we apprehend (and forms one glory of the
incident), a circumstance of the first impression, that a gentleman,
holding the supreme judicial office in a district of such opulence and
weight in our settlements, has taken so high-spirited a part in a
public appeal to the inhabitants of the community, for the purpose
of suggesting honours to a naval hero's memory and fame.
But the mode of the appeal improves even upon its principle^
'for it will be found, by the severest critics of taste and of eloquence,
that more spirit, grace, and effect were never compressed into
such brevity of expression, or touched with such interesting sim-
We congratulate Bombay on its possession of such powers, and
such feelings, upon a judicial seat of criminal justice.
« To the EtUtor tf the. Bombay Courier.
" SIR, " Bombay, March SI, 1808.
" Yielding to the first impulse of those feelings which the heroic death
>>f Captain HAUDIXGE has impressed upon me, I take the liberty of pro-
posing to the British inhabitants of this presidency, a subscription for his
monument in the church of Bombay.
" A generous and grateful nation will doubtless place his monument by
the side of that of Nelson, But tlte memorials of heroic valour cannot be
too multiplied.
"Captain HARDIXGE fell for Britain; but more especially he fell for
British India.
" I should feel myself ashamed of presuming to suggest reasons for such
fi measure. They will abundantly occur, to the honour of their country.
Upwards of two thousand pounds sterling had been raised whea
the last advices were scut,
u From the Bombay Courier, of April 23, 1808.
" We yesterday witnessed, but with mixed feelings of regret and pride,
the animating and gratifying spectacle of la Piedmontaise entering the har-
bour, under tlie charge of the St. Fiorenzo.
" She came in under jury masts, and was towed in by the boats of the
tnen-of-war from the mouth of the harbour to her mooring ground. The
flags of all the vessels in the harbour were hoisted half-mast high, and
minute guns corresponding to the age of the excellent, brave, and lamented.
Captain Hardinge, were fired from the flag-ship, the Powerful.''
" Extract from a Letter of a Merchant at Colombo, to a natal Captain
just returned from the East.
" Colombo, March 25, 1808.
" The great sensation here is the late action between the San Fiorenzo
and Piedmontaise, which is allowed on all hands to have been the hardest
fought that was ever known.
" I yesterday visited the two ships, and was really confounded at their
shattered condition. The San Fiorenzo was damaged most in her hull, and
I counted on her larboard side alone eleven great shot-holes, between wind
and water, which they were busily patching up with sheet lead.
" The Piedmontaise had every mast shot away ten feet above the deck,
and all three of them cut at near the same height.
" But it was dreadful to see the effect of the grape shot on both shins—-
the whole of their sides, from stem to stern, stuck thick over with them;
£iul in contemplating them, one is amazed how any one exposed to so
destructive a fire could have remained alive,"
PrjTlHE Hon. Captain William Montague, familiarly called Mad
-^- Montague, was distinguished by an eccentricity of conduct,
of which the following instances arc highly amusing : —
In coming up the Channel, during the time that he commanded
the Bristol, about the year }746 or 1747, he fell in with a very
numerous' fleet of outward-bound Dutch merchantmen. He fired
at several in order to compel them to bring to, q, measure autho-
rised by custom and his general instructions. The Dutch, aided
by a fair wind, hoped by its assistance to escape the disagreeable
delay of being searched or overhauled, and held on their way:
Captain Montague pursued, but, on overtaking them, took no other
satisfaction than that of mapning and sending out his two cutters
Sviih a carpenter's mate in each, ordering them to cut off tweiva
of the ugliest heads they could find in the whole fleet, from among
those with which, as it is well known, those people are accustomed
to ornament the extremity of their rudders. When these were
brought on board, he caused them to be disposed on brackets round
his cabin, contrasting them in the most ludicrous manner his vein
of humour could invent, and writing under them the names of the
twelve Caesars.
Another anecdote is, that being once at Lisbon, and having got
into a night affray with the people on shore, he received in the
scuffle what is usually termed a black eye. On the succeeding day,
previously to his going on shore, he compelled each of his boat's
crew to black with cork one of their eyes, so as to resemble a
natural injury ; the starboard rowers the right eye, the larboard
rowers the left, and the cockswain both : the whimsical effect may
be easily conceived.
When under the orders of Sir Edward Hawke, in 1755, he soli-
cited permission to repair to town. The admiral, aware of the im-
propriety of such a request, and at the same time wishing to palliate
reftis.il by imposing, on his permission, a condition he conceived
impossible to be undertaken, even by a man of Mr. Montague's
harmless, though extravagant turn ef mind, jestingly said, *' The
complexion of affairs was so serious, that he could not grant him
leave to go farther from his ship than where his barge could carry
him." Mr. Montague, not to be foiled or abashed, is said to have
immediately repaired to Portsmouth, where he gave orders for the
construction of a carriage on a truck, to be drawn with horses, on
which he meant to row his barge ; and having previously stored it
with provisions and necessaries requisite for three days, to proceed
to London. Having lashed it to the carriage, the crew was
instructed to imitate the action of rowing with the same solemnity
as if they had been actually coming into the harbour from Spit-
head. Sir Edward, as it is said, received intelligence of his inten-
tion soon after the boat and its contents were landed, and imme-
diately sent him permission to proceed to London in whatever
jnanner he thought proper.
(From (he Naval Aialantis, Part 2 ; by Nauticus Junior, published in 1789J
THIS gallant young nobleman is descended from the great Earl
ef Jvildare, in the kingdom of Ireland, and is next brother to the
present Duke of Leinster. His lordship made a very conspicuous
figure daring the late war, in the several ranks of lieutenant, mas-
ter and commander, and post captain, in the royal navy. Captain
Marshall had the satisfaction to receive Lord Charles as junior
Jieutcnant on board the Arethusa frigate, which ship had the
honour to strike the first, blow last war, in an engagement with the
Belle Poule French frigate, now in the British service; during;
which action, his lordship displayed all the native bravery of his
illustrious ancestors, but was unfortunately wounded. We next
find his lordship employed as commander of his majesty's cutter
ihe Tapageur, which had been recently captured from the enemy.
This vessel gave Lord Charles the rank of master and commander,
and she was sent to the West Indies with despatches for Lord
Rodney, but had the misfortune to strike upon the rocks in the
careenage at St. Lucia, where she was lost; but happily his lord-
ship and the crew were saved. Not long after this accident he
•was made post into the Sphynx, of 24 guns, which was for some
lime an attendant frigate on the Leeward Island squadron. Rear,
admiral Parker being ordered home, hoisted his flag in the Med-
vay, which, with the Centurion and Sphynx, convoyed to England
a very valuable fleet of merchant ships. The same fatality which
happened to his lordship on the rocks of St. Lucia, had nearly
befallen him on those of Scilly, from which he had a miraculous
escape. Such was the ardour of this distinguished youth, that he
scarcely allowed himself time to visit his noble family and numerous
friends, before he obtained the command of the Sybil frigate, and
immediately returned to the great theatre of war in the West
Indies, where he rendered himself active at the capture of Saint
Eustatius, particularly in chasing the Dutch admiral and the ships
•which were endeavouring to escape, and which, by the exertions
of his lordship under the captains, Reynolds (now Lord Ducie)
and Harvey, were added to the number of prizes taken in the road
of Statia. The various gallant actions of Lord Charles Fitzgerald
arc too eminently on record to need any further praise ; but there
is one in particular, which reflects so much honour on his lord-
ship's bravery and humanity, that it would be injustice to withhold
the knowledge of it from the public. It unfortunately happened,
that a sailor fell from the main yard into the sea, when the
ship was absolutely going through the water at a great rate ; his
lordship observing the circumstance, pulled off his coat, imme-
diately jumped overboard, and heroically saved the man's life, at
the extreme hazard of his own ; thereby illustrating in its fullest
force, the motto of the Leinster family, " (Joom a-boo," which
signifies " Help in distress."
It is needless to say more, than that Lord Fitzgerald is a
nobleman of the most social virtues, and an officer of the most
distinguished merit.
(From the same.)
IN forming this heroic nobleman, nature combined every mentaf
grace with the most captivating elegance of person. Laurels
gathered round his ripening years so thick, that h'eaven itserf was
envious of his worth, and snatched him in early youth from the
height of this world's fame, to place him on that immortal pinnacle
of glory, where godlike heroes only are enthroned.
Lord Robert " inherited all his father's virtues." He was the-
second son of the late Marquis of Granby, and only brother to the-
late Duke of Rutland. As soon as he was capable of judging
vhich line to pursue in the career of military fame, he made choice
of the navy ; and so great was hi§ lordship's attachment to that
profession, that instead of engagiag in those fashionable scenes of
pleasure for which he was so eminently formed by his birth, years
and accomplishments, he devoted all his time to nautical study and
practical seamanship, in which he excelled most of his youthful
to rape Li tors.
At the commencement of the late war, this lamented hero served-
as a volunteer in the Victory, with Admiral Keppel ; and although
the success of that fleet did not equal the sanguine expectations of
the nation, Lord Robert nevertheless displayed during that period
those promising seeds of growing ardour which so rapidly shot up
into maturity.
His lordship-'s further progress to the rank of post captain, and
afterwards, was marked with a thirst of fame and disregard of
life, which certainly accelerated the period of his days, and laid
him so early in the bed of honour ; for during the action on the
glorious 12th of April, in the West Indies (on which occasion his
lordship received his death wound, when commanding the Resolu-
tion, of 74 gaus) such was his extraordinary regard for the
•wounded seamen of his ship's company, who all adored their
gallant captain, that he would not suffer his own wounds to be
dressed until theirs had been under the surgeon's hands ; by which
amiable attention (having then lost a leg and an arm) the British
navy eventually sustained an irreparable loss; he lived, however,
to Hear the shouts of victory, and then, like the immortal
declared he should die con teat,
Some slender hopes were entertained by tlie naval physician and
surgeons of saving his life, provided he could be conveyed soon to
England; for which purpose his lordship was removed, "with
trembling care," by his weeping crew, on board the Andromache'
frigate, commanded by his amiable and gallant friend, Captain
Byton, who was ordered home with the account of the defeat of
the French fleet.
Captain Byron's assiduous and humane attention to his noble
friend, gave his lordship occasionally such spirits, that he would
humorously say, if his relations did not provide for him when
arrived in England, he should make a capital figure as a beggar in
the streets of London, with a wooden leg and crutches, &c.
However, in one fatal moment on his passage, his heroic soul took
its flight into eternity, with that serenity and resignation, whicli
the afflicted Byron declared, made such a death truly enviable.
Thus Great Britain lost, in the bloom of youth, arid fulness of
glory, one of her brightest ornaments, -whose actions alone are
sufficient to perpetuate his memory ; a grateful nation has never-
theless thought fit to strengthen the remembrance of his virtues by
a magnificent monument, which is now erecting in Westminster
Abbey, in honour of his lordship, and the Captains Bayne and-
Blair, who fell in the same action.
Let the young patricians who thirst for fame, go imitate the
godlike Manners ! — " Pour y parvenir."*
THE Cornwallis packet, Anthony, recently arrived from the
West Indies, on her outward-bound voyage, sustained a most
gallant action with a large French schooner privateer. On the
24th of September, in lat. 13 deg. 41 min. long. 56 deg. 13 min.
Barbadoes distant about 200 miles, the schooner fell in with the
packet at daylight, and immediately gave chase. Captain Anthony,
finding the schooner came up fast, and being all prepared for
action, shortened sail, and fired a shot at the schooner, which was
returned by a broadside. The action then commenced, and was
continued for two hours and a quarter with great fury, when the
schooner, having had enough of it, sheered off, leaving the packet
a complete wreck, with her main-mast cut through by a double-
headed shot, and almost all the shrouds on that and the fore-mast
* The motto of the Rutland family.
carried away, her braces, and nearly all the running rigging and
sails, cut to pieces, with two men killed, and the mate and a
passenger \vounded. — Captain Anthony would have pursued the
privateer, if he had not been so much cut up in his rigging. The
packet arrived at Barbadoes next day, and repaired her damages.
A handsome subscription was collected by the merchants at Bar-
badoes, and presented to the gallant crew of the Cornwallis, whose
bravery merits every reward they can have. — On the packet's
arrival at Dominica, two captains of vessels who had just arrived
there from Martinique, informed Captain Anthony, that the pri-
vateer which he had engaged was called la Duquesne, of 1 1 guns,
and one long 18-pounder on a traverse. She arrived at Marti-
nique in a very shattered state ; and acknowledged her loss to be
14 killed and 30 wounded.
A FEW merchants of Barbadoes have transmitted 631. for a silver
cup, to be presented to Captain Anthony, of the Cornwallis
packet, as a testimony of their high sense of his very gallant con-
duct in the defence of his ship, when attacked to windward of that
island by a French schooner privateer, of very superior force, on
the 24th September last. We hope the committee of the West
India merchants will follow the example, and vote a handsome sum
to Captain Anthony and his gallant crew.
THE following characteristic sketch of this gallant officer, whilst
he was a captain, appeared in the Westminster Magazine for
March 1779, shortly after the memorable trial of Admiral Keppel,
by a court martial : *—
" Captain Macbride is a most liberal, brave, and spirited
officer, accounted so from proof, and not from conjecture, and
whose conduct on the late occasion did him singular honour. The
regard and the reverence he professed for the injured admiral, was
such as made him the friend of every good man. He saw through
the cabal that was formed against him, and he spoke of it with
that warmth of indignation which such conduct was likely to arouse
in the bosom of a brave honest nian. He considered the attempt
* Vide NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol. VII. page 304 and &$9-
. Bol. XXI. j>
on the honour of Admiral Keppel as a blow levelled ultimately, .at
the sacred character of the British navy in general ; and he jus.tly
considered it so, reflecting on the hand from whence it came, and
remembering the many attempts of a similar nature that the same
board had,uiade before. The unprecedented attack they had made
on the honour of the navy, -when they strove to put the navy
board before the royal captains in the precession at the naval re-
view ; the resistance they had made to the increase of the half.pay
of captains and lieutenants ; and a thousand other instances,
equally strong, pressing upon his mind, convinced him it was
another secret blow darted at the whole navy, and he resisted it
with a spirit becoming the dignity of a British seaman."*
THE TEAR 16'96.
I.v the year 1696 an English merchant ship, of ten guns, belong-
ing to- London, arrived in the river Thames from FayalJ1, and
entered at .the Custom-house, being laden with wines ; she was
manned when she went out with fifteen men and two boys, but
three of them ran away at Fayall.
In her voyage home, about three leagues from the Lizard, she
met ami fought a French privateer belonging to St. Maloes, of six
guns, four partercroes, and sixty-four men. The first broadside
she made at the Caper split one of his guns, killed the gunner,
and wounded nine others. Then the French bore up close, and
boarded the English ship with thirty men, of which number was
the lieutenant and the owner's son. However, the English, though
they consisted but of twelve men 'and' two boys, maintained a fight
of two hours with them, by which' they had killed twenty-four of
the enemy that were put on board them, and made the other six
prisoners, among which was the lieutenant and the owner's son.
And they had killed six more on board, and wounded twenty,
eight, so that of all the French crew there were but six that were
not killed or wounded. Upon which the privateer was satisfied
with the conflict, and begun to sheer off, leaving the merchant ship,
iu peace to pursue her voyage.
When the French lieutenant saw his captain bearing away, he.
called to him to take him oft'; he, shaking his head, replied he had.
* A jxjrtrait and biographical memoir of Admiral Macbride are given in.
fhe XlXth volume of the NAVAL CHRONICLE, page 265 ; and, at jjage 473.
•;';!;•_' same volume, arc some additional particulars relating to him,.
enough of it, and did not dare to attempt it. Then the Frenck
lieutenant prayed the English commander to give him one broad-
side, for if you do, said he, the dog will strike; but the English cap-
tain did not look upon it to be his business to follow him, but ra-
ther to bring in his ship safe, and so he steered his course straight
home. The French lieutenant was so enraged at last against his
officer, that he desired he might have a musquetoon to make one
shot at the cowardly dog, as he called him.
During all this heroic and brave action the English had not one
rnan killed; the captain was wounded in the right hand, but he
took up his sword in his left, and fought very boldly. The super-
cargo man had three shots through his hat, and a hand granado
fell upon his shoulder, but as it fell down, he clapped his hand upon
the fuse before it burst, without any other hurt than burning his
liand a little ; another of the crew had both his hands shot off, and
one was shot in the belly.
Extracted from an old book in possession of your occasional
correspondent, ROBUll.
THE following miraculous preservation of a seaman (says Mr.
Clarke, in his Naufragia) occurred whilst his majesty's ship the
Jupiter, Commodore J. W. Payne, was waiting off Cuxhaven for
the Princess Caroline of Brunswick. Being myself on b'oard, I
can vouch for its accuracy :—
•C£ On the 9th of March, 1795, .the severe weather we had
endured became more moderate ; and during the day, a poor sea-
man was taken from off a piece of ice that had floated out to sea
by one of the Blackness pilot boats. Being "brought on shore at
Cuxhaven, he gave the following account of his sufferings. — lie
had belonged to a Hambro trader, laden with groceries, bound
from London to the above place. During the passage, his vessel
was lost .(January 28th) amidst the ice, on a sand bank, off Cux-
haven. The master, with a boy, and this sailor, got upon the
sand, at that time covered with ice; ajid preserved life with some
wine and biscuit, which they had saved from the wreck. At the
end of eleven days, the master and boy died. The survivor, with,
an unshaken resolution and reliance on Divine Providence, would
not allow himself to despond. Every night he reposed upon one of
the dead bodies of his shipmates, and put the other corpse over
IKta : the intense raid kept them from being offensive. 4a this
forlorn and melancholy state he slept ; and declared, that he con-
stantly received great consolation from dreams, which invariably
promised his deliverance.
The wine and biscuit being at length consumed, he discovered
§onie cockles on a part of the sand not covered with ice, upon
•which he existed until the month of March ; when Providence sent
lino. thS following relief. In the morning, when he awoke, to his
utter dismay he found the mass of ice on which he had so long
sojourned was separated from the rest, and drifting out to sea.
Jlis anguish cannot be described. When lo ! the very means by
•which he appeared hurried on to destruction evenfually caused 1m
deliverance. He was thus carried within sight of the Blackness
fUhing boats, who immediately hastened to his succour.
On his iirst landing at Cuxhaven, the warmth of the house in
which he was received created an agony of pain, and it was some
time before the above facts could be detailed. Nor did his narra-
tive gain credit from many, before he had produced the bills of
lading, and had reminded them of a vessel answering the description
he gave of his own, which they knew had been wrecked.
As the nature of the Newfoundland Cod Fishery, which employs
many thousands of people from England and Ireland, and is of
vast importance to the nation, is not generally understood, the
following short account of it may be found acceptable : —
After crossing the Atlantic with every requisite necessary to pro-
ceed on the fishing voyage (leaving England about the beginning
of March), the ships generally come to single anchor, on what
are termed " the Banks of Newfoundland," in the month of
April, which are in length from 150 to 200 miles ; in breadth,
they may be considered narrow. There arc two fishing banks, the
outer, and the inner; the outer bank is about 150 miles or more
off the land; the inner is from 80 to 100 miles off the shore.
They seldom fish on the outer bank, from the great depth of
water, being from 90 to 100 fathoms deep, unless it is when they
cannot find any fish on the inner bank. They generally cast
anchor, and fish, in about 45 and 50 fathoms of water, with two,
and some with three lv>oks to each line, and dreadful work it
is, at so early a period of the year, from the severity of the
climate, the great fogs natural to that part of the world, and the
yjteose coldness of the water, they being obliged to haul the fish,
from such a depth as 40 and 50 fathoms. — There are pounds or
enclosures made on the deck, for each fisherman to throw in what
he catches; the best places for fishing aresupposed to be the larboard
how and the larboard quarter: at the latter place the mate fishes,
and the boatswain on the bow. A little stage is erected in the
midships of the vessel, on the starboard side, at which sit in a
barrel the headder and splitter^ men who are engaged for that
very purpose, and who do not fish ; the headder cuts open the
fish, tears up its entrails, and forcing the fish against the edg(3 of
the stage, breaks off its head, and drives the fish over to the
splitter opposite him, who immediately, ' with his sharp splitting
knife, lays it dexterously open, and cuts up the sound bone from
the back of the fish, when he lets it slip off from the stage on a
shoot, which conveys them down into the hold of the vessel, where
there is a man stationed ready to receive them, who is termed the
saltcr ; he immediately lays them spread out regularly in rows,
and throws strong bay and St. Ubes salt on them, in which they
generally lie about a month, or until the vessel has a good cargo of
them. The liver is separated from the fish on the platform, and
falls through the stage into large casks, to make oil from. The
head, garbage, and sound bones fall beneath the platform or
stage, and are kept on the deck until they become a burden by
their weight, in causing the vessel to heel much on her side, and
when there is a great sea running, they make the vessel ride at her
anchor very disagreeably. It is usual, when they throw this offal
overboard, to weigh anchor, and run two or three miles from it ;
for if they throw it overboard where they fish, the fish will follow
what is thrown overboard, prey upon it, and neglect the bait
which the fishermen use to decoy the fish to the hook. When the
vessel has got a sufficiency, she comes into her port to get rid of
her burden. The fish are thrown into what is called a ram's-honi
(a square wooden thing, perforated with holes, to admit the water
to pass), when the fish are tumbled about and well washed,
afterwards thrown up on a stage or wharf, and laid out again by
men employee! in the fishery on the shore. After the fish has lain
some little time on the stage, it is taken on hand-barrows, and
carried on the flakes, places erected about nine feet above the
ground, so as to admit a current of air to pass under, and covered
over with fir-boughs and other branches of trees, on which it is
placed to dry, day after day, until it becomes sufficiently cured and
solid, so as to keep for a considerable period of time. Every
night, during its process; it is brought into round piles, covered
over with birch-rinds, -with weights on it, to keep the wet and
damp out. It is curious to see how extremely busy the people
are when it is likely to rain, or on a shower coming on, to gather
Tip the fish, as the rain materially injures it. The vessels generally
stay but three days in the harbour, before they go out again on the
tanks to prosecute their voyage. They make about four, some
fivej trips for cargoes during the season, which usually closes about
the latter end of September. The equinoctial gales frequently put
a stop to it, by causing the loss of cables and anchors, and other-
wise disabling the vessels ; as the sea runs in those gales tremen-
dously high, and many vessels have been known to founder at their
anchors at this closing season of the year.
The poor fellows, in some vessels, fish from four o'clock in the
morning till eight at night, and then keep watch regularly after-
wards; so that when fish are plentiful, they are almost worn out;
for those who keep watch, whilst the other party sleep the little
time they have to go below, fish during the night.
In other vessels, where the captain is a humane man, he will let
the fishermen have their proper rest by night, and fish by day, ex-
cepting a small watch that must be kept up, to see whether the
vessel drives, by the anchor giving way.
On Sunday (a day which ought to be devoted to pious exercises
and religion), the men are employed in regulating and fixing their
fishing tackle during the morning, and in the afternoon go to their
cabins, or else catch squids, a squalid kind of fish, which, during
the latter part of the fishing voyage, is used to bait the cod lines
The diet which these hardy men have, is nearly the same every
clay (during the time they arc on the fishery), namely, what is
called chozctlet'y for breakfast, dinner, and supper. This is made
in the following manner : a fish, just caught, is hung up, and the
fins stripped off'; it is then skinned, cut up in large pieces, and put
into a kettle, under which is laid some rashers of salt pork or beef,
and some broken pieces oi" biscuit; then the whole is just covered
with water, and boiled about ten minutes, with some dry herbs, if
they have any, and a little thickening. This mess is palatable, and
extremely nutritious ; and the men employed in the fishery get very
fat upon it.
Sundays they are allowed some beef and pudding, but the beef
is generally Irish, excessively salt, and, when boiled, dry and
hard, having scarcely any fat to it. In some vessels they aru
allowed this on Thursdays.
There is what is called the shore fishery ; which is carried on by
large open boats, called shallops, which go out and return nearly
every day, and fish very near the shores : the fish which these boafs
take are small in size, well cured, and are, in general, flic best.
Though the bank fish are much the largest, they are not so muck
esteemed as those which are caught close to the shores.
Those vessels which go to the land early iu the year, have to
make their way through islands of ice, and sometimes are in great
danger, through the great beds of ice which float along that iron-
bound shore to the southward.
The island, on approaching it, has a rough appearance, rugged
and mountainous ; at the same time covered with thick wood, and
scarcely a field to be seen all along the shore.
IN the summer of 1808, a comparison was made at Bombay, of
the qualify of British and French powder, used in the late gallant
•Action of his majesty's ship San FLorenzo. with the French frigate la
Piedmontaise ; and we are happy to exhibit a decisive proof of the
superiority of the former, so essential an ingredient in British,
thunder. From a 7-inch brass mortar, with three ounces of pow-
der, a GOlb. brass ball was projected, at an angle of 45 deg. and
an average of three trials gave 595 feet to the San Fiorenzo, and
516 feet to la Piedmontaise, making a difference in favour of the
British powder, of 79 feet. After such an experiment, it must
appear singular that the French should be so partial to a long
(From the CEYLON" GAZETTE.^)
e* CAPTAIN MONTAGUE left Point de Galle on the llth of
March, for Madras, and on the 16th fell in with a French frigate,
which from her appearance, having 14 ports on a side, was sup-
posed to be the Canonier, and, by disguising, the Terpsichore was
fortunate enough to bring the enemy to action at seven P.M. when,
after lying six-and-fifty minutes close alongside, and at the very
moment that Captain Montague imagined his exertions had been,
crowned by the most complete success, the enemy's fire having for
the last 20 minutes considerably slackened^ and at times wholly
ceased, he experienced the mortification of seeing her make sail,
lie endeavoured immediately to follow, but found that the enemy's
fire, which had been principally directed at the masts and rigging,
had nearly reduced the Terpsichore to a perfect wreck; her fore
and main-stays, top-mast-stays, and many of her lower and top-
mast-shrouds, her braces, bowlines, tacks, and sheets, without a
single exception, were each cut in several places ; the leach-rope
of the main and- main-top-sail cut, and the sails split across, besides
many others for a time rendered useless. The enemy, perceiving
the ungovernable state of his majesty's ship, bore across her bows,
the wind blowing fresh from N.E. The Terpsichore immediately
wore, and endeavoured to close) which was carefully avoided.
At nine she had every thing set in chase, the enemy continuing
under all sail before the wind, and keeping up an occasional fire
from her stern chasers, till out of gun-shot, which she effected by
10 P.M. The next morning, finding she had not gained much
on them, Captain Montague continued after her, in hopes some
fortunate event might again enable him to get alongside, but she
kept running with a fresh wind to the southward. On approach-
ing the line, they experienced light winds and partial squalls,
which sometimes brought the Terpsichore nearly within gun-shot
before the enemy derived the smallest advantage, but when she did,
she left them immediately. On the 20th, during a heavy squall,
they got close to jier ; she commenced a fire from her stern chasers,
and cut away her boats, and from several of her ports floating
past, Captain Montague was led to imagine she must have thrown
some of her guns overboard. The light winds again commencing,
she ran ahead considerably during the night of the 20th, which
was dark and squally, and was entirely lost sight of. At two
o'clock in the morning of the 21st, they discovered a sail ahead,
which was supposed to be the chase, but on firing the first gun she
hove to, and on boarding proved to be the brig Cadry, prize to la
Picdmontaise, which was taken possession of, and sent to Madras.
At daylight, being unable to perceive any thing of the enemy,
Captain Montague hauled to the eastward.
" Captain Montague speaks in the highest terms of the verj
able assistance he had met with from every officer under his com-
mand ; and of the spirited and persevering conduct of the whole of
the ship's company. Their loss, we are sorry to say, has been
very considerable ; Lieutenant C. Tanes and '20 men killed, and
22 men wounded, two of whom are since dead. — The Terpsichore
has returned to Point d» Ga!Ie."
Another account adds, that during the action a gun burst on
board the Terpsichore, by which 20 of her crew were killed and
SOME of the nesvspapers have affected to disguise the importance
of the late successful attack of the enemy on the island of Capri,
in the gulf of Naples. One of them actually made the follow ing
fcomment on the French account : — '• A pompous description is
given in the French papers of the capture of the inland of Capri,
a station we never before heard of," &c. Now, any school-boy,
who has ever read Tacitus or Suetonius, has heard of Capra? ; its
more modern history is to be found in Swinburne and Brydone ;
and as a test of its actual importance, we shall only observe, that
Buonaparte and his generals do not waste their means, in useless
enterprises ; and what furnishes matter for exultation at Paris, may
be pretty generally deplored in London. We shall annex to these
remarks a summary sketch of the circumstances leading to and
attending our occupation of the island in question, selected from
original correspondence : —
On the 9th of May, 1806, a small squadron," utu!er the com-
mand of Rear-admiral Sir Sidney Smith, left Gaeta (then besieged
by the French), and cruised for a day off the gulf of Naples. On
the llth, the rear-admiral sent a summons to the French com-
mandant of Capri to surrender the island, offering, in case it was
given up before midnight, that the garrison should not be made
prisoners of Avar. This was answered in the negative. The
marines of the squadron were immediately landed, to the number
of 250, supported by his majesty's ship Eagle, of 74 guns, Captain
Rowley, clearing the beach by repeated broadsides of grape and
rannistcr shot. After a contest, which lasted from 8 P.M. till
half-past 1 1, in which we lost one seaman and one marine, and the
French about ten men, besides their commandant (who was killed
hand to hand by Captain Stanntis, of the Athenienne's marines),
the surviving commander claimed the condition contained in the
admiral's summons, and surrendered a few minutes before twelve
o'clock. The enemy's force was found to consist of about 200
men. Sir Sidney Smith placed a temporary garrison of about 100
marines and sailors in the island, and remained there till the 18th,
in order to augment the means of defence ; during which time, our
officer* made several excursions on shqrc, aod the following i* tho
result of their observations : —
£?atj. Cfcrou, QoLXXI. E
Capri is a desirable place of rendezvous for a fbct, during fhe~
occupation of the Neapolitan territory by an enemy, there being
an excellent watt-ring place. It is also tlie only place of shelter
for gun-boats, /6-///tm?, speronarocs, and other coasting craft, all
the way from Gaeta. The approaches to it are very difficult, and
defensible by a very few men : but the terror struck into the
enemy by the Eagle's broadside at first, the circumstance of night,
and the death of the commandant, gave us possession of what (by
daylight) five times the number .of the besiegers could not have
effected. In short, it was well that the French surrendered as
they did, for their position was almost inaccessible. The island
produces wine of a good quality, and oil ; there are some curious
remains of antiquity upon it : and several palaces are still extant,
•whither Tiberius used to retire to indulge in his debaucheries.
Coins and medals of the Roman emperors are frequently picked
up. Quails are so abundant in the season, as not only to afford
amusement to the sportsman, but an important addition to the sub.
sistence of the islanders, who are a hardy race of mariners and
fishermen. There is a Carthusian monastery, whose prcsen tinha-
bitants were found by our travellers to be generally composed of
liberal, enlightened, as well as devout characters. Some antique
alabaster vases of exquisite beauty are in possession of these
THE following extract from the log-book of the brig Voador
marks the situation of a dangerous shoal which, not being laid
down with certainty in any chart, may furnish an acceptable piecp
of information to those wrho have occasion to navigate the China
seas : —
" The brig Voador left Macao roads the 13th of July, 1807r
and on the '20th of July was in lat. 17 deg. 4 min. N. long, by
chronometer, 112 deg. 00 min. E. Accot. Ill dcg. 41 min. ran
15 miles S. by W. 7 S.W. by S. when the Amphitrite island bore
east about eight miles. From hence she ran 38 miles about S.S.E.
and saw breakers from the deck, bearing S.E. to S.S.W. hauled to
the northward, and stood JNT. £• E. about 3G miles, when the
Amphitrite island bore E. 15 miles'. During that time no bottom
was attained at 70 fathoms ; there was a heavy swell from the
eastward. The Amphitrite island has only one tree on it, which
looks like a ship at anchor, and is seen before the land is made.
There appear to be five low islands, three of which are covered
with herbage; the two smallest are barren sand, which is of a dark
red on the beach. The largest island is about three miles long ;
they be.ir of each other N. by E. and S. by YV. and are divided by
small channels of half or three quarters of a mile in width."
THE bow of this ship is finished round to the stem, without a.
square forecastle, the deck of which is carried over the bows, to
the scrowl at the top of the knee of the head, and forms a platform
over it. The rails of the head have little spread, and allow the
bow gun on the main deck to be used in chase.
The bowsprit, being some feet higher than usual, slips on the
main instead of the lower deck, and has not so much stove as is
usual. — The sheild displays the arms of Norway. The whole head
appears particularly light and handsome, and the high bow, fur
strength and pitching in a deep sea, whether at anchor or under
way, is certainly preferable to the square forecastle ; but it is
attended by considerable inconvenience to the ship's company.
This, however, may be easily removed, by letting the people go
over the bows, as is the practice in our East Indiamen ; which
would be attended by the advantage of keeping dry the sick bay,
and main deck in general, and of preventing the perpetual con-
course of people from passing through the galleys, which all na\al
onlcers know to be a very great nuisance.
THE Albion, Captain James Robertson, was burnt at Whampoa,
in China, in December, 1807, under the following circumstances :
« — On the morning of the 4th, the Hon. Company's treasure left
Canton, and Captain Robertson proceeded down the river with a
quantity of money belonging to the owners, but did not reach the
ship until about half-past six in the evening. Going over the
gangway, he observed (o the officer, who at this time was employed
in receiving the Hon. Company's treasure, and had then upwards
of one million and a half of dollars on board, that (here was a strong
smell of fire. He went below to discern if possible \\hence it pro-
ceeded ; and, observing the people at work in the main hatch ,vay,
he inquired whether or not they perceived, any smell of fire : to
* Vide page 1, the vignette head-piece cf the volume.
•which they replied in the negative. Captain R. then went to the
fore hatchway, uncovered it, and removed the hatches, when the
flame burst forth with great fury, so high as the main stay. He
ordered the hatches to be put on again, and used every endeavour
to smother the flames, but without effect. At three A.M. of tho
5th, the ebb tide having made, she went over on her broadside:
the decks by this time were so much heated, as to oblige the peo-
ple to quit her. At four in the afternoon she was completely
burnt to the water's edge. Such was the fury of the flames, that
the treasure between decks was run into masses of from two to ten
thousand dollars weight. Suspicion of misconduct, or careless-
ness, fell on the people on board, and it was said, that a scacunny
had dropped a candle in the fore-hold, and concealed the accident
through fear ; but as there was no desertion among the people,
this was not believed. A later account states authentically, that
the loss of the Albion was not occasioned through carelessness, as
had been conjectured, but in consequence of some paper umbrellas^
received on board as cargo, packed up not thoroughly rfry, which
had caught fire in the hold. Similar accidents have occurred
through the same means^
FROM the sentiments expressed in my foregoing letters, I trust
that it will appear that I ain a zealous friend not only to
necessary discipline, but to genuine and rational liberty, and that
my great aim has been to inculcate the advantages which will arise
from giving full effect to the latter without infringing upon the
former. If then I shall ever appear to use any argument, or
maintain an opinion which seems to militate against either of these
separately, I roust request my readers not to attribute it to any
derilection of opinion or principle, but to the unavoidable imper-
fection of all human establishments.
That the house of a British subject is his castle, has ever sinco
the glorious days of Magna Charta, and the more glorious epoch
•when the revolution had nearly reduced it into solid practice, been
a Briton's boast. How devoutly, Mr. Editor, is it to be wished.
•that the reality of this boast had never been infringed upon, and
still more seriously threatened ; that our taxes could be levied
without the humiliating disgrace of having onr windows counted
by circumambulating surveyors, and our cellars w::tched by
intruding excisemen! \Vhen. shall we see a patriot statesman
arise, who while his duty obliges him to enforce the levy of
millions, his feelings as a Briton will rouse his energies to tho
adoption of a plan winch will apply to our purses without wound.
ing our minds, and ukimately degrading our characters, by a gra-
dual submission to intrusions which the spirit of freedom revolts
at. This is the object so devoutly to be wished for. We will load
our guns with our gold and silver rather than suflbr a tyrant or a
conqueror to soil the British shores ; but let us entreat those who
direct the ample means and generous hearts in the sister island, to
guard as much as possible against any system, which, while ic re-
duces the one, may degenerate the other.
Another digression, Mr. Editor; butyou know that liberty and
old England is our motto, and that " England expects every man
to do his duty ;" we mast therefore not only act, but on all occa-
sions, think, speak) and -xrite with the freedom such a motto and
such a sentiment imposes on our character.
I was writing on the subject of every Briton's liouse being his
castle, when I was led into the foregoing digression. I was about
fo regret that this principle cannot be carried into practice in the
Anterior of a shin of war, to such a degree as British feelings lead
us to wish. J am led into reflection on this feeling by observing
a great mistake, some (otherwise) excellent officers have fallen,
into. When retired into their berth, their cabin, or even ward-
room, it has been conceived that the same unbounded liberty of
speech may take place, as if they were in their houses on shore.
It may be desirable (hat we could contrive bulkheads or screens,
which were as impervious to sound, as they are to light, or that the
servants to officers, and the sentjnels near their cabins and mess
places could be selected from the unfortunate deaf persons in his
majesty's dominions. But these valuablfc ideas cannot be realised.
Space will not admit of mm-transmittiug bulkheads, and my worthy-
friends of the cockpit or wardroom love full well to be heard by
their attendants, whether they .«///£• cut to have their hammocks
Lung up, or a fresh bottle drawn oil' from the trusty supporters of
the wardroom store. I must therefore give up my beautiful sys-
tem, and earnestly advise all the parties concerned, to reflect upon
vhe vast mischief that may ensue; and indeed that has ensued, from
officers speaking with disrespect of their superiors, or grumbling
at their destinations before the servants and sentinels. A good
officer will here submit to the most difficult of all disciplines, that
of the tongue. If at table, an officer finds fault with the order or
regulations of his captain, while perhaps a midshipman is at table
•with him, and half a score marines and boys attending round it ;
lie from that moment ought not to think it a fault, if the gentlemen
of the cockpit make equally free with his conduct in the station he
may fill, nor feel surprise, though he may shame, if he hears that
the messes between decks have retailed what has been reported from
ihe wardroom, or officers' berths. No rank is privileged while on
service to shew anger, contempt, or discontent at the conduct of
its superiors; and the officer who would severely reprobate the
seaman who was to utter a disrespectful word of, or to him, has no
more right than the seaman to speak in a disrespectful way of his
superiors in rank. Yet I fear that the contrary conduct is too
common, and what would have been styled mutiny in seamen and
marines, has often been the conversation of the wardroom and
quarter-deck, and conceived <o bo only a proper freedom of
speech. I am afraid this unoilicer-like, this unpatriotic conduct,
was very common towards the end of the last war, when the sin-
gular position of our enemy prevented the ships from being paid off
as soon as the hopes of the officers and crews led them to expect.
In general, much more excuse may be made for the seaman or
marine, than for the officer, independant of the sentiment which
education and expectations may be expected to produce. All as
men claim an equal allowance to be made for the feeling which
prompts the desire for an early return to their families ; but the
former have the additional plea of interest, as it is of consequence
to be early in their offers to get good situations and wages in the
merchant service, while the latter will be reduced to half pay.
But I trust we shall never hear again of officers being humbugged
and kidnapped^ and all those childish and disgraceful winnings
which were too vile at the time before alluded to, but that all will
act up to the true spirit of the twenty-first article of war.
I could give some good advice to captains on the same subject,
though they may say I am now coming close to my own feelings.
I will, however, venture (perhaps in self-defence) to recommend,
that if iu a visit to the flag-ship, or by any other means, they
should make any curious sexual discoveries, they should not imme-
diately on their return to their ships proclaim in public that the
admiral is an old woman; or if they arc ornithologists; they need
not Inform the officers that he is an old goose. We have certainly
instances of several gallant females serving on board ship, and if
any of them arrive at their flag, most likely indeed they will be
old women; but in general their sex has been discovered early, and
their promotion stopped : should, however, the sex be discovered,
after arriving at the rank of admiral, the same should be qnictlr
made known, agreeably to the article of war above mentioned, iu
order that a masculine successor may be appointed, and the old
lady suffered to retire in peace.
I remain, sir? yours, &c.
A. F. Y.
"TTJEFORE I enter on the intended subject of my letter, I
-1*-^ think it necessary to make some reply to your note on part
of the postscript of my last. J can most truly assert, that no on&
is more positively averse " from unnecessarily wounding the feel-
ings of indi-ciduah " than I am, and I join with you in opinion on
that subject with all my heart. But with all due deference, Mr,
Editor, I cannot at all think, that a man entrusted with a high
command, during which matters of weighty national import have
occurred, and concerning which the national feelings have been
warmly agitated, is to be suffered to remain in calm repose for fear
of wounding the feelings of the individual. I will not meddle
with his private concerns, but if I am to be silent about those
which clearly belong to the public, the liberty of the press and the
li-berty of the people arc both annihilated, and the feelings of
millions of individuals arc Koundcd. The part of your note
printed in italics appears to coincide with part of the answer read
by Lord Hawkesbury to the address of the city of London (see
page 354, line eight from bottom) : in me, the demand for inquiry
is said to " pronounce judgment," and you are " anxious that
sentence should not be passed previously to inquiry." Certainly,,
judgment cannot be given, nor sentence passed previous to trial
(I have no good opinion of the use of inauiry)) but there mn.st bs
accusation, or complaint, or rumour, in order to lead to a trial j
and the opinions of the accusers or complainerSj however strong
against the supposed delinquent, can by n a means be called passing
ir;. .,,„,, Thc letters I have seen are certainly not before tits'
public, therefore it may uot have fallen in your way t6 have seen
the complaints and accusations which have met ray eye, and for
this reason, though not for those. I have above noticed, you arc
quite right in omitting the sentence I had quoted, and indeed it so
far deviated from the sort of opinions which I think all periodical
papers should be open to, that it ought only to come into notice
•under a real signature ; I therefore request you to accept my
thanks for your judicious amendment of my letter. Should th:>
last sentence of your note be verified on the present occasion, what
c;m we wish for more ? But is not the expectation rather
Utopian ? Perhaps we may have to remark concerning it, where
we know the issue of the never-to-be-forgotten Board of Inquiry
on the Cintra generals !— May you and I, Sir, live in that ctfuntry
where " justice will take its coarse, innocence will triumph, and
guilt or imbecility will be punished or disgraced ;" or rather let me
pray that such may be the character of the country we live in.
Before this letter meets the eyes of your readers, Parliament
will have met, and a variety of information may have enlightened
the public on matters on which we are now groping in the dark ;
I shall therefore confine my present advice to my brother sailors in
either house, to such concerns as are not likely to be changed
either by the royal speech or the debates on it.
I do not exactly know when it began to be the fashion to speak
of millions of money as mere trifles with respect to the nation ; iti
the days, and from the mouth of Air. Pitt, this language was very
rife, and certainly ilowed from him with becoming grace, from the
consistency between his words and actions. Millions were then
certaiuly lavished, as if they were nothing to a nation. There may
be objects worth attaining, at the expeuce of many millions, but
unfortunately, even under the au-pices of that eminent man, we
were constantly lavishing the millions without attaining the object ;
need we then wonder that his successors have only succeeded in
that which he found easy, and failed in that which even he could
not accomplish. Now, Sir, as we have been worked up to almost
our last shift to raise foreign armies for Napoleon to scatter like
dust before a whirlwind, to send our own gallant soldiers to the
new world under incompetent generals^ to send others under a
choice commander to the North, under such circumstances as to
be sent back again, and a thousand other items known to all the
world, I want to resort to a very old maxim, " to take care of
thf pence.) and the pounds will take care of themselves." When
the Parliament assembles, I have not the least doubt but that the
mutiny bill, and all matters relative to the revenue, will be passed
in due order, and f am prepared to be very thankful for all the
other national benefits which may result from the session. Mean,
•while, 1 submit the following hints to my naval friends, who will
share in the honour which may result. I frequently hear great
exultation Jn the state of the nation, because we now raise near
sixty millions annually, and but few years have elapsed since
twenty millions were conceived too great a burden to bear increase ;
yet we see palaces rising, and improvements advance as rapidly as
ever. A melancholy tri'th, Air. Editor. It is not the rich, the
noble, the princes of the land, on whom the weight of the heavy
burden is laid, but on those who never see the inside of palaces,
and who know nothing of those decorations and improvements
which so captivate the eyes and delude the senses of the admirers
of the times. They have their merit, Mr. Editor, but this is not
the view in which we should expect to find their real advantages.
I now descend to my humble recommendations. It is a fact, that
in many parts of the kingdom, the poor go without their wonted
meal of meat or fish, in consequence of the heavy tax on salt. The
Chancellor of the Exchequer will say, and perhaps truly, as matters
are managed, that so far from taking off a tax, he will have to add.
Be it so, if requisite ; but I want to propose, that as all sinecure
places are given to the great and powerful, many of them no doubt
paid from that very tax which reduces hundreds of their fellow
men to the same mess with their pigs, that all such places should,
be entirely abolished, and the duty on salt lowered by their amount.
I can hardly think the justice of this measure can be called in
question, though it may be Utopian. The heavy duties on malt
have also entirely deprived many thousands of labourers in the
country, of the power of procuring beer. As the Chancellor of
the Exchequer cannot take off the tax on malt, let the experiment
be tried how much it might be reduced by abolishing that mean and
selfish privilege ot franking letters, and lessening the malt duty by
the amount. If there was at all a proper feeling in the right place,
I think this petty remnant of vails and perquisites could not be
retained a single moment ; and whence could the proposal come
with more propriety, than from the well known liberality of sen.
ti" ent of a Briti-h sailor. He will net think a moment of the
paltry pecuniary advantage, and even forego with pleasure the
more agreeable part of the privilege, that of franking letters far tL.*
, 801, XXI. j
ladies and his officers. As times go, there is a glaring absurdity in
the rich and noble having their letters free of expence, when the
middle and lower classes can scarcely afford to hear occasionally of
their absent friends. Peers have a sufficiently high privilege in
their hereditary seats in the upper house, and when it is surmised
that seats in another place may be procured for money, or paid
for by balls, buildings, chandeliers, newspapers, rates and taxes,
&c. &c. there can be no possible reason why such a sneaking per-
quisite as franking should be retained. It is understood also, that
the correspondence respecting borough matters is now carried on
through the medium of the middle men^ and that the members and
the nominal constituents have nothing to say to each other.
I remain, Sir, yours, &c.
E. G. F.
S the writers of long books look anxiously for the rising of
the reviewers above the political horizon, so do the writers of
long letters in your Chronicle look earnestly for the periodical
appearance of your prefaces, that they may see in what way their
labours have been taken, and be enabled to apportion their future
exertions according to the quantum of the plus or minus of appro-
bation they may there meet with. A great book, we have been
told, is a great evil, and I perceive that a letter, which occupies
five or six pages, is accounted somewhat of an intrusion ; although
if the number of pages were the greatest or only fault, it would be
easy to divide the bulky concern into parts, and publish them at
different times. But that I may not again encroach on those pages,
which may be fillet! by superior ability, or more useful inforrna.
tion, I proceed to that part of your late preface which relates to
n;y letters.
It was in sober and well intentioncd earnestness that I formed
the resolution of offering my thoughts on the duties of members of
Parliament to my brother sailors, through the medium of your
work. In my first letters are truly detailed the subjects of the
conversations and opinions M'hich first suggested the propriety of
so doing. Under the blessing of heaven, the high state of opulence
and power to which our little island has risen, has been owing to
the singular and admirable character of our constitution of govern-
ment ; and the pre-eminently happy part of it is the way in which
the popular portion of it is blended with the monarchical and
aristocratical. I conceive, that if this popular portion loses its
due weight, and becomes subservient to the other branches, that
•we should be under the very worst species of government which a
nation could be afflicted with. Now, Sir, if it be true that we
approach towards, or are in danger of approaching an event to be
so earnestly deprecated ; if from certain combinations, and from
the executive power being the fount of honour and profit both to
the lords spiritual and temporal, the ministers for the time being
have an undue and powerful influence in one house ; and if owing
to the system of boroughs as now managed, that house has an
undue and very powerful influence in the other, and the ministers
in power a still greater ; why then, Sir, I conceive that ihe vessel
of the state may be said to be in jeopardy, and that it becomes the
doty of every honest sailor (o save her from shipwreck.
I am of opinion, Mr. Editor, that our heroes, whether military
or naval, do not sufficiently consider the mixed nature of our con-
stitution ; but in consequence of their early acquaintance with the
absolute nature of a military code, look almost wholly to the
executive part with which they are principally connected. Under
these impressions, I have endeavoured to point out the corruption
•which disgraces and endangers us, and to shew the consequence of
those national feelings being attended to, which will make every
Briton a hero, and his house a castle, and to express my convic-
tion, that it has been owing to the absence of these feelings, that
Europe has offered so trifling a resistance to the arms of the
In my chase after this very important prize, and in my endca-
Yours to -.'ollect proper arguments and illustrations to prove the
legality of the capture, I am not aware of having i/mred from the
proper course, though perhaps I might have sometimes carried
more canvass, and got fresher way through the water. But my
bark is getting old and crazy, and the upper works much out of
repair ; it is necessary to prop the ship, and set up additional
backstays, even while making a voyage in the trade winds; I must
therefore, by the assistance of your excellent correspondent, Tim
Weatherside, to carry a press of sail, make short board, and
endeavour to make prizes of all the anecdotes, whether of gallant
actions or borough politics, which he can grapple with, and
knows so well how to deposit in the safe harbour of your
I have already thanked you for your impartiality in admitting
opinions which militate so strongly agaiust your own} but ij is to
be considered, that discussion is the clear way to truth, and &<t
such should always he admitted into periodical publications. I
have also admitted great merits in the two noble lords to whoiA
you attribute such superior attainments, and consider as the great
palladium of our service, but in truth, Sir, I do assure you, that
my former and unshaken opinion is confirmed by very many of
those to whom I think I may justly apply the titles of the " first
characters in the service and the state."
Before I conclude, I must express my thanks to you for your
Very judicious choice of a dedication, and for your animating and
excellent address on the subject of the Spanish patriots. Against
such a powerful enemy it must be expected to prove a work of
years to gain the very important object in view. My great dread
is, that the Junta have been ill advised in making the rallying
•words " our beloved Ferdinand" instead of " our beloved
country." It is not conceivable to me that Ferdinand can be
beloved after his weak submission, and unmanly abdication. If a
cortes had been assembled, and a limited monarchy declared to be
the determined result, after the enemy had been chased from the
country, I firmly believe Buonaparte would never have entered
Madrid. We shall soon hear the opinions of the Parliamentary
leaders on this important subject, and also on the result of the
memorable board of inquiry. The (hanks of the country are
justly due to Lord Moira for his explanatory dissent. Before th«
division in opinion was known, it appeared to have passed
unanimously, that Sir A. W. was right in his gallant deter-
mination to pursue the beaten foe ; and that Sir H. B. was as
correct in ordering him to desist ; and that Sir II. D. was also not
in an error in granting a convention, which Junot thinks was te
him an important victory.
I remain, Sir, yours, &c.
E. G. F.
Admiral Trident., to the Right Hon. Lord Mulgrate. First Lord
• of the Admiralty^ $c.
fjIlrlE days, the best days of old Trident, have long been num.
J*- bered with the past; but his youth is revived (thanks be to
him who hath lengthened those days), his youth is revived, in the
vigour and valorous achievements of his sons.
I have served. Lord Mulgrave, when the brave were more
Honoured. I have served in the fleets of our Hawke and Boscawen.
I have fought when the British flag has been nobly triumphant,
and I hare seen it as basely depressed, but never (let a father
exult), never till these times, have I heard of such triumphs, as
the glorious, the unalloyed triumphs of my sons.
My Lord, the old and gracious proclamation of his majesty
(God bless him!) joined with honour, had ever been our polar star.
By that we learned, in youth, that -when the hard earned rank
arrived, the harvest ot" our lives would come — a late, but pledged
reward for all our blood ind toils. "Why, then, let a veteran ask,
why was that ancient sacred compact broken?* Have my sons
not done their parts ? Have they who should lead your fleets
been found astern ? Turn, my lord, turn, I pray, and traverse
every ocean, or turn and see these wounds, these shattered limbs,
these venerable locks, then, let our sovereign harshly say again,
" Old man, thy services have been too well rewarded." Too
well rewarded ! Ah, my king, what then have others been !
My Lord, you are a soldier, and, if my sons have heard aright,
a man, too, of exemplary honour. Deal then but with us as a man.
of honour ought. My sons, you know, are poorly paid ; they
have no perquisites but what their blood must buy — they feed no
crews — they clothe no men : if, then, reform be needful, do unto
them as a soldier would be done unto, — do that, and we are
My Lord, we see you fill a high official station ; and, if the
world may be believed, y6u rank among our most enlightened
statesmen. Deal then but with my family as a statesman would—-
we ask no more.
When placemen or pensioners should be discharged from service,
what, may we ask, what do our most enlightened statesmen grant
them ? What. but/«/r, \)\\tjnst, and liberal remuneration ?
If sinecure?, if long established fees must be suppressed, what,
let us sailors ask, what would be our oldest statesman's answer ?
Would your voice not be, my Lord, for fair, for just, for ample
remuneration ?
If, then, Lord Mulgrave, the country that we live in, and that
we love to defend, may not be relieved in the hour of distress, by
discharging from its service a band of tawdry and unprofitable
supernumeraries ; if, when the poor old ship is labouring under a
By a late regulation, one-tliird of the admirals' and captains' prize
ej has been taken from then, and given to the seamen.
pressure of sail, neither tack, nor sheet, nor haulyards, can eref
be started to case her ; if none of these things can be done without
granting remuneration, liberal, ample remuneration to all who are
rated ; why, then, I ask (excuse an old man's warmth), I ask, iit
the name of that God, whose orders are justice, by what plea, by
what right you take, without compensation, from the arms of my
gallant boys their dearest earnings ? Is it, say you, from generosity
to your tars, to their humbler brethren ? Your tars (God prosper
them) they are dear to these aged arms, but beware, my Lord, of
such generosity ; no property is safe within its reach.
Generosity, true generosity, is the companion of courage and
greatness ; it grows up with the sailor, and is dear to his soul.
There is but one generosity that my sons understand. Need I
deSne it ? It is not, believe me, that generosity which rewards
them at the expcnce of a brother ! Introduce not, I beseech you,
among us the passions that may be baneful to your prosperity and
our peace.
If indeed, you would reward, where reward is so abundantly
due, take an old man's advice — look to the Droits — the Droits of
Admiralty, won by their toils. Ah, Lord Mulgrave, why, why-
were not those Droits of Admiralty so meritoriously employed ?
TRIDENT, Admiral, &c.
MR- EDtTOHj Folkstone, January 15,. 1809.
IT has been objected to the new nipper, which I had the honour
of submitting to the officers of the navy in your last volume,*'
that whatever might be ils efficacy when used, the real utility would
be of little account, as the additional purchase, it supposes, is but
tarely resorted to. I might, perhaps, be justified by quoting
against such an observation, the emphatic language of a very
distinguished officer on a similar occasion : " If we cannot have
all we want, let us have all we can get." But I rather choose to
answer this objection by observing, that if the additional purchase
has hitherto been but rarely resorted to, it may probably be owing
to an apprehension of having to encounter those very difficulties
which it is the sole object of this expedient to obviate. It has also
?ee page
been remarked, by those whose judgment is entitled to much con.
sideration, that the manner of passing the under, or common
nipper, and the salvage, is by no means the best that could be
devised. To these remarks, Sir, it may be sufficient to reply,
that, as a sailor, I am too well acquainted with the advantages
of practice, to suppose that the result of any closet speculations
can be perfect ; that while first making the nipper public, I pro-
fessedly relied on the " liberal aid" of the profession, and that, hi
so doing, little to me could remain in view, but the hope of that
gratification which arises from the idea of having suggested a bene-
ficial improvement. If, therefore, by a more skilful application,
the nipper proposed can be rendered still more beneficial, it
unavoidably follows, that the measure of my gratification must be
still more increased. Fully convinced as I am that great advan-
tages may be obtained by extending the uses of the above nipper to
more general purposes, there should be no hesitation on my part,
in recommending that, in every case where the greasiness of the
cable presents a considerable obstacle, immediate recourse be had
to its aid. But in order to make myself completely understood on
this subject, I must refer your readers to the accompanying sketch
of the method recommended (founded, it must be confessed, on very
inadequate trials), by attending to which, there appears reason to
hope, that with only one piece of rope, and two of the nippers
alluded to, an anchor in many difficult situations may with safety-
be weighed.
At A, in the sketch below, may be seen the representation of a
double tailed nipper ; the operation of which (however well
known) I hope to be excused for explaining.
The double tailed, nipper, when supplying the place of those
commonly used, is first to have the tails of the after end secured to
the messenger ; the single part is then to be passed, as many times
as may be practicable, round both the cable and messenger, and
the remaining tails to be secured to the cable before it, which being
done, it is distinctly evident, that so long as the ends are pulled in.
opposite directions, both the cable and messenger will be bound
together by the single part that surrounds them, and that so long
as the tails retain their hold, the power of the nipper will be in.
creasing, in proportion to the increase of compression.
But it is equally obvious, that the value of a nipper so applied,
entirely depends on the security of the tails, and this security ig,
ja some cases, exceedingly difficult to accomplish. Several foreign
Cations have had recourse to a mouse, at certain intervals, on the
messenger, whilst others object to such a remedy, but all agree,
that some practicable substitute for a mouse would be of infinite
utility on the cable. Such a substitute, or temporary mouse, may,
it appears to me, be easily obtained, for it seems extremely clear,
on reflection, that if the new nipper may be made to hold when
used with a purchase, it may be uiade to hold nearly as well, by
applying the tails in the room of a salvage ; at least, it may be
made sufficiently stationary to answer the purpose.
I have before, Sir, had to lament, that local circumstances for- *
bid my making any trial on a scale sufficiently large ; but from
•what has been seen, it is necessary to say, that particular care
should at all times be taken, while passing the tails, that the first
turns round the zcocd may not produce the effect of removing it
sideways, so as to prevent its bearing on the crosses beneath ;
which, it is thought, may be guarded against, by taking at Jirst^
a complete turn round either the nearest cable or messenger, as
may be seen in the sketch, at 13.
I shall now conclude with observing, what the first trial will
sufficiently evince, that whether the salvage or the tails be used as
a binder to the nipper, it is equally necessary, that all the turns
should be taught, and applied as nearly as possible to the pins at
lE preservation of seamen from the scurvy, and even th«
cure of that disease, so far as it has yet been investigated,
being best effected by fresh succulent vegetables, you will oblige
me by the insertion of the enclosed letter from Mr. Charles
Edmund, surgeon of his majesty's ship Russell, as shewing, in a
dear and distinct manner, the practicability of employing the
Kew Nopal, as it is called here, for that valuable purpose, to
•which it appears peculiarly adapted, by being so far an air plant
as to preserve life, and the capacity of vegetation, for months
after an entire removal from the earth or watering gardens.
" His Majesty's Ship Russell, Madras Roads,
"SIR, March. 3, 1808.
" The plant, by the name of Kew Nopal, which you were so
polite as to furnish me with to try its effects in scurry, that was so
general among the crew of his majesty's ship Russell, after a
cruise of three months, entirely confined to sea diet, I have the
pleasure to say, proved so agreeable to those who had it given
them in its raw state, that they compared it to sorrell, and I have
no doubt but it would have proved highly useful could it have been,
continued; but owing to a diarrhoea, which generally occurs on
the first use of every kind of fresh diet, I was obliged to desist
from giving the nopal or any other succulent vegetable, and to
pay attention to the state of the bowels by opiates, and occasionally
by a little creta or some absorbent to correct the acidity in the
stomach. As I considered the whole of the crew as being more
or less affected with the scurvy, and the necessity of their having
regetables with their boiled fresh meat, I made use of the nopal in
a manner more admissible, which was, to put a proportion every
day in the coppers with their soup ; this I think is a preferable
mode, it being less likely to affect the bowels than in a raw state.
Having been so little able to speak of its benefit:, from our not
having quitted the coast, I can only say, that from a knowledge
of the. utility of vegetables in scurvy, I will endeavour to obviate
any effects on the bowels by opiates, and hope by the next time I
have the pleasure of writing to you on the subject, to be able to
speak of the benefit obtained, as it is so easily taken care of by
keeping it in the air. Therefore request you will furnish me with
a, further supply, as we have nothing that will keep so long in a
fresh succulent state.
" I have the honour to be, sir,
" Your obedient servant,
" Surgeon of his majesty's ship R.ussell.'"
. Eol. XXI. « -
Society of Arts j fyc. Adelphi, London*
SIR, January 23, 1809;
JY direction of the Society instituted for the Encouragement
' of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, I return their thanks
to you for your obliging present to them of the XXth Volume of
your publication, entitled the NAVAL CHRONICLE, which has
been ordered to be carefully preserved in their library, along with
the preceding volumes with which you have favoured them.
I cannot help thinking it a part of my duty to notice to you the
general approbation with which these volumes have been received,
and the pleasure with which they have been perused by the mem-
bers of this society. I assure you, it is my sincere wish that the
work may meet with that patronage and encouragement from the
public which it appears to me to be so well entitled to, and I have
no doubt but that it will excite an emulation amongst our gallant
sailors to follow the noble examples you have recorded.
As a tribute of respect to the memory of a youth whom I knew,
I have taken the liberty of sending you the following anecdote,
which you may take such notice of as you may think proper: —
About the year 1779, a privateer, called the Amazon, was fitted
'out upon a cruise from the port of Liverpool : two youths, about
17 years of age, apprentices to Mr. Benjamin Hallworth, acallen.
derman, at Manchester, eloped from their master, and entered on
Aboard the privateer, who, during her cruise, fell in with a vessel of
considerable force, and engaged her.
Early in the engagement one of the youths above mentioned had
his leg and part of the thigh shot off by a cannon ball, and fell by
the side of his companion. The mind of the wounded youth
appeared to be regardless of his situation, and only intent upon
the event of the action. He called out to his companion, whose
name was William, " Hrill, hozo go zee on, shall zee beat them?"
an answer was returned by his friend, that he hoped so. The
question was repeated several times, but in weaker tones of voice,
whilst the blood flowed from him in a torrent ; the probability of
success was announced in similar answers. At last, raising hi?
head a little, he with a very feeble voice again requested to know
what success. His companion called out, « The enemy havs
struck.1' A sudden gleam of joy seemed to diffuse itself over the
countenance of the dying youth, who, stretching himself out,
gallantly exclaimed, " Then I die contented^ and expired with-
out A groan.
These circumstances were related to me by the companion who
•was present during the whole transaction, and who afterwards
returned to his master's service in Manchester.
I remain, with much esteem, sir,
Your obedient servant,
Secretary to the Society of Arts, &c.
To Mr. Joyce Gold.
THE geographers in every part of Europe, in their charts,
have laid down Cape Frio, on the coast of Brazil, as being
in the latitude 22 deg. 34 min. This error ought to be rectified :
several vessels bound to Rio de Janeiro having been in consequence
of it, embayed ; and every one knows, that it is necessary to make
Cape Frio, before he can get to Rio de Janeiro. This error has
been rectified in Arrowsmith's map of the coast of Brazil, which
will be shortly published. This geographer makes the exact
latitude 23 deg. 2 min. and S. longitude 49 deg. 59 min.
(From Acerbi's Travels,)
9 1 illE North Cape is an enormous rock, which, projecting far
-1»- into the ocean, and being exposed to all the fury of the
•waves and the outrage of tempests, crumbles every year more and
more into ruins. Here every thing is solitary, every thing is
sterile, every thing sad and despondent. The shadowy forest no
longer adorns the brow of the mountain ; the singing of birds,
which enlivened even the woods of Lapland, is no longer heard in
this scene of desolation ; the ruggedness of the dark grey rock is
not covered by a single shrub ; the only music is the hoarse mur-
muring of the waves, ever and anon renewing their assaults on tho
huge masses that oppose them. The northern sun, creeping, at
midnight, at the distance, of live diameters along the horizon, and,
the immeasurable ocean in apparent contact with the skies, form
the grand outlines in the sublime picture presented to the astonished
spectator. The incessant cares and pursuits of anxious mortals
are recollected as a dream ; the various forms aud energies of
animated nature are forgotten ; the earth is contemplated only in,
its elements, and as constituting a part of the solar system.
Description of Incc Castle^ situated on the borders of Cornzcall)
adjoining to Devonshire.
AS a marine villa, the view of Ince Castle may well be entitled
to a place in the NAVAL CHUONICLE; the truly romantic?
peninsula on which it stands is a long promontory, -which con-
tains upwards ef one hundred acres, and is connected with the
continent only by t\vo fields ; it possesses all the advantages of an
inland as well as a marine situation.; for though nearly encom-
passed by the sea, it has beautiful woods and plantations, that
thrive in great luxuriance, through which arc cut rides and walks,
in some parts impervious to the sun.
It is distant from Plymouth Dock only four miles by water,
and when you open the St. Germain's water at Hamoaze (whence
this view is taken) Ince Castle breaks upon you as a stately man.
gion, situated on the top of a Nole (seemingly an island rising out
of the sea), with a boundary of rock of some height, resembling a'
}iigh wall, on the edge of which, one half in view to the left, at
the proper season, .appears to have a fringe of go'id and silver,
from the blossoms of the various shrubs on its verge, while the
other half presents to the eye the plantation and wood, through
•which a carriage road from the lower landing place carries you,
round an extensive lawn by an easy zig-zag assent to the house.
Two large boat-houses are also seen on the left side, from each of
which a jetfy runs into the sea for the convenience of landing.
The stable^ and coach-houses, upon a large scale, are at a pro-
per distance from the house, but completely planted ont j and at a
further distance is the farm-yard, with barns, &c. likewise screened
by trees. The house is gothic, with four towers, and is said to
have been built by K UK-grew, the favourite of Chailes II. on the
site of an old castle ; indeed, from the vestiges and remains of old
walls which are seen at low water, it bears the appearance of
having been an ancient military station ; and as Ince in the Saxon,
denoted an island, Ince Castle might in those times have been 3,
stronghold; but what makes this more probable is, the labou;-
which seems to have been bestowed upon it, by cutting away rock*
and forming the land to its present beautiful slopes, which work
Appears more considerable than could be undertaken by an indi-
yidual ; in some respects it answers to Fenelon's description of
Calypso's island, in Telemachus, having most picturesque romantic
scenery, and many delightful retreats, in the recesses of the rocks
which surround it.
The road from the house, as far as the extent of the grounds,
towards the turnpike, is along a ridge, from which the land
regularly falls on each side till it comes to the rocks which form
the bounds all round, and at the edge are seen hollies and thorns,
which, as well as the myrtle, here grow to an uncommon size ;
also the American thorn are in abundance, of the size of small
timber; nor can it be accounted for, how this continued verdure
could remain so near the sea, but from its being at a distance sur-
younded by such high hills as keep oft" all harsh winds. To the
s.ame cause, ?nd the constant flux and reflux of the tide, may like-
wise be attributed the great hcalthfulness of the situation ; for so
mild is the winter on this little spot, that snow never lies on the
ground ; so that, to its picturesque beauties, may be added a cli-
mate peculiar to itself, both for mildness in winter, and for cool-
ness ju summer ; from which it has been found remarkably favour,
able to persons whose lungs hare been affected.
Its distance from Saltash on the land side, by a good roada ft
four miles ; but here, immediately you leave the grounds, you
have to ascend the hill, which on that side forms its shelter from
the south-west winds; the beautiful and varied scenery of sea, of
ships, of hills, and of woods, which meet the eye from the summit,
is truly grand.
The estate has been in the possession of proprietors, who not
pnly possessed the means, but who have shewn great taste in the
improvement of its natural beauties (for every part indicates that
no labour or expense has been spared, either for convenience or
decoration), by many works of art, of which the, drains under the
.house, cut out of the solid rock,, are not the least remarkable j
and the great drain, which the fall of the land carries in some
parts twenty feet under the surface, though cut through the solid
rock with an arch, is so wide and lofty, that a cart may pass
along; but this possibly in ancient times was a way from the old
castle, of which the present ad vantage may have been taken by the
Inclusive of three enormous welh; suuk deep in the rock3 anijl
which afford a never-failing supply of the finest water, every fieltf
likewise has its spring equally good, which is remarkable, so sur-
rounded as it is by the sea : this renders the land most fertile.
A further convenience in former times was, that every field had a
quay for the landing of manure from barges, but of these, only
three now remain : however, at this time, the greatest d;-uft by
cart does not exceed a quarter of a mile, which is a circumstance
lew farms can boast.
This little paradise was long the residence of the family of the
JVeals, from whom it descended to the Neals of Tollerton, in Not,
tinghamshirc, but finding it so far distant from their constant
residence, they seldom went to it; and. being of later years only
inhabited by servants, both house and land had greatly gone to
decay, which induced them to part with it about four years back,
when it was purchased by Edward Smith, Esq. the present pro-
prietor, who with infinite labour and expence, has put the house
into substantial repair, and has brought the land into good con-
dition ; the whole being now laid down in pasture. It before
possessed a very fine open bath, but he has added a close bath,
with a bathing-house, which in that respect renders it very
The surrounding waters abound in fish, of which the estate
possesses the right of fishing, and the oysters of Ince ar^ famous in
those parts ; there are likewise abundance of cockles, muscles,
&c. on the shores ; and in the rocky clifts are to be found great
numbers of rabbits, which afford very fine sport.
It is a curious circumstance, that such a house, with such land,
having three orchards, and abounding with every other conve-
nience, should never have had a walled garden ; but such is the
fact, though one of the fields produces the only good earth for
bricks near Plymouth, the excellence of which is shewn by the
bricks of which the house is constructed ; and though the estate
has likewssc the advantage of a very fine stone quarry for building
purposes. Thus the garden (ia the midst of which is a good vine-
house) has its fruit only growing on espaliers, though the trees are
all of the most choice kinds. In the midst of the hanging wood
is a fine level bowling green, with an elegant alcove, which com-
mands the whole, but in which, when you arc seated, there is not
an object in view which can impress upon the mind the idea of
being near the water.
The prospects from the house, whether looking towards the land
cr the sea3 are beautiful beyond description, and in (he latter are
the men of war lying at Hamoaze, with a continued movement
of vessels and boats up and down the St. Germain's Water for near
objects, as also those up and down the Tamar at a distance.
Thus the inhabitants of this little peninsula may be said to have
in their option, either a most delightful retreat from the world,
with a fund of rural amusements, or the advantages of society to
any extent they may wish : indeed, they may enjoy both at the
fame time.
LEXERAL MOORE, with part of the troops under his com-
mand, arrived at Portsmouth from Sicily (30th ult.)
2. Accounts arrived of the loss of the Anson frigate, Captain Lydiard,
on the Bar Sand, near Hebtone, on the 28th nit.
4. French papers were received, containing a copy of the French decree,
dated 17th December, declaring neutral vessels, which might submit to be
visited by English vessel.*, under the Orders in Council of November 11, ta
be denationalized, and not entitled to the protection of their government.
6. A copy of Sir Sidney Smith's declaration arrived, dated the 22d of
November, off Lisbon, declaring Lisbon and the Tagus to be in a state of
blockade, in consequence of their being in possession of the French.
20. Intelligence was received of the island of Madeira having surren-
dered to the British sea and land forces on the 24th ult. in trust for tbc
royal family of Portugal.
21. Parliament met, pursuant to his majesty's proclamation.
23. Intelligence arrived of the embargo having been laid on all American
Vessels in their own harbours, in consequence of the president's message to
Congress of the 7th ulr.
^5. The Prince Regent of Portugal landed at Bahia, where be remained
a short time, and afterwards proceeded for Rio Janeiro.
7. Advices were received that the Danish islands of St. Thomas and St.
John had surrendered to the British on the 22d of December, and Santa
Cruz on the 28th.
8. A treaty of alliance and subsidy was concluded between Great Britain
And Sweden.
15. Admiral Duckworth arrived at Martinique, in search of the Roche*
fort squadron.
15. The King of Prussia, in a proclamation, renounced all connection,
commercial and political) with England, in compliance with the 27th article
of the treaty of Tilsit.
8. The Piedmontaise French ship of war was captured hy the St,
Tiorenzo, Captain Hardinge, in the Indian seas. Captain Hardinge killed.
16. Frederick Vlth proclaimed King of Denmark,, his father Christian
Having died on the 13th.
19. Charles IV. abdicated the crown of Spain in favour of his son, Fer-
dinand VII. at the request of the hereditary nobility.
30. The island of Dcseada taken hy the French.
I. By an ukase 'of the Emperor of Russia, of this date, all foreign
manufactured goods are prohibited from being imported into the Russian
dominions ; and Russian ships, coming from England, loaded, to be pre-
vented from landing their cargoes.
10. The Rochefort squadron, after eluding the vigilance of the British
cruisers, entered Toulon.
12. General Oakes sailed for Malta, to take the chief command sf that
16. Captain Shipley, of the Nymplje frigate, was killed in an unsuccessful
attempt to cut out an enemy's vessel from the mouth of the Tagus.
18. Sir John Duckworth arrived with his squadron, after an unsuccessful
cruise in search of the Rochefort squadron, in the West Indies, &c.
22. Mr. Rose arrived from his mission to America.
28. Lord Gardner surrendered the command of the Channel fleet to
Lord Gambier.
1. The Prince Regent of Portugal, at Rio Janeiro, declared war against
France, in consequence of the French troops having invaded Portugal, &c.
2. An embargo laid on all American ships lying in the harbours of
3. The town and harbour of Sweabourg surrendered to the Russians.
6. Junot laid an embargo on all the ships in the harbours of Portugal.
-— . A fleet, destined for the Brazils, sailed under convoy from Ports-
10. The expedition under Sir John Moore sailed from Yarmouth, under
convoy of Admiral Keats.
17. General Moore, with his troops, arrived at Gottenburgh.
19. The Guelderland Dutch frigate, of 36 guns, was captured off Ireland
by his majesty's ship Virginie, Captain Brace.
24. The Duchy of Tuscany, with all the sea port towns on the Mediter-
ranean; were united to France, by a decree of the French senate, upon ths
ground that such a measure would tend to exclude the English from the
S5. Captain Bettesworth, of the Tartar frigate, was unfortunately killed
in endeavouring to cut oue of the enemy's East induuuen from off Bergen.
10. The Spanish forts opened their fire on the French squadron uuder
Admiral Rosilly, in the harbour of Cadiz.
14. Admiral Rosilly surrendered his squadron to General Morla.
17. Government ordered 309,000 dollars to be shipped from die Bank,
for the use of the Spanish provinces which had revolted against France.
22. The court of common council of the city of Londou addressed his
majesty, thanking him for the assistance he had afforded to Spain.
29. General Moore arrived from Sweden, with the army under his
— . Intelligence arrived of the destruction of four Dutch ships of war,
in the East Indies, "by Sir Edward Pellew, in Griesse harbour, in the island
«f Java.
4. The Parliament was this day prorogued by commission.
— . The British government issued a proclamation of peace with all the
provinces of Spain.
5. The Turkish ship of war Badere Zaffer, of 52 guns, and 500 men, was
captured in the Adriatic by the Sea Horse frigate, Captain Stewart, after a
severe action.
12. The expedition under General Sir Arthur Wellesley sailed from
If. The governor of Cuba refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of
Joseph Buonaparte, and proclaimed peace \vith Great Britain.
23. Lord Strangford, the British ambassador, arrived at the court of
• -• • ^
31. The expedition under Sir Harry Burrard sailed from St. Helen's.
19. The brigade of British troops under General A nstruther landed ia
ortugal, and joined Sir Arthur Wellesley.
2$. General Sir Hew Dalrymple landed in Portugal, and rook the chief
command of the British army. Shortly afterwards, tiie French general of
division, Kellerman, arrived at the British camp, with proposals frotnr
General Junot, for concluding a convent! .11 for the evacuation of Portugal
by the French army, and, after some consultation, a« armistice was con-
cluded between the two armies.
25. Sir Samuel Hood, with two British ships of the line, assisted by a
Swedish squadron, attacked and defeated a Russian fleet of superior force.
The Sewold, a ship of the line, was destroyed, and the remainder escaped
iiiio port.
f?:on. SoI.XXI. ti
27. Island of Mariegalante retaken from the French.
SO. After repeated discussions, a convention was concluded at Cintra,
between Admiral Sir Cliarles Cotton and Admiral Siniavin, whereby the
Russian fleet, of nine sail of the line and one frigate, which were lying in
the Tagus, were delivered ap to the British, to be by them kept as a deposit
till six months after peace, and the Russian officers and seamen were to be
sent home in British ships.
6. Buonaparte issued a decree, prohibiting the importation of colonial
produce into any part of his dominions till further orders.
15. The French army finally evacuated Portugal, in pursuance of the
convention of Cintra.
16. The Marquis de la Romana itnd suite landed at Yarmouth from the
30. The Marquis de la Romana's army were safely landed at Corunns,
from the British transports.
4. Sir Arthur Wellesley arrived at Plymouth from Portugal.
5. The island of Capri, with a small British garrison, surrendered to a
body of French troops sent from Naples.
9. Expedition under Sir David Baird, consisting of 13,000 troops, sailed
from Falmouth.
13. The expedition under Sir David Baird arrived at Corunna.
10. Sir Hew Dalryrrtple arrived at Portsmouth from Portugal, whence he
was recalled by government.
10i Ills majesty's ship Amethyst, of 36 guns, Captain Seymour, fell m
with the Thetis, French ship, of 44 guns, which she captured, after one of
the most sanguinary engagements ever known.
10. At a meeting of the merchants, &c. of the City of London, held this
day, to consider of the propriety of opening a subscription for furnishing
clothing and other necessaries for the use of the Spanish patriots, 15,0001.
were immediately subscribed.
15. The British government published a declaration, stating, that the
late overtures from France, for a peace, were inadmissible, and only
intended to excite distrust in our allies.
30. Accounts received of a junction, formed at Benevcnto, between the
armies under Sir John Moore and Sir David Eaird.
NAUSCOPY" is the art of discovering the approach of ships,
on the neighbourhood of lands, at a considerable distance.
This knowledge is not derived either from the undulation of
waves, or from the subtilty of sight ; but merely from observation
of the horizon, which discovers signs indicating the proximity of
large objects. On the approximation of a ship towards the land,
or towards another ship, there appears in the atmosphere a meteor
of a particular nature, which, with a little attention, is visible to
any person.
M. Bottineau (a native of the island of Bourbon) laid this dis-
covery before M. de Castries, in 1784. The minister sent him
back to the island to continue his observations there, under the
inspection and superintendance of the government.
M. Bottineau engaged, that not a single ship should arrive at the
island without his having sent information of it several days before.
An exact register of his communications was kept in the secre-
tary's office. All his reports were compared with the ships' books
as soon as they arrived, to see whether the variations ot weather,
calms which retarded them, kc. <fcc. were such as agreed with his
It must be observed, that when his reports were made, the
watchmen, stationed on the mountains, could never perceive any
appearance of ships ; for M. Bottineau announced their approach
when they were more than a hundred leagues distant.
From the authenticated journal of his reports, which has been,
published, it appears that he was wonderfully accurate. AVithin
eight months, and in sixty-two reports, he announced the arrival
of one hundred and fifty ships of different descriptions.
Of the fact there can be no reasonable doubt, because every
method Avas adopted to prevent deception, and his informations
were not only registered, as soon as they were made, it» the
government office, but were also publicly known over the whole
island. The officers of government, moreover, were far from
being partial to M. Bottineau ; on the contrary, they were dis-
pleased with him for obstinately refusing to sell them his secret,
•which they wanted to purchase at a high price, so that he could
expect no favour from their representations. Truth, however,
obliged them to give abundant testimony to the reality of his
extraordinary talent, in their letter to the French minister, which
is published in a " Memoire sur In Nauscopte, par M. Boltineau"
The following are two of the reports extracted from thii
memoir : — •
" On the 20th of August, 1784, I discovered some vessels at the distance
of four days sail from the island. On the following day, the number mul-
tiplied considerably to my sight. This induced me to send information of
many vessels; but though they were only at four days distance, I never-
theless stated in my report, that no settled time could be fixed on for their
arrival, as they were detained by a calm. On the 25th the ,calm was so
complete, as to make me thinly for a few hours, that the fleet had disap-
peared, and gone to some other place. I soon after perceived again the
presence of the fleet, by the revived signs. It was still in the same state of
inaction, of which I sent information. From the 20th of August to the 10th
of September, 1 did not cease to announce, in my reports, the continuation
of the calm. On tlie 13th I sent word that the fleet was no longer becalmed,
and that it would arrive at the island within forty-eight hours. Accordingly,
to the surprise of the whole island, M. de Regular's fleet arrived at Port
Louisa on the loth. The general astonishment was greatly increased, when
it was known that this fleet had been becalmed since the 20th of August,
near Rodriguez islands, which was precisely the distance that I had pointed
out in my reports."
" I soon had another opportunity of shewing the certainty of my observa-
tions. A few days before the arrival of M. de Regmer's fleet, I announced
the appearance of another fleet, which became perceptible to me. This
created a great deal of uneasiness, because as no other French fleet was
expected, that which I discovered might be English ships. 1 was ordered
to repeat my observations with accuracy. I clearly perceived the passage
of several ships, and declared they were not bound for our island, but were
taking another course. In consequence of this information, the Naiade
frigate and the Due de Chartres cutter were suddenly despatched to
M. de Suffrein. The cutter actually saw and avoided the English fleet, in
the ninth degree, but unfortunately did not find M. de Suffrein in the bay of
Trincomalee. The report of the cutter efieciualty convinced the incred^-
lous of the reality of my discovery.'*
The last circumstance, of despatching the frigate and cutter,
plainly shews the confidence which the French officers must have
put in the information of M. Bottineau, It shews also that he-
deserved their confidence,
Ccnyeclures respecting the Phenomenon on rshich the preceding
Observations zzere fuunded.
The wafers of the ocean form an immense gulf, in which sub-
stances of all kinds are swallowed up.
The innumerable multitude of animals, fish, birds, Tegetable
and mineral productions, which decay, and are decomposed in that
vast basin, produce a fermentation abounding in spirits, salts, oil,
sulphur, &c. &c. The existence of these is sufficiently apparent
by the disagreeable smell and flavour of sea water, which can only
bo rendered drinkable by distillation, and by the evaporation of
those heterogeneous particles which infect it.
The spirits, intimately united to the sea -waters, continue umlis-
turbed as long as those waters remain in a state of tranquillity;
or, at least, they experience only an internal agitation, which is
slightly manifested externally.
But when the waters of the sea are set into motion by storms,
or by the introduction of an active mass which rides upon their
surface, with violence and rapidity, the volatile vapours contained
in the bosom of the sea escape, and rise up a fine mist, which forms
an atmosphere round the vessel.
This atmosphere advances with the vessel, and is increased every
moment by fresh emanations rising from the bottom of the water.
These emanations appear like so many small clouds, which,
joining each other, form a kind of sheet projecting forward, one
extremity of which touches the ship, whilst the other advauces in
fhe sea, to a considerable distance.
But this train of vapours is not visible to the sight; it escapes
observation by the transparency of its particles, and is confounded
with other fluids which compose the atmosphere,
But as soon as the vessel arrives within a circumference where
it meets with other homogeneous vapours, such as those which
escape from land, this sheet, which till that time had been so lim-
pid and subtile, is suddenly seen to acquire consistence and colour,
by the mixture of the two opposite columns.
This change begins at the prolonged extremities, which by their
contact are united, and acquire a colour and strength ; afterwards,
in proportion to the progression of the vessel, the metamorphosis
increases and reaches the centre: at last the phenomenon becomes
the more manifest, and the ship makes its appearancp. — MONTH.
The heart's remote recesses to explore,
Andtouch'd its springs, when prose avail'd no more.
PULL orb'd in equinoxial skies,
When the pale m'oon malignant rides,
And bids the howling tempests rise,
And swells the ocean's briny tides,
Dreadful against the sounding shore
The winds and waves tumultuous roar,
The torrent-braving mound in vain
The stormy inroad would restrain,
The surges with resistless sway
Force o'er the labour'd mole their way,
Scorn every weak resource of human toil,
O'erwhelm the peopled town, and waste the cultur'd soil,
But when, by native fences barr'd
From billowy rage, the happier land,
And rocky cliffs for ever stand
To the wide-water'd coast a guard,
Such as on Vecta's southern steep
Look down defiance on the raging deep,
Such as on Dover's breezy down
On Gallia's hostile borders frown,
Tho' billows urging billows roar
And idly beat against the shore,
While from the heights sublime the swain
Mocks the vain efforts of the foaming main,
Till nature bids the deluged surge subside,
Hush'd is the tempest's voice, and refluent rolls the tide.
So o'er Europa's ravag'd plain
We saw the torrent wile of war
Resistless spread its iron reign,
And scatter ruin wide and far;
Th' embattled wall, the warlike
Vainly the Tyrant's course withstand :
Before the impious sons of Gaul
The legions fly, the bulwarks fall;
Yet Britain's floating castles sweep
Invasion from her subject deep.
Yet by her rocks secure from harm.
Securer by her patriot arm,
Iberia turns the battle's tide,
Resists th' injurious Tyrant's pride.
While, freely floating ia the ambient sky,
Sacred to freedom's cause, their mingled ensigns fly.
HAIL, gentle stream ! for ever dear
Thy rudest murmurs to mine ear!
Torn from thy banks, tho' far I rove.
The slave of poverty and love,
Ne'er shall thy bard, where'er he be,
"Without a sigh remember thee !
For there my infant years began,
And there my happiest minutes ran;
And there, to love and friendship true,
The blossoms of affection grew !
Blythe on thy banks, thou sweetest stream
That ever nurs'd a poet's dream I
Oft have I, in forbidden time,
(If youth could sanctify a crime)
With hazel-rod, and frandful fly,
Ensnar'd thy unsuspecting fry ;
Jn pairs have dragg'd them from their den,
Till, chas'd by lurking fishermen,
Away I've flown, as fleet as wind,
My lagging followers far behind I
Aud, when the vain pursuit was o'er,
Returu'd successful as before !
Prologue to the Tragedy of DOUGLAS, and Farce of the
PADLOCK, performed by the Young Gentlemen of Mn Ma-
jesty's Ship Albion, in February, 1808.
welcome all — It is my lot to-day,
-ML To be sent forth as prologue to the play,
Such as it is, we hope you'll kindly bear it,
Considering we've had trouble to prepare it ;
And that we'll grieve to find those cares were vain.
If our endeavours fail to entertain, —
The good intention must all blame remove,
If onr poor efforts should abortive prove.—
Then for our theatre — but let that alone,
Its inconvenience is already known ;
And for the scenery, yon (sad obligation)
Must paint it, partly, in imagination ;
This for the stage and play : but now eadi play'r^
With trembling hope bids me put up his pray'r ;
We seek not, sirs, they cry, theatric fame
(Some other way each fain would raise hi? name),
Yet eager wish to bear our parts with spirit,
And that wish constitutes our greatest ineritj
For, wanting skill, we have not the assurance
To look for more than just — your bare endurance.
But most our females your indulgence claim,
If they should fail, 'tis nature you must blame j
She, from the tone of their organization,
Will sufier but a cold representation ;
Hoping to please, they willingly come forth,
Well knowing failure cannot taint their worth j
For, in their bosoms still, a sacred flame
Burns emulative of a Nelson's fame.
Under each plaid,* we trust, you'll find a heart
That fain would act a more important part —
[Going off} returns again stiddenfy*
But stop, — a word or two before I go ;
Here, where each breast with loyalty doth glow,
Sounds dear to all shall thro' our theatre ring :
Music ! strike up aloud — " God save the King!"
[Muticplayt " God save the King."
•* An allusion, to the Highland dress worn in Douglas.
Prologue to OTHELLO, and the CITIZEX, performed by the
Young Gentlemen of his Majesty's Ship Albion, Murch9
EFORE the tragic muse begins her course,
By way of Prologue I'm sent out perforce,
To make some few apologies, and say
Something t' excuse our mangling Shakspeare's play :
Th' excuse for choosing it I fain would smother,
But truth will out — why, we could find no other:
Believe me, we should heartily rejoice,
Had circumstance permitted fitter choice ;
But such as 'tis, we hope you'll kindly bear, —
Nay, be contented with our homely fare :
So shall we deem some leisure hours well spent,
If our endeavours answer our intent.
We strive to please — not to draw plaudits forth,
Success or failure cannot change our worth :
We may succeed, but yet by fears oppress'd,
Expect your bare endurance at the best;
And, dreading failure, to prevent our shame,
We own our weakness, and indulgence claim:
If, as we fear, our strength should prove too small,;
Let interposing pity break our fall.
If we succeed, there's but one wish behind, —
The fervent wish of each true British mind :
From war's alarms may Britain soon be free,
Her commerce flourish, and her name still be,
* The world-envied sovereign of the sea.'
But, when the sword is drawn in her dear cause,
Still may th' event prove tragic to her foes :
Her sons, in this deep drama, all unite;
And may the Albions yet throw in their mite.
Firm and undaunted, then, each swelling heart
Will eager strive to take a foremost part :
Deem themselves blest in meeting wat'ry graves,
Proclaiming to the world that — Britain rules the. zsaves.
£" Rule Britannia" piayed in full chorus\
Bombay ) June 16, 1808, Z*
£9aO. C&rom fflok XXT. -4
WE request permission to make a few more extracts from
Mr. W. Scott's beautiful poem of Marmion. Such of our
readers as have watched the waving, in endlcsss variety, of the
colours on the ensign-staff', will admire the following passage: —
tf It George's banner, broad and gay,
Now faded, as the fading ray
Less bright, and less, was flung;
The evening gale had scarce the pow'r
To wave it on the Doajon tower,
So heavily it hung."
lc Lo, here his grave,
Who victor died on gadite wave;
To him, as to the burning levin,
Short, bright, resistless course was given ;
Where'er his country's foes were found,
Was heard the fated thunder's sound ;
'Till burst the bolt on yonder shore,
Iloll'd, blaz'd, destroy'd — and was no more."
The following allusions to marine scenery occur in the admir-
able description of the battle of Flodden Field.
11 And in the smoke the pennons flew,
As in the storm the white sea-mew :
Then marked they dashing broad and far,
The broken billows of the war,
And plumed crests of chieftains brave,
Floating like foam upon the wave.
Cl Advanc'd — fjrc'd back — now low, now
These pennons sunk and rose;
A.S bends the bark's mast in the gale,
When rent are rigging, shrouds, and sail?
Jit warcr'd 'in// the foes,
a Then skilful Surrey's sage commands
Led back from strife his shatler'd bands ;
And from the charge they drew,
As mountain waves, from wasted lands,
Sweep back to ocean blue."
In the introduction to the second canto, the genius of the poet
rises superior to all that criticism has ventured to pronounce in bis
description of the mountain lake Lock-skene, the character ef
whose scenery, he informs us, is uncommonly savage.
u And when that mountain sound I heard,
Which bids us be for storm prepar'd,
The distant rustling of his wings,
As up by force the tempest brings,
'Twere sweet, ere yet his terrors rave,
To sit upon the wizard's grave —
Thence view the lake, with sullen roar,
Heave her broad billows to the shore;
And mark the wild swans mount the gal?,
Spread wide through mist their snowy sail,
And ever stoop again, to lave
Their bosoms on the surging wave-
Yet him, whose heart is ill at ease,
Such peaceful solitudes displease:
He loves to drown his bosom's jar
Amid the elemental war:
Like that which frowns round dark Lock-skene,
There eagles scream from isle to shore,
Down all the rocks the torrents roar ;
O'er the black waves incessant driven,
Dark mists infect the summer heaven ;
Through the rude barrier* of the lake
Away its hurrying waters break,
Faster and whiter dash and curl,.
'Till down yon dark abyss they hurl :
Rises the fog-smoke white as snow,
Thunders the viewless stream below. "-*™
(December — January. )
FROM the great interest and importanceof the subject to the country
at large, we have been induced to give the military as well as the
naval details of the Gazette, relating to the disastrous, though glorious,
battle of Corunna, on the 1 6th of January.
It will be seen, that Sir John Moore, the gallant comrnancler-in-chief
of the British army, with several other distinguished officers, fell in the
sanguinary conflict ; and, according to report, we had previously lost not
fewer than 7, 000 men, in the course of our retreat to Lugo, and thence
to Corunna.
Much as we deplore the loss, the great and heavy loss, which we have
sustained, we have the satisfaction of knowing, that not the slightest
blame attaches to any of the officers or men concerned. The retreat
of Sir John Moore is justly considered as one of the most masterly upon
The peninsular form of Spain presenls an excellent opportunity for
carrying on the war, -agreeably to a plan which the late Lord Nelson so
often and anxiously pressed on the attention of government: which was,
to embark the army when hard pressed by a superior enemy, and land
them on some other part of the coast, where it could act with a greater
prospect of success; and to continue repeating this plan of attack, as a
sure means of harassing and separating the great armies which the French
can bring into the field.
A plan of this nature it was, in all probability, Sir John Moore's
intention to pursue ; but, in consequence of the great loss and fatigues
of the army, it has been found expedient for it to return to England.
"Whether, when recruited, it will be again sent out, is doubtful.
In the royal speech, at J.he opening of Parliament, it was intimated,
that the most vigorous assistance would continue to be afforded to Spain,
as long as that country should continue true to itself; and, as recently
as the 26th of January, since the distressing news of the battle of
Corunna arrived, Lord Mulgrave has, in the most decisive manner,
repeated that declaration.
Jf it be true, however, that the British officers have brought back the
army upon their own responsibility, and contrary to the expectation of
m nisters, it seems to intimate that the affairs of Spain are in a very
hopeless state ; and we trust that, before another man shall be sent from
o.ur shores, the most satisfactory information will be received of the
will, as well as of the power, ot the Spaniards to co-operate, with the
utmost cordiality, in resisting, and endeavouring to exterminate, the
The Jast accounts from the Spanish coast were brought by a ship
which -was off Conmna on the IRlh of January ; at which time, it is said,
the whole town wa* in flames. It is conjectured, that the Spaniards had
resisted the entrance of the French ; and that, from motives of revenge,
the sanguinary invaders had set fire to the place.
A French officer of high rank, supposed to be either Souk or Junot,
is said to have fallen in thehattle of Corunna.
We lament to state, that we have sustained considerable injury from
the elements as well as from the sword ; some of our transports
returning from Spain with troops, having been entirely lost, and others
greatly damaged.
His majesty's brig Primrose, of 18 guns, commandedby Captain ?>Icfn,
was wrecked on the Manacle Rocks, in a heavy gale, on the night of
Jan. 22, and the ^hole of (he otTkers and crew, with the exception of ^
lad, perished. The Primrose was esteemed one of the handsomest
vessel* of her class in his mr.jcsly's service : she was fitted out at Ply-
mouth at the same time with the Carnation, which was lately captured
in the West Indies.
Ptymottfli, Jan. 23.
Arrived this morning the Earfleur, of 100 guns, Rear-admiral Hoods
Tonnnnt, of 80 guns, Rear-admiral de Courcy ; Victory, of 100 guns ;
Implacable, Resolution, Xorge, Elizabeth, and Zealous, of 74 guns each ;
Amazon, Unicorn, and Endymion frigates; Mediator sf ore-ship ; and
Parthian sloop of war, from Corunna ; whence they sailed on Wednesday
last, with about 400 sail of transports under convoy : nearly 100 of the
latter have arrived here in the course of the day, with troops ; the
remainder are in channel, under convoy of four sail of the line, and the
greater part will probably put in here. The troops are greatly in want
of necessaries. When the fleet left Corunna, on Wednesday last, a heavy
cannonade was heard, which was supposed to be the bombardment of
Corunna by the French, who, it is slated, had succeeded in scttiifg the
town on fire; but it is stated, that the Spaniards still held out, though it
was understood that 30,000 men had reinforced Soult and Junot's army,
after the British had re-embarked. The killed, wounded, and missing of
the Brilish troops since they left England, are estimated at between
seven and eight thousand. — Arrived the Scorpion and Raleigh sloops of
war, on a cruise. — Sailed the Medusa, of 50 guns, for Spain ; and Plover
sloop of war, to the westward. — Arrived the French lugger privateer la
Clarisse, pierced for 16 guns with 60 men, from St. Maloes, captured bv
the Indefatigable frigale ; also the French schooner General Junot,
laden with flour and other provisions, captured by the Raleigh sloop of
war. Arrived the Sally, Captain Cooke, from Newfoundland, laden
with fish, last from Corunna, whence she sailed, on Wednesday last,
with the transports which are arrived here; the master of this vessel
slates, that the French troops were bearing down upon Corunna in ail
directions, and that the inhabitants had nearly all ficd from the town.
Sir David Baird is stated to be iu a very dangerous stale.
62 XAVAT, HISTORY or THE rnrsENt YEAH, 180S— 1S09.
The following particulars respecting the capture of his majesty's
schooner Rook, v.'erc communicated in a letter from the master, who
succeeded Lieutenant Lawrence in the command of the ship, a -id from the
mouth of the only survivor of the unfortunate crew who lias hitherto
reached England, and who himself was shot through the wrist aiid
shoulder, beside* some wounds with a cutlass ;
" The Hook, Lieutenant James Lawrence, sailed from Plymouth,
nnder tiie orders of Admiral Young, on the 24th of June, 1803, with
despatches for the West Indies. After a fine passage, she arrived at
Jamaica, from whence, after having waited a few da) 3 to refit, and take
in specie, she sailed for England, August 13th. For two days they
•were followed by a 'French schooner (which is pretty generally the case
•when a ship has anj money on board, and of which intelligence is soon
»;uncd at some of the French islands), but whom they beat off. On the
SSth of August, at day-light, they fell in with two French schooners,
and immediately cleared for action: on the largest vessel coming along-
side with English colours, and not answering when hailed, but immedi-
ately hoisting French colours? Lieutenant Lawrence shot the French
captain, when a most desperate action commenced; after an hour's hard
fighting, Lieutenant Lawrence received his last wound by a musket-ball,
and the Koo'.i was immediately carried by boarding, the French officers
repeatedly calling to the men to give no quarter.
4t Mr. Stewart, the master, received seven most desperate wounds
Tfith a cutlass, of which he afterwards recovered, but 1 am sorry to atKl
is since dead of the yellow fever. Mr. Donnelly, the clerk, was also
dangerously wounded in the groin, but is now recovered. Mr. George
Heed, an Officer in (he royal artillery, who has served his country on the
b!a,nd of Jaipaica for twenty years, and who was related by marriage to
Lieutenant Lawrence, was induced to embark on board the Rook, with
a very considerable property, in hopes to re-visit his native country, but
T;VS inhumaiHy killed by the enemy when boarding; and so eager were
they to get possession of a valuable ring which he happened to ha- e on
his tinker, that they nearly cut his hand off to attain it. The survivors
•were stripped naked, put in their boat, and turned adrift; but by the
exertions of four who were not wounded, they reached land, and were
most hospitably received by the natives. The Rook was so much
damaged, that the enemy could not get her into port, aud therefore set
lire, to her.
" Ilehlon, Jan. 22, 1S09.
" It is with extreme regret I inform you of the sorrowful tidings of
the loss of the Despatch transport and the Primrose sloop of war, the
former from Cori:;ma, and the latter outward-bound. The Despatch had
oa baard a detachment of the lib. Light Dragoons, amounting in ali
with the crew, to 100 people. Out of this number, only seven have
been saved from a watery grave. These brave fellows, 1 am told, ar«
the same who distinguished themselves so eminently under Lord Pagel.
The officers lost on this unhappy occasion are, Major Cavendish, Caot.
Duncanfield, and Lieutenant Waldegrave.
*' The loss of the Primrose, of 18 guns, is not less to be regretted
than that of the Despatch. She was driven by the tempestuous weather
upon the Manacle Rocks, about a mile from the spot where the trans-
port foundered. On this occasion every soul on board perished, except a
little boy. Both these melancholy events happened this morning at
about six o'clock. The Despatch transport belonged to Shields.''
The Primrose, Captain James Mein, sailed from Portsmouth a few
days ago, with a fleet of transports, consisting of about £0 sail, (he des-
tination of which we have not yet heard of. They had troops and storei
on board.
The Active armeil cutter lately captured a small French lugger,
mounting one gun, and manned with IS^men, having on board several
packets of French papers, to be distributed about the coast. The cap-
ture of this vessel explains a circumstance which certainly appeared sin-
gular— by what means casks with newspapers were made to float so di-
rectly from Boulogne ?<_• the Kentish coast. It now appears, that the
French send over vessels in the evening, to throw the casks containing
the papers within reach of the current that sets into the coast at certaia
periods of the tide.
" His majesty's brigs Reindeer and Pert, arrived in Port Royal, brings
us the tidings of the capture of Samana, that famous rendezvous for a
horde of privateers, by his majesty's frigates Franchise, Aurora, and
Da?dalus, and Reindeer and Pert brigs. On the lOlli inst. these ves<ei»
anchored off the town, when the alarm was soon spread -, and at the
sight of such a superior force, the principal part of the inhabitants,
consisting of upwards of- POO men, women, and children, sought refuge
on board the PExchange privateer of 14 guns and 100 men, and another
privateer lying in the harbour, expecting they would be able to effect
their escape to St. Domingo, with the assistance of their sweeps. The
men of war, perceiving their intention, immediately despatched four
boats, well manned, in pursuit of them, which soon came up with, and
captured them In the mean time several other boats proceeded to
storm the fort, which was accomplished after a slight resistance. \Ve
regret, however, to add> that Captain Dyer, of the Aurora, was dan-
gerously vfounded in the head by a musket-ball, while landing the
party. Four vessels, lying in the harbour, ladett with coffee, &c. al«o
fell into the hands of the captors. A vessel was shortly after despatched
lo Porto Rico with the intelligence, and requesting a sufficient number
of troops to be sent from thence to garrison ihe place.
The following is an extract of a letter received at Portsmouth from
Mr. Thomas Mason, late clerk of his majesty's ship Crescent, relative
to the melancholy loss of that ship. We give it publicity for the satis-
faction of the friends of the survivors, and to terminate the dreadful
state of jjusper.83 in which many must be on the occasion.
" On the 5th hist. (Dec.) we struck on the coast of Jutland, near
Bobsuout, and were completely wrecked, with the loss of 22® people.
The survivors, 60 in number, were saved; the major part on a raft,
the remainder in the jolly-boat. Our situation was truly dreadful, even
•worse than at the old ship's (Anson) loss. We have been removed
from Robsnout to this place (Aalborg), in waggons, about 32 miles.
We have as yet been treated very well — expect soon to be released.
List of Survivors.
Neilson Williamson, master.
John Weaver, first lieutenant of marines.
Francis Houg-hton, midshipman,! , . c, •
Thomas Mas&on, clerk, )late of his ™U«tj'»
J. R. Lavender, midshipman.
John Munro, ditto.
llathew Walker, boatswain.
Complement 272 men
1 passenger
C women
1 child
Lost 212 men
1 passenger
6 women
1 child
280 Total. 220 Souls lost.
The letters from America are full of complaints against the piracy
and cruelty committed upon American subjects and property by the
" French villains," as they are termed, who infest the ocean. A cata-
logue of captures is inserted in the American papers, which sufficiently
justifies the clamours of the people against the government for not
avenging the indignities hourly committed upon their trade. The in-
stances alluded to are, where American vessels, having received per-
mission from the president to sail from their respective ports, have
been captured by French privateers, their cargoes confiscated, and their.
crews put in prison in France.
The following letters brought from France by the Union American
ship, and written by two American captains, will serve to shew the
treatment now experienced by the trade and subjects of the United
State* from the enemy :
. Extract of a Letter from Captain Nicholas Owings, of the dniericay
Brig President, J.rom the Canary Islands, dated
"St. rullery, Nov. 28, 1808.
" It is with the greatest regret I inform you of my being captured,
on the 17th instant, close under the Isle of Wight, and seat in to tin*
place. I have ever since been, under a guard i& aa inu, aud am not
NAVAL illsTOltY OF THE PRESENT YEAR, 1S08 — 1809. 65
allowed to go out of my room without some person to guard me, a
thing which lias never before been known to have been done in France.
I impute it to there not being any neutral vessels brought in here."
Copy of a Letter from the Captain of the Mary.
" Boulogne Castle, 1st Dec. 1808.
I have the misfortune to acquaint you, that the brig Mary, of Phi-
ladelphia, under my command, was captured on the 19th ult. by tlie
French lugger privateer Grand Napoleon, of this port, and carried in
here. The Mary Avas captured between the port and the English shore.
The cargo, consisting of 192 tons of sweet oil, has already been dis-
charged; and lam, as well as my crew, kept as yet in prison, though!
have reason to suppose we shall soon he released. 1 have riot been able
to ascertain the motives of this government for capturing American
property, and detaining the subjects of the United States as prisoners;
out time and patience will unfold them, and afford us redress."
The influence of the French minister at the court of St. Petersburg!*
was lately strongly manifested in the case of an English gentleman, of
the name of Elphinstone, a captain in the Russian navy. Mr. Elphin-
atone, who is related to several persons of consideration in this country,
commanded the Russian frigate Venus, and on the breaking out of the
war with England, returned with Admiral Greig, Captain Bailey, and
others, who relinquished their commands in the Tagus, to St. Peters-
burgh. It was some time since reported to the French minister, Cauliu-
<ourt, that Captain Elphinstone had spoken in terms of reproof of
Buonaparte's conduct and politics; some fictitious charges were im-
mediately preferred against him, and he was sentenced, by a court-mar-
tial composed of Caulincourt's creatures, to he shot. The Emperor
Alexander, however, alarmed at so gross a violation of justice^ yet at
the same time dreading to offend the imperial representative, commuted
the punishment to banishment into Siberia.
Formerly 2,000 ships used annually to arrive at and leave Dantzic
port ; but during last year there were hut two arrivals.
The effects of the gales of Tuesday night the 24th of January, have
been severely felt among our shipping on the coast. Two very valuable
outward bound East Indiamcn have been totally lost on the Goodwin
Sands, besides other vessels; of which we believe the following particu-
lars will be found to be accurate. On the evening mentioned, great
apprehensions were entertained for the fate of the Indiamen proceeding
through the Downs; but nothing was known of their situation till the
following morning, when a most distressing scene presented itself to the
spectators from Deal. Three large ships were seen on the Goodwin
Sands, with only their foremast standing, hoisting signals of distress,
and the sea was dashing over them mountains high. The crews were all
collected on the poops, waiting for that relief which the Deal boatmen
f3at). STIjron. SJo!» XXI. K
seemed anxious to afford them. These men, by their indefatigable
exertions, and at the imminent hazard of their lives, reached the wrecks
of the Indiamen, and took out ot the Admiral Gardner the whole of
her crew.
The boatmen from Ramsgate and Broad-stairs joined those from Deal,
and removed into their boats the people from the Britannia, previous to
which this last ship had lost of her crew thrc lascars and twenty-four
seamen, and one died in one of the Deal boats from fatigue.
Of the crew of the Admiral Gardner, it is feared that four have been
lost ; for in the night one of the seamen having been washed overboard,
the third mate and three seamen volunteered their services to endeavour
to pick him up in the ship's-boat, which was never after heard of.
Other accounts estimate the Joss of the Britannia at only seven men.
We regret to state, that the boatmen were not in time to save a single
man belonging to the third ship (a large brig), and all the hands
on board perished. There were proper pilots on board the Indiamen,
but the violence of the weather baffled all their skill.
The Admiral Gardner was the first vessel driven upon the sands; and
as soon as the pilot of the Britannia found that that ship shoaled
her water, he let go one anchor, and after that two more, but such \vas
the violence of the gale, that she was driven on the sand with three
anchors a-head.
Yice-sdmiral Campbell, at day-light, sent two gun-brigs, a lugger,
and a cutter, to anchor as near as possible, in order to render the.
sufferers every assistance in their power. If the weather abated soon,
it was expected that part of the cargoes might be saved. — The loss has
been estimated at 200,0001.
After the gale the Cuffnells, we understand, returned to her station
31mp*rial parliament,
THE session of Parliament was opened this day by commission ; the
Commissioners were, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord
Chancellor, the Earl of Camdcn (president of the council), and the Duke
of Montrose (master of the horse).
The usual forms having been gone through, the Lord Chancellor "read
the following speech :
" My Lords and Gentlemen,
" We have it in command from his majesty to state to you, that hi»
majesty has ^called you together, in perfect confidence that you are
prepared cordially to support his majesty in the prosecution of a war
which there is no hope of terminating safely and honourably, except
through vigorous and persevering exertion.
•" We are to acquaint you, that his majesty has directed to be laid
before you copies of the proposals lor opening a negotiation, which
were transmitted to his majesty from Erfurth, and of the correspondence
which thereupon took place with the governments of Russia and of
France; together with the declaration issued by his majesty's command
on the termination of that correspondence.
" His majesty is persuaded, that you will participate in the feelings
which were expressed by his majesty, when it was required that his
majesty should consent to commence the negotiation by abandoning the
cause of Spain, which he had so recently and solemnly espoused.
" We are commanded to inform you, that his majesty continues to
receive from the Spanish government the strongest assurances of their
determined perseverance in the cause of the legitimate monarchy, and
of the national independence of Spain; and to assure you, that so long
as the people of Spain shall remain true to themselves, his majesty will
continue to them his most strenuous assistance and support.
" His majesty has renewed to the Spanish nation, in the moment of
its difficulties and reverses, the engagements which he voluntarily con-
traded at the outset of its struggle against the usurpation and tyranny
of France; and we are commanded lo acquaint you, that these en-
gagements have been reduced into the form of a treaty of alliance ;
which treaty, so soon as the ratification shall have been exchanged, his
majesty will cause to be laid before you.
" His majesty commands us to state to you, that while his majesty
contemplated with the liveliest satisfaction, the achievements of his
forces in the commencement of the campaign in Portugal, and the
deliverance of the kingdom of his ally from the presence and oppressions
of the French army, his majesty most deeply regretted the termination
of that campaign by an armistice and convention, of some of the
articles of which his majesty has felt himself obliged formally to de-
clare his disapprobation.
" We are to express to you his majesty's reliance on your disposition
to enable hi- majesty to continue the aid afforded by his majesty to
the King of Sweden, That monarch derives a peculiar claim to his
majesty's support, iu the present exigency of his affairs, from having
concurred with his majesty in the propriety of rejecting any proposal
for negociation to which the government of Spain was not to be admitted
as a party.
" Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
i: We are commanded by his majesty to inform you, that he has
directed the estimates of the current year to be laid before you. His ma-
jesly relics upon your zeal and affection to make such further provision
of supply as ths vigorous prosecution of the war may render necessary;
aiul he trusts lliat you may be enabled to find the means of providing
such s.ipply without any great or immediate increase of the existing
Burthens upon his people,
" His majesty feels assured, that it will be highly satisfactory for you
to learn, that notwithstanding the measures resorted to hy the enemj
fur the purpose of destroying the commerce and resources of this king-:
dom, the public revenue has continued in a course of progressive im-:
'? My Lords and Gentlemen,
" We are directed to inform you, that the measure adopted by Par-
liament in the last session for establishing a local militia, has been
already attended with the happiest success, aud promises to be extensively
and permanently beneficial to the country.
" We have received his majesty's commands most especially to re^
commend to you, that, duly weighing the immense interests which are
at stake in the war nov? carrying on, you should proceed with as
little delay as possible, to consider of the most effectal measures for
the augmentation of the regular army, in order that his majesty may
be the better enabled, withou impairing the means of defence at home,
to avail himself of the military power of his dominions in the great
contest in which he is engaged 5 and to conduct that contest, under the
blessing of divine Providence, to a conclusion compatible with the
honour of his majesty's crown, and with the interests of his allies,
of Europe, and of the world."
The Earl of Bridgcwater moved an address of thanks to his majesty;
which was seconded by Lord Sheffield; after which Earl St. Vincent
observed, that he could not suffer the^question to be put on the address,
without claiming their lordships' attention for a few moments. Though
he could not concur in every part of it, yet it was not his intention to
propose any amendment. His principal motive for rising was, to express
his unqualified disapprobation of the whole of the conduct of ministers;
of every thing they had done with respect to Spain, of every thing they
had done with respect to Portugal, of almost every thing they had done
since they cavne into power, and particularly for the last six months. The
noble lord who seconded the address had talked of the vigour and efficacy
of their measures. Vigour and efficacy indeed! when their whole con-
duct was marked by vacillation and incompetence. If such men, so
notoriously incapable, were not immediately removed, the country was
undone. There was one part, however, of the address and of the speech
in which he cordially agreed — that which condemned the armistice and
convention. It was the greatest disgrace that had befallen the British
arms, the greatest stain that had been affixed to the honour of the coun-
try since the Revolution. He was not at present disposed to enter into
an examination of the manner in which the naval part of that expedition
had been conducted : opportunity would arise for discussing the extra-
ordinary arrangement that had been made respecting the fleet in the
Tagus. He would not withhold from ministers whatever praise might be
due to them. He would give them credit for providing plenty of trans-
ports 5 but what was the merit of these exertiyiis ? Any one who offered
fc little more than the common market price might hire as many as he
pleased ; but ministers not only offered that market price, but a great
deal more than they should have done. And how were these employed ?
Why, in conveying Junot and his runaway ruffians, with their plunder
and exactions, all the plate and precious stones, and rare exhibitions of
art, the fruits of their robberies of churches, palaces, and private houses,
to France. It was with shame and sorrow that he saw men of the high-
est rank in the British army and navy superintending the embarkation
of this enormous fund of rapine and confiscation, and conducting it, and
the devils who had thus acquired a property in it, to those parts of
France nearest to Spain, who were thus enabled to enler that country
sooner than the brave fellows to whom they surrendered, and were now
actually engaged in chasing Sir John Moore from the peninsula ! If
they jneant really to assist the Spaniards, why did not ministers send
troops iu the first instance to the north of Spain ? Why did they send one
part of them to Lisbon, and another to Corunna, from which points no
junction could be effected, without being exposed to toilsome marches,
and such privations as could hardly be conceived by persons not
acquainted with those countries? It seemed to him as if they were
totally ignorant of the geography of the country they appeared soenger
and zealous to defend. He had, indeed, heard of a " heaven-boru"
minister, who, at the, first cabinet council he attended, asked, whether
Port Mahpn was an island, or on the continent. This, to be sure, was
bad enough ; but it did not betray half the ignorance that the conduct
of ministers did in every measure relating to Spain and Portugal, He
would say to his majesty, that if these men were not removed, the
kingdom was lost. There was no part of the conduct of ministers liable
to greater censure than that which related to the command of the army.
He would be the last man in the kingdom who would wish to detract
from the professional character of the officers employed ; but on so
momentous an occasion, he wished to see some of the princes of the
blood, wlio had been trained to arms from their youth, and many of
whom had seen a great deal of arduous and dangerous service : he
alluded particularly to one (the Duke of Kent) who would have fallen
the victim of his zeal in the West Indies, had he not been forcibly sent
Lome from that pernicious climate by himself and Sir Charles Grey,
These were the proper men to command the British army on thij occasion.
If it was not thought proper to employ these illustrious persons, there
were others to whom the country and the army looked up. There was
one (the Earl ofMoira, we believe) who, from his early career ofglorv,
from his princely munificence, and from the unbounded confidence which
the army would place in him, whether they were ordered to advance or
r*'troat, who was peculiarly qualified for a command of this description
-—a man who possibly might prove a second Earl of Peterborough —
a man, in short, who would have acted from himself, and who would
have acted vigorously and successfully. The noble earl next adverted to
the court of inquiry, which he considered as an expedient rather tp cover
some blot in their own conduct, than to do justice to the officers whd
were the ostensible objects of its proceedings, or to satisfy the country.
The case of the senior officer on that occasion was particularly hard : he
•was to be responsible for every thing, and yet he was to do nothing with-
out consulting the third in command. He was fettered by his instruc-
tions ; he was, in fact, to have no will, no discretion of his own.
This odious restraint did not, to be sure, appear on the face of his
instructions ; but it was conveyed in a manner equally binding upon him,
in the suspicious form of a private letter, a letter of counsel and recom-
mendation— a detestable mode of proceeding, to which he never had, or
would have recourse. An attempt had been made to justify the
convention of Cintra, by stating, that the French could have crossed the
Tagus, and got into Spain in defiance of any exertions of the army
by which they were beaten. The French cross the Tagus I If they did,
he would he bold to say, that every man of them must have passed
under the yoke. They would have to fight their way through as brave
a population as any in Europe. The Portuguese were not inferior in
bravery to the Spaniards, and there were no men more gallant than the
Fatter. He spoke of the Portuguese peasantry, for he would admit that
there were no people in the world upon whom less reliance for a vigorous
resistance could be placed than on the inhabitants of Lisbon. He begged
pardon for having taken up so much of their lordships' time; but he
could not refrain from expressing his decided disapprobation of the
conduct of ministers. If the House would do their duty, they would go
in that dignified manner that became them to the foot of the throne,
and implore his majesty to remove from his councils those men whose
measures would bring inevitable ruin on the country. In earnestly
recommending this, he was not swayed by personal considerations, la
a few hours he would enter into his seventy-fifth year, sixty-one of which
he had been in his. majesty's service. At this time of life, and under the
existing and increasing embarrassments of the country, he could not be
inspected of being very anxious to return to office. He should trespass
no longer upon their lordships' patience. He thanked God for having
given him strength to communicate his sentiments on the very critical
situation of the country ; and thanked the House for the indulgence it
had shewn h;m. He would offer no amendment, but content himself
with expressing his dissent from the address.
Lord Crcnvillc joined in censuring the conduct of ministers with
respect to Spain. He never conceived that there was such a prospect
as justified the sending an army into that country. We might have
furnished the Spaniards with arms, ammunition, &"c. and if they had
evinced a capability of resisting Buonaparte with effect, we might have
followed up their efforts. His lordship deprecated the unprecedented
manner in which the Russian fleet had been obtained, at Lisbon. It
should, in conformity to our old system, have been either captured,
burnt, sunk, or destroyed. His lordship also censured the orders ia
Council, as having been the cause of the American embargo.
Several other members delivered their sentiments ; and the Earl of
Liverpool having entered into a general defence of ministers, the address
was agreed to nem. dis.
The usual forms at the commencement of a session having been gone
through, Mr. Robinson moved an address of thanksfor the royal speech ;
which was seconded by Mr. S. Lushington; and, after a debate of con-
siderable length, it was agreed to, without a division or an amendment,
Copied verbatim from the LONDON GAZETTE;
Copy of a Letter from Vice-admiral Rowley, Commander-in-chief of Ms
Majesty's Ships and Vessels at Jamaica, to the lion. W. W. Pole, ^dated
at Port Royal, the 1*4 h October, 1808.
I enclose a copy of a letter from Captain Lillicrap, giving an account
of the capture of a small French privateer belonging to Guadaloupe, by
his majesty's sloop the Despatch.
His Majesty's Sloop Despatch, Port Royal,
SIB, October 13, 1808.
1 have the satisfaction to inform you, I captured, on the night of the
tid instant, off Nevis, the small French schooner privateer Uorade,
belonging to Guadaloupe, mounting one brass gun, with small arms, ami
twenty men.
I have the honour to be, &ct
Vice-admiral Iioidfyt t$c.
Copy of a Letter from Captain Hole, of his Majesty" s Sloop the Egeria, to
Vice-admiral Douglas, Commander-in-chief at Yarmouth, and transmitted
ky the latter to the Hon. W. W. Pole.
His Majesty's Sloop Ezcria, Yarmouth
SIR Roads, Dec. 27, 1808.
I have the honour to inform you, that, on the 21st instant, the Scaw
bearing S. by E. twelve leagues, I fell in with and, after a chase of two
hours, captured the Danish schooner privateer Ncesois, of ten guns, Gier»
mund Holm, master, with a complement of thirty-six men, hut had on board
only twenty-six; out from Fridricksvern one day, without taking any
I have the honour to be, &c.
Eztract of a Letter from Captain Dundus, of his Majesty's Ship Na'md, W
Captain Btresford, of the Theseus, dated <>ff the 'Entrance of the Loire, the
Mth Instant, and transmitted by the latter to the Hon. W'. W. Pole.
I beg leave to acquaint you, for the information of the commander-in-
ch ief that last evening at eight, the Naiad and Narcissus being close in with-
Noinnountier, we discovered and soon captured the French privateer brig
Fanny, of sixteen guns and eighty paen, commanded by C'barle* llamon, am-
only a few liours from Nantz, and consequently had made no capture. She
was intended to cruise off the coast of Ireland ; and at Midnight we captured
the French sloop Superb, letter of marque, of four guns and twenty men,
with a cargo of sundries for Martinique. Mr. Ilamon lately commanded
tlie Venus privateer, that did great injury to our trade.
JANUARY 3, 1809.
Vice-admiral Lord CoUingwbocLhas, with his letter of the 95th of October
last, transmitted to the Hon. W. W. Pole a letter from Captain Pearse, of
his majesty's sloop the Halcyon, giving an account of the capture of the
whole of a convoy belonging to the enemy under the town of Diamante, on
the 8th of September, by the above sloop, the Wea/le, (Captain Prescott),
and a Neapolitan galley, with a detachment of the British army under the
command of Lieutenant-colonel Bryce.
Lord Collingwood commends the zeal and dexterity of Captains Pearse and
Prescott, as also the ability with which the co-operation of the army was
conducted on the above enterprise, which was achieved without any lo*s
on our part.
N.B. The particulars of the above affair are contained in the letter and
enplosure from Lieutenant-general Sir John Stuart, inserted iu the gazette
of the 13th ultimo.
Copy of a Letter from Captain Thomas Ilarcey, of his Majesty's Ship the
Standard, dated off Corfu, 26th June, 1808, to Vice-admiral Lord Colling'
wood, Commander-in-chief in the Mediterranean, and transmitted by the
latter to the Hon. W. W. Pole.
At day-light this morning T fell in with la Volpe, Italian gun-boat,
commanded by Ensign de Vaisseau Micheli Mangin, carrying an iron four-
pounder, with twenty men well armed. The la Legcra, French despatch
boat, with a well armed crew of fourteen men, was with la Volpc. At nine,
the wind failing, I sent the pinnace with Lieutenant Richard Cull, and
the eight-oared cutter with Captain Nicholis of the royal marines (both
volunteers) in chase. After two hours' rowing, the weather very hot, they
approached la Volpe, who commenced a fire of musketry on them, which
was returned with the swivda, and, when near, with muskets. On the boats
approaching each quarter to board, the gun-boat pulled short round, and
fired at the cutter both round and grape; the bo^ts dashed at him, when
lie struck, and was taken possession of by Captain Nicholls; Lieutenant
Cull immediately pushed on in chase of la Lcgera. Some time previous to-
this I had despatched the yawi, with Lieutenant John Alexander, to be
ready to cut her off; which affording him the opportunity of obliging hrr to
run on shore about four miles northward of Cape St. Mary, the crew
formed on the rocks above her, and endeavoured to prevent the yawl's .
approach ; hut she was taken possession of by Lieutenant Alexander, who
was immediately after joined by Lieutenant Cull and Captain Nicholls ;
they towed her out under a fire of musketry from the shore, which was
returned by our marines in the boats with great spirit ; one of the Fre»ch»
inen was seen killed. A French ensign de vaisseau was passenger in
4a T,egera. I was much gratified on the return of the boats in learning we
had not suffered.
Tii this little atfair, the gallantry and good conduct of the officers and men
concerned gave me very great satisfaction : both Captain Nichollsand Lieu-
tenant Cull speak in high terms of the assistance they received from Messrs.
Hahies and Parker, master's mates of the Standard:
Monsieur Monier, ensign de vaisseau, on the staff of General Dougelet
•f Corfu, was taken in la Volpi. 1 burnt bdth vessels.
I remain, &c.
Th-s Right Hon. Lord CoUingKOod, dfc.
Copy of a Letter from lire- admiral Lord CoUingwood, Commander-in-chief
of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels in the Mediterranean, to the Hon. ftr.
fr. Pole, dated on board the Ocean, cff Toulon, the 19th of October, 1803.
T enclose a letter which I have just received from the Right Hon. Lord
Cochrane, captain of the Imperteuse, stating the services which he has
been employed in on the coast of Langnedoc.
Nothing can exceed the activity and ieal with which his lordship pursues
the enemy. The success which attends his enterprises clearly indicates
with what skill and ability they are conducted; besides keeping the coast in
constant alarm, causing a total suspension of the trade, and harassing a
body of troops employed in opposing him, he has, probably, prevented those
troops, which were intended for Figueras, from advancing into Spain, by
giving them employment in the defence of their own coasts.
On the coast towards Genoa the enemy has been equally annoyed by the
Kent and Wizard. Those ships have had that station some time to prevent
the French ship sailing from Genoa, and have almost entirely stopped the
only trade the enemy had, which is in very small vessels ; during their
cruise there they have taken and destroyed twenty-three of those coasters.
I enclose the letter of Captain Rogers, giving an account of the attack-made
ut Noli, and the capture of the vessels in the road.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Iinperieuse, G ulf of Lyons,
MY LORD, 28<A Sdpt. 1808.
V>'ith varying opposition, but with unvaried success, the re'>vly construct-
ed Semaphoric telagraphs, which are of the utmost consequence to the
safety of the numerous convoys that pass along the coast of France,
at Bourdique, la Pinede, St. Magnirc, I rontignan, Canet and Foy, have
been blown up and completely demolished, together with their telegraph-
•urteen barracks of the gens-d'arms, or Donanes, one batter)',
and the strong tower upon the lake of Frontignan.
'Mr. Mapleton, first lieutenant, had command of those expeditions; lieu-
renant Johnson had charge of the field- pieces, and Lieutenant Hore of the
royal marines. To them and to Mr. Gilbert, assistant-surgeon; Mr.
Burr.ey, gunner, Messrs. Stewart and Stovin, midshipmen, is due whatever
credit may arise from such mischief, and for having with ?o small a force
drawn about two thousand troops from the important: fortress of Figueras in
Spain, to the defence of their owa coast.
/9stJ. etynm. 2101, XXI. t,
The conduct of Lieutenants Mapleton, Johnson, and Hore deserves mf
best praise, as well as that of the other officers, royal marines, and seamen.
I have the honour to be, &c.
The Right lion. Lord ColKngreood, $c.
tmperieusc — None killed ; none wounded ; one singed blowing up a
French — One commanding ofliser of troops killed; how many other*
His Majesty's Ship Kent, off'
STRr 2J August, 1808.
1 beg leave to acquaint you, that yesterday, niniving along the coast from
Genoa towards Cape del Melle, we discovered a convoy of ten sail oi
coasters deeply laden, under the protection of a gun-bout, at an anchor
close to the beach abreast of the town of Noli ; and as there appeared a
fair prospect of bringing them out by a prompt attack, before the enemy
had time to collect his force, I instantly determined to send in the boats of
the Kent and Wizard ; and as there was but little wind, I directed Captain
Ferris, of the Wizard, to tow in and cover the boats, which immediately put
off, and, by great exertion, soon towed her close to the vessels, when
it was found impossible to bring them out without landing, most
of them being fastened to the shore by ropes from their keels and3
mast-heads, the boats therefore pulled to the beach with great resolution,.
exposed to the fire of two guns in the bow of the gun-boat, two-field pieces
placed in a grove which ffitnked the beach, a heavy gun in front of the town,
and a continued fire of musketry from the bouse*: but these were no check
to the ardour and intrepidity of British seamen and marines, who leaped1
from the boats, and rushed upon the enemy with a fearless zeal that was
not to be resisted. The gun in front of the town was soon taken and spiked"
by Lieutenant Chasman, second of the Kent, who commanded the seamen,
and Lieutenant Hanlon the royal marines; and the enemy, who had drawn
up a considerable force of regular troops in the grove to defend the two field-
pieces, was dislodged by Captain Rea, who commanded the royal marines,
and Lieutenant Grant of that corps, who took possession of the field-pieces.
and brought them off. In the mean time, Lieutenants Lindsay and Moresby
of the Kent, and Lieutenant B:s?ett of the Wizard, who had equally distin-
guished themselves in driving the enemy from the beach, were actively
employed in taking possession of the gun-boat, and freeing the vessels fron;
their fasts to the shore; and I had soon the satisfaction to sec our people
embark, and the whole oi the vessels coming out under the protecting tire
of the Wizard, which, by the judicious conduct of Captain Ferris, con-
tributed very essentially to keep the enemy in check, both in the advance
and retreat of the boats.
I should have pleasure in noticing the midshipmen and other* who were
conspicuous in this little enterprise, but I fear that I have already given a.
longer detail than it may be thought worthy of, and shall therefore only beg;
leave to add, that one seaman killed, and one badly wounded, (since dead)
both of the Kent, is all the loss we sustained. The enemy left many dead
on the ground.
The gun-boat was a national vessel, called la Vigilanter commanded by
an enseigne de vaisseau, with a complement of forty-five men.
I have the honour to be, ccc
f Esq. Vice-admiral of the Whit 9, Ac.
James Skinner, captain of forerop.
William Palmer, able seaman, since dead.
P.S. Since writing the above, the boats of the Kent and Wiisard have
brought out without mischief, from under the guns of a fort near Leghorn,
where they had taken shelter, three laden vessels, and burnt a fourth, which
was aground and could not be got off.
Copy afa Letter from Rear-admiral the Honourable. Sir Alexander Cochrane,
JL B. Commander in-chiff of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels at the
Leeward Inlands, to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated on board the Neptune,
vff Point Salines, Martinique, Xovcxiber 10, 1B08.
I have great satisfaction in enclosing, for the information of the Lords
.Commissioners of the Admiralty, a copy of a letter from Captain Pigot, of
his majesty's ship Circe, acquainting me with the capture of the French cor-
vette Palineur; the last of the two which were so gallantly beaten by his
majesty's sloop Goree, commanded by Captain Spear, the other having becu
brought in by tlie Poinpee some time siu.ce.
I am, &G.
Tfis Mf>^.stji/s Ship Circe, off" Fort Royal,
SIR, Martinique, October 31, 1U08.
I have the pleasure of acquwnting you, that at day-light I observed a hrjg
uadcr jury-masts coming before, the wind, and on my making sail, hauled
close round the Diamond rock. It being nearly calm, she was enabled,
with her sweeps antl a boat, to get under the protection of a battery on
Point Solomon before we came up with her: when, after an action often
or fifteen minutes, she struck her colours.
She proves to be the Palineur, commanded by Monsieur Fourniers, a.
French national bri^, of fourteen twenty-four pounder carronades, and two
pix-pounder guns, had but sevcnty-nuie men on board, most of whom were
woops of the 8'2d regiment. I have to regret the loss of one man killed and
one wounded ; tlie enemy, seven killed and eight wounded. The battery
was so much above us, that few, if any, shots were fired at it,
I am, &c.
II. PIGOT, Captain,
fo Rear-tttlitiirul the Hon. Sir Aksandcf
Cochrane, K.B. fyf.
Copy of another Letter from Rcnr-admintl the lion. Sir Alexander Cochrane,
K.B. to ike lion. W. IT. Pole, dalal Bdltistf, to Windward if Point
Suli'ics, Martinique, November i>,
The enclosed copy of a letter from Captain Cockburn, of his majesty's
•Jiip Pompee, will acquaint you, for tlie information of the Lords CommisM
sioners of the Admiralty, with the capture of the Pylades, a French brig
Corvette of sixteen guns.
I am, &C.
76 NAVAL H-isiony or THE PHESEST YEAR, 1Q08 — 1SQ9,
His Majesty^ Ship Pmnpec, Barbadoes,
SIK, 'October 22, 1808.
I have great pleasure in informing you, that his majesty's ship under my
command, on her passage litre, on the 20th October, fell in with, and after
a long chase of eighteen hours came up with untl captured le Fylade, a
Trench forij; corvette, mounting fourteen twenty-four-pounder carronades
and two long nine-pounders, commanded by Monsieur Cocherel, lieutenant
de vuisseau, and having on board one hundred and nine men.
She was eight days from Martinique, but had not made any capture. She
is only three years old, in perfect good state, and in every respect fit for His
majesty's service. I am also assured by her officers, she is the fastest sail-
ing vessel the French had in these seas.
I have the honour to be, &c.
E. COCK BURN*, Captain.
To Sir A. Cochrane, K.B. 'Rear-admiral of the Red, $c.
Copy of another Letter from R far-admiral the Hon. Sir Alexander Cnchranc,
' K. B. fyc. to the Hon. fV. W. Pale, dated on board {he Northumberland,
to Windward of Point Salines, Martinique, the %d of November, 1803.
I enclose the copy of a letter from the master of his majesty's late brig
Maria, giving an account of her capture, by a large French corvette ship, ot
twenty-two heavy guns.
The Maria was a small brig, of twelve twelve-pounder carronades, and
two long fours, and sixty-five men. The oilicers and crew, however, fought
her well, and did not strike until she was near sinking. When the enemy
took possession they were obliged to run her on shore and destroy her.
I regret the loss of her commander, Lieutenant Bennett, who was an
officer of long standing, and of great merit; Mr. O'Donndl, midshipman,
was also killed, and four seamen, and nine others are wounded.
SIR, Roseau, Dominica, Oct. 18, 1803.
I have taken the earliest opportunity of acquainting yon of the loss of his
majesty's brig Maria, Lieutenant Bennett, late commander.
Wishing to join you as soon as possible1, I made application for a cartel,
which was granted for four officers and myself, bv General Emeu?
Dominica, where we arrived this morning, on the 29th September, Point
Antigua Grand Tierre bearing S.W. At 6 A.M. saw a sail br-aring S.E. by
S, Made all sail to cut her of}' the land. When we came within a mile of
the chase, she seemed to hard more tor the land. Lieutenant Bennett sup-
posed her to be a French letter of man|nc. When we came within aun-
£hot, shewed our ensiiiu and pendant, still keeping within her and the Land.
A flaw from the land took us aback ; and fell dead calm, which exposed us
to her broadside. .She then hoisted her French ensign and pendant, up
ports and raked us fore and afc. Lieutenant Bennett used every exertion
in ordering sweeps to be got out, which was instantly done ; but we
received her second broadside in the like manner. We kept up a constant
fire when our broadside would bear; it still continued calm ; finding it im-
possible to save his majesty's brig by attempting to run, and from the state
of our masts, and yards, and rigging, then making much water. from shot
received in our hull, still kept up the action. Our ensign haulyards being
shot away, the French captain asked, " Had we struck r" was answered in
the negative by Lieutenant Bennett, who was shortly after killed by three
grape shot he received in his body. I still ordered the (ire to be kept up,
until I found his majesty's brig iu a sinking condition ; struck.
HISTORY OF THE PRESENT YE All, 1808 — 1809. 77
Whether from the confusion of the enemy, or from the situation she wrsi
then in, they, shortly after taking possession of his majesty's brig, ran her
on shore, and left her an entire wreck.
She is the French national vessel le Sards, mounting twenty-two guns,
and one swivel.
On her main-deck, sixteen thirty-two pound carronades, and four Jong
twelve pounder HU-.IS. On her quarter deck, two nine-pounders*
I am sorry to add the loss on board his majesty's brig, Maria, was James
Bennett, lieutenant, commander; Robert O'Donnell, midshipman ; and
four seamen, killed; and nine wounded, now in Point a Petre hospital, iu
a fair way of recovery. It would have given pleasure both to officers and
seamen to have captured her. From her superiority in force \vas compelled
to strike.
I have, cx'c.
To the ll'^n. Sir Alexander Cochrane, K.B. 4'C.
C(y" of a Letter from Rear-admiral the Hon. Sir Alexander Cochrane, K.B.
Commander- tn^chif^f <>f his JUtnetty't Ships and Firsst/s at t/ie Leeuard
1st: H -it. H . If'". Pole, dated on board the Belleiele, at Barbu-
docs, Octubtr 21, Io08.
I enclose, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admi-
ralty, the copy of a letter from Captain Sanders, of his majesty's sioop
Bcilette, giving an account of his capturing a large schooner privatetr of
seven guns and seventy men.
} am, &c.
IJh 3/ty'ctf/s Sloop Bellette, at Sea.
«B, 23d August, 1808.
I have the honour to inform you, that Ins majesty's sloop Bellette, under
•my command, has raptured, alter a chase of four hours, the French
schooner privateer Coufiance, mounting seven guns, (pierced for sixteen)
with a complement of seventy men ; three days from Cayenne.
I have the honour to be. &c.
Hon. Sir Alexander Cochrane, K.B. Commander in-fhitf.
Extract of a Letter f:om Rear-admiral Sir I?. G. Keats, K.B. addressed to
Vice-admiral Sir Junns Suiin/urez, Ba>t. and K.B. and transmitted to the
Hon. If. IF. Pole, dated' on board his AJujtsty's Ship the Superb, off
I have the honour hercw'th to transmit a letter which has been addressed
to Captain Sir Archibald Uickson, of the Orion, by Captain Morris, of the
>Iai;uer, reporting to him the capture, off the island of Bornhohn, of
the Danish cutter privateer Paulina, mounting ten guiiSj and with a corps
of fort) -two "men.
His 3Tajestys Shop Magnet, off" Bornholm,
SIR, December 5, 1808.
I have to inform you that, cruising in obedience to your orders, I discover-
ed at aoou a cuucr under BornhoJin, and, by disguising his majesty's bng
under my command, succeeded in drawing her off the land, when I chased
and came up with her at dusk, the north end of Bornhohn bearing S. S. E.
two miles.
She is called the Paulina, a Danish privateer, mounting ten guns (four
and eight pouuders). and manned with forty. two men ; from Copenhagen
twelve days, and had not made any capture ; her guns, except three, were
thrown overboard during the chase.
I have the honour to he, &c.
To Sir A. C. Dickson, Bart. Captain of
his Majesty's Ship Orion.
Copt/ of a Letter from Charles Gill, Esq. Commander of his Majesty's Sloop
Onyx, to the Hon. W. W, Pole, dated Hull Roads, January 10, 1309.
I beg leave to inform you, for the information of my Lords Commission-
ers of the Admiralty, that on the morning of the first instant, at day-light,
when in lat. 53 deg. 30 min, long. 3 deg. we discovered a strange brig on the
lee bow, standing to the southward, on which we made the private signal.
She immediately shewed Dutch colours, and hoved to, as if prepared for
battle. We kept our wind until eight o'clock, when, being perfectly ready,
we bore down and brought her to close action. The enemy attempted
several times to rake us, but, from our superior sailing, we were enabled to
foil every attempt. At half past ten she struck her colours, being much cut
up in her sails and rigging, and having most of her guns disabled by the
superior fire kept up by the Oynx, which, considering the very heavy sea,
displayed a cool and steady conduct, by far beyond any thing I could expect
from so young a ship's company, and merits my warmest commendations.
She proved to be the Dutch national brig Manly, formerly British, and cap-
tured by the Dutch in the river Ems. She mounts twelve eightecn-pounder
carronades, and four long brass six-pounders, with a complement of ninety-
four men ; commanded by Captain-lieutenant J. W. Heneyman of the
Dutch navy.
I am happy to say our loss is much more trifling than might be expected:
from so long and close a conflict, which can only be accounted for by the
very heavy sea running the whole of the time, having only three wounded,
and the enemy five killed and six wounded.
I feel more pleasure in announcing her capture, as she sailed from the
Texel, in company with another brig, for the sole purpose of annoying and
intercepting our trade with Heligoland. She has made one small capture
from Embden, laden with oats, supposed to be for England.
I beg leave to recommend to their lordships' notice my first lieutenant,
Mr. E. W. Garretr, who is an old and very deserving otticer, and to whose
advice and assistance I feel much indebted ; also Mr. W. Trewren, the
second lieutenant, who is a deserving good officer, and to whose zeal and
activity the service is much indebted. I cannot pass over in silence the
assistance I received from Mr. G. D. Louis, acting master, whose exertions
in manoeuvring the brig, so as to completely foil the enemy's schemes to
rake, evinced a great display of professional skill, aitcl who>e conduct tna
•whole of the time was highly meritorious, as well as that of Mr. Z. Webb.
the Purser, who volunteered his- services in the direction of the small
ar:n men aud marines.
I have the honour to be, &c.
A List of Killed and Wounded on board liis Majesty's Sloop Onvx, and the
Dutch jiational B/ig Manly, during (he Action of the lit January,
Oni/Xj 10 guns and 76 men.
None killed; Thomas Smith, seaman, badly wounded; James Harlow,
(1) slightly wounded; James Langworth, hoy, badly wounded, since dead.
, Manly, 16 suns and 94 men.
Five killed and six wounded.
Rear-admiral d'Auvergne, Prince of Bouillon, has transmitted to the
Hon. W. W. Pole a letter from Captain Pringie, of his majesty's sloop
bparrowhawk, dated oft Cherbourg the 12th instant, giving an account
of his having, that day, captured the French privateer cutter 1'Esperance,
of fourteen guns and fifty four men.
Captain O'Comrbr, commander of his majesty's sloop the Ned Elwin,
has transmitted to the Hon. W. W. Pole a copy of a letter addressed by
him to Vice-admiral Sir James Saumarez, giving an account of his
having, on the 17th of December, captured the General Kapp, Preach
privateer brig, of eight guns and forty-one men, which had left Dantzic
Ihe evening before.
The Hoa. Captain Hope arrived late last night with a despatch from
Lieutenant-general Sir David Baird to Lord Viscount Castlereagh, one of
his majesty's principal secretaries of state, of which the following is a
His Majesty' s Sliip Ville de Paris,
MY LORD, at Sea, Jan. 18.
By the much lamented death of Lieutenant-general Sir John Moore,
who fell in action with the enemy oa the 16th instant, it has become my
duty to acquaint your lordship, that the French army attacked the
British troops in the position they occupied in front of Corunna,
at about two o'clock in the afternoon of that day. A severe wound
which compelled me to quit the field a short time previous to the fall
of Sir John Moore, obliges me to refer your lordship for the particulars
of the action, which was long and obstinately contested, to the enclosed
report of Lieutenant-general Hope, who succeeded to the command of
the army, and to whose ability and exertions, in direction of the ardent
zeal and unconquerable valour of his majesty's troops, is to be attributed,
under Providence, the success of the day, which terminated in the com-
plete and entire repulse and defeat of the enemy at every point of
attack. The Honourable Captain Gordon, my aide-de-camp, will have
the honour of delivering this despatch, and will be able to give your
lordship any further information which may be required.
I have the honour to be, &c.
D. BAIRD, Lieut, Gen.
Right ff&n. Lord rtscount Castlereagh*
His Majesty's Ship Audacious, ojf
»i R Corunna, Jan. 18.
In compliance with the desire contained in your communication of
jesterday, 1 avail myself of the first moment 1 have been able to cvm-
rnand, to detail to you the occurrences of the action which took place-
in front of Corunna on the 16th instant. It will be in your recollection,
that about one in the afternoon of that day, the enemy, v ho had in the
morning received reinforcements, and who had placed sonic guns in front
of the right and left of his line, was observed to be moving troops
towards his left flank, and forming various columns of attack at that
extremity of the strong and commanding position which on the morn-
ing of the 13th he had taken in our immediate front. This indication
of his intention was immediately succeeded by the rapid and determined
attack which he made upon your division which occupied the right of our
position. The events which occurred during that period of the action
you are fully acquainted with. The first effort of the enemy was met
by the commander of the forces, and by yourself, at the head of the 42d
regiment, and the brigade under Major-general Lord William Bentinck.
The village on your right became an object of obstinate contest. I
lament to say, that soon after the severe wound which deprived the
army of your services, Lieutenant-general Sir John Moore, who had just
directed the most able disposition, fell by a cannon-shot. The troops,
though not unacquainted with the irreparable loss they had sustained,
•were not dismayed, but by the most determined bravery not only repelled
every attempt of the enemy to gain ground, but actually forced him to
retire, although he had brought up fresh troops in support of those
originally engaged.
The enemy finding himself foiled in every attempt to force the right of the
position, endeavoured by numbers to turn it. A judicious and well-timed
movement which was made by Major-general Paget with the reserve, which
corps had moved out of its cantonments to support the right of the army,
t>y a vigorous attack, defeated this intention. The major-general having
pushed forward the 95th (rifle corps) and 1st battalion 52d regiments, drove
the enemy before him, and in his rapid and judicious advance, threatened
the left of the enemy's position. This circumstance, with the position of
Lieutenant-general Fraser's division (calculated to give still further security
to the right of the line) induced the enemy to relax his efforts in that
quarter. They were however more forcibly directed towards the centre,
where they were again successfully resisted by the brigade under Major ge-
neral Manningham, forming the left of your division, and a part of that
tinder Major-general Leigh, forming the right of the division under
my orders. Upon the left, the enemy at first contented himself with
an attack upon our piquets, which, however, in general maintained their
f round. Finding, however, his efforts unavailing on the right and centre,
e seemed determined to render the attack upon the left more serious, and
Lad succeeded in obtaining possession of the village through which the
great road to Madrid passes, and which was situated in front of that part
of the line. From this pose, however, he was soon expelled, with consider-
able loss, by a gallant attack of some companies of the 2d battalion
14th regiment, under Lieutenant- colonel Nicholls; before five in the even-
ing, we had not only successfully repelled every attack made upon the posi-
tion, but had gained ground in almost all points, and occupied a more
forward line than at the commencement of the action, whilst the enemy
confined his operations to a cannonnde, and the fire of his Ii;;ht troops,
with a view to draw off his Other corps. At six the firing entirely coasod.
1 'he different brigades were re-assembled nn the ground ilicy occupied in
the morning, and the piquets and advanced posts resumed their original
stations. Notwithstanding the decided and marked superiority which at
this moment the gallantry of the troops had given them over an enemy, who,
from his numbers, and the commahdiug advantages of his position, no
doubt expected nn easy victory, 1 did not, on reviewing all circumstances,
conceive that I should be warranted in departing from what I knew w:is
the fixed and previous determination of the late commander of the forces
to withdraw the army on the evening of the 16th, for the purpose of embark-
ation, the previous arrangements for which had already been made by his
order, and were in fact far advanced at the commencement of the action.
The troops quitted their position about ten at night, with a degtee of order
that did them credit. The whole of the artillery that remained un-
embarked having been withdrawn, the troops followed in the order
prescribed, arid marched to their respective points of embarkation in the
town and neighborhood of Corunna. The piquets remained at their posts
until five on the morning of the l?th, when they were also withdrawn with
similar orders, and without the enemy having discovered the movement.
By the unremitted exertions of Captains the Honourable H. Curzon,
Gosselin, Boys, Rainier, Serret, Hawkins, Dighy, Garden, and Mackenzie,
of the royal navy, who in pursuance of the orders of Rear-admiral da
Courcey, were entrusted with the service of embarking the army; and in
consequence of the arrangements made by Commissioner Bowen, Captains
Bowen and Shepherd, and the other agents for transports, the whole of the
army was embarked with an expedition that has seldom been equalled.
With the exception of the brigades under Major-generals Hill and
Beresford, which were destined to remain on shore, until the movements of
the enemy should become manifest, the whole was afloat before day-light.
The brigade of Major-general Beresford, which was alternately to form our
rear-guard, occupied the land front of the town of Corunna; and that
under Major-general Hill was stationed in reserve on the promontory
in rear of the town. The enemy pushed his light troops toward the town
soon after eight o'clock in the morning of the 17th, and shortly after
occupied the heights of St. Lucia, which command the harbour. B'ut not-
withstanding this circumstance, and the manifold defects of the place,
there being no apprehension that the rear-guard could be forced; and the
disposition of the Spaniards appearing to be good, the embarkation of
Major-general Hill's brigade was commenced and completed by three in the
afterooon. Major-general Beresford, with that zeal and ability which is so
well known to yourself and the whole army, having fully explained, to the
satisfaction of the Spanish governor, the nature o o .r ruovempijt, and having
made every previous arrangement, withdrew his corps from the land front of
the town, soon after dark, and was, with all the wounded that had not been
previously moved, embarked before one this morning. Circumstances
forbid us to indulge the hope, that the victory with which it lias pleased
Providence to crown the efforts of the army, can be attended with un* very
brilliant consequences to Great Britain. It is clouded by the loss of one of
her best soldiers. It has been achieved at the termination of a long and
harassing service. The superior numbers and advantageous position of ther
enemy, not less than the actual situation of this army, did not admit of any
advantage being reaped from success. It must be, however, to you, to the
army, and to our country, the sweetest reSection that the imtre of
. 2JoI. XXI. u
the British arms has been maintained, amidst many disadvantageous circum-
stances. The army which had entered Spain, amidst the fairest prospects,
had no sooner completed its junction, than, owing to the multiplied
disasters that dispersed the native armies round us, it was left to its
own resources. The advance of the Britibh corps from the Ducro afforded
the hest hope that the south of Spain might be relieved, but this generous
effort to save the unfortunate people, also afrbrcled the enemy the oppor-
tunity of directing; every effort of his numerous troops, and concentrating
all his principal resources for the destruction of the only regular force in the
north of Spain. You are well aware with what diligence this system
has been pursued. These circumstances produced the necessity of rapid
and harassing marches, which had diminished the numbers, exhausted the
strength; and impaired the equipment of the army. Notwithstanding
all these disadvantages, and those more immediately attached to a definitive
position, which the imperious necessity of covering the harbour of Corunna,
for a time, had rendered indispensable to assume, the native and undaunted
valour of British troops was never more conspicuous, and must have
exceeded even what your own experience of that invaluable quality, so
inherent in them, may have taught you to expect. When every one that
had an opportunity, seemed to vie in improving it, it is difficult for me, in.
making this report, to select particular instances for your approbation. The
corps chiefly engaged were the brigades under Major-generals Lord William
Bentinck, and Manniugham and Leigh; and the brigade of guards under
Major-general Warde.
To these officers, and the troops under their immediate orders, the
greatest praise is due. Major-general Hill aud Colonel Catlin Craufurd,
•with their brigades on the left of the position, ably supported their advanced
posts. The brunt of the action fell upon the 4th, 42d, 50th, and 81st regi-
ments, with parts of the brigade of guards, and the 26th regiment. From
Lieutenant-colonel Murray, quarter-master-general, and the officers of the
general-staff, I received the most marked assistance. I had reason to regret,
that the illness of Brigadier-general Clinton,, adjutant-general, deprived me
of his aid. I was indebted to Brigadier-general Slade during the action,
for a zealous offer of his personal services, although the cavalry were
embarked. The greatest part of the fleet having gone to sea yesterday
evening^ the whole being under weigh, and the corps in the embarkation
necessarily much mixed pn board, it is impossible at present to lay before
you a return of our casualties. I hope the loss in numbers is not so con-
siderable as might have been expected. If I was obliged to form an.
estimate, I should say, that I believe it did not exceed in killed iiuci
wounded from seven to eight hundred ; that of the enemy must remain un-
known,, but many circumstances induce me to rate it at nearly double the
above number. We have some prisoners, bat I have not been able to
obtain an account of the number ; it is not, however, considerable. Several
officers of rank have fallen or been wounded, among whom i am only at
present enabled to state the names of Lieutenant colonel Napier, 92d regi-
ment, Majors Napier and Stanhope, 58th regiment, killed; Lieutenant,
colonel Winch, 4th regiment, Lieutenant-colonel Maxwell, 26th regiment,
Lieutenant-colonel Fane, 59th regiment, Lieutenant-colonel Griffith, guards,
Majors Miller and Williams, 81st regiment, wounded. To you, who are
well acquainted with the excellent qualities of Lieutenant-general Sir John.
Moore, I need not expatiate on the loss the army and his country have
sustained by his death. His fall has deprived me of a valuable friend, to
whom long experience of his worth had sincerely attached me. But
it is chiefly on public grounds that I lament the blow. It will be the conver*
sation of every one who loved or respected his manly character, that, after
conducting the army through an arduous retreat with consummate firmness,
-he has terminated a career of distinguished honour by a death that has given
the enemy additional reason to respect the name of a British soldier. Like
•the immortal Wolfe, he is snatched from his country at an early period of
a life spent in her service ; like Wolfe, his last moments were gilded by the
prospect of success, and cheered by the acclamation of victory ; like Wolfe
also, his memory will for ever remain sacred in that country which he sin-
cerely loved, and which he had so faithfully served. It remains for me only
•to express my hope, that you will speedily he restored to the service of
your country, and to lament the unfortunate circumstance that removed you
from your station in the field, and threw the momentary command into far
less able hands. I have the honour to be. &c.
To Lieut. Gen. Sir D. Baird. JOHN HOPE, Lieut Geu.
•Copy of a Letter from the Hon. Michael de Courcy, Rear-admiral of the
IV hi e, to the Hon. W. JV. Pole, dated on board his Majesty's Ship the
Tvnnant, at Corunna, the nth and IQlh, instant.
•SIR, January 17, 1809.
Having it in design to detach the Cossack to England as soon asxher
•boats shall cease to be essential to the embarkation of the troops, I seize a
moment to acquaint you, for the information of the Lords Commissieners of
the Admiralty, that the ships of war, as per margin,* and transports, under
the orders of llear-admiral Sir Samuel Hood and Commissioner Bowen,
arrived at this anchorage from Vigo on the 14th*and 15th instant, the Alfred
and Hiudostan, with some transports, were left at Vigo to receive a brigade
of 3,500 men, that had taken chat route under the Generals Alten and
In the vicinity of Corunna the enemy have pressed upon the British
in great force. The embarkation of the sick, the cavalry, and the stores
went on. The night of the 16th was appointed for the general embarkation
of the infantry; and, mean time, the enemy prepared for attack. At three,
P.M. an action commenced; the enemy, which had been ported on a lofty
hill, endeavouring to force the British on another hill of inferior height, and
nearer the town. The enemy were driven back with great slaughter ; but
very sorry am I to add, that the British, though triumphant, have suffered
severe losses. I am unable to communicate further particulars, than that
Sir John Moore received a mortal wound of whicli he died at night;
that Sir David Baird lost an arm ; that several officers and many men have
been killed and wounded; and that the ships of war have received all such
of the latter as they could accommodate the remainder being sent to
The weather is now tempestuous, and the difficulties of embarkation are
<:reat. All except the rear guard are embarked, consisting perhaps at the
present moment of 2,000 men. The enemy having brought cannon to a hill
* Vilifi de Paris, Victory, Barfleur, Zealous, Implacable, Elizabeth,
,Xorge, PUwrageaet, Resolution, Audacious, Endymion, Mediator.
overhanging the beach, have forced a majority of the transports to cut or
s'ip. Embarkation being no longer practicable at tlie town, the boats have
been ordered to a sandy beach near the light-house, and it is hoped that the
greater part, if not all, will still be embarked, the ships of war having drop-
ped out to facilitate embarkation.
Jan. 18. The embarkation of the troops having occupied the greater
part of last night, it has not been in my power to detach the Cossack before
this day : and it is with satisfaction I am able to add, that, in consequence
of the good order maintained by the troops, and the unwearied exertions of
Commissioner Boven, the captains, and other officers of the navy,
the agents, as well as the boats' crews, many of whom were for two
days without food, and without repose, the army have been embarked to the
last man, and the ships are now in the offing, preparatory to steering
for England. The great body of the transports having lost their anchors,
ran to sea without the troops they were ordered to receive, in consequence
of which there are some thousands on board the ships of war. Several
transports, through mismanagement, ran on shore. The seamen appeared
to have abandoned them, two being brought out by the boats' crews of the
men of war, two were burnt, and five were bilged. I cannot conclude this
hasty statement without expressing my great obligations to Rear-admiral Sir
Samuel Hood, whose eye was every where, and whose exertions were
I have the hono\ir to be, &c.
Hazy weather rendering the Cossack obscure, I detach the Gleaner wklj
this despatch.
Courts; partial.
A COURT MARTIAL was held on Wednesday, the 10th inst. on board
the Salvador del Mundo, Admiral Young, in Hamoaze, to try Captain
Baker, his officers and ship's company, for the loss of the Jupiter, of SO
guns, under his command, in Vigo Bay. Captain Baker read a narrative of
the circumstances of the case, and alter a full investigation as to the cause
of the loss of the Jupiter, the court adjudged him to be admonished to act
•with more precaution for the future, Captain Baker not having endeavoured
to get a pilot, or bring the ship to an anchor. Captain Baker was admo-
nished accordingly.
A court martial was also held on John Brown, a seaman of the Raven,
Captain Grant, who was tried on a charge of murder, by kicking R. Nelson
so violently in the belly, when " skylarking," that he died in consequence of
the blow.' After hearing the evidence for the prosecution, and the prisoner
m his defence, the court acquitted him of the murder, but sentenced him to
200 lashes round the fleet, as an admonition against " skylarking."
The king has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. Cuthbert Lord Col-
Jingwood, vice-admiral of the red, to be major-general of his majesty's royui
marine Orces, in the room of Admiral Lord Gardner, deceased.
The king 1ms been pleased, by warrant, under his royal signet and simi
rnanuel, to give and grant unto Henry Clement Thompson, Esq. a comman-
der in the royal navy, his royal license and permission, that he may, in com-
pliance with the desire of his majesty, Gustavus Adolphus Iv. Kin-: of
Sweden, accept and wear the insignia of a knight of the royal Swedish
military order of the Sword, conferred upon him by that sovereign, as a tes-
timony of his royal approbation of the services of the said II. C. Thompson,
in the engagement with the Russian flotilla in the Gulf of Finland, on the
26th of August last.
His royal highness the Prince of the Brazils has conferred on Captain
James Walker, of his majesty's ship Bedford, and on Captain Thomas
Western, of his majesty's ship London, the dignity of knights of the order
of Fidelity, of which order he has also appointed the gallant Rear-admiral
Sir Sydney Smith to be commander.
Rear-admiral Hon. Allan Gardner lias succeeded to the title of Lord
Gardner, by the death of his father, late an admiral of the blue squadron of
his majesty's fleet.
Captain Browell, of the royal hospital at Greenwich, is appointed to suc-
ceed the late Captain Bouchier, as lieutenant-governor of that iastitution.
Captain Jahleel Brenton, son of the late Admiral Brcnton, is appointed
to command his majesty's ship Fame ; Captain Richard Thomas to the
Spartan, vice Brenton ; Captain William Roberts to the Castor; Captain
John Bastard to the St. Fiorenzo ; Captain Graham Eden Hamond, son of
Sir Andrew Hamond, late comptroller of his majesty's navy, to the Victo-
rious ; Captain Frederick Watkins to the Majestic ; Captain George
Trollope, brother of Captain Sir Henry Trollope, Bart, from the Electra to
the Zebra bomb; Captain Donald M'Lead to the Isis, rice Langhorne ;
and Captain Buckland Sterling Bluett to the Magnet.
Captain Keith Maxwell has been appointed to the Nymphen, of 36 guns,
at Chatham. This frigate was captured from the Danes, and is one of the
finest of her class in the service. We feel much satisfaction in announcing
the appointment of this gallant officer. Our readers will recollect, that
Captain Keith Maxwell, when a lieutenant in the Beaulieu frigate, led the
party (nominally commanded by Lieutenant Losack) that cut the French
national ship la Chevrette out of Camaret B.iy, in July 1801 ; for which
Earl .St. Vincent sent him a commission, as master and commander, accom-
panied by a very handsome complimentary letter.*
Lieutenants appointed.
Lieutenant John Russel to the Leviathan ; Timothy Scriven to the Ves-
tal ; Edward Brazier to the Plover ; George Troke to the Dolphin ; James
Basbford to the Princess Carolina ; Richard Charles Phillips to the Com-
batant; James Neville to the Eclipse; John Thomas Jeans to the Night-
ingale ; Edward Reading to the Drake; Aaron Fozer to the Victorious;
James Nayce to the Dannemark ; David' Patterson to the Cornelia;
Robert Brues to the Tigress cutter ; James Brown ('2) to the Mornnouth ;
Michael Matthews to the Cornelia; Joseph Ramsay to the Brilliant;
Charles J*-lL-rys to the Opossum ; Thomas Wm. Caihc to the Princess*
* Vide NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol. VI. pages 61, 73, aud 74; Vol. VII.
pa^e 210 and 319 ; ani Vol. XX. pages 92 and 93.
Carolina ; W. S. Fuller to the Blake ; Samuel Jehn Hall to the Agincourt ;
Thomas Jaff to the Minstrel; Philip Stimpson to the Rattler; Itobert
Wariehope to the Blake ; William Norman to the Sirius ; William Smith
(5) to the Castor; Richard Burton to the Tickler cutter ; and Marmaduke
Smith to the Royalist sloop.
List of midshipmen passed for lieutenants on the first Wednesday in the
month: — Joseph Eastwood, J. G. Harrington, Richard Piercy, Thomas
j William Poore, John Hatton, and Daniel Daley.
Surgeons and assistants appointed.
Mr. Gladstone, one of the assistant-surgeons of the Royal Hospital at
Greenwich, is appointed by the Lords of the Admiralty to be surgeon of
the royal division of marines at Woolwich, vice Anderson, deceased.
Mr. Thomas Hooper is appointed to be surgeon of his majesty's sloop
Saracen; John Neill to the Blonde; John Julius Inger from the Phipps to
the Cygnet; Thomas Cochrane to the Forrester; Charles Lin con to the
Glomen ; Gregory Odell to the C«esar ; Joseph White to the Drake ; •
Richard Thompson to the Vilk de Paris; George Pructor to t^e Orestes
sloop ; Edward Hopley to the Nymphen ; Henry Ewing to the Resistance ;
Robert Marks to be surgeon of the Lark ; and A. B. Grenville to proceed
to the East Indies, to be at the disposal of the commam!er-in-cluef.
The following arc promoted to the rank of surgeons, to proceed to the
Jamaica and Leeward Island stations : — John Marpole, John Heawood,
T. P. Davis, John Wm. Latham, Win. M'Kinley, James Dobie, John Paw-
son, George Lyon Guild, and James Young.
Mr. Gladstone, surgeon of the division of marines at Woolwich, is
Rppointed to be surgeon of the Royal Naval Asylum in Greenwich Park.
Assistants appointed.
Thomas Stewart, te be assistant-surgeon of the Amethyst; John Dun-
thorn to be hospital mate of the Royal Hospital at Plymouth ; J. R. Arm-
strong to be hospital mate of the naval hospital at Jamaica; J. E. Gray to
be assistant-surgeon of the Acute gun-brig ; John Johns to the Fervent
gun-brig ; J.Godard to the Blazer gun-brig; P. Ramsay to the Dannemark ;
Wm. Porteous (2) to the Alphea ; Wm. Hector to die Castor; M. Camth
to the Victorious ; John Baiston to the Iphegenia ; Charles Miller to the
Eagle ; Wm. Duncan to the St. Albans ; Robert Bateman to the Standard ;
Wm. M'Masters to the Argonaut, hospital ship; Robert Brown to the
Defence; C. W. Vandeuberg to the Majestic; and Thomas Lodt-n to the
On the 10th of January, in Bentinck-street, the Hon. Mrs. Gourtenay
Boyle, lady of the Hon. Captain Boyle, commander of his majesty's ship
On the 8th of January, the lady of Captain Walter Bathurst, of the royal
navy, of a son,
On the 4th of January, the lady of Captain Butt, of the royal navy, of a
still-horn child.
In Great Mary-la-bonne street, on the 19th of January, the lady of Major
M'Cleverty, of the royal marines, of a son.
On the 17th of January, in Bentinck-street, the lady of Captain M. II.
Scott, of the royal navy, of a daughter.
On the 10th of January, at Liverpool, Mrs. Sydney Horton, wife of Cap-
tain S. Horton, of the royal navy, of a daughter.
Captain Hollingworth, of the royal navy, son of Wm. Hollingworth, Esq;
late of the Admiralty, to Miss Jackson, daughter of John Jackson, Esq.
master attendant at his majesty's dock-yard at Plymouth.
William Larke, Esq. governor of the naval hospital at Yarmouth, to the
widow of ths late John Worship, Esq. of Runham, Norfolk.
On the 13th January, at Mary-la-bonne Church, Capt. P. Malcolm, of the
royal navy, to Miss Elphinstone, eldest daughter of the Honourable William
Fullarton Elphinstone.
Lately, at Ipswich, Rear-admirnl Uvedale.
At Portsmouth, Lieutenant-colonel Archbold, of the royal marines.
On Monday, the 12th of December, at Osborne's hotel, Lieutenant Wm.
Skelton, of the royal navy, aged 27 ; he was third son of the late Arnoldus
Jones Skelton, Esq. of Papcastle, in the county of Cumberland, and first
cousin to the present Marquis Cornvtallis.
In the month of May last, as Mr. Drury, first lieutenant of his majesty's
ship Modeste, was proceeding from Diamond harbour to the Precidency
(Madras), the boat which he was iu, from a sudden gust of wind, suddenly
upset, when he perished with several others.
Lately, Mrs. Cranstoun, widow of the late Captain Cranstoun, of the
royal navy.
Lately, was drowned, on the coast of Jutland, together with the greatest
part of his crew, Captain Temple, of his majesty's ship Crescent.
On the 30th December, at his apartments in the royal hospital at Green-
wich, Captain Bouchier, lieutenant-governor of that institution. It has
been stated in several of the papers, that Captain Bouchier died in conse-
quence of a wound which he received 35 years ago, and which had never
been perfectly cured. This statement is incorrect. After the glorious
action in the West Indies in 1782, Captain Bouchier was appointed to the
Hector, of 64 guns, one of the French prizes, and ordered t« bnng her
home. The Hector had suffered much in the action, and still more in the
dreadful storm which happened soon after, in which the Ville de Paris, the
Centaur, and several other vessels were lost, when she was attacked during
the night, on her passage home, by two large French frigates. Although
his ship was nearly a wreck, Captain Bouchier defended her with the
greatest bravery, and succeeded in beating off the frigates ; but the Hector
suffered so much, that she sunk the next day, and the whole crew must have
perished, if a Danish merchantman had not fortunately hove in sight, on
board of which they were saved. It was in tUis gallant action that Captain
Bouchier received the wound which disqualified him for active service.
On the 1st of January, at Bath, Admiral Lord Gardner, in the 66th year
cf his age. He was uaiversally allowed to be a most able and judicious
commander: he was born at Uttoxeter, in Staffordshire; his father was a
Jieutenant-colonel in the llth regiment of Dragoon Guards, and a native
of Coieraine, in the north of Ireland. He was afterwards in ten glorious
actions, in all of which he displayed such courage, skill, and magnanimity,-
as were rewarded ultimately by his sovereign, with the appointment of
admiral of the blue, major-general of marines, created a baron of the
united kingdom, and had the honour of receiving from the hand of his
majesty a gold chain, in approbation of his conduct on the 20th of May
and 1st of June, 1794. He married in the year 1?69, Miss Hyde, of
Jamaica, and has left by her ladyship, who survives him, a very numerous-
family, including two sons in the navy.*
On the 18th of December, at Cattesfteld, near Fareham, Hants, Rear-
admiral Edward O'Brien.
On the 19th of January, at his house in Marlborotigh Building?, Bath,
after a life of honour, ardent zeal in his country's good, Christian virtue and
private benevolence, General Edward Smith, colonel of the 43d regiment
of foot, and governor of Fort Charles, Jamaica. The general was uncle to
the gallant Admiral Sir Sydney Smith, and among the few surviving officers
who were present when the immortal Wolfe fell.
Lately, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Lieutenant Crawford, of the royal
navy. He was a long time last war governor of the naval hospital at
On the 20th of January, the infant daughter of Captain H. M. Scott, of
the royal navy.
At Titchfield, county of Hants, Rear-admiral Jonathan Faulknor.
On the 17th instant, in Frith-street, Soho, Dr. John Anderson, surgeon
of the royal division of marines at Woolwich.
The following distressing statement is copied from The Plymouth Teh-
graph of January 21 : —
" On Sunday last arrived the Frankfort transport, Captain John Thread-
geld, from Quebec, with invalids from the different regiments at that place,
after a most tedious passage of ten weeks. She brought home the widow
and children of the late Captain Thomas Windsor, of the 10th, or Royal
Veteran Battalion, who died at Quebec in May last, and left Mrs. Windsor
and four fine children, to lament the loss of the best of husbands, and most
tender and indulgent father. But, oh, the dreadful story is to come ! —
After their encountering storms and tempestuous weather, for so many
weeks, on Wednesday, the llth instant, being about six leagues from the
land, and a fine day, the eldpst daughter, a most beautiful and amiable
young ladv, about 10 years of age, sat herself down on the starboard quar-
ter, and leaning against a rail to read, the rail not being well fastened, sud-
denly gave way, and she fell overboard ; there being at the same lime a
great swell, and the boats full of soldiers' beds, baggage, &c. could not be
got out in time to save the unfortunate young lady, though she floated on
the merciless waves for 15 minutes, waving her hands with the most dread-
ful shrieks, and she went down just as the boat got near her. — The most
distracted mother was prevented from throwing herself overboard, by the
great exertions of Lieutenant Jones, and the other officers and gentlemen
on board.
* For a portrait and biographical memoir of Admiral Lord Gardner, vide
NAVAL CuuoMCi.E, Vol. \ 111.
" Vile latent virtus : quid enim tubmersa tenebris
Proderit obscuro ?" CLAUD, iv. CONS. HON.
Virtue conceal'd is but of little worth:
For wbat of good, in dark obscurity.
Can it produce ?
A T a time when the undaunted firmness and bravery of anation
-*~ "*- become essential securities against the insults, barbarities,
and tyranny of a power that seeks for universal dominion, to
record the particular acts of prowess performed by our gallant
countrymen, is a duty so fit, just, and necessary, that no question
can arise as to its propriety, whether it be considered as a grateful
acknowledgment to bravery, or as holding out an example of
emulation. To this mark of distinction Captain Michael Seymour,
the gallant captor of the Thetis, is highly entitled ; and it is with
particular pleasure that we seize on the opportunity afforded us of
presenting the public with a shqrt, but we believe, accurate sketch
of that officer's services.
For his birth, Captain Seymour is indebted to the sister island,
now happily forming a component part of the British empire.
He was born on the 8th of November, 1768, at the Glebe House,
at Palace, in the county of Limerick ; and if the descent from vir-
tuous and honourable parents be gratifying, he is in that respect
indeed eminently fortunate. At thy time of his birth, the Rev.
John Seymour was rector of Palace — a man of exemplary piety, of
a most amiable and benevolent disposition, and endowed with con-
siderable learning. lie A\as beloved, esteemed, and venerated by
his neighbours — by tliat society, of which he might justly be re<»
garded the centre.
. Sol. XXI. K
For his talents, and many amiable qualities, he was voluntarily
selected by Dr. Cox, the then Archbishop of Cashel, as one of his
domestic chaplains. Dr. Cox, who was as zealous to reward, as
he was capable of appreciating superior merit, soon afterwards
offered him a valuable living ; but, as a tribute to departed virtue,
it deserves to be told, that he refused to accept the offer until the
senior chaplains should be provided for. Preferment, however,
•was at length bestowed ; and Mr. Seymour died, in the month of
July, 1795, rector of Abington, which he held with the chan-
cellorship of Emjy.— It would be well that all would aspire to the
propriety of his life.
Captain Seymour's mother, who is still living, was the youngest
of two daughters of William Hobart, Esq. of High Mount, in the
county of Cork. She had five children ; the first of whom was
William Hobart Seymour, an officer of the 60th regiment, vyhe
died in the West Indies, in the year 1797 ; having, two yaais
before, made an extraordinary escape from the French prison-ship
at Point a Petre, in Guadaloupe, by swimming from her in the
evening, in company with the master of a Bermudan vessel.
Having reached the beach, and finding a canoe, they pushed ofl',
and on the following day, at noon, were taken up by the Bellona
man of war, off the Saints Isles. — The second child of Mr. and
Mrs. Seymour was Michael, the subject of this memoir ; the third,
the RCT. John Seymour, a most exemplary man, now rector of
Ulloa, in the county of Tipperary, in the diocese of Cashel ; the
fourth was Frances, who died in 1F05 ; and the fifth, Richard,
who was killed in March, 1806, at the close of the action between
the Amazon frigate, Captain Parker (of which he. was the first
lieutenant) and the Belle Poule, French frigate. He was a brave
and an excellent officer. The testimonies of those who knew him
best are loud in his praise.
We have no earlier account of the subject of our memoir than
the commencement of his professional career, which took place in,
November, 1780. lie had just then completed his twelfth year,
and entered the service under the auspices of his gallant and kind
friend the Hon. Captain James Luttrcll, who then was in the
command of the Merlin sloop of war. On his quitting this sloop,
he successively served with the same officer in the Portland},
Mediator, and Ganges, being all the ships Captain laittrell ever
In the winter of 1782, whilst serving in the Mediator, of 44
guns, he participated in a very warm action between that ship and
fire French armed ships, mounting, in the whole, 136 guns.
As this was the first engagement o£ consequence which Mr. Sey-
mour witnessed, and as its coriduct and result reflected great credit
on the commander, officers, and crew of the Mediator, the follow-
ing short account of it will not, it is presumed, bfe regarded as
It was on the 12th of December, at seven o'clock in the morn-
ling, while cruising in the Bay of Biscay, that the Mediator, dis-
covering five sail of large vessels to leeward, bore up and gare
rhase. On her approach, they shortened sail; and, standing un-
der top-sails, formed into the following line-of-battle ahead : —
Ships. Guns. Men. Commanders.
Eugene 36 133 M. Le Baudin.
American (brig) 14 70
Menagere (urmbe en Jiute~) 34 212 M. de Toligne.
Alexandra 24 102 M.Gregory.
Dauphin Royal 28 1 20
Total. 136 637
Captain Lutlrell, not intimidated by the formidable appearance
of the enemy, stood resolutely on till ten o'clock, when, as he
passed along their line, they opened their fire, which was returned
from the Mediator with so much steadiness and effect, that, in
half an hour, their line was broken. The three largest of the
ships wore, under an easy sail, and continued to engage the
Mediator with much briskness, till eleven, when, by a skilful
manoeuvre, and superior fire, Captain Luttrell cut off PAlexandre,
and compelled her to strike. Witnessing her fate, and fearing
that it might be their own, her companions instantly went off
before the wind, under a crowd of sail. At half-past twelve,
having secured his prize, Captain Luttrell renewed the chase, and
the enemy separated. At five in the evening, he got within gun-.
* The Hon. Captain Luttrell attained post rank on the 23d of February,
1781; and, in the year 1789, the country was unfortunately deprived of
kis service?, by a consumption, which carried him ofij in the oriole of life.
shot of Ie Menagere, and commenced a smart running fight, which
continued till nine ; when, on his ranging up close alongside of
her, she hauled down her colours. Thus two sail out of the fire
were captured. On the following morning, at day-break, the
brig and le Dauphin Royal were seen in the offing ; but, being
close in with the Spanish coast, and having 340 prisoners onboard,
with only 190 of his own men to guard them, Captain Luttrell
thought it most prudent to steer for England with his prizes.
In this action, I'Alexandre had six men killed and nine wounded;
and le Mcnagere had four killed and eight wounded ; but, in con-
sequence of the enemy having directed their fire chiefly at the masts
and rigging of the Mediator, not a man on board that ship was
On the second night after the engagement, Captain Luttrell was
alarmed by a violent explosion, and cry of fire ; which, on inquiry,
he found to have been occasioned by one of the lower-deck guns
having been fired off by Captain Gregory, the commander of
PAlexandre, who had laid a plot with the prisoners to rise and take
the Mediator. The firing of the gun was the signal which had
been agreed upon by the conspirators to execute their design ; but,
by the most prompt and indefatigable exertions of the officers, who
instantly placed additional sentinels over the hatchways, and
secured them by capstan bars, the accomplishment of this des-
perate scheme was prevented without bloodshed. The intentions
of Captain Gregory having been fully proved, Captain Luttrell
considered him to be no longer entitled to his parole ; and, with
some of his accomplices, he was confined in irons during the
remainder of the passage to England.
Under such an officer as Captain Luttrell, professional principles
the most satisfactory were likely to be imbibed ; and that the early
impression of an action so bravely determined on, and, so skilfully
conducted, was not to be lost on the mind of our young midship-
man, subsequent events have proved.
From the time that he left the Ganges, in 1783, till the conclu-
sion of the late war, he was almost constantly employed in the
Europa, Antelope, Janus, Ariol, Pogase, Magnificent, and Marl-
borough. In the month of November, 1790, he received his pro-
motion, as lieutenant, in the Magnificent ; and in Lord Howe's
memorable action of the first of June, 1794, we find Mr. Seymour
junior lieutenant on board the Marlborough, commanded by the
Hon. Captain (now Admiral) Berkeley.* In this action he was
so severely wounded, that he suffered the loss of his left arm. We
believe his sufferings were marked with particular severity.
The next step our reader may expect us to trace will, no doubt,
be his immediate promotion ; but here a blank intervenes, atul
Mr. Seymour's applications were disregarded, with ll official tran-
quility," until Earl Spencer's administration, when that distin-
guished nobleman promoted him to the rank of master and com-
mander, and in a few months added his further testimony of ap-
probation, by appointing him to the Spitfire sloop of war. In
this sloop Captain Seymour continued four years ; but during this
period of active service we have no extraordinary tatcs of wonder
to relate, nor no violent praise to bestow. We wish, however, to
observe, that though no particular opportunity occurred for daring
enterprise or gallant heroism, yet every cruise afforded ample tes-
timony, both summer and winter, amidst calms and storms, that
the Spitfire was in active duty.
It may be remarked, as the best proof of constant exertion, that
•whatever Captain Seymour may have happily added to his fortune,
has not been by the casual accident of one rich prize, but by the
accumulation of numerous small ones ; for whatever would tend
to harass the enemy, even from the smallest capture to that of a
proud frigate, each in its turn has been seized on with the ardour
of a zealous and brave officer.
At the end of four years, and not till then, Captain Sey-
mour solicited further promotion. Lord Spencer still pre-
sided at the Admiralty, and with the same propriety and
romptness of attention which (happily for the navy) uniformly
marked his lordship's conduct during his administration, Captain
Seymour's application was directly attended to, by his promotion
to the rank of post captain. It is delightful to record facts of
this description, and we hope every year will multiply them ; for
what can support our gallant countrymen, who patiently submit
to every privation, in the execution of their anxious and laborious
duties, but the expectation of reward for their faithful services ?
Soon after this time the contest of war ceased, and Captain Sey-
mour remained unemployed ; but immediately on the renewal of
* Vide NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol.'Xtt. p-jre 1.00.*
hostilities, he again offered his services. Some time, indeed, elapscS
before he received employment of any kind, and when it did come,
it was that of acting captain ; in which capacity he patiently served
in six successive ships — Budging, we suppose, that the discipline of*
obedience should subdue all other feelings of the mind, and that
the best reproof to commands, if (by accident) improperly direct,
ed, was the patient observance of them. At length, however, in
1806, on Lord Bar ham's taking charge of the naval administra-
tion, Captain Seymour was appointed by his lordship to that frigate
<>f which he has proved himself so worthy.
This brings us to the period of the action of the Amethyst with
the French frigate la Thetis.
The Amethyst had been cruising off I/Orient fourteen weeks :
during this time violent gales of wind had prevailed, and cons e-'
quently added to the perils of a coast at all times, we believe, suf-
ficiently dangerous.
On the night of the 10th of November, 1808, we find the Ame-
thyst, however, iti the watchful perseverance of her duty, standing1
so close in to the north-west point of Groa, that it became impossible
for an enemy to escape ; the proof of which has been fully exem-
plified, by the ineffectual endeavours of the Frerich frigate. The
night was unusually dark, not a star to be seen, and every thingf
indeed favoured the attempt. About seven the flash and report of
cannon were distinctly seen and heard from a battery on the
French coast, in a direction contiguous to the alarm atid signal'
post. The conjecture of the moment supposed rt in consequence
of the near approach of the Amethyst ; but it was in reality directed!
against their own frigate, of the sailing of1 which they were igno-
rant. About half-past seven a sail was descried just ahead : it was
supposed a small armed vessel, or something still more contempti-
ble, and the deception of night favoured the supposition. A mus-
ket was ordered to be fired : no notice was taken : she grew
larger. The Amethyst still continued under an easy press of
sail. A gun was now fired, and the crackling noise of this shot
was heard as it passed through the cabin windows. This by the
enemy was instantly returned, and the veil of darkness which had
hitherto obscured her was now removed, by the lights flying in.
every part of her ; every inch of canvass was set ; her boat cut
from her stern, and a ship of war appeared anxious for escape.
Chough capable of resistance. The Amethyst immediately spread
more canvass, but allowed her to gain a little, lest her apprehen-
sions might induce her to run on that shore which was then so near
.them. About nine, however, those apprehensions were at an end,
and the Amethyst closed fast. Her adversary, now finding all hopes
of escape at an end, made her best dispositions to receive the
Amethyst, and before tea o'clock the action commenced, which
continued, with very little intermission, until about twenty minutes
after twelve. The French ship fell on board the Amethyst a
little after ten. She extricated herself from that situation ; but,
at a quarter past eleven, she intentionally laid the Amethyst on
board; and from that time, until the moment of her surrender,
•which was about an hour, the contending ships were locked
together, the fluke of the Amethyst's best bower anchor having
entered the foremost main-deck port of la Thetis. After great
slaughter, la, Thetis was boarded and taken possession of, and
some prisoners were received from her, before the ships were dis-
engaged. The Triumph, commanded by Sir Thomas Hardy,
shortly afterwards came up ; and, subsequently, the Shannon,
which took la Thetis in tow.
In this long and sharply contested action, the rigging of the
Amethyst was much cut; and 19 of her crew were killed, and 51
•wounded. The loss of the Thetis, however, was still more shock-
ing to humanity ; as, exclusively of her captain, she had 172 men
killed, and 102 wounded ; amongst "whom were all her officers,
excepting three.*
When the great disparity of force between the Amethyst and
Thetis is considered, the conquest achieved is marked by particular
brilliancy. The Amethyst mounted only 36 guns, the Thetis 44 ;
consequently, from her larger size, her metal was of superior
weight; her crew, consisting of 360 men, besides 106 soldiers, had
served for years together; added to this, Mons. Pinsun, entrusted
with the command of la Thetis, was a man of approved courage,
much beloved by his men, and deserving in every respect the com-
mendation of an excellent officer. Indeed, there are but few
instances on record, in which a French ship is known to have sup-
* The number of wounded on board la Thetis, according to Captain Sey-
mour's ofticial letter, at page 418 of the preceding volume, was 132; but
it has since been ascertained, that the number was 172, as here stated.
ported so long, so spirited, and so determined a conflict. But the
contest was never for a moment doubtful — all were animated with
the glorious spirit that leads to victory, and the guns were served
with the same zeal and alacrity the last hour 6f the fight as in the
first. Such is the simple detail of this distinguished action, which
for gallantry, skill, and bravery has never been exceeded ; which
whilst it holds up anew the character of our country, must elicit
praise from every tongue, and gratitude from every heart.
High and distinguished as Captain Seymour's public character
appears, in private it is also marked with every virtue that makes
it estimable.
His majesty has been graciously pleased to signify his approba-
tion, by presenting him with the gold medal.
The mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, and common council of the city of
Limerick voted him the freedom of that city, in a heart of oak box,
lined and ornamented with gold ; * and he has also received the free-
dom of the city of Cork, in a silver box, " for his very great gallan-
try and ability in the capture of the Thetis."
The committee of the Patriotic Fund, at Lloyd's, voted him the
sum of one hundred guineas, for the purchase of a piece of plate,
commemorative of the event.
During the time that Captain Seymour commanded the Spitfire,
he married Jane, the third daughter of the late brave and much
respected Captain James Hawker, of the royal navy ; by which lady
he has a family of seven children ; five sons, and two daughters.
ARMS.— Argent two wings conjoined in lure, tips downwards, gujes.
CREST. — On a wreath of the colours two torches in saltire, thereon an
eagle, with wings elevated, looking towards the sun, a.11 proper.
MOTTO.— Foy pour Devoir.
The following is a fac-simile of Captain Seymours
Vide the Retrospect, in a subsequent
Extracts from GiJpius Ohscrcrttions on the Western Parts of England,)
^J,alHERE was very little in Bridgewater, -which was our next
• stage, worth a traveller's attention. Its great boast is the
celebrated Blake, one of Cromwell's admirals, who was born in
this town, and represented it in several parliaments.
The name of Blake can hardly occur to an Englishman without
suggesting respect. If ever any man was a lover of his country^
without being actuated by party, or by any other sinister motive,
it was Blake. Whether, in a divided commonwealth, one side or
the other should be cordially chosen by every citizen, is a nice
question. Some of the ancient moralists have held the affirmative.
But a man may see such errors on both sides, as may render a
choice difficult. This seems to have been Blake's case. The glory
of his country, therefore, was the only part he espoused. He
fought indeed under Cromwell ; but it was merely, he would say,
to aggrandize old England : he often disliked the Protector's
politics. With the death of Charles he was particularly displeased,
and was heard to mutter, that to have saved the king's life, he
would freely have ventured his own. But still he fought on ; took
an immense treasure from the Portuguese, beat the Dutch in two
or three desperate engagements, burnt the Dey of Tunis's fleet,
awed the piratical states ; and above all, destroyed the Spanish
plate-fleet in the harbour of Saata Cruz, which was thought a
piece of the most gallant seamanship that ever was performed.
Something in the mean time havpened at home which he did not
like, particularly Cromwell's treatment of the Parliament ; but he
still fought on : and would say to his captains, It is not for us to
mind state matters, but to keep foreigners from fooling us.
What is singular in this commander is, that all his knowledge in
maritime affairs was acquired after he was fifty years of age. He
bad the theory of his profession, as it were, by intuition ; and
crowded as many gallant actions into nine or te-a years, as might
fcave immortalized as many commanders. One personal singularity
2&c. Cljron. (HcUXXI.
is recorded, which gives us a sort of portrait of him. When hif
choler was raised, and he was bent on some desperate undertaking,
it was his custom to twirl his whiskers with his fore-finger. When-
ever that sign appeared, those about him well knew something
dreadful was in agitation.
THE following particulars have been furnished by an officer l>e«.
longing to the Kite : —
** On the 3d of September, 1808, being at anchor off the island
of Spro, near Nyborg, at ten o'clock in the evening, the moon
shining bright, observed we were enclosed in a half circle of Danish
gun-boats, to the number of 22 or 24. The Minx gun-brig being in
t ompany, cut her cable and made sail, as the only means of saving
herself j we being nearer to Nyborg, from whence they came,
sustained nearly their whole attack ; almost at the instant in which
•we first perceived them, they opened a tremendous fire of round
and grape shot from their whole line of three divisions. Of onr
crew, nearly one half were absent (some in prizes, the rest lately
taken prisoners in the boats), those on board the least to be de-
pended upon ; we, however, manned the guns, and kept up a fire
for some time, but finding it impossible to withstand a force at
least seven times that of our own (for three of them are equal
to a sloop of war in a calm, which it then was), wecut our cable ;
the ship lay now unmanageable for want of wind, whilst the enemy,
who were by this time within musket range, struck us every time
they fired. At this moment our friend, Mr. Thomas, the purser,
and my servant, \vcre killed, the ship became leaky, the rigging
much cut, and several of the sails falling do\vn upon deck. Our
situation became now the most critical that ever was experienced,
when a light breeze most providentially sprung up, but a gun-boat
belonging to ourselves, out of which we had succeeded in getting
our people, and cut away, got unfortunately uudcr our bows, and
prevented the ship from getting before the wind ; the round shott
the splinters, and the iangrage, were flying in every direction ; the
U-aks increased, the enemy within hail in several places ; tin; masts-
and square sails, however, were still standing. The first lieutenant,
the only one on board, as a last resource, jumped with a few brave
fellows into this gun-boat, and happily succeeded in pushing her
, which immediately enabled as to get before the wind ; the
enemy's fire now became more excessive, in consequence of our
having to take the people from the guns to trim sails ; the breeze,
however, freshened, our lads strain manned their guns, and the
smoke being tolerably cleared away, enabled them to take better
aim : one of the enemy's boats, with about 70 men. was soon after
this sunk by our quarter-deck guns, and the enemy, thinking we
Jiad sent men in our gun-boat, which now dropped astern, directed
part of their fire to her so effectually, that she sunk ; this desertion
was of much use to us, and -with the fine little breeze we now
enjoyed we drew considerably away from them; they followed for
some distance, still tiring, but now our crew having only to attend
to the guns, our lire became much more brisk, and considerably
galled the enemy. At half-past 11, making just an hour and a
half, they burnt a blue light, the signal of retreat, and we were
unable to follow. We steered for an English 64-guu ship, which
vas within about 12 miles of us, and anchored near to her. At
daylight we found the ship a perfect wreck, two killed, as before
mentioned, and 13 wounded, being one out of every three of all oa
board. Six large shots through the tottering main-mast, fire through
the fore-top-sail alone, and in the hull too many to be conve-
niently numbered ; tha main boom shot through, and lying across
the deck, and much water in the hold. During the whole of this
affair we had IS Danish prisoners on board since the .Nyborg action,
which required some of our hands, together with the sick people}-
to prevent them from rising, and assisting their countrymen. "
O.v the 9th of August, Admiral Xauckhoff set sail from Hangudd
with his squadron, composed of nine sail of the line and nine
frigates, for Jungfrusund, for the purpose of reconnoitring the
enemy's position, and to form his plan of operations. He found
the enemy's fleet at anchor in Jungfrusund, among the cliffs, con-
sisting of 18 sail, partly line-of-ba(tle ships, and partly frigates.
Admiral Nauckhoif was cruising off Jungfrusund until the 13th,
when his headmost shin made the signal that the enemy's ift>et was
weighing anchor. Admiral Nauckhoff immediately detached a
corvette to observe the enemy's movements, formed his fleet in
order of battle, and beat about to the eastward, in order not to
be cut olF from his port, being determined to give battle.
The same day the enemy's fleet was -observed from the masthead
working up towards oar squadron, in company with two English
sail of the line. Admiral Nauckhoff resolved to attack the enemy
the following day, and beat about the whole night, in order not to
lose the wind. At break of day, being oft' Baltic Port, he dis-
covered to leeward the enemy's fleet, composed of 13 sail of the
line and five large frigates ; among the former were two English
ships, one of which was a three-decker, and bore the admiral's
pendant, and the other was a two-decker of the largest size ; and
among the Swedish ships was also a three-decker. The enemy's
van, headed by the two English sail of the line, neared our rear, and
at five o'clock in the morning the two English ships attacked suc-
cessively the stcrnmost ship of our line, the Sewolad, which had
somewhat fallen to leeward. When Admiral Nauckhoff saw the
manoeuvres of the enemy, he bore down on him with the whole of.
his squadron. The English, fearful to be cut off from their line,
tacked, and were followed by the Swedes. Captain Rudnew,
commander of the Sewolad, with the utmost gallantry, beat off
twice the enemy's attack, but suffered considerably in his tackle
and rigging. The main-top-mast and yard were shattered by the
enemy's lire, the fore-top-gallant-mast was split, and the Sewolad
was no longer able to maintain her place in the line, of which
Captain Rudnew informed the commander-in-chief by signal.
Admiral Nauckhoff, who witnessed the above facts, permitted him,
to run into Baltic Port, and a frigate convoyed him thither. By
this means our line, before a general engagement could be com-
menced, had lost one ship, and another, the Severnja Swesda
(North Star), received on a sudden so much damage in her fore-
top-mast, that she would not carry her fore-top-sail, and was con-
sequently also disabled duly to maintain her place in the line.
By this circumstance the enemy gained a great superiority of
strength, and Admiral Nauckhoff found it accordingly expedient
to stand with his squadron for Baltic Port. The enemy stood, in
consequence thereof, on the same coui'ie, keeping their wind; and
the English ships displayed all their skill to cut off our damaged
ship Sewolad, which was no longer able to keep up with our line.
In order to frustrate this plan of the enemy, Admiral Xauckhoff
made signal for the rear to cover the said ship, and afford her all
possible assistance j but owing to her having fallen considerably to
leeward, she was not able, In spite of the utmost exertions made by
her own commander, as well as by the captains of the other ships,
to round the north point of Baltic Port, and enter that hirbour in
company with the rest of our ships, but necessitated to drop anchor
on the north side of this island., close in, with the shore.
In the mean time the commander-in-chief entered the above port,
brought up in line-of-battle, and made all necessary arrangement
to repulse the enemy, who, however, made no attack, but stood
out to sea with his whole fleet.
Admiral Nauckhoffimmediately ordered those experienced officers
Captain- Lieutenants Miniskoy and Fuludjew, to put off with all
the row-boats of the squadron, to the assistance of the Sewolad,
and to endeavour t0 bring her back to the fleet. These two
gallant officers used their best efforts for that purpose, bat the two
English ships of the line coming up, successively attacked the
Sewolad, and dispersed the row-boats, which Captain-Lieutenant
Miniskoy, however, succeeded to rally, and rejoined with them the
Captain Rudnew, undismayed by their retreat, continued to make
the most vigorous resistance, constantly and closely engaged with
one of the two English ships, vr'-uich suffered severely, and the
slaughter was groat on both sides ; nor would the conflict have
been ended, but with the total destruction of the combatants, had
not the other English ship also come up with the Sewolad and given
his broadside, by which she was completely disabled from con-
tinuing the contest any longer. It was but then that the English
were able to render themselves master of the Sewolad, or rather
her wreck, covered with dead bodies ; 56 of her crew saved them-
selves by swimming, and the rest were taken prisoners by the
English. Rear-admiral Hood has sent back 37 of them, who were
•wounded, and state, that the loss on board the two English ships
has also been very great.
• CAPTAIN COOMBE, of the Heureux, had received information,
on which he could depend, that there Jay in the harbour of Bay
Mahaut (Gaudaloupe) seven vessels of different descriptions, some
loaded and ready for sea, and others loading ; he also received an
account of the strength and situation of the batteries ; he had a
pilot to carry the boats in, and a guide to conduct the storming
parties. The attack took place on the morning of the 29th of
^November, as follows : — Captain Cuombe in his barge, and 19 men,
to board the shipping ; Lieutenant Lawrence inthe
men, to storm a battery of two 24-pounders ; and !Mr. Daly, the
purser, in the pinnace, and 22 men, to storm a lattery of one 24-
pounder, within the town ; the signal of cither party having sue*
ceeded was three cheers ; the boats, after rowing six miles, lay on
their oars until the moon went down. At four o'clock A.M. they
dashed on, and after a few minutes of desperate fighting, the wel-
come signal of success was given by all three parties cheering at
the same moment. Captain Coombe carried a schooner of two
guns mounted, and 39 seamen and soldiers on board. Lieutenant
Laurence having spiked the guns on the batteries with Mr. Daly,
proceeded to board the remaining vessels, in which they succeeded ;
the enemy lined the shore with musketry, got three field-pieces to
bear, and kept up a very sharp fire on a brig and a schooner,
which was returned by the marines and the guns on board them ;
while carrying them out, they both unfortunately grounded, and
thus became fixed objects for the enemy's fire, which was further
increased by a 24-pounder. Finding it impossible to get the
ressels off, the running riggingveut to pieces, the standing rigging
much wounded, and it being daylight, orders were given to aban-
don, and soon after Captain Coombe was struck with a 24-pound
round shot in iiis left side, and fell dead. The boats got out of
the reach of the fire of the enemy about six o'cock A.M. The ac-
tion continued about an hour and three quarters. The loss of the
British was trifling, except that of Captain Coombe killed, and
Lieutenant Lawrence wounded by a musket ball in the arm ; the
enemy's loss was great in the attack of the batteries and on board-
ing— there were about forty killed ; the number drowned must
have been very great, as must have been their loss on shore ; there
was a Serjeant's party on board the vessels, besides the crews.
ST. Martin's Island having long been considered as a shelter for
the numerous French privateers which infest the West Indies, and
obstruct the trade of the country, it became a desirable object to
rxtirpate them. Accordingly, at the commencement of July, his
majesty's schooners, Subtle, Balahou, and Elizabeth, with the
Wanderer sloop of war, made an atterrfpt to carry the island by a
coup de main. Owing, however, to some false information
respecting the enemy's strength, the effort failed. About 130 sea-
men and marines, headed by Lieutenant Spearing, of the Subtle,
landed, and soon obtained possession of the lower fort, of six guns,
which were instantly spiked. Their loss so far was trifling ; bat
on ascending the rocky heights, covered -with the prickly pear,
the superiority of the enemy was severely felt: as a number of
brave fellows fell, among whom was Lieutenant Spearing, who was
shot through the chest within ten yards of the upper fort, and
almost instantly expired. His fall occasioned much consternation
among his companions, who reluctantly retreated to their boats,
but were obliged to surrender. Captain Crofton, of the Wanderer,
finding the fire from the fort so tremendous and incessant, sent a
flag of truce on shore, which was accepted, and the whole of the
prisoners who could be removed with safety were given up.
Thus fell, in the prime of life, in a most daring and gallant
attempt, a promising active officer, whose long services in his pro-
fes^.ion entitled him to the notice of his country ; in whose cause
he had received 11 wounds, particularly at the battle of Copenha-
gen, and in the West Indies. He closed a career of glory, ani-
mating his men by his example, on the batteries of St. Martin's.
Nothing can better erince the admiration which even his enemies
entertained of his conduct on this occasion, than the tribute which
they conferred on his remains : he was interred with all the honours
of war; the French commandant himself attending, and also per-
mitting part of the gallant crew of the Subtle to pay their last sad
duty to their beloved commander.
It afterwards appeared, that the enemy had received informatioa
of the intended attack, and were prepared accordingly ; upwards
of 900 troops being in the fort, while the storming party consisted
only of ^35 men. Out of 43 sent from the Subtle, seven were
killed and seventeen wounded.
The following is a copy of the order which was issued on this
melancholy occasion, by Captain Crofton, of his majesty's ship
Wanderer : —
" To the Commanding Officers of hit M-jesty's Schooners Subtle and
<l You all well know the melancholy though glorious death of Lieutenant
G. A. Spearing, late commander of his majesty's schooner Subtic, who fell
fighting for his king and country ; his corpse this evening is to receive the
honours of war, conferred by Ins enemies, admirers of his gallantry and
courage : you will join, on a signal from ice 'wh-jn the fort shall have fired
a shotted gun), to fiie minute guns.'J
" DatedtthJult/:offSi. Martins,"
ABOUT the year 1796, two or three Jews came over front
Poland, for the purpose of trade, of which second-hand clothing
formed a considerable part. After having made their purchase,
they shipped it on board a Prussian vessel, bound from London
to Dantzic, and accompanied it for their better security. At
the distance of thirty or forty leagues from the English coast, in
a dark night, the vessel was ran on board by a large ship, the
shock of which was so violent, that the terrified captain and crew
sought their safety by leaping on boa,rdthe larger vessel, expecting
their own to go down, leaving the Jews the only persons on board.
The latter, recovering in some degree from the consternation into
which they wore thrown on discovering themselves abandoned by
the crew, totally ignorant of navigation, and exposed to the mercy
of the winds and waves, still had the satisfaction of finding that the
ship was tight. A consultation was thereupon held, in which the
most experienced of them suggested, that he had observed the
point of the compass, and their course, on leaving the coast of
Yarmouth, that if they could by any means put the ship about, and
endeavour to retrace their course, that they should inevitably fall
in again with the English coast. In this they succeeded ; and, by
the help of pilots, were brought in safety into the port of Yar-
mouth. There they were, to their great surprise, met by the
original captain and ciew, who gladly came on board, and resumed
the direction of the vessel. These circumstances produced a con-
siderable charge on the cargo, in which many persons were
interested, and of which the Jews must have borne a considerable
share. They, however, thought it hard to suffer in this way, after
having been the means of preserving both ship and cargo, to the
advantage of all concerned. But the captain was deaf to all
accommodation, and refused them any remuneration for their
tronble and risk. The Well-known characters of Messrs. Ben-
jamin and Abraham Goldsraid, induced the Jews to lay this
peculiar case before them : and as it appeared to these gentlemen
that there were sufficient grounds to claim a salvage of the ship and
cargo, they resolved to defend and support the cause of their
stranger brethren. A long and expensive process in the Admiralty
Court was, however, prevented ; and, by the mediation of some
mercantile friends with Messrs. Goldsmid, it was agreed, that the
sum of 3001. should be allowed to these poor men, which they re-
ceived with thankfulness, and their generous friends experienced
that pleasure, which must ever be felt by those whose benevolent
fxcrtious are attended by equal success.
THE subjoined interesting letter upon this subject, dated Faya),
June 25, 1808, was addressed by John B. Dabney, Esq. Consul
of the United States of America, to one of his friends .it Sr.
Michael's : —
<c A phenomenon has occurred here not unusual in former flgcw,,
but of which there has been no example of late years; it was well
calculated to inspire terror, and has been attended with the destruc-
tion of lives and property. On Sunday, the 1st of Ma)', at one
P.M. walking in the balcony of my house, at St. Anthonio, I heard
noises like the report of heavy cannon at a distance, and concluded
there was some sea engagement in the vicinity of the island. But
soon after, casting my eyes towards the island of St. George, ten
leagues distant, I perceived a dense column of smoke rising to an
immense height ; it was soon judged that a volcano had burst out
about the centre of that island, and this was rendered certain when
night came on, the fire exhibiting an awful appearance.
" Being desirous of viewing this wonderful exertion of nature,
I embarked on the 3d of May, accompanied by the British consul,
and ten other gentlemen, for St. George's ; we ran over in five
hours, and arrived at Vellas, the principal town, at eleven A.M*
We found the, poor inhabitants perfectly panic-struck, and wholly
givrn up to religious ceremonies and devotion. We learned that
the fire of the 1st of May had broken out in a ditch, in the midst
of fertile pastures, three leagues S.E. of Vellas, and had immediately
formed a crater, in size about 24 acres. In two days it had thrown
out cinders or small pumice stones, that a strong iS'.E. wind had
propelled southerly : and which, independent of the mass accu-
mulated round the crater, had covered the earth from one foot to
four in depth, half a league in width, and three leagues in length;
then passing the channel five leagues, had done some injury to the
east point of Pico. The fire of this large crater had nearly sub-
sided, but in the evening preceding our arrival, another small crater
had opened, one league north of the large one, and only two
leagues from Vellas.
" After taking some refreshment, we visited the second crater;
the sulphureous smoke of which, driven southerly, rendered it
impracticable to attempt approaching the large one. When we
came within a mile of the crater, we found the earth rent in every
J®ato,» Spron, 21 pi. XXI. p
direction, and, as we approached nearer, some of the chasms were
six feet wide ; by leaping over some. of these chasms, and making
windings to avoid the larger ones, we at length arrived within two
hundred yards of the spot; and saw it, in the middle of a pasture,
distinctly, at intervals, when the thick smoke which swept the
earth lighted up a little. The mouth of it was only about fifty
yards in circumference; the fire seemed struggling for vent ; the
force with which a pale blue flame issued forth, resembled a pow,
erful steam engine, multiplied a hundred fold ; the noise was
deafening ; the earth where we stood had a tremulous motion ; the.
whole island seemed convulsed, horrid bel'owings were occasion-?
ally heard from the bowels of the earth, and earthquakes were
ii Alter remaining here about ten minutes we returned to town;
the inhabitants had mostly quitted thtir houses, and remained in
the open air or under tents. We passed the. night at Vellas, and
the next morning went by water to Ursulina, a small sea-port
town, two leagues s«uth of Vellas, and viewed that part of the
country covered with the cinders before mentioned, and which has
turned the most valuable vineyards in the island into a frightful
desert. On the same day (the 4th of May), we returned to Fayal,
and on the 5th and succeeding days, from 12 to 15, small volca-
noes broke out in the fields Ave had traversed on the 3d, from the
chasms before described, and threw out a quantity of lava, which
travelled on slowly towards Vellas.
" The fire of those small craters subsided, and the lava ceased
running about the llth of May ; on which day the large volcano,
that had lain dormant for nine days, burst forth again like a roar-
ing lion, with horrid belchings, distinctly heard at twelve leagues
distance, throwing up prodigious large stones, and an immense
quantity of lava, illuminating at night the whole island. This con-
tinued with tremendous force, until the 5th of June, exhibiting the
awful yet magnificent spectacle of a perfect river on fire (distinctly
seen from Fayal) running into the sea. On that day (the 5th) we
experienced that its force began to fail, and, in a few days after, it
ceased entirely. The distance of the crater from the sea is about
four miles, and its elevation about 3,500 feet.
" The lava inundated and swept away the town of Ursulina,
and country-houses and cottages adjacent, as well as the farm-
houses, throughout its course. It, as usual, gave timely notice of
its approach, and most of the inhabitants tied ; some few, however,
remained in the vicinity of it too long, endeavouring to save their
furniture and effects, and were scalded by flashes of steam, which,
without injuring their clothes, took oft' not only their skin but
their flesh. About sixty persons were thus miserably scalded,
some of whom died on the spot, or in a few days after. Numbers
of cattle shared the same fate. The judge and principal inhabitants
left the island very early. The consternation and anxiety were for
some days so great among the people, that even their domestic
concerns were abandoned, and, amidst plenty, they were in danger
of starving. Supplies of ready-baked bread were sent from hence
to their relief, and large boats were sent to bring away the inha-
bitants who had lost their dwellings. In short, the island, hereto-
fore rich in cattle, corn, and wine, is nearly ruined, and a scene of
greater desolation and distress has seldom been, witnessed in any
A SHORT time since, the Venus, a vessel which had been seized
and carried off by some convicts at Port Dalrymple to New Zea-
land, was there taken by the natives, who killed and ate all the
people. The vessel itself they drew on shore, and burnt it for the
sake of the iron. This information was communicated to the Mer-
cury (TL vessel that touched at New Zealand, and was in danger of
being taken) by one Druse, a man who deserted from the Lady Nel-
son about two years ago, and who is now become a chief, tattooed
from head to foot, and has a number of natives under his command.
" A CIRCUMSTANCE of great singularity," says one of Lord
Nelson's biographers, " occurred when his lordship was at Ham-
burgh, relative to a wine-merchant. This gentleman, who was
more than 70 years of age, and of a very respectable appearance,
had requested to speak with Lady Hamilton. Her ladyship
accordingly admitted him to a private audience, when he informed
her, through the medium of a Mr. Oliver, who interpreted for both
parties, that he had some excellent old Rhenish wine of the vintage
of 1625, and which had been in his own possession more than fifty
years. This, he said, had been preserved for some very extraor-
dinary occasions ; and one had now arrived, far beyond any he
could ever have expected. In short, he flattered himself, that by
the kind recommendation of her ladyship, the great and glorious
Lord Nelson might be prevailed on to accept six dozen bottles of
this incomparable wine, part of which, he observed, would then
have the honour to flow with the heart's blood of that immortal
hero ; a reflection which could not fail to render himself the most
fortunate man in existence, during the remainder of his days. His
lordship, being informed of these curious particulars, immediately
came into the apartment, and took the old gentleman kindly by
the hand, but politely declined his present. He was, however,
finally persuaded to accept of six bottles, on condition that the
worthy wine-merchant should dine with him next day. This
being readily agreed to, a dozen bottles were sent ; and his lordship,
jocosely remarking, that he yet hoped to have half a dozen more
great victories, protested he would keep six bottles of his Ham-
burgh friend's wine, purposely to drink a bottle after each. This
his lordship did not fail to remember, on coming home after the
battle of Copenhagen, when he ' devoutly drank the donor.'' It
is said, that this wine-merchant, soon after Lord Nelson had first
taken him by the hand, happening to meet with an old triend, who
was about to salute him in a similar way, immediately declined the
intended kindness, and said he could not suffer any person to touch
the hand which had been so highly honoured by receiving that of
Lord Nelson. Certain it is, that this man felt so overcome by
excessive sensibility, that he literally shed tears of joy during the
time he was in our hero's presence.''
NOTWITHSTANDING all the demonstrations of hostility and of
inveterate hatred which appear in America against Great Britain,
the popular discontent at the embargo, and the other measures so
hastily adopted, cannot be concealed. At Gloucester, a singular
instance of dissatisfaction at the conduct of government and Con-
gress was evinced in the latter end of December, in the following
•way, as described in the American papers : — " Monday, the 26th
of December, being the anniversary of the embargo laid on the
shipping of this port, was ushered in by the tolling of the bell at
sun-rise, which continued for half an hour. At eleven o'clock
A.M. a procession of marines, about 250 in number, formed on
one of the principal wharfs : a ship, rigge|i in all the emblems of
distress, occupied the centre, with the motto, " Commerce
destroyed," on her bows, and on her stern, " Effects of the
Embargo ." She was navigated by a master, boatswain, &c. her
colours -were displayed at half-mast, as were those of the shipping
in the harbour. The procession moved through the principal
streets in the town, during which time the bell tolled, minute guns
of distress were discharged, the sky zsas enveloped in clouds ^ a
drum muffled in black crape was beat to a solemn dirge; the
movement of the procession was slow and silent, melancholy was
depicted on all countenances, and nothing broke the awful silence
but the sound of cannon, the tolling of bells, the mournful drum,
or boatswain's whistle: indeed every emblem significant of distress,
such as heaving the lead, tolling the ship's bell, the boatswain's
call, and master's orders, were executed in a manner so appro-
priate, that it seemed to be rather the reality than the picture. At
sun-set the bell tolled for half an hour, a cannon was discharged,
and the colours hauled down. No disorder, discord, or murmur
was heard during the day."
nriHERE has existed a great difference of opinion in the minds
-&- of officers respecting popularity ; and upon this subject f
have sometimes differed from very valuable and respectable men ;
but although their holding a different opinion makes me naturally
diffident of my own, yet both my feelings and reason, unite in pre-
venting my being convinced that they are right in theirs.
It may not be amiss in this place to remark, that by different
characters the same objects may apparently be attained by very
different means, and I am not about to recommend attempts at
exact imitations of systems or manners even of the highest charac-
ters. Whatever is done in the natural character of a man, will be
the best done, provided the judgment is clear, and the intentions
are upright. Great examples are to be kept in view for the
attainment of great ends, and by the same general tneans^ but no
attempt should be made to copy the little details of characters and
discipline, otherwise, the unfortunate copiers will too often find
themselves like " the bear in the boat," or " the ass that thought
proper to imitate the lap-dog." Let every officer who reads the
account of the victories of Nelson, and hears that while all th»
avenues which led toward strict discipline were guarded against
relaxation, he had so won the confidence and affection of those
under him, that, like his immortal predecessor
•• • " Wolf, where'er he foughtr
Put: so much of his heart into his act,
That his example had a magnet's force,
And all were swift to follow, whom all lov'd.
These SUDS are set — Oh rise some other such !" COWPER.
Let him, I say, sedulously einolate the same great results by the
«ame noble means ; but this he must do in his own natural man-
ner : he may attain to the glory, and rival the virtues of Nelson,
•without any imitation of minute particulars. It is, however, to
be lamented, that those who require example most to lead them
right, are in general only capable of copying the trifling detail of
service, but cannot take in the finished whole. Weak minds are
also timid, and dread to be candid and open, for fear of exposure ;
therefore, if they have before them an example of the tyranny of
such a man as was nicknamed Frederick the Great) or of an
Amurath immured in his seraglio, they can assume the martinet
severity of the former, as a cloak for their ignorance, and conceive,
that by imitating the gloomy seclusion of the latter, they may
as well as the vanity, attain the value of a jewel.— Precious
jewels !
But I fear it is too true, Mr. Editor, that the characters whose
excellence makes them most worthy of imitation, are either set
too far out of the reach of the powers of such as are not self-depen-
dent; or that genuine worth can only be truly estimated by those
•who already possess an adequate portion ; whilst the harshness of
tyranny, or the gloom of a despot, may be easily assumed by any
person possessed of power, let his abilities be ever so mean and
pitiful. I therefore advise all those who find themselves placed
(where most of us arc) in that class of men who are certain to see
around them persons of dazzling and superior abilities, to adopt
any attempts at imitation with caution ; striving only as before
recommended at the great general result of gallant and honourable
conduct; but in the detail, to abide by their own inherent charac-
ter and disposition ; by following the honest bent of which, and
guarding against the weakest parts, they will in the mest natural,
and therefore in the very best manner, pursue a steady course of
conduct, and arrive at a happy termination of their service.
Whilst it is most difficult to attain excellence by imitation, it is.
however, unfortunately, but too easy to copy the faults of those
around us. The failings of men in high situations are very easily
copied by those possessed of a similar degree of power, though it
should ever be remembered, that the error adopted by the imitator,
is not only more unpardonable than in the original, wbere it has
its rise in natural weakness or depravity, but usually causes more
abundant mischief, from the deep contempt, as well as detestation,
in which such a wretch is held by those unfortunately under him.
But power, that dangerous possession even in the hands of the
moderate and wise, is so apt to dazzle the eyes and mislead the
judgment, that whenever we see it carried to a great height with
impunity, it is then that the servile herd of imitators begin to
bestir themselves. That the malicious or half-witted should act
thus we are not to be surprised, but I have seen men, whose
natural characters wore mild, and their geueral understandings
above par, adopt all the tyrannical measures of a man in every
respect their inferior but in rank ; and, from the absurd fear of
lessening the imaginary dignity of high birth or temporary power,
sink their real and truly estimable dignity of character to a low
ebb indeed ! Let us, therefore, Mr. Editor, each man a carry on
fhe war" in his own way, while we adhere to the great end of the
public welfare, and seek to attain true glory by the pure means of
genuine honour.
I will now return to the subject proposed in the beginning of
my letter, from which I have deviated farther than I had intended.
1 am so far fond of popularity, that T could not for a moment feel
easy if I thought any man under my command cou'd with justice
accuse me of having acted injuriously or unkindly towards him,
nor would I be content with mere negative satisfaction. I would
have my mind convinced, that every man under my command
depended upon me, not cn'v for the strictest justice, but the most
active benevolence of kindacss on all occasions within my power;
all this appears to me to be the duty of every commander, and the
natural bias of every good mind. In this conviction on the part
of the officers and crew depends the true popularity of the com.
mander ; and who would not wish to possess it ? Yet I have heard
some valuable officers assert, that they had no wish to be beloved
by their ship's companies ; and I am not sure whether I have not
heard more than one proceed still further, and assert that a good
officer cannot be popular or beloved by those about him ; and that
discipline wholly consists of that rigid mechanical system, which
Frederick of Prussia and his school would approve. That cha-
Tacter which can "be attained by a lax discipline, or an indulgence
of vice and indolence, does not merit the name of popularity, but
is a sort of affection whence respect and esteem must be wholly
wanting; and I conclude that it must be only this spurious sort of
popularity which is deprecated by the officers I have alluded to,
and that they will all join with me in the admiration of the
genuine. The opinion I have heard, however, has not been con-
fined to the lower classes, but embraced the uhole, maintaining
that the affections of neither men nor officers were of any avail ;
<l J zstll do. my own duty, they shall do theirs." This is right : but
there is so much difference within the narrow precincts of a ship,
whether it be the determination of every officer and man that he
Kill do his duty, or it is only the determination of the commander
that they shall, o.r that they tc/# because they rcill, and not merely
because they must, that I wonder there should exist a difference of
A ship's company should look up for paternal care and strict
justice to their commander. In order to do all the good which his
situation admits of he should not appear too frequently in the
common transaction of duty, but as much as possible reserve him-
self for particular occasions, when, as I have known a very judi-
cious officer observe, " his voico should be heard like thunder,"
not indeed from the degree of noise, but with the same attentive
awe which, should cause his orders to be obeyed as quick as
Upon this subject my pen is not easily restrained from stating
many eminent examples, where the most strict discipline, united
with the most watchful and benevolent care of all under their com-
mand, have raised them most justly to the utmost height of genuine
popularity ; where every requisite exertion on trying occasions
was made with tenfold more vigour and success than in the best
regulated of those ships where the most minute precision of order
took place, without the prevailing sentiment of acting from prin-
ciple; that noble sentiment, which serves as a general mind to the
whole crew, and renders a ship under such circumstances, as much
superior to the other, as man, the noblest jsork of God, is to an
automaton, the most ingenious work of man.
I remain, sir, yours, &c.
A. F. Y.
MR. EDITOR, IVIiilehaven, February 9, 1809.
I HAVE long been of opinion, that those who have had the
good fortune to invent or discover any thing that they may
imagine will, by the disclosure, prove beneficial to mankind, are
very blameable if they conceal it within their own breasts, instead
of making it public.
Actuated by this idea, I took the liberty, in November last, to
transmit to you my thoughts upon light-houses, which you have
been so obliging as to insert in the NAVAL CHRONICLE.*
I now beg leave to inform you of a discovery I'made, many years
ago, of a species of timber, which, I trust, from the experiments
I tried, will bid defiance to the pernicious effects of the salt water
worm, and prove an object of great importance in the art of ship
building. ,
Having formerly spent a few years, very pleasantly, in the hos-
pitable region of the British West Indies, amongst other pursuits,
I made some inquiries into the various kinds of wood with which
that country abounds, and procured samples of many that might be
converted into very beautiful furniture, &c.
When I had nearly finished my collection, a friend, who was
informed of my design, told me, he apprehended he had procured a
sort of timber more extraordinary than any I had met with. I
replied, that might perhaps be the case, and requested he would
be so good as to acquaint me with the properties it possessed.
Upon which he informed me, that he had used it in making boxes
and drawers, and he found that neither ants, cockroaches, nor scor-
pions, &c. would approach, or when thrown in, would remain
within them ; nay, he supposed that there was something in its
nature so obnoxious to these insects, that even by putting some of
its shavings or saw-dust into boxes, &c. constructed of any other
sort of timber, they would carefully avoid them.
It immediately occurred to me, that if none of these vermin,
living in air, would approach it, there was some probability that
the salt water worm also would not touch it. I therefore resolved
on making the experiment, requesting he would favour me with
some of it, and he very obligingly sent me a small piece of a plank,
eight inches long, four wide, and half an inch thick.
This piece was fastened, on the first day of December, 1778, to
the mooring chain of the Custom-house boat, within the Mole
* See Vol. XX. page 381.
. <Bol. XXI. «
Head, at Bridge Town, in Barbadoes, in salt water, where the sra
•worms are very numerous and destructive ; and having continued
under water for near 6 months, I had it taken up again, on May
the 29th, 1779. Upon examination, I found it had not been in
the smallest degree injured by the worms ; neither was there any
grass, barnacles, or other shells, adhering to it ; notwithstanding
there were several barnacles sticking to the iron chain which held
the Custom-house boat.
Although I might reasonably suppose the above trial might be
considered sufficiently satisfactory, nevertheless, having in my
possession another piece of the same kind of wood, of a larger
size, I got it nailed to the bottom of the Philip and Mary, John
Bell, master, in the harbour of Mary-port. This brig went to
Barbadoes, and returned back to the above mentioned harbour, by
the way of London, where she discharged a cargo of sugar, &c»
being afloat all that time.
When the tide of ebb had left this vessel dry, the piece was taken
off and brought to me, and, upon inspection, I perceived it had
not, as in the former trial, received the least injury from the sea
-worms ; though the brig's bottetn was much eaten by them ; nor
were there any shells or grass adhering to it. The only alteration
I found in both of my experiments, appeared on the outside of
them, which was turned of a greenish colour.
This wood is called serrawabolla, and grows at Demerara, in
South America ; but as I never was in that colony (now in the
possession of Great Britain), I am unable either to compose or
obtain the natural history of that tree; but from what I have been
informed concerning it, I understand it grows to a large size, is
easily worked, and I presume will answer excellently well for
sheathing of ships.
The specimens I procured are of a yellowish colour, and have
an agreeable smell, somewhat resembling the fragrance of Marechal
powder. If I am not misinformed, there are two sorts of this tim-
ter in that plantation, which are known by the same name.
1 am, sir,
Your obedient humble servant,
P.S-. I forgot to mention to you, in my letter concerning light-
houses, or pharoses., that in case the apertures of the lights are not
sufficiently distinguishable in the day-time, I would recommend
some boards to be fixed occasionally on the outside of them, and
painted either white or black, so as to make the greatest contrast
with the colour of the building, by which means an observer will
the more readily take the angle, when he is desirous of knowing
•what distance he is from it.
MR. EDITOR, Chatham, January 16, 1809.
IEVERAL false reports being in circulation respecting a late
visit of the crew of the Standard to London, and their appli-
cation to the Lords of the Admiralty, 1 send you the following
account, the correctness of which you may depend on : —
The Standard and Thunderer arrived here together from the
Mediterranean ; the Thunderer's crew were paid off, and had liberty
for fourteen days ; the Standard's crew, conceiving they had a right
to the same indulgence, both ships having been on the same station,
petitioned the Lords of the Admiralty to that effect, and their ap-
plication was granted. Thinking their commander was tardy in
complying with the order of the Lords of the Admiralty, when
called upon, on Wednesday se'nnighr, to wash decks and scrub the
ship, they refused, and went aft in a body to the quarter-deck ;
they requested to know why their leave was kept back, and
entreated it should be immediately granted. The first lieutenant
told them it was the captain's wish (who was absent on leave) that
only a watch should have liberty at once, and on their return, the
other watch should have the same indulgence. They replied in
one voice, " No, all or none.'1 On Thursday, the whole of the
crew were granted fourteen days' liberty, but were not paid off.
On their getting on shore they formed into a body, and marched
for London, with a drum and fife, and union jack flying— many
of the poor fellows without a farthing in their pockets. On their
arrival at the Admiralty, they sent their petty officers forward,
with a petition, stating the hardship of being allowed liberty with-
ont receiving a part of their pay. They were told it was unusual
to grant liberty, except when the ship was paid off, but from the
good character their captain had given them, it was granted to
them, and they must return immediately to Chatham ; that orders
should be sent that night for payment to be made to them next
morning, and entreated they would conduct themselves peaceably
and quietly ; that they would be accommodated for that day ou
board the receiving ship off the Tower, and be supplied Afith pro-
visions; and that also the Gravesend boats should be engaged to
take them down by that night's tide. They complied in the most
orderly manner, and arrived at Chatham on Saturday morning ;
but the ship's books not being made up, they were informed they
could not be paid until Monday last. They appeared satisfied,
and said they wished for no more indulgence than the Thunderer's
crew had received. Their conduct has been perfectly peaceable
TTF the name of Paine should not operate as a repellent, some
"^ useful ideas may be derived from a perusal of the following
recent production of that writer. He does not appear fully to
comprehend the subject in all its points ; but several of his
remarks are deserving of notice; and the information which he
gives, relative to the expenses of ship-building in America, will, I
doubt not, prove acceptable to -many of your readers.
I am, &c. . H. L.
" Natural defence, by men, is common to all nations ; but
artificial defence, as an auxiliary to human strength, must be
adapted to the local conditions and circumstances of a country.
" What may be suitable to one country, or in one state of cir-
cumstances, may not be so in another.
li The United States have a long line of coast, of more than two
thousand miles, every part of which requires defence, because
every part is approachable by water.
" The right principle for the United States to go upon, as a
defence for the coast, is that of combining the greatest practical
power with the least possible bulk, that the whole quantity of
power may be better distributed through the several parts of such
an extensive coast.
" The power of a ship of war is altogether in the number and
size of the guns she carries, for the ship of itself has no power.
'• Ships cannot struggle with each other like animals; and be-
sides this, as half her guns are on one side of the ship, and half on
the other ; and as she can use only the guns on one side at a time,
her real power \a only equal to half her number of guns. A
seventy-four can use only thirty-seven guns. She must tack about
to bring the other half into action, and Avhile she is doing this she
is defenceless and exposed.
" As this is the case with ships of war, a question naturally
arises therefrom, which is, whether seventy-four guns, or any othcf
number, cannot be more effectually employed, and that with much,
less expense, than by putting them all into one ship of such au
enormous bulk, that it cannot approach a shore either to defend
it or attack it ; and though the ship can change its place, the
whole number of guns can be only at one place at a time, and only
half that number can be used at a time.
u This is a true statement of the case between ships of war and
gun-boats, for the defence of a coast, and of towns situated near a
" But the case often is, that men are led. away by the greatness
of an idea, and not by the justness of it ! This is always the case
with those who are advocates for natives and large ships.
*' A gun-boat, carrying as heavy metal as a ship of 100 guns
can carry, is a one gun ship of the line ; and seventy-i'our of them,
which would cost much less than a 74 gun-ship would cost, would
be able to blow a 74 gun-ship out of theAvater. They have in the
use of their guns double the power of the ship, that is, they have
the use of their whole number of seventy-four to thirty-seven.
" Having thus stated the general outlines of the subject, I come
to particulars.
" That I might have correct data to go upon with respect t»
ships and gun-boats, I wrote to the head of one of the departments
at Washington for information on the subject.
" The following is the answer I received : —
" Calculating the cost of a 74 or 100 gun-ship, from the actual cost of
the ship United States, of 44 guns, built at Philadelphia, between the years
1795 aiid 1798, which amounted to 300,000 dollars, it may be presumed,
that a 74 gun-ship would cost 500,000 dollars, and a 100 gun-ship 700,000
dollars. •
"Gun-boats, calculated merely for the defence of harbours and rivers,
will, on an average, cost about 4,000 dollars each, when fit to receive the
crew and provisions.5'
" On the data here given I proceed to state comparative calcu-
lations respecting ships and gun-boats.
" The ship United States cost 300,000 dollars, gun-boats cost
4,000 dollars each, consequently the 300,000 dollars expended on
the ship, for the purpose of getting the use of -44 guns, aud those
most heavy metal, would have built seventy-five gun-boats, each
carrying a cannon of the same weight of metal that a ship of 100
guns can carry.
" The difference therefore is, that the gun-boats give the use of
thirty-one guns, heavy metal, more than can be obtained by the
ship, and the expense in both cases equal.
** A 74 gun-ship costs 500,000 dollars. The same money
•would build 125 gun-boats. The gain by gun-boats is the use of
forty-one more guns than can be obtained by expending the money
on a ship of 74 guns.
" The cost of an 100 gun-ship is 700,000 dollars. This money
would build 175 gun-boats; the gain therefore by the boats is the
use of seventy-five guns more than by the ship.
" Though I had a general impression, ever since I had the
knowledge of gun-boats, that any given sum would go farther in
building" gun-boats than in building ships of war, and that gun-
boats were preferable to ships for home defence; I did not suppose
the difference was so great as the calculations above given prove
them to be, for it is almost double in favour of gun-boats. It is
as 175 to 100. The cause of this difference is easily explained.
The fact is, that all that part of the expense in building a ship from
the deck upward, including masts, yards, sails, and rigging, is
saved by building gun-boats, which are moved by oars, or a
light sail occasionally.
<c The difference also in point of repairs, between ships of war
and gun-boats, is not only great, but it is greater in proportion
than in their first cost. The repair of ships of war is annually
from one-fourteenth to one-tenth of their first cost. The annual
expense of repairs of a ship that cost 300,000 dollars, will be above
21,000 dollars ; the greatest part of this expense is in her sails and
rigging, which gun-boats are free from.
" The difference also in point of duration is great.
" Gun-boats, when not in use, can b« put under shelter, and
preserved from the weather, but ships cannot ; or boats can be
sunk in the water or mud. This is the way the nuts of cider mills
for grinding apples are preserved. Were they to be exposed to
the dry and hot air, after coining wet from the mill, they would
crack and split, and be good for nothing. But timber under water
wil! continue sound several hundred years, provided there be no
" Another advantage in favour of gun-boats, is the expedition
•with which a great number of them can be built at once. A hun-
ilred may be built as soon as one, if there be hands enough to set
about them separately. They do not require preparations for
building them that ships require, nor deep water to launch them
in. They can be built on the shore of shallow waters ; or they
might be framed in the woods or forests, and the parts brought
separately down and put together on the shore. But ships tak«
up a long time in building.
*e The ship United States took up two whole years, 1798 and
1797, and part of the years 1795 and 1798, and all this for the
purpose of getting the use of 44 guns, and those not heavy metal.
61 This foolish aflair was not in the days of the present admi-
<c Ships and gun-boats are for different services. Ships are for
distant expeditions ; gun-boats for home defence. The one for
the ocean, the other for the shore.
" Gun-boats, being moved by oars, cannot be deprived of motion
by calms, for the calmer the weather the better for the boat. But
a hostile ship becalmed in any of our waters can be taken by gun.
boats moved by oars, let the rate of the ship be what it may. A
IQO-gim man-of-xar becalmed is like a giant in a dead palsy ;
ei-ery little fellow can kick him.
" The United States ought to have 500 gun-boats stationed in
different parts of the coast, each carrying a thirty-two or thirty-
*ix pounder. Hostile ships would not then venture to lie within
our Abaters, were it only for the certainty of being sometimes be-
calme d. They would then become prize, and the insulting bullies
on the ocean become prisoners in our own waters.
" II \ving thus stated the comparative powers and expense of
<hips of war and gun-boats, I come to speak of fortifications.
" For tifications may be comprehended under two general head3.
"First. Fortified towns ; that is, towns enclosed within a for-
iified poly »on, of which there are many on the continent of Europe,
but not an}' in England.
" Second. Y. Simple forts and batteries. These are not formed on
the regular p tinciples of fortification ; that is, they are not formed
for the purpos « of standing a sk'ge as a fortified polygon, is. They
are for the pur pose of obstructing or annoying the progress of an
enemy by land vr water.
" Batteries ai e formidable in defending narrow passes by land,
such as the passage of a bridge, or of a road cut through a rough
and craggy mount, vn, that cannot be passed any where else. But
they are not formit. 'abler in defending water-passes, because a ship,
with a brisk wind and tide, running at the rate of ten miles an
hour, will be out of the reach of the fire of the battery in fifteen
or twenty minutes ; and being a swift moving object all the time,
it would be a mere chance that any shot struck her.
" When the object of a ship is that of passing a battery, for the
purpose of attaining or attacking some other object, it is not cus-
tomary for the ship to fire at the battery, lest it should disturb her
course. Three or four men are kept on deck to attend the helm,
and the rest, having nothing to do, go below.
" Duckworth, in passing the Dardanelles up to Constantinople,
did not fire at the batteries.
f( When batteries, for the defence of water-passes, can be
erected without any great expense, and the men not exposed to
capture, it may be very proper to have them. They may keep off
small piratical vessels, but they are not to be trusted to for
li Fortifications give, in general, a delusive idea of protection :
all our principal losses in the revolutionary war were occasioned by
trusting to fortifications.
" Fort Washington, with a garrison of 2,500 men, was taken
in less than four hours, and the men prisoners of war. The same
fate had befallen Fort Lee, on the opposite shore, if General Lee
had not moved hastily off, and gained Hackimsack bridge. General
Lincoln fortified Charleston, in South Carolina, and himself and
his army were made prisoners of war.
" General Washington began fortifying New York, in 177&»
General Howe passed up the east river, landed his army at Frog's
Point, about twenty miles above the city, and marched down upon
it ; and had not General Washington stole silently and suddenly
off on the north river side of York island, himself and Ms army
had also been prisoners.
" Trust not to fortifications, otherwise than as batteries, that
can be abandoned at discretion.
" The case, however, is, that battteries, as a water defence
against the passage of ships, cannot do much. Were any given
number of guns to be put in a battery for that purpose, and aa
equal number of the same weight of metal put in gun-boats for the,
«anie purpose, those in the bo'ats would be more effectual than those-
in the battery.
" The reason of this is obvious. A battery i$ stationary. Its,
fire is limited to about two miles, and there its power ceases. But
every guu-bo^t moved by. oars is a moveable fortification, that caa
follow up its fire, and change its place and its position as circum-
stances may require ; arid besides this, gun-boats in calms are the
sovereigns of ships.
u As the matter interests the public, and most probably will
come before Congress at its next meeting, if the printers in any of
the States, after publishing it in their newspapers, have a mind to
publish it in a pamphlet form, together with my former piece on
gun-boats, tlu:y have my consent frtely.
" I neither take copy-right nor pnjit from any thing I
MR. ED I tO R,
E following relation of a surprising circumstance was handed
to me by one of the officers of his majesty's ship Daedalus,
on board of which ship it happened, whilst laying at Samana, St.
Domingo :•—
" Several sharks were seen swimming about the ship early on
the forenoon of the 20th of November, 1808, waiting their prey.
A hook and bait were put overboard, which one of them imme-
diately seized with voraciousness. Its attempts to escape were frus-
trated by a rope being passed over its fins, with which it was
hoisted on board, by no less a number of men than twenty : in its
maw was found a calf that had been hove overboard a few hours
previously to its being caught : its length from the snout to the ex-
tremity of the tail was ten feet, and the circumference of the body
proportionate: the jaws, when extended, passed over the body of
the stoutest man in the ship. Three others were successively
caught, of equal size with the first; in the last of which was found
sixty-two young ones, a turkey, and a live hawk's-bill turtle)
measuring two feet six inches in length, and one foot nine inches
in breadth : it swam about immediately after its release, in a tub
of water, apparently not the least injured by its singular con-
An instance of so extraordinary a nature deserves to be re-
corded ; and it may be said without deviating from the truth, that
with one hook, sixty-three sharks were caught at one time, and
all alive.
Jamaica, 1st January, 1809.
ol, XXL R
SIR, February 4, 1809.
I HAD no intention of again troubling you with any remarks
which might allude to measures proper to be pursued in Par-
liament, but some passing occurrences appear so strikingly deserv-
ing of parliamentary discussion, that after my former observations,
I could not consistently let them pass unnoticed. I trust the first
matter I mean to submit to your consideration, may prove to be a
false report ; but when such a report is in circulation, it is of
sufficient magnitude to merit inquiry, and of sufficient consequence
to require either refutation or examination.
I am informed that the captains of the navy at the sea-ports
have lately thought proper to petition, in a proper and respectful
manner, for an increase of pay, on the plea of the high prices of
all the necessaries of life, and the recent diminution of their pro-
portion of prize-money. Now, Sir, it matters not whether the
petition be well timed, or whether the prayer of it should b«
granted or denied ; as surely there exists an undoubted right in the
subjects of these kingdoms to petition, whenever they judge it ex-
pedient, and it is only a disrespectful or unconstitutional manner
of wording or presenting it, which could merit either rebuke or
punishment ; nor will any one man in his sound senses atlirm, that
the petitioners are a body of men whom either justice or policy
•would treat with harshness or contempt. As the good citizens of
London met with a severe rebuke on a late occasion, so on the
present it is said that a more arbitrary mark of displeasure has
taken place; no less than the dismissal of the late admirable and
worthy commander-in-chief at Portsmouth from his command, for
merely having forwarded this petition to the Admiralty, or perhaps
to the General who commands at that Board. Are such things so,
and this the land of constitutional freedom ?
I now beg leave to refer you to the letter in your 17th volume,
•without signature — See page 46, line 12, et seq. and let us ob-
serve the encouragement the navy receives from the government.
In Gobbet's Weekly Register of January 21, amongst other mat-
ter well worth the consideration of the naval legislator (for it is
time for us to speak for ourselves), is the following sentence : —
" The island of St. Croix it is well known was taken about a year
ago, by Sir Alexander Cochrane and General Bowyer, who
jointly, according to the usual custom in such cases, made appoint-
ments of harbour masters and naval officers. They bestowed the
four offices upon three persons, in' the following manner :— Cap-
tain T. Cochrane, of the navy, son to the admiral, was appointed
harbour-master of the two ports ; Captain Pickmere, of the navy,
was made naval officer of the port of Fredericksted ; and Brigadier-
general Ramsay naval officer of the port of Christiansted : all these
appointments were set aside by Lord Castlereagh, and the four
ojjices united in the person of his uncle^ Lord G. Seymour,"
&c. &c. There is much more in the same number, of great naval
interest ; and perhaps you may think it right to add another ex-
tract or two of what is merely to that effect.
If a branch of the noble family of Seymour is to have public sup-
port, i should think it would at least spurn with indignation the
act of taking it from the brave soldiers and seamen who had borne
the dangers of the battle and the climate; and 1 trust, that when
this affair comes into discussion before Parliament, no seltish mo-
tives will prevent every member connected with it from support-
ing the cause of justice and right, against oppression, partiality,
aud wrong.
I perceive also that the government of New South Wales is
transferred to the army from the navy, although a volume of sound
reasons might be produced to shew the appointment should take
place from the latter.
1 trust that some able advocate will appear to defend the cause
of the naval service, which I must consider as ill used and oppressed
in various instances ; and that the tried loyalty and patriotic exer-
tions of the great bulwark of Britain, will receive from a grateful
country a due attention to its proper interests.
i remain, Sir, yours, &c.
E. G, F.
N.B. I fear you will be fired of my correspondence, but in the
light the subjects mentioned above struck me, 1 thought they could
not too soon be oft'ered to public notice in your work, in the
course of which I have ever had reason to believe you the seaman's
f II ^HE discipline of our navy is now in so perfect a state, that it
-*- rarely indeed happens that examples of severity are necessary
to maintain it. Before this desirable end was accomplished, the case
must have been otherwise, as it was indispensable to let the coward
feel more than disgrace and contempt, when it seemed probable or
possible his conduct might prove infectious among a brave crew ;
but when a commander or his officers exhibited symptoms of fear,
every consideration demanded instant punishment—Tit has been
promptly and rigidly inflicted, and we are now enjoying the happy
consequences of the stern patriotic virtue of our ancestors — for
instance : a court martial was held on board his majesty's yacht,
September 16, 1670, " called the Bezan, in the river of Thames,
near Tower Wharf, for the trial of Captain John Pierce, com-
mander of his majesty's ship the Saphire, unfortunately lost the
31st of March last, upon the coast of Sicily, and of his lieutenant,
Andrew Logan; when, upon diligent examination and inquisition,
it was fully and clearly evidenced, by the testimony of twelve cre-
dible witnesses upon oath, that the said ship was basely and shame-
fully lost through the default and cowardice of the said captain
and lieutenant, who upon the approach of four sail, supposed to
be Turks men of war, being possessed of a panic fear, ordered the
ship to run from them, refusing to let go the anchor, till the ship
was struck, contrary to the sense, not only of the master and pur-
ser, who persuaded them to fight, the ship being in a fit posture,
but of the whole company, who declared their readiness and desire
of it by their cheerful acclamations. Upon these and other
evidences, the said captain and lieutenant were, by a general and
unanimous consent, adjudged and sentenced to be shot to duath, on
Monday the 26th instant, on board any of his majesty's ships or
vessels of war, according as the president of that court, Sir
Jeremiah Smith, should direct."
Such was {he disgraceful termination of the naval career of
Messrs. Pierce and Logan, whose conduct affords a disgusting con-
trast with that of the brave Clark and his hardy crew, fit associates
for those of the Saphire, an account of which follows. The author
of this narrative dates his information from Cadiz, and adds : —
« Here is now riding in this bay the Holmes frigate, Captain Henry
Clark, commander, lately come in from the coast of Barbary, before
Sallec, where having been cruising, on the 5th instant, about
twelve of the clock, he discovered two sail coming along by the
shore from the southward, with the wind at north-west ; one of
them, a man of war, kept the offing, and weathered the Holmes
about musket-shot, whereupon the captain tacked upon the broad-
side of her, and kept there for the space of an hour ; firing many
broadsides upon her ; it afterwards proving little wind, arid that
shifting to the southward of the west, the Sallee man got large
from him, and afterwards forced it to Sallee over the bar very
much shattered ; the captain then bore up for the other vessel,
which was under the shore, supposed to be a prize, which imme-
diately run on shore, and there struck, and that night overset, and
staved to pieces.
" The 14th instant, about six in the morning, he discovered three
sail coming in from sea, having but little wind from south, standing
in, in hopes to weather him ; between seven and eight they met
together, within musket-shot, or less, at which time it proved a
dead culm, two of these proved to be the admiral and vice-admiral
of Sallee, having each of them about eight guns, and as many
pederos, and very full of men : before eight of the clock in the
forenoon, they begun to engage, and continued in fight until six in
the afternoon, in all which time the captain could not (with all the
arts he could use) get aboard either of them ; between five and six
in the afternoon, the vice-admiral being very much shattered ami
torn, ran on shore with the third ship, supposed to be a prize,
when they both immediately struck, the vice-admiral oversetting ;
the admiral came to an anchor just without the creek of the shore,
whom the captain presently ?)eat from his anchor, after which he
ran to the southward, just without the creek, whither, it being now
night, the captain thought not fit to follow, being also desirous to
see the other wholly destroyed. The next day the admiral was
seen riding within a ledge of rocks, about six leagues to the
southward of Sallee ; but then the captain, finding his ammunition
spent to three rounds of powder, and his ship somewhat disordered
by the former service, thought it more convenient to return for this
port ; in this fight he had but two men killed outright, and ten
hurt, of which three are supposed to be in danger."
Yours, &c. ROBUR.
Letter from Captain GEOUSE BYNG, of the Belliqueux, to Sir
EDWARD PELLEW, Bart, relating the Result of an Attack on a
Malay Prors.
Belliqueux, Macassar Straits,
SIR, 29M August, 1807.
I HAVE a most painful task in informing you, that in conse-
quence of boarding a Malay prow in the Straits of Macassar,
I have the mortification to have killed, Mr. Turner, doing duty as
acting lieutenant, and six men, the particulars of which are as
follows : —
On the 26th of August, in the forenoon, discovered three
Malay prows to windward; gave chase, and brought them to about
five P.M. and had them all within pistol shot ; as the day was fast
closing, and the night dark, to prevent any unnecessary delay, I
ordered out three J)oats, armed, and a lieutenant in each, to examine
them, and if they had reason to believe they had Dutch property
or papers, to return and acquaint me, giving the officers every
caution to guard against the treachery of the Malays.
The rear one, boarded by Mr. Turner, he had dismissed, and
she made sail. Mr. Turner having a servant of mine that could
speak the Malay language, on his return back he called on board
the one boarded by my fourth lieutenant, Passmore, to aid him in
his inquiries.
My third lieutenant, Carew, who boarded the other, returned
on board, saying he had found Dutch colours, which looking sus-
picious, I directed him to go back immediately (night closing fast)
and anchor the vessel, and send the boat to direct the same to the
other, and 1 came to an anchor myself; I had just sent him away
•when I discovered a confusion in the prow Lieutenant Passmore
•was on board, and our people jumping overboard. I had my
launch and pinnace got out with an expedition that did credit to
my crew, and sent my first lieutenant, Fellows, and second
lieutenant, Stanton, in them, well armed and manned with marines,
and with orders to attack, and if possible, carry her. Though at
this time she was under my guns, yet 1 saw one of my boats along-
side, and being totally ignorant of the situation of my people, I did
not like to fire into her, and by the time the pinnace and launch
had got near her, it was near dark ; but 1 saw my boats were close
to her, and a smart fire kept up on both sides. It began to blow
fresh, and she had got sail on her, though the boats got hold
more than once, from the velocity of her way. The boats returned
about eleven o'clock, with one man killed and three wounded, not
having succeeded.
In the mean time, I sent the barge with a reinforcement to
Lieutenant Carew, and to prevent a similar business or escape,
brought her alongside ; I found she had below upwards of thirty
men, all armed, and six brass pieces mounted. In getting the war-
like implements out of her, intending to dismiss her afterwards
•with her crew, much sea running, she bilged, and filled before it
was fully accomplished.
Lieutenant Passmore's statement is as follows : — Seeing the
Malays attempt to throw a box or two overboard, which he pre-
rented, and was in the act of opening one, when thirty or forty
Malays, armed, rushed up from below, and attacked them most
furiously, killed Mr. Turner and four men, and drove the rest
overboard. The jolly boat alongside, with two men in, they
immediately threw heavy weights, &c. into her, knocked the men
down, and swamped the boat before they had power to get clear.
From every investigation I have been enabled to make, I have
reason to believe the above is a true statement, and that not the
least offence on the part of my officers and men was given, and
that they were absolutely three piratical vessels. The cargo of the
one sunk being chiefly matts and rattan cane.
Though the vessel was not carried by the pinnace and launch, I
am perfectly satisfied with the gallant conduct and endeavours of
the officers and men in them.
The daring way the Malays faced our fire, and threw their
spears, is spoken of with admiration as to their bravery, by the
officers in the boats, and though numbers were killed, fell over-
board, and passed our boats, yet their places were directly supplied.
They appeared to have upwards 'of seventy men on board the
said prow.
Mr. Turner had served five years under my command ; a more
steady and worthy officer could not exist, and I shall ever respect
his memory and regret his loss.
The 28th I stood in for Borneo, and landed the Malay pri-
I have the honour to be, &c.
To his Excellency Sir Edward Pellcx, Bart,
rear-admiral of' the red, fyc.
f IplHE following subject being altogether uncommon, and the
-**- existence of the creature described having been considered as
problematical by most, and even derided by many, we are induced
to insert such accounts of it, as may dissipate all further doubt.
We are happy to find that it has been inquired into by scientific
men, whose names authenticate the report : —
" At a late meeting of the Wernerian Natural History Society,
* This curious and interesting paper is copied from the LITERARY
Mr. P. Neill read an account of a great sea snake, lately cast
ashore in Orkney, This curious animal, it appears, was stranded
in Rothsolm Bay, in the island of Stronsa. Malcolm Laing, Esq.
M.P. being in Orkney at the time, communicated the circumstance
to his brother. Gilbert Laing, Esq. advocate, at Edinburgh, on
whose property the animal had been cast. Through this authentic
channel, Mr. Neill received his information. The body measured
fifty-five feet in length, and the circumference of the thickest part
might be equal to the girth of an Orkney poney. The head was
not larger than that of a seal, and \vas furnished with two blow
holes. From the back a number of filaments (resembling in tex-
ture the fishing tackle known by the name of silkworm gut) hung
down like a mane. On each side of the body were three large
fins, shaped like paws, and jointed. The body was unluckily
knocked to pieces by a tempest; but the fragments have been
collected by Mr. Laing, and are to be transmitted to the museum
at Edinburgh. Mr. Neill concluded with remarking, that no
doubt could be entertained that this was the kind of animal de-
scribed by Ramus, Egede, and Pontoppidan, but which scientific
and systematic naturalists had hitherto rejected as spurious and
We confidently hope, that the particulars of this event will
appear at full, in the Transactions of the Wernerian Society,
when published. In the mean time, we add another letter that ha*
appeared in print, which, though written in a style and manner
hardly proper to a naturalist, yet contains some additional points
of information..
The following account is communicated by an intelligent
naturalist resident at Edinburgh, to a gentleman at Norwich : —
" The Serpens Marinus Magnus^ of Pontoppidan, has hitherto
been considered as a fabulous monster, and denied ' a local habita-
tion and a name ' by all scientific and systematic naturalists, who
have affected to pity the credulity of the good bishop of Bergen.
One of these monsters, however (indignant, may I not say, at the
scepticism of the disciples of the Linnean school ?) has, effectually
to prove its existence, been heroic enough to wreck himself on
the Orkney islands. He came ashore at Rothsolm, or Rougom
Bay, in Stronsa, near to Shearers. It was 55 feet long ; but the
tail seemed to have been broken by dashing among the rocks : so
it was calculated to have been 60 feet in the whole. Where
thickest, it might equal the girth of an Orkney horso, which, you.
know, is a starved English poney. The head was not larger than
a seal's, and had two spiracles or blow holes. From the back
hung down numerous filaments, eighteen inches long (the inane
described by Pontoppidan). These filaments bear the most per-
fect resemblance to the silkworm gut, or India sea-grass used in
fronting. The monster had three pair of fins, or rather paws ; the
first pair 5~ feet long, with a joint at the distance of four feet
from the body. Alas ! a tempest beat the carcass to pieces before
men and ropes could be collected ; and only a fragment (about five
ieet) of the back bone, and a whole paw, are presarved. M.
Laing, Esq. M. P. has got these, and is to send them to our
University Museum."
These accounts are completely in conformity to what had been
already communicated by writers on natural history : and they
happily vindicate the veracity of such writers, who, because they
have related instances of rare occurrence, have been treated as
incapable of just discernment, if not as immoral ; for such is the
nature of the accusation of attempting to impose on their readers
fiction instead of truth.
What has been published on this subject, is supported by the
following testimony : —
Egede (a very reputable author) says, that " on the 6th day of
July, 17 34, a large and frightful sea monster raised itself so high
out of the water, that its head reached above the main-top-mast of
the ship ; that it had a long sharp snout, broad paws, and spouted
water like a whale; that the body seemed to be covered with
scales ; the skin was uneven and wrinkled, and the lower part was
formed like a snake. The bpdy of this monster is said to be as
thick as a hogshead ; his skin is variegated like a tortoise-shell ;
and his excrement, which floats on the surface of the water, is
corrosive, and blisters the hands of the seamen if they handle it."
In 175G, one of them was shot by a master of a ship; its head
resembling that of the horse ; the mouth was large and black, as
were the eyes ; a white mane hanging from its neck, it floated on
the surface of the water, and held its head at least two feet out of
the sea ; between the head and neck were seven or eight folds,
which were very thick ; and the length of this snake was more than
i hundred yards, some say fathoms. Thoy have a remarkable
ffiafc. ertton. (Hoi. XXI. s
130 fniLosormcA! PAPER;
aversion to the smell of castor ; for which reason, ship, boat, and
bark-masters provide themselves with quantities of that drug, to
prevent being overset, the serpent's olfactory nerves being
remarkably exquisite. The particulars related of this animal would
be incredible, were they not attested upon oath.
Every particular here mentioned may be corroborated by the
sea-serpent stranded in Rothsolm Bay : the blow holes, out of
which it certainly could have "spouted water like a whale;"
the "long sharp snout" and the "broad paws;" which prove-
to be jointed ; and this is as remarkable a particular as any that is
mentioned. As naturalists, we are doubtful as to the propriety of
classing this creature among serpents : although we know that th»
collecting link between the lizard and the serpent tribes, has pro-
jecting members, which some call feet. The Seps, and the Chalcide^
which are found in Italy, are clear instances of this conformation :
these are sometimes two or three feet in length, and have four short
The Slang Hagedis, or serpent described by Vosmaer (Amster-
dam, 1774) from a living specimen in the Prince of Orange's
cabinet at the Hague ; with the worm Hagedis, from the Cape of
Good Hope (in the same plate), may also be referred to. The
first has four projecting long scales rather than feet ; the second
has four feet, but apparently of feeble powers. Of biped rep-
tiles, Count de la Cepede gives two specimens, of very small
dimensions, found in South America. The whole of the lizard
tribe have four feet, but this mighty inhabitant of the waters, has,-
it appears, six feet, or fins j but rather feet, if the terms be correct,
<{ shaped like paws, and jointed;" the joint "being four feet
distant from the body." This singularity seems to imply tke
power of crawling along the bottom of the sea, climbing up rocks,
and holding strongly by such protuberant masses as it has occasion
to pass. We shall be glad to find that some delineation of it from
the real subject has been preserved.
The Laccrta Syren, of Linnaeus, found by Dr. Garden in Caro*
Jina, should not be forgotten on this occasion.
This sea-serpent does not seem to be a creature prepared for
carnage and devastation ; and whether it may possess venom of
any kind, probably was not examined by those who discovered it.
We rather think it to be slow, languid, aud quiet: like the whale,
which it resembles in its power of ejecting water through its
It remains that we'hint at the inquiry whether this specimen, of
the length of 60 feet, had attained the full size of its species. We
rather incline to think it was but a small one : seeing that every
other particular of those who formerly described this creature has
been justified, we see no reason for impeaching their correctness,
in the estimation they made of its dimensions. We observe, too,
that a body the thickness of a hogshead, is but in proportion for
one for a hundred yards in length, to a body the thickness of a
poney for one of sixty feet.
We rtay also add, that in the regions of which it is native, pos-
sibly it meets with but few enemies capable of shortening its life :
and MC have every reason for believing Pliny, who describes
whales of 120 feet and upwards in length, as being formerly extant
in the North Seas, although we now find the same description of
fish seldom attain the length of 60 feet. The cause is the interested
necessity of man, which does not allow them to attain their full
growth, but destroys them before their time. The skeleton of a
whale was some time ago found on the western coast of North
America, that was 105 feet in length. This contributes to vindi-
cate Pliny : and even the correctness of his account of the pro-
digious serpent slain by Regulus, is strongly vouched for by such
We say nothing on the support this yields to the accounts of
other immense inhabitants of the waters: the inference cannot
escape the reader. Accident may throw a Kraken on our coast.
As to the spots on the body of this serpent, we know that the
skin of each species of serpent is distinguished by a peculiar pat-
tern ; some of which are extremely handsome.
THE exhibition we just nad of the fogs leaving the Welch coast
was a pleasing one, but Avhere there is a coincidence of grand
objects under such circumstances the exhibition is often sublime.
One of the grandest I remember to have. met with, was presented
at the sieg^ of Gibraltar.*
* See Drinkwater's Journal.
It was near daybreak on the 12th of April, 1781, when a
message was brought from the signal-house at the summit of the
rock, that the long-expected fleet, under Admiral Darby, was in
sight. Innumerable masts were just discerned from that lofty
situation ; but could not be seen from the lower parts of the
castle, being obscured by a thick fog, which had set in from the
west, and totally over>prcad the opening of the straits. In this
uncertainty the garrison remained for some time ; while the fleet,
invested in obscurity, moved slowly towards the castle. In the
mean time, the sun becoming powerful, the fog rose like the cur.
tain of a vast theatre, and discovered at once the whole fleet, full
and distinct before the eye. The convoy, consisting of near three
hundred vessels, were in a compact body, led on by twenty-eight
sail of the line, and a number of tenders and other smaller vessels,
A gentle wind just filled their sails, and brought them forward with
a slow and solemn motion. Had all this grand exhibition been
presented gradually, the sublimity of it would have been injured
by the acquaintance the eye would have made with it, during its
approach ; but the appearance of it in all its greatness at once,
before the eye had examined the detail, had a wonderful effect.
To this account of a grand effect from the clearing away of a
foe, I shall subjoin another, which, though of the horrid kind, is
grand and sublime in the highest degree. It is taken from Captain
jNIeares's voyage from China to the northern latitudes of America.
That navigator having gained the inhospitable coast he >vas in pur-
suit of, was sailing among unknown bays and gulfs, when he was
suddenly immersed i;i HO thick a fog, that the seamen could not
even discern an object from one end of the ship to the other.
Ni^ht too came on, which rendered every thing still more dismal.
While the unhappy crew were ruminating on the variety of dis-
tresses that surrounded them, about midnight they were alarmed,
•with the sound of waves bursting and dashing amongst rocks,
•within a little distance of the head of the ship. Instantly turning
the helm, they tacked about. But they had sailed only a short way
in this new direction, when they were terrified with the same dread,
ful sound a second time. They altered their course again: but
the same tremendous noise again recurred. At length day cams
on ; but the fog continuing as intense* as before, they could see
uolV:ir~. All they knew was, that they were surrounded by rocks
on every side ; but how to escape they had no idea. Once, during
a momentary interruption of the fog, they got a glimpse of the
summit of an immense cliff, covered with snow, towering over the
rnast, but the fog instantly shut it in. A more dreadful situation
cannot easily be conceived. They had steered in every direction,
but always found they were land-locked, and though they were
continually close to the shore, on sounding they could find no
bottom. Their anchors, therefore, \vere of no use. Four days
they continued in this dreadful suspense, tacking from side to side :
on the fifth the fog cleared away, and they had a view at once of
the terrors that surrouuded them. They had by some strange
accident, found their way into a bay, environed on all sides with
precipices of immense height, covered with snow, and falling down
to the water, in lofty rocks, which were every where perpendicular,
except in some parts where the constant beating of the surge had
hollowed them into caverns. The sound they heard was from the
waters swelling and rushing into these caverns, which absorbing
them, drove them out again with great fury against the rocks at
their mouths, dashing them into foam with a tremendous sound.
Captain Meares now perceived the passage, through which he had
Jjeen driven into this scene ol horrors, and made his escape.
THE annexed view of Ilfracombe, taken from the vcstward,
is from a drawing by Mr. Pocock, engraved by Rickards.
Ilfracombe, or Ilfordcombe, is a seaport and market town in
Devonshire, 48 miles north-west by north from Exeter, and 1S1
west by south from London. It consists chiefly of one irregular
street, from the church to the sea-side, upwards of a mile long,
and is a neat, well-built, populous, and thriving place.
The harbour is very commodiously situated ; so that ships can
run in there, when it would be dangerous to go> to Bideford or
Barnstaple ; consequently, several of the traders of the latter town
do a great deal of their port business at Ilfracombe. The vessel*
belonging to this place are chiefly employed as coasters, in carrying-
ore, corn, £c. from Cornwall and Devonshire to Bristol, and in
For the security of the harbour, and the protection of shipping,
A pier was long since built, and a light-house erected; but tho*sc
accommodations were made solely at the expence of the owner of
the soil ; and, some disputes arising about the customary duties to
be paid to the lord of the manor, it was found necessary to apply
to the legislature for settling those duties. An act of Parliament
was accordingly obtained, in the year 1781, making them payable
to the lord of the manor, and providing that all the money raised
by them, or recovered by forfeitures under the act, shall be laid
out in repairing and supporting the pier, light-house, warp, warp,
house, boats, and harbour j so that an ample fund has been
established for keeping them in excellent condition. The pier
forms a quay upwards of 800 feet in length. — Outside the pier are
several coves admirably adapted for bathing, for which purpose
convenient machines are kept.
There are packets ftom Ilfracombe to Bristol, Swansea, Milford
Haven, &c.
On a high point near the bay, Sir Bourchicr Wray, the lord of
the manor, some time ago built a summer house, which commands
a beautiful and extensive prospect of the ocean.
Ilfracombe church, which is a large plain structure, contains a
monument to the memory of Captain Thomas Bowen, who was
killed in the unsuccessful attack upon Teneriffe, where he acted
with Lord Nelson. This monument was erected at the expense of
the nation.
On the 22d of February, 1797, three French frigates -appeared
off Ilfracombe, scuttled several merchantmen, and attempted to
destroy the shipping in the harbour. They also landed 1,400
troops, and soon after set sail, leaving the men to be taken
Again the dismal prospect opens round,
The wreck, the shore, the dying, and die dr«wn'd.
EMELLI CARRERI, a Neapolitan, was one of the most
enlightened navigators that have sailed round the globe.
Having arrived at Canton, in the month of January, 1696, he was
under the necessity of passing several weeks in that city, and even
returning a second time in March the same year. He also visited
Macao, and after seeing every thing worthy of notice in that town,
he crossed over to the Green Island, at that time belonging to the
college of Jesuits. It is situated at a small distance from Macao,
and is only a mile in circumference. Though nothing more than
a. sterile rock, the Jesuits had erected there a delightful pleasure-
house. They had likewise succeeded in rearing plantains, bananas,
and several other fruit-trees, which surround the edifice. Among
other Jesuits who resided there was one equally esteemed for his
piety and the charms of his conversation. In the different inter-
views which Carreri had with him, he was highly gratified by
receiving from his mouth the confirmation of a$ extraordinary
event, of which he had before heard, but without being able to
ascertain the degree of credit that was due to it.
In 1688, a Portuguese sloop, bound from the coast of Corotnan-
del to the Philippines, anchored in safety in the port of •Cavite,
and sailed again soon afterwards, laden with the commodities of
the country. The vessel had on board about sixty persons, Moors,
Gentoos, and Portuguese, among whom was the Jesuit missionary
found by Ccrreri on the Green Island. The captain and pilot
were not sufficiently vigilant while navigating the sea of the
Philippines, which is extremely dangerous, from the multitude of
rocks : the sloop struck on a sand-bank near the Calamian islands,
and instantly went to pieces. The Moors and Gentoos, of whom
the greatest part of the crew was composed, immediately seized the
long-boat, with a view to get on shore on a neighbouring island,
but a violent gale arising during their passage, the boat foundered,
and every person was entombed in a watery grave. The others,
who had the good fortune to keep their station upon the sand,
took advantage of a quantity of planks floating near them to reach
successively the nearest island, distant two miles from the spot
where they were wrecked. After a minute search, they found it
was destitute of water. The success of their first attempt induced
them to endeavour to pass over to another island, at the distance
of about three leagues. They arrived there in safety by tha
method they had before employed. This island, however, was like
the former, very small, low, and without wood or water. For
four (lays they were obliged to drink the blood of tortoises to allay
their thirst. Necessity at length supplied them with invention ;
they employed their planks to make- trenches level with the surface
of the water. That which remained in them, lost in a few days
part of its saltness. The (aste was at first disgusting; but finding
that it was not pernicious, tht-y soon overcame the dislike they at
first took to drink it. Providence, in conducting to this island
the sraajl number of persons who had escaped from the wreck, had
supplied them on this barren spot with resources against t7i6
cravings of hunger and thirst: the latter, in the manner we hare
already seen, and the former in the extraordinary abundance of tur-
tles, it being then the season of laying. They flocked every night
from the sea to deposit their eggs in the sand. The mariners
matched them, and as soon as they were at a little distance from
the water, they threw them on their backs ; from the facility of
killing them, they procured such a number as to supply them with
foftd during six months.
Provisions began to run short, and they had scarcely sufficient
for a few days, when they saw a large species of sea-bird, called
boobies, arrive on the island. They came regularly every year to
these islands, to build their nests and lay their eggs. The eggs
and the young were a twofold resource to the unfortunate Por-
tuguese, who likewise killed many of the parent birds. They used
pieces of the planks to kill them, and they laid up a store sufficient
for half a year. Thus the turiles and the boobies .furnished them
regularly with provisions for the two parts of the year, without
any other preparation than drying their flesh in the sun. They
likewise ate it fresh, stewed in vessels made of a kind of earth.
These they had succeeded in moulding after many attempts, but
they could not use them more than once, either from the want of
a furnace, or because the earth they employed was not sufficiently
Sickness, and the hardships of tfceir situation, had reduced the
number of these unfortunate exiles to eighteen. Their clothes
were worn out in time, when they contrived to sew together the
skins of the birds they killed, with needles, which one of them
chanced to have about him when the vessel was east away. A few
small scattered palm-trees, at a small distance from the coast, fur-
nished them with a kind of thread for the purpose. Upon the
approach of winter, they retired to skreen themselves from the
cold, into subterraneous grottos which they had scooped out with
their hands. They were situated on a gentle ascent facing the
Several years elapsed without any change in the situation of these
unhappy men. They sometimes perceived vessels in full sail very
near their island. In vain they claimed relief by their cries ; in vain
they waved skins in the air, and made fires on the elevations.
Doubtless the fear of the sands and shallows deterred the pilots :
all passed without bringing to. By the quantity of planks and
other fragments thrown upon the sand, during this long interval,
they even conjectured that shipwrecks were frequent in these seas,
and that they alone were not condemned to misfortune.
The annual return of the turtles and birds, which furnished them
with a certain subsistence, caused them to endure their melancholy
fate with courage for six years. At the beginning of the seventh,
their hopes were still kept alive by the arrival of the turtles, which
appeared in the same abundance as ever ; but in the second season
they were cruelly disappointed. The boobies, undoubtedly terri-
fied by the incessant persecution on this spot for several years,
returned in such small numbers, that the shipwrecked troop was
soon seized with the utmost consternation. At the same time two
of them, sinking beneath the wright of the evils that overwhelmed
them, and the dreary prospects of the future, ended their days in
the land of exile. The others, being reduced in number to sixteen,
grew so meagre that they appeared like spectres rather than men.
In the agitation of their minds some resigned themselves to despair,
"while others still retained in their bosoms a spark of hope.
By degrees, however, all recovered their tranquility, and having
assembled, they, after some debate, resolved, as the last expedient*
to quit the island, with the chance of landing a second time ou
some uninhabited coast. They instantly fell to work, and, with,
the planks and fragments of vessels thrown upon the shore by the
sea, they in a few days constructed a kind of vessel, or rather a
box. This they caulked with a mixture of feathers, sand, and
turtle fat: the rigging was composed of the nerves of turtles
doubled several times, and the sails of boobies' skins, sewed
together. Though the construction was rude, yet the bark made
no water, and yielded to the impulse either of wind or of oars.
They took on board with them the small quantity of provisions
that remained.
^Vith these slender resource? they set sail, on a fine day, im-
ploring the assistance of Heaven. An uncertain navigation of
eight days, under the guidance of the winds and waves alone,
brought them to the island of Hayman, off the south coast of
China. After landing on a shore which they perceived to be
inhabited, their first care was to pour forth the grateful effusions
of their hearts to Divine Providence ; after which they proceeded
up the country. The first natives who descried them were terriiied,
and tied with precipitation. However, some of the Portuguese,
who understood the Chinese language, increasing their pace, those
of the inhabitants who were least alarmed, qbserved that the
er&ion, ftci.XXI. X
strangers were without arms, and waited for them. A brief recital of
their misfortunes drew tears from their eyes, they immediately
offered them provisions, and shewed them a spring of fresh water.
After th'.y had satisfied the pressing necessities of thirst, they were
conducted to the mandarin of the island, who with eager solicitude
provided lodgings, and supplied them with every thing their situa-
tion required. He afterwards procured them the means of return,
ing to their families. The Portuguese, who were not far from.
Macao, arrived there in a few days. One of them, who was sup-
posed by his wife to be dead, was surprised to find her married
again. Their mutual friends prevailed upon him to forgive a levity
which seven years absence rendered very excusable.
The missionary, who confirmed the truth of this event, had been
sent to the Green Island to recover from the hardships he had
endured, and though he had resided there above a year, his health
and strength had scarcely begun to be re-established.
THE following remarks on an article which appeared in our
NAVAL CHRONICLE for November last, having appeared in
a contemporary work* of great literary and scientific merit, we are
induced, for the further elucidation of the subject, and the gratifi-
cation of our naval readers, to insert them.
An Examination of tlie Notion entertained by Seamen, that the Weakness
or Looseness of a Vessel's Frame makes her sail foster. By Captain Malcolm
Coican." • NAVAL CHRONICLE, No. 120.
Captain Cowan observes, that the generality of seamen have an
idea that the strength of ships is an impediment to their sailing,
which makes them give too ready an assent to any objection that
may be made to the improvements in naval architecture, which
have been contrived for strengthening ships, and consequently
adding to their safety ; not considering how many are interested
in the continuation of ancient errors and absurdities, and enriched
by the existing abuses in the construction and equipment of ships.
This is a subject in which seamen are more particularly interested,
from being liable to be the greatest sufferers by any mistake relative
to it, and which therefore demands their peculiar attention.
* Athenaeum for February, 1809«
Captain Cowan supposes the notion to be erroneous, that the
part of ships immersed in the water can twist or bend in any way
to effect their sailing, as they are too firmly bound by the decks
and knees, to admit of any sufficient motion in this way for this
effect ; he however admits the possibility of this twisting and bend-
ing, in order to investigate the consequences of it on the sailing,
and to shew that they would be nearly the reverse of what is com-
monly supposed.
If a vessel should bend upwards or downwards, she would make
more resistance to the water, by opposing a greater surface to it
transversely ; a hollow or concave keel is well known to be one
of the greatest impediments to a vessel's sailing : and if the vessel,
on the contrary, is sunk lower in the middle, it is evident the
transverse section of her immersed part must be proportionably
increased in depth, along with her resistance to forward motion,
which depends on it.
If the bend or fwist should be sideways, the transverse section
would be increased in breadth, and the resistance become propor-
tionably greater ; besides this, it would make a resistance diagonally
to the proper course, which would operate to make the vessel steer
in the direction of the bend at the head. These reasons Captain
Cowan justly supposes are conclusive, but they are rendered more
apparent by drawings, which he has made of ships twisted as sea-
men suppose they may be : a single inspection of the roughest
sketch of this kind is sufficient to demonstrate the absurdity of the
idea (to any but the obstinately ignorant), that such twisting can
be an advantage.
Captain Cowan attributes the effect which takes place on the
sailing of vessels by cutting through the gunnels (which is prac-
tised sometimes in small privateers), entirely to the loosening of
the upper tzorks, and thereby giving more play to the masts and
sails. It often happens, that by slacking the rigging, a vessel's
sailing is improved ; and it is usual in cutters to slack the runners
and tackles (which support the mast) when in chase, in order to
give the mast as much play or motion as possible; in large, and
particularly in lofty ships, the rolling motion causes the sides to
bend over somewhat from their natural position, and this causes
a material alteration in the position of the masts and sails, besides
giving them more play, as the length of the masts multiplies the
alteration of place at the sails, in proportion to their distance from
the centre of motion.
By cutting through a vessel's gunnels, the upper works may be
made very loose ; but as the deck must keep every part beneath it
under water from bending or twisting so as to affect the sailing,
it must be entirely from the effect which the looseness of the
upper works has on the masts and sails, that any alteration in.
sailing can arise.
Captain Cowan observes, in concluding, that ships sometimes sail
faster when new and firm, than when they get old and weak ; that
the best sailing trim of a vessel must depend entirely on the draught
of water, the stowage of the hold, and the position and trim of the
masts, sails, and rigging, as no improvement in the sailing of a ship
can be produced by her bending or twisting beneath the surface
of the water, however weak or loose she may be.
It is easy to demonstrate that when any part of the frame of a
ship loosens, so as to be capable of motion on the neighbouring
parts, from that moment the vessel begins to decay; and it is all a
matter of chance whether her destruction should be gradual, by a
progressive loosening and wearing of the whole frame, or whether
the partial motion of a single timber may not start a plank, and
send her and her crew, and cargo, at once to the bottom. Captain
Cowan has therefore done a singular service to seamen in pointing
out their errors on this subject, by shewing, that it is the part of
the vessel above water which affects the sailing by its action on the
masts and yards, and not the alteration of the shape of the im-
mersed part, as was falsely imagined.
The effect which the giving play or motion to the masts has on
the sailing, we are convinced, arises entirely from the greater
spring or elasticity which they are then capable of exercising. It
has been long since proved, that the springs added to wheel
carriages enable a given force to produce a greater effect in moving
them forward, and prevent impediments on the road from diminish,
ing their velocity of motion in a very great degree, if not entirely.
The waves on the sea may be considered as forming obstructions
to the velocity of a ship, in a similar manner to that which obsta-
cles on a road do to the motion of a carriage; and it may easily be
conceived, that the introduction of the principle of the spring,
in making the motion of the ship more uniform, must be equally
But surely the dangerous expedient of damaging the vessel, by
the process of loosening it, as it is called, cannot be absolutely
necessary to give this spring ; or granting that it aids somewhat in
this way; yet certainly many better methods can be devised, and
certainly none worse, and it is evidently a disgrace to the ingenuity
of seameR, not to be able to contrive a better expedient than tha
very barbarous one which they have adopted. Springs have been
added to the blocks for the sheets and halyards, in several American,
vessels, according to the contrivance of Mr. Hopkinson, and have
been found of great utility : there can be no donht but that the
slings of the yards might be also attached to springs, and tha.t the
effect would not only be beneficial to the sailing of the ship, but
also in preventing the sails from being rent by sudden squalls.
The wind varies likewise, from the intensity of its action on the
sail for momentary intervals at other times, as well as in squalls ;
and the action of the ship in pitching and rolling tends also to
make the operation of the w ind on the sail very variable, increasing
it as the mast rolls towards the wind, and diminishing it as it rolls
from it. Springs at the slings and at the halyard blocks would
equalize this action of the wind more effectually than cutting the
gunnels, or loosening the rig-ing, so as to endanger the masts
being brought by the board. All unprejudiced persons will at
least grant that this, and every other safe expedient, should be
tried for the purpose, before the very dangerous methods above-
mentioned should be attempted.
It has been proved by experimental philosophers, that a pyra-
midical or conoidal body of wood, forced into the water, will
react in the same manner as a spring ; this principle may be also
adopted to give the action of a spring to the masts, without injuring
the ship, for its hull may be so shaped, that, both in rolling and
pitching, the resistance may gradually increase, as it inclines from,
the veriical position, and that the reaction may be in the same pro-
portion : the wedge shape which many ships have vertically at the
head and stern, is well calculated for this purpose, and if the sides
were made so as to project as they rose, instead of inclining in.
wards, or tumbling home, as it is called, the vessel would have
the best form for this purpose, and one which would be very good
in other respects also. Much depends upon ballasting the ship, in
making the operation of its immersed part have the operation of a
spring on the masts : for if the ballast is too low, this effect would
be injured by its rendering, as it were, the spring too stiff; and if,
on the contrary, the centre of gravity is placed too high, the spring
will be too weak, besides risking the upsetting of the ship.
As a proof that the stiffness of the framing of a ship can in no
wise affect the sailing, we have to state the example of the ship
Economy, described in a former number, which is so stiffened by
her internal framing, that she can neither twist nor bend in any
direction ; and yet she has sailed in all her voyages much better
than most merchant vessels on a wood sheathing, and has fre-
quently outsailed coppered ships.
The interest which. Captain Cowan remarks-, many take in the
continuation of ancient errors in the construction and equipment of
ships, is a melancholy consideration, when the fate of the nation
depends so much on its naval superiority : especially as some, who
favour those errors, unfortunately have the power, from their sta-
tions, to continue them ; which power they now exert, not only
in discouraging and rejecting proposed improvements, bat even hi
persecuting those who bring them forward.
We have before stated, in the account of the ship Economy, an
instance of the system that influences those at the head of the naval
department, in the rejection of improvements ; we are sorry that
the instance of persecution on a similar account, which we have to
state, should be that of Captain Cowan himself. The captain
respectfully remonstrated to the navy board, for the impediments
and delays (and the various other modes of rendering an improve-
ment of no avail, which cannot be openly rejected) which have
been used, in preventing the introduction in ships of war of his
patent method of reefing sails,* and other improvements respecting
them, to the extent they deserved, notwithstanding their being ap-
proved of universally by all the naval captains who have tried
them fairly; and for this just remonstrance, the captain has been
officially censured by the Board of Admiralty. It would open toe*
large a discussion at present, to enter on the subject of the legal
powers of this board ; but certainly it most materially behoves all
naval officers to do so, and to have it decided, whether they can
justly receive a censure^ or other punishment, from any body sub-
ordinate to the legislature, zstthout a court-martial, or ttny legal
trial whatsoever, to investigate whether such censure would be
deserved, or would merely be the result of arbitrary, and perhaps
assumed power.
The fate of Captain Cartier should open the eyes of naval offi-
cers to what they have to trust. Is it possible that they are unac-
quainted with ii? The public at large, we hope, will soon be
informed of this disgraceful business, and those who were the
authors of the injustice he has experienced meet that abhorrence
they deserve.
We trust our readers will excuse the length of this note, on
* Vide NAVAL CIIROXICLE, Vol. XV. p. 333; Vol. XVIII. p. 389; and
Vol. XX. p. 373.
account of the national importance of the subject. If, in its own
nature, improvement in all arts, particularly in those which con.
tribute to the defence of the state, is not thought of sufficiently
obvious use and importance to demand attention, we have to urge
in its favour a proof of the most tremendous kind: let the enemies
to improvement seriously consider to what the French chiefly owe
their rapid conquests on the continent; every improvement in the
art of war, and in every other art which can assist it, has -been
encouraged, rewarded, and put in practice by them; and those who
obstinately rejected improvement, and discouraged and persecuted
its advocates, and adhered pertinaciously to old systems, have uni-
formly fallen before their arms with a most disgraceful facility.
Fas est et ab hoste doceri.
As yet the seas are our own, but if the same system which has
ruined the continent, is pursued in our naval departments, and if
all improvement be obstinately rejected there, while our inveterate
enemies eagerly and diligently encourage it in their service, no
gift of prophecy is required to foretell what must in time be the
event. No idea can be more false, than that the construction and
management of ships are brought to the full perfection of which
they are capable. We laugh at the Chinese, for holding this
opinion with regard to their junks: but in us it is much more
ridiculous, for a wise policy prevents foreign commerce to that
nation, to whom it is worth nothing, or worse, though to us it is
every thing. Art ij so far from being exhausted on this subject,
that it is no exaggeration to say, that it is yet completely withia.
its limits to diminish the dangers of the sea to navigators, fully one
half of what they are at present. And in no country in the
world could men be found more capable of making improvements
in those arts, than in this; but as yet they meet only with dis-
couragement, loss, and censure.
" Let those that stand take heed lest they fall :" the system
which has been so successful at land to our enemies may prove
equally so to them at sea, when their rulers have leisure to bend
their energies to nautical improvement, if this is not counteracted
by equal vigilance, activity, and attention to improvement in our
naval service. If this country is to escape the general wreck, as
we trust it will, it must arise from our learning wisdom from th.0
fate of other nations, and carefully avoiding their errors; and we
should ever hold in remembrance, that the kingdoms of Europe
have fallen by adhering blindly to old systems, and rejecting the
aid of art; while the French have risen to their present pre-em,U
nence, by encouraging and rewarding every art and science which
can assist their arms.
Abstract of u Voyage for the Discovery of a north-west Passage
into the South Sea, performed in the Years 1631 and 1632, by
[Continued from Vol. XI. page 38?.]
rjflHE 18th, wind and weather being more favourable, stood in
-J*- again south. Came into eight, seven, and six fathom, and
then stood off again, it growing foggy.
The 19th, being clear weather, stood in again. In the evening,
the wind came up at W. and then we stood E. S. E. into ten and
eight, and afterwards S. E. as our depth did guide us by our lead,
and the colour of the water, into seven and six fathoms.
The 20th, at six in the morning, says Captain James, we saw
the land, it being a very low flat land. We stood into five fathoms,
to make it the batter, and so stood along it. At noon M'e were in
lat. 57. 00. We named it the New Principality of South Wales,
and drank a health in the best liquor we had to Prince Charles, his
highness, whom God preserve ! We stood along it, and came to a
point where it tends to the southward, near to which point there
are two small islands. In the evening it was calm, and we came to
an anchor; the tide set as aforesaid : there we rid all that night
and the next day, by reason the wind was contrary. There was a
chopping short sea. and the ship did labour at it exceedingly,
leaping in sprit-sail-yard, forecastle and all ; for as yet we had not
trimmed her well to ride. About nine at night it was very dark,
and it did blow hard. We did perceive by the lead that the ship
did drive ; wherefore, bringing the cable to capstan, to heave in
our cable (for we did think we had lost our anchor), the anchor
hitched again, and upon the chopping of a sea, threw the men
from the capstan. A small rope in the dark had gotten foul about
the cable, and about the master's leg too, but, with the help of
G?cd, he did cleaj himself, though not without sore bruising. The
two mates were hurt, the one in the head, the other in the arm.
One of our lustiest men was stricken on the breast with a bar,
that he lay sprawling for life; another had his head betwixt the
cable, and hardly escaped. The rest were flung where they Avere
sore bruised; but our gunner (an honest and a diligent man) had
his leg taken between the cable and the capstan, which wrung off
his foot, and tore all the flesh off his leg, and crushed the bone to
pieces, and sorely withal bruised all his whole body; in which
miserable manner he remained crying till we had recovered our*
Delves, our memory) and strength, to clear him. Whilst \ve were
putting him and the rest down to the chirurgeon, the ship drove
into shoal water, which put- us all in tear, we being so sorely
weakened by this blow, which had hurt eight of our men. It
pleased God that the anchor held again, and she rid it out all night.
iJy midnight the chirurgeon had taken off the gunner's leg at the
gartering place, and dressed the others that wore hurt and bruised j
after which we comforted each other as well as we could.
The 22d, weighed and stood off into deeper water. In the after-
noon, the wind being favourable, stood in and along shore.
The 26th, sprung up a fine gale at W. but very thick weather.
At noon, it cleared, and we could see that we were embayed in a
little bay, the land being almost round about us.
We stood out of it, and so along it, in sight, says the journalist,
till the 27th in the morning, when we came to higher land than
any we had yet seen since we came from Nottingham Island. We
stood in to it, and came to an anchor in five fathoms. I sent off the
boat, well manned and armed, with orders in writing what they
were to do, and a charge to return again before sunset. The even-
ing came, and no news of our boat ; we shot and made false fires,
but had no answer, which did much perplex us, doubting that
there had been some disaster befallen her, through carelessness;
and in her we should lose all. We aboard, at present, were not
able to weigh our anchor, nor sail the ship. At last we saw a fire
upon the shore, which made us the more doubtful, because they
did not answer our shot, nor false fires, with the like. We thought
withal that it had been the savages, who did now triumph in their
conquest. At length they came, all and well; and excused them-
selves in that, upon their coming ashore, it did ebb so suddenly,
that a bank of sand was so presently dry without them, as they
could not come away, till that was covered again ; and with that
they pacilied me. They reported that there was great store of
drift-wood on the shore, and a good quantity growing on the
land. That they saw the tracks of deer and bears, good store of
fowl (of which they had killed gome), but no sign of people : that
they passed over two little rivers, and came to a third, which they
could not pass : that it did flow near three fathoms sometimes, as
appeared by the shore: that it was low water at four o'clock :
that the flood came from the N. W. and that it flowed half tida,
which both' they and we had perceived by the ship. At low water
we had but three fathoms where we did ride. The wind began to
£2a». £f>ron, OJol, XXL u
blow hard at E. whereupon we weighed and stood to the north*
ward, till midnight, then in again ; and, in the morning, we saw
the land, and then it began to blow hard, and as* we stood off, it
increased to a very storm, so that at length we could not maintain
a pair of courses, but tried under our main course all day and all
night; some time turning her head to the landward, some time to
the offing.
The 29th, in the morning, we made account we had driven
back again some 16 or 18 leagues; and, in the morning (as it
cleared), we saw a ship to leeward of us some three or four
leagues; so we made sail, and bore up with her. She was then at
anchor in 13 fathoms water. It was his majesty's ship, and Cap-
tain Fox commanded in her.
I saluted him according to the manner of the sea, and received
the like of him. So I stood in to sec the land, and thought to tack
about, and keep weather of him, and send my boat on board of
him ; but the wind shifted, so that, for some time, I could not.
In the evening,, I came to weather of him, and sent my boat on
board of him, who presently weighed, and stood off with me till
midnight, and then we stood in again.
In the morning, Captain Fox and his friends came on board me,
where I entertained them fn the best manner I conld, and \vith
such fresh meat as I had gotten from the shore. I told him how I
had named the land (he Principality of South Hales. I shewed
him how far I had been to the eastward, where I had landed ; and,
in brkf, I made known to him all the dangers of this coast, as far
as I had been. He told me how he himself had been in Port Nelson,
and had made but a cursory discovery hitherto ; and that he had
not been a-land, nor had not many times seen the land. In the
evening, after I had given his men some necessaries, with tobacco
*nd other things which they wanted, he departed on board his ship,
and, the next morning, stood away S. S. W. since which time I
never saw him. The wind something favouring me, I stood in for
the shore, and so proceeded along it in sight.
The month of August ended with snow and hail.
The 1st of September, the surgeon gave the information that
divers of the men were tainted with sickness.
The 2d, we found the land to trend S. S. E. and S. so that we
knew we were at a cape land, and named it Cape Henrietta Muriny
by her majesty's name, who had before named our ship. At noon,
we were in lat. 55. 05. and that is the height of the cape.
The 4th? in the evening, there came a great rolling Sea out of
the N. iV. E. and by eight o'clock it blew very hard at S. E. We
shipped many seas, hut one most dangerous, which raked us fore
and aft. The ship laboured terribly.
The 5th, in the morning, the wind shifted to S. W. but conti-
nued as high as ever, in the afternoon, it shifted again to the N. W.
At eight in .the evening the storm broke up.
The fith, the wind was at S. W. so that we could do no good to
the westward ; therefore employed the time in trimming the ship.
The 7th, in the morning, the wind came up at S. E. and we
stood away S. W. under all the sail we could make. In this course,
we sav, an Hand, came close about it, and had twenty fathoms
vatrr. Tins island stands in lat. 54. 10. In the afternoon, stood
away S. W. and, in the evening, had the shoaling of the western
fchoi o in ten, eight, and seven fathom ; but it was so thick that we
conld not sec the land. It is about 14 leagues between this island
and the m 'in.
The IGth, made the land, finding it an island of about eight or
nine leagues long, in lat. 53. 5. about fifteen leagues from the
western shore. The part of it that we coasted trends W. N. W.
Nar ied it 3/y Lord IVeston's Island. Stood still away to the east-
ward. In the afternoon descried land to the eastward of us, which
made like three hills or hammocks. Sailed towards them. At
length also saw land to the southward of us. Luffed up, and now
made for that, by course as we had set it in the thick dark fog.
Came among sueh low "broken grounds, breaches, and rocks, that
we knew not which way to turn. The night proved calm and fair,
and we rid quietly.
The llth, in the morning, the captain went ashore in the boat,
but found the island " utterly barren of all goodness." There was
neither scurvy-grass, sorrel, or any herb to refresh the sick peo-
ple. The captain returned on board, and sent many of the sick
men to another part of the island, but they were equally unsuc-
cessful. At noon in lat. 52. 45. In the evening weighed, and stood
to the westward, coming to an anchor under another island, in
20 fathoms.
The 12th, in the morning, says the journalist, it began to blow
hard at S. E. which was partly off the shore, and the ship began
to drive, it being soft ground. We heaved in our anchor there-
upon, and came to sail under two courses. Whilst the most were
busy in heaving out of topsails, some that should have had special
care of the ship, saw her ashore upon the rocks, out of mere care-
in looking cut and about; or heaving of the lead after
they had seen the land all night long, and might even then liif«
seen it, if they had not been blinded with self conceit, and been
enviously opposite in opinions. The first blow struck me out of a
deep sleep ; and I, running out of my cabin, thought no other at
first but I had been wakened (when 1 saw our danger) to provide
myself for another world.
After I had controuled a little passion in myself, and had check-
ed some bad counsel that was given me, to revenge myself upon
those that had committed this error, I ordered what should be
done to get off these rocks and stones. First, we hauled all our
sails a-back-stays; but that did no good, but made her beat the
harder : whereupon we struck all our sails a-main, and furled them
up close, tearing down our stern, to bring the cable through the
cabin to the capstan, and so laid out an anchor to heave her astern.
I made all the -rater in the hold to be staved, and set some to the
pumps to pump it out, and did intend to do the same with our
Leer. Others I put to throw out all our boats, which was soon
arid speedily done. We coiled out our cables into the long boat;
all this while the ship beating so fearfully that we saw some of the
sheathing swim by us. Then stood we, as many as we could tathe
capstan, and heaved with such a good will, that the cable brake,
and we lost our anchor. Out, with all speed, therefore, we put
another. We could not now perceive whether she did leak or no ;
and that by reason we were employed in pumping out the water,
which we had bulged in the hold ; though we much doubted that
she had received her death's wound; wherefore, we put into the
boat the carpenter's tools, a barrel of bread, a barrel of powder,
six muskets^ with some match, and a tinder-box, fish-hooks and
lines, pitch and oakum ; and, to be brief, whatever could be
thought on in such an extremity. All this we sent ashore, to pro-
long a miserable life for a few days. We were five hours thus beat-
ing, in which time she struck 100 blows, insomuch that we thought
every stroke had been the last that it was possible she pould have
endured. The water we could not perceive, in all this time, to flow-
any thing at all ; at length it pleased God she beat over all the
rocks, though yet we kne\v not whether she were staunch. Where-
upon to pumping we gp, on all hands, till we made the pumps suck,
and then we saw how much water she did make in a glass. We
found her to be very leaky; but we went to prayer, and gave God
thanks it was m> worse; and so fitted all things again, and got
further off, and came to an anchor. In the evening, it began tc«
blow very hard af W. S. W. which Jf it had done while w.e were on
the rocks, we hart lost our ship without any redemption. With
much ado v. weighed our anchor, and let her drive to the cast-
ward amongst the broken grounds and rocks, the boat going be-
fore sounding. At length we came amongst breaches, and the boat
made signs to us thai there was no going farther. Amongst the
rocks, therefore, we again came to an anchor, where we did ride
all night, and where our men, who were tired out with extreme
O 7 W
labour, were indifferently well refreshed. Here I first noted that
when the wind was at S. it flowed very little or no water at all,
so that we could not bring our ship a-ground to look to her, for
we did pump almost continually.
The 13th. at noon, we weighed and stood to the westward ; but
in that course it was all broken grounds, shoals and sunken rocks,
so that we wondered with ourselves how we came in amongst them
in a thick fog. Then we shaped our course to the northward, and
after some consultation with my associates, I resolved to get about
this land, and so to go dow.i into the bottom of Hudson's Bay,
and see if I could discover a way in the river of Canada, and, if I
failed -of that, then to winter on the main land, where there is
more comfort to be expected, than among rocks or islands. We
stood along the shore, insight of many breaches: when it was
night we stood under our fore-sail, the lead still going. At last,
the water shoaled upon us to ten fathoms, and it began to blow
hard. \Ve tacked about, and it did deepen to 12 or 14 fathoms,
but by and by it shoaled again to 8 fathoms. Then we tacked about
again, and suddenly it shoaled to 6 and 5 fathoms, so we struck
our sail a-main, and chopt to an anchor, resolving to ride it out
for life and death. We rid all night a great stress, so that our bits
did rise, and we thought that they would have been torn to pieces.
At break of day, the 14th, we were joyful men; and, when we
could look about, we descried an island some two leagues o(T, at
W. by N. and this was the shoal that lay about it. Here did run a
detracted, but yet a very quick tide, of which we taking the op-
portunity, got up our anchor, and stood N. W. to clear ourselves
of this shoal. In the afternoon, the wind came up at N. E. and we
stood along the eastern shore in sight of a multitude of breaches. In
the afternoon, it began to blow a storm not sail-worthy, and the
«ea went very high, and was all in a breach. Our shallop whieh we
did now tow at stern, being moored with two hawsers, was sunk,
and did spin by her mooring Avith her keel up, twenty times in an
hour. This made our ship to hull very broad, so that the sea did con-
tinually over-rake us. yet we endured it, and thought to recover
her. All the night the storm continued with violence, and with some
rain in the morning, it then being very thick weather. The water
shoaled apace, with such an overgrown sea withal, that her sail
was not to be endured ; and what was as ill there was no trusting
to an anchor. Now, therefore, began we to prepare ourselves how
to make a good end of a miserable life. About noon, as it cleared
up, we saw two islands under our lee, "whereupon M-e bare up to
<hem, and, seeing an opening betwixt them, we endeavoured to get
into it before night ; therefore, come life, come death, we must
run this hazard. We found it to be a good sound, where we rid all
night safely, and recovered our strengths a.'.ain, which were much
impaired with continual labour. But before we could get into this
good place, our shallop broke away (being moored with two
hawsers), and we lost her to our great grief. Thus now had we
but the ship's boat, and she was all torn and bruised too. This
island was the same that we had formerly coasted the western side
of, and named my Lord Weston's island. Here we remained till
the 19th, in which time it did nothing but snow and blow ex-
tremely, insomuch that we durst not put our boat overboard.
The 19th, the wind shifted N.N.E. and we weighed and stood
to the southward ; but by noon the wind came up at S. and so we
came to an anchor under another island, on which J went ashore,
and named it the Earl of Bristol's Island. The carpenter wrought
hard in repairing our boat; whilst I wandered up and down on
this desert island. I could not perceive that ever there had been
any savages on it ; and in brief, we could neither find fish, fowl,
nor herb upon it, so that I returned comfortless on board again.
The tides rise high about some six feet, now that the wind is nor-
therly. The flood comes from the north, and it doth flow half
tide. The full sea this day was at one o'clock. Here seeing the
wipds continue so northerly, that we could not get about to get
iatQr Hudson's Bay, we considered again what was best to do to
look out for a watering place. Some advised me to go for Port
Nelson, because we were certain there was a cove, where we
might bring in our ship. I liked not that counsel ; for that it is
a most perilous place, and that it might be so long ere we could
get thither, that we might be debarred by the ice : moreover,
seeing it was so cold here, as that every night our rigging did
freeze, and that sometimes in the morning we did shovel away the
snow half a foot deep off our decks, and in that latitude too; I
thought it far worse in the other place. I resolved thereupon to
stand again to the southward, there to look for some little creel;
ox cove for our ship.
The 21st the wind came up at N. and we weighed, although it
was a very thick fog, and stood away S.W. to clear ourselves of
the shoals that were on the point of this island, which is in lat.
53° 10. ' When we cleared, we steered away S.
The 22d, in (he morning, proceeds Captain James, when we
could look about us, we saw an island under our lee, some
leagues off, all being shoals and breaches betwixt us and it. At
noon (with the help of the windward tide,) we attempted to heave
up our anchor, although the sea still went very lofty. Joinifyn-
all our strengths therefore with our best skill, God be thanked*!
we got it up; but before we could set our sails, we were driven
into nine fathom. Endeavouring thereupon to double a point, to
get under the lee of this island, the water shoaled, to seven, six,
and five fathom, but when we were about, it did deepen again, and
we came to an anchor in a very good place ; and it was very good
for us that we did, for the wind increased to a very great storm.
Here we rid well all the night, took good rest, and recovered our
spent strengths again. The last night, and this morning, it did
snow and hail, and was very cold : nevertheless, I took the boat,
and went ashore, to look for some creek or cove, to hove in our
ship, for she was very leaky, and the company become sickly and
weak, with much pumping and extreme labour. This island,
when we came to the shore, was nothing but ledges of rocks
and banks of sand, and there went a very great surf on them.
Nevertheless, I made them row throughout it, and ashore I got
with two more, and made them row off without the breaches, and
there to come to an anchor, and there to stay for me; I made
what speed I couM to the top of a hill, to discover about, but could
not see what we looked for. Thus, because it began to blow hard,
I made haste towards the boat again, I found that it had ebbed so
low, that the boat could not by any means come near the shore for
me; so that we were fain to wade through the surf and breaches
to her; in which some took such a cold, that they did complain
of it to their dying day. But now it began to blow hard, so that
we could not get but little to windward toward onr ship, for the
wind was shifted since we went ashore ; and return to the shore we
could not, by reason of the surf. Well, we row for life ; they in
the ship let out a buoy by a long warp, and by God's assistance
we got to it, and so haled up to the ship, where we were well
welcomed, and we all rejoiced together. This was a precaution
to us, to be careful how we sent off the ooat, for that it was win-
ter weather already. I named this island Sir Thomas Roe's
Island. It is full of small wood, but in other benefits not very
rich, and stands in hit. 'S~l dcg. 10 min. At noon, we weighed,
seeing an island that bore S.S.E. of us, for some leagues off,
which was the highest land we had yet seen in this bay ; but as we
came near it, it suddenly shoaled to six, five, and four fathoms,
•wherefore we struck our sails amain, and chopt to an anchor ; but
it was very foul ground, and when the ship was winded up, we
had but three fathom at her stern. As it cleared, we could see
the breaches all along under our lee ; not holding it safe therefor*
to stay long here, we settled every thing in order, for the ship to
fall the right way. We had up our anchor, got into deep water,
and stood over again for Sir Thomas Roe's Island, which by night
we brought in. the wind of us, some two leagues off, which did well
shelter us, the tides run very quick here amongst these shoals;
and their times of running ebb or flood be very uncertain. Their
currents are likewise so distracted, that in the night there is no
sailing by the compass ; wherefore we were fain to seek every
night some new place of security to come to an anchor.
|_To be continued.]
The heart's remote recesses to explore,
Aud touch U;» springs, when probe avail'd no more.
MU. EDITOR^, Dover, 14th February, 1809.
AM induced, by mention made, in the Obituary of the NAVA&
CHRONICLE (page SS), of the late General Edward Smith, to
communicate some information concerning another naval member
of that same family (namely, the general's father, an intrepid sailor
like lus grandson, Sir Sidney Smith). And in the first place I beg
leave to refer you to the following article in the London Magazine
for 1743:—
Extract of a Let Icr from Antigua, 1st April.
" By tetters from Captain John Osborue, of 'Lieutenant-general Dalzell's
rcjimcnt, dattd on board the Burford, at Curacoa, to our Governor-general
Miiihews, we have the following account :•— That on the 19th February
about 1 P.2\I. Commodore Knowlcs>'s squadron attacked the forts ac la
Guuira, on the C.irracca coast ; hut that a great swell prevented their going
nearer than half a mile of the forts. About five the Burford, having re-
ceiveil nineteen shot iu her hull, one in her bowsprit, one in her main-yard,
and one in her rudder, mostly 42-pounders, and her commander, Captain
F. Lushington, being struck on the thigh with a cannon ball, she was forced
to slip her cable ; which the commodore observing, made a signal for the
Norwich to slip also and assist her, which that ship accordingly did; and
they both went for Curacoa, where Captain Lushington was landed, and
died in about half an hour afterwards. The Norwich is very much damaged,
has several of her men killed and wounded ; among the latter is Captain
Gregory. The Assistance, Captain Smith Callace, and the Eltham, Captain
Edward Smith, arrived at Curacoa, both very much damaged : the latter
had no less than 70 of her crew killed and wounded ; and among the wounded
is Captain Smith himself."
The preceding is the brief chronicle of the catastrophe to which
the following lines, by the late Thomas Delamain, Esq. relate : and
perhaps, as commemorating the fall of a distinguished naval
(officer, -whose military virtues have been inherited by his lion-
hearted* grandson, you may deem them deserving of being rescued
from the usual oblivion that awaits fugitive effusions, by granting
thcjn an asylum amongst the naval poetry of your instructive and
interesting work. Yours, £c.
To Mrs. EMZABETH SMITH, zzith an Epitaph on her Husband,
Captain EDWARD SMITH, of Dover, v:ho died at Antigua, June
the 2.1st) 1743, Commander of his Majesty's Ship the Bur-
ford, CJ'C.
E A Til ! What is death ? A nothing which we make
A something, and a shade for substance take :
Why at thy image feels the soul such awe,
For who yet death beyond its image saw ?
In vain the straining foresight tires the mind.
We fail to tell the secret when we find.
Is it the palid visage, mourner's suit,
The m'let eye, or friend in sorrow mute.
The winding sheet, the widow's nightly lamp,
The grave, the skull — are these the heart's sick damp ?
No— for they move not, Smith. — Say, what is life?
Converse with men, a country, friend, a wife :
Then death's no more than quitting life with men.
To end our business or be born again.
The homage at the passport gate we lay :
As the soul journeys to eternity,
in augmentation of his
* Sir Sidney Smith's motto, granted by the king, in au
family arms atter the defence of Acre, is " CO-.U.T de, Lion,
. fl&ton. (Hoi. XXI.
That length of waste*, where joyless ghosts unblcst
Wander, still restless for some place of rest;
Or fleet o'er moonlight seas, in flames, now run,
Now plunge for ease in frost, now freeze, now burn.
That scene, where spirits of the virtuous stray,
Through worlds of bliss, gilt with perpetual day,
la various joys employed. Some sacred praise,
Some nature's -view to heavenly raptures raise;
Or, friends toman, the virtuous make their care,
And are, perhaps, our guardian-angels here.
Whence then the grief, but absence that's unkind,
Our friend goes first, and leaves his friend behind.
Thus to myself I thought, when you assign'd,
O SMITH, a task, my sorrow had declin'd ;
But that I judg'd, when strangers drop a tear,
A friend should not refuse a larger share ;
Yet to th' indebted work I see no end,
So many virtues prompt me to commend,
la the bright crowd what fifst what last to choose.
So large the subject, so urwkill'd the muse.
Sometimes affected with poetic zeal,
All nature speaks a sorrow at the tale,
The weeping pleiads in dark splendour rise,
And sit in tears the mourners of the skies :
Big heavy clouds hang o'er the blacken'ddecp,
And ravens croak above th' impending steep.
Shrill notes the lakes, hoarse groans the caverns send,
And frighted nymphs their mountain cedars rend.
Now in the midst of ocean move along,
Neptune, and all his gods in funeral song :
Sea- weeds with coral M'ave around 'em hung,
With ill-tun'd strains their harps to sorrow strung $
The shell that held the god is changed to jet,
His horses black, their manes the chariot wet.
Thetis, with all her maids, in mourning veils.
Follows behind : then last Britannia sails;
And, weeping, reads the monumental stone.
The Tritons' horns are wrcath'd of blackest shell,
The tortoise scale, which scarce thro' grief they swell;
The sad procession thro' the deep moves slow.
To music's sympathy in sounds of woe;
The passing waves haste to each distant shore,
And catch the dying note that SMITH'S no morej
Whilst Dover's sea nymphs in their chalky cave,
Sigh plaintive to the tale of ev'ry wave.
Another time, when I his life pursue,
And brave, wise, active, loyal, him review,
My country's loss I mourn, and think to paint
In lines more bold the hero and the saint ;
The battle's fought, the vent'rous prize is won,
The danger's past, and age unblemish'd run.
But M hilst to deeds abroad I wish to roam,
The tend'rest subject keeps me still at home;
You and his mourning children to me rise,
Like blasted poplars in the black disguise;
And fain my care would that high office reach,
To temper virtue, and each sorrow teach
The pious duty to his laurclPd urn ;
Not less to know your grief, but less to mourn ;
Tho' in all else you best advice could lend,
Yet I presume one pardon of a friend,
For sorrow shews thy sense in faitest light,
As stars shine brightest through the darkest night.
" If the quick soul still lives, 'twas that yon lov'd :
Death's then but absence, or but sight remov'd.
Jleav'ii well has taught yon absence age to bear,
And soon life's minutes run you'll meet him there.
With mildness Heaven its strict commissions deals
Pains by degrees, and as it wounds it heals ;
Tho' oft' the virtuous grave they seldom fall,
And tho' it largely takes, it takes not all.
So for a while, tho' Ileav'n deprives you of him,
It leaves his children you, and gives you them.
Your worldly care, for him you must regard,
"With Ileav'n, perhaps, meant there your last reward.
() may his sons, true copies of his face,
llecall the father in each manly grace ;
Jn every virtue with his honour vie,
And live as well, to learn as well <o die.
And may thy daughter's mind, which like a ray,
Shot from the pmpling c;i-t. gives signs of day;
Strengthen in sense, as she in. form grows bright.
Till all the virgin shiucs in virtue's light:
Whilst the plcas'd mother sorrow's care beguiles,
And, in her daughter, on her image smiles :
Yet, not to shun the debt fame 's bound to pay,
This epitaph we'll o'er his ashes lay.
On a Slab, in St. John's Cliurch~yardt Antigua,
Britons ! whoe'er, through various seas and toil,
Strays from your happy to this fatal soil,
Slacken your sails, and pay a fuu'ral tear
In duty to a true-born Briton here :
Here rests the soldier in eternal peace,
Here from the ills of life a saint 's at ease.
Sedate in tumults, in the tempest calm,
Health to the valiant, to the wounded balm;
Amidst the battle, at the council brave,
Gay to the virtuous, to the vicious grave;
A patriot husband, father, brother, friend,
"Who even scandal did like praise commend :
To death well known, yet sole to heav'n resign'd
He fell alone by heav'n — but heav'n was kind.
Note. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, to whom the preceding lines were addressed,
was daughter of Captain John Douglas, royal navy, of his majesty's ship
Content, in King William's reign. lie was a twin, and 22d child of Lord
John Douglas, survived all his brothers and sisters, and yet died at the early
age of 34, at St. Helena, in 1701.
Captain Smith, the hero of the tale, was appointed post-captain of the
Eltham frigate, 16th November, 1739, and died of wounds at Antigua, ^Ist
June, 1743, in the command of his majesty's ship Burford.
(January — February. )
(From MOTTLEY'S " Telegraph," Portsmouth, Saturday, Feb. 25, 1809.)
npUHS morning arrived the Kacoon sloop of war, Captain Welsh, Mitli
intelligenfcc of the Escape of the French Fleet at Brest. —
The Kncoon was on her passage to Cadiz, when, on Thursday noon
ast, off Ushant, she fell in with the Lyra sloop of war, Captain Beivaus,
tvhich sliip had been just despatched to Plymouth, by the reconnoitring
frigate stationed off Brest, -with intelligence, that all the ships of war
ihat were ready for sea in Brest had escaped out, either on Monday night
last, or early on Tuesday morning. They had not been seen by any of
the ships on that station — the course they steered is not known, nor \s
their destination — the wind was northerly. Captain Welsh conceiving it
to be of essential importance that early information should be commn-
nicated to the Admiralty of the circumstance, made every possible haste
to this port : on his arrival here, it was immediately communicated la
London by telegraph.
It is supposed that, as Lord Gambler, who sailed from Torbay
on Tuesday afternoon, was not in his station on Thursday, his lordship
had received the information, and had gone in pursuit. The opinion as
to their destination is divided between Cadiz and Martinique. It is
apprehended that they will be joined by the six sail of the line, two of
Afhich are three deckers) which the French took possession of at Ferrol.
The following ships sailed from Torbay with Lord Gambier, viz.—
Caledonia, 110, Admiral Lord Gambier, Captain Sir II. Burrard Xcale
(captain of the fleet), Captain Bedford ; Royal George, 100, Vice-
admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, Captain Dunn ; St. George, 98,
It ear-admiral fcliab Harvey, Captain Hillyar; Dreadnaiight, 98, Rear-
admiral Sotheby, Captain Salt ; Temerairc, 9S, Sir C, Hamilton;
Achille, 74, Sir Rkhard Kiug ; Impetueux, 74, Captain Lawfordi
Christian Vllth, Captain J. Hancock, acting ; Warspite, "4, Hon.
Captain Black wood. — The Hero, 74, Captain Newman, looked into
Torbay on Wednesday, and then proceeded for the station <>rt' Ushant,
to join his lordship. — The Brest fieet is believed to consist often sail of
the line and several frigates.
The Barfleur, 9S, Captain Linzee ; Zealous, 74, Captain Boys; and
the Elizabeth, 74, Hon. Captain Curzon, sailed from Plymouth ou
Jlonday, to cruise off Ferrol.
At a meeting of the common council of the city of Limerick, "held
the 13th day of February, 1S09, the following resolution was unani-
mously agreed to: —
" That the freedom of the city be presented to Captain Michael Sey-
mour, of his majesty's ship Amethyst, in a heart of oak box, orua-
mcnted with gold, accompanied with the following address:
*' SIR,
" Tho freedom of this ancient and loyal city hns been "Unanimously
voted by us, the mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, and common council, to be
presented to you in a heart of oak box, ornamented with gold, a*>
emblematic of the glorious profession YOU fill, with so much honour io
yourself and advantage to your country.
" The engagement between his majesty's ship Atnethyst, under your
command, and the French ship TJielis, in which you triumphed over a
very superior force, rnnks amongst the most brilliant exploits that haTC
raised our navy to such unrivalled fame.
" To the satisfaetion we feel in offering1 this -ivdl-earned tribute i*
added the pride of knowing, that it is to, our fellow-citizen it is paid.
(Signed') " JOHN CRIPS, Mayor.
" EDWARD PARKER, Town-clerk."
The principal event in the naval history of the preceding mor>th. ha*
been the rejection by the Board of Admiralty, of the ca:>t;iv.v.s* petition
for an increase of pay, which was sent in through Admiral Montagu,
Every article of life has certainly of late years experienced a mojt i:\tr.ior-
dinary rise; and, according tq a statement which we i>ave see», the ihare
of prize money that a captain now receives, when compared with niiar he
had a right to in 1793, at the beginning of the French war. has betn re-
duced, bv subsequent regulations, nearly one half. Admiral Montagu has
been succeeded at Portsmouth by Sir It. Curtis. Previous to the former
oilicer's leaving that port, where he has been so generally respected, be
hail, it is said, proposed to Government, to fit out all tiic Danish ships of
war as transports; offering to restore them to their original state, after
they had thus been employed, at a trifling expcnce.
In South America, its independence has been proclaimed tinder General
Uniers, as their chief, which will probably give a new turn to the present
eventful war. A treaty has, it is said, been signed between this country
and tl>e king of Spain, which was lately mentioned by Mr. Canning in the
house. The prospect of peace with France seems, if possible, nu>;-» .istant
than ever. As Lord Grosvemn- said, in his speech on the state <>t the
nation, February 7, " This nation has now suffered for seventeen years,
with the intermission of only a few months, the calamities of war. The
question was not whether peace with France, as France now is, would be a
benefit. For himself, he entertained no hope of peace :is Ions; us the hos-
tile mind existed in the ruler of that country. What advantage had been
derived from the last peace? Was it not a peace of distress, of suspicion,
of expcncc? Was there any thing dosira-Me in a peace o: llmt description J
No: we must make up our minds to a long and arduous struggle. In any
peace that we should make with France, constituted as she at present is,
all her energy would be directed in the interval to prepare the means of
new hostility, to sap the foundation of our commerce, and to diminish our
revenues and our maritime preponderance, both of which were the result
of that commerce. The system of France was regular and undcviating.
The vast power she has arquired within these few years was as much owing
to her political dexterity as the victories she has obtained. The way for
her triumphs was prepared by the total overthrow of the moral and political
feelings of the countries whose subjugation she meditated. See what in-
fluence Buonaparte has acquired over the Emperor of Russia — how he has
induced him to view with complacency acts from which a liberal mind
would have shrunk back with horror — how he has induced him to sign tl e
letter which w.is lately laid on tfje table ! The calamities of Europe are
ascribed in that letter to the stagnation of maritime commerce. Is it to the
stagnation of maritime commerce that the overthrow or" the German Empire
the incorporation of Italy, the subjugation of Switzerland, the ovi rthrow of
the independence of Holland, the war between Sweden and Iln«sia, the
distracted state of the Ottoman Empire, and the atrocious attack upou Spain,
are to be attributed? Is it to these, or to the insatiable ambition of evcrv
government which has been in France bince the commencement of the
It is reported, that a traitorous commerce, to a considerable extent,
lias lately been carried on by British speculators, in British ships, with
the enemy's settlements in the West Indies. Several vessels have been
sent to Antigua, and other of our islands, attempting to enter Giia.-
daloupe and Martinique.
An officer of rank, in a letter of a late date, writes as follows : —
" We are all ardent in our desire to distinguish ourselves in the oppor-
tunity before us of reducing Martinique ; and so excellent in all respects
are Ihe arrangements, and the appointments for theattack, that we have
no reasonable ground to doabt success, save only from the treasonable
supplies afforded to the enemy. Provisions of every kind, warlike
stores, &.C. are thrown into the out barges, for which such high con-
sideration is made, as to induce the owners of such vessels even to throw
themselves into the ivay of being taken by the French, rather than fall
into the hands of our cruizers. This evil is said to arise in a great mea-
sure from there being no fund applicable to reward informers ; and after
the condemnation of a prize, the amount of its sale goes directly to the
captors, whilst the party who has led to the discovery is left to the risks
and odium attached to the information he has given. Is it not desirable
that ministers should consider this matter ? and is it not probable that
Parliament would adopt some measure to create a fund from which a
proportionable reward might be afforded to persons giving such informa-
tion ? la the American war, much treasonable speculation was carried
on, but I understand was at last suppressed by measures resorted to;
what they were, as I am just arrived, 1 have not been able to learn, fur-
ther than that the most liberal considerations were made to procure
We are sorry to learn, that, since the above was written, the expedi-
tioa against Martinique has been abandoned, in consequence of the sup-
plies and reinforcements which the French have found the means of
throwing in.
The public revenue, notwithstanding we are shut out from almost
the whole of the continent of Europe, and entirely from the United
States, has increased to a degree never expected, even by those per-
son* who were most sanguine in their hope of the extent of our national
The surplus of ways and means this year (beyond the £
esti mate) , for three quarters, ending the Mb January,
•was 2,747,531 16 »<?
Surplus on the lotteries, which was estimated at
300,0001. for «0,000 tickets (40,000 tickets having
exceeded that estimate) w ill be about .......... 1 65,000 ft 0
£ 2,912,551 16 10
So that the surplus for the whole year may be taken at least for four
millions; besides which one million and a half raised last year for the
Kast India Company will not be wanted this year ; making in the whole
a reduction of five millions and a half from the sum of nineteen millions
raised in various ways last year.
The Amiable, Captain Hon. G. Stewart, lias taken and sent into Yar-
mouth Roads, the French corvette Joste, of 22 guns and 200 men, with z
cargo of about ^00 barrels of flour. This vessel had also on board
a. chest of dollars for paying the troops at Martinique. This the French
crew broke open on being captured, and partly emptied of its contents.-
She sailed from Dunkirk on the 3d, in company with a brig, which
went north-about. The Joste was captured the day following her
Provisions, to the amount of upwards of one million five hundred,
thousand pounds, were exported from YVaterford in the course of last
So great a want of the necessaries of life is said to prevail in the island
of Corfu, that it is much to be feared that the garrison and inhabitants
will see themselves forced to surrender.
On the 5th of February, a coroner's inquest was held at the house of
Mr. Dykes, the Five Bells, at New-cross, Deptford,on the body of Lieu-
tenant John Johnson, of the navy, who was found about seven o'clock
on the morning of the preceding Saturday in a ditch near Mr. Hard-
castle's mansion-house, most inhumanly murdered.
Mr. Blanchard, surgeon, at 1'cckham, set out the state of the deceased
when he saw him. His throat was cut from ear to ear, and his head
nearly severed from his body. lie had nine wounds about his face, and
in particular the lower part : at the back of his head were several con-
tusions and cuts, and his left thumb was nearly cut off. There
could be no doubt that the wounds he received were the cause of his
Several witnesses were examined concerning persons who were seen
near the spot on the morning of the murder, but nothing material arose
from their testimony. II appears, that the deceased was a lieutenant in
the navy, about forty-five years old, and belonging to the ship Eydercen,
Captain Pengelly, now lying at the Nore. It is supposed that he had
about live or six pounds in his pocket j he was a man of great persona.!
courage, and most probably made great resistance when attacked,
A verdict of Wilful Murder against persons unknown, was returned,
In the thanks given by the House of Commons to the officers that had so
much distinguished themselves in Spain, the SPEAKER thus addressed Sir
Samud Hood.
" Sir Samuel Hood — The various and brilliant services you have ren«
dered to your country, in the long and splendid career of glory that has so
eminently distingtiished your name, have several times obtained for you the
cordial thanks of this house. Your late eminent services at Corunna, in the
prompt and effectual assistance rendered by you for the complete embark-
ation of his majesty's troops, have been considered by this House fully to en-
title you to a repetition of their thanks, as a just tribute of their applause.
I now, therefore, in the name of the commons, &c. thank you for your emi-
nent services on that occasion."
Sir S. Hoot). — " I bee; leave to return my sincere thanks for the honour
how done me by the House of Commons, and it affords me the highest satis-
faction if, in doing that which was only my duty to my sovereign and my
country, I h^.ve obtained the approbation of this House. I hope the House
vvill give me credit rbr a due sense of its favour, and that you, sir, will ac-
cept rriy thanks fdr the handsome manner in wliich you have communicated
to me the thanks of the House."
Among the emigrants of distinction who left Cornnna on the embarkation
of the British army, was the Duke de Vera Aguas. This title alone does not
Suggest those feelings of sympathy and respect which will be excited by the
information that this illustrious nobleman is the lineal descendant of, per-
haps, the greatest man Spain ever produced, Christopher Columbus. The
duke met with an asylum on board Admiral de Courcy's ship, the Tonnant.
On the 10th of February, a boat, with a crew of 22 persons, belonging
to the Barfleur, Captain Linzee, was upset in a heavy sea, when attempt-
ing to cross the bridge of rocks between Mount Edgecumbe and St. Nicho-
las's Island, by which 17 persons were unfortunately drowned, among whom
was Mr. Foot, a lieutenant of marines, and Mr. le Mesurier, a master's
mate. It appears that the boat was proceeding from Cawsand-bay to the
Salvador del Mundo, in Hamoaze, svith two prisoners, John Sennet, sea-
man, and William Jones, carpenter's mate of the Barfieur, who were to take
their trial the next morning on a charge of having rttutinously expressed their
desire to have a new captain. Jones was among the drowned, as were also
many of the witnesses ; but Bennet was one of the five that were saved.
Before the court was formed, the surviving prisoner had the option of post-
poning his trial, but, though exhausted from lying in the water, he request-
ed to be tried immediately. A long investigation took place, when the court
adjudged that the charge was not proved, and the prisoner was acquitted.
Many of the officers of the ship came forward, and gave the prisoner an ex-
cellent churacter. It appeared in evidence that, in consequence of a letter
having been sent to the Admiralty against the captain, he turned the hands
up, to inquire what complaint they hud against him. The general answer
was—" A new captain." That the prisoner, having sailed with Captain Lin,
zee for some time, was particularly asked his complaint, when he said, in a
ol« XXI, Y
respectful way, he had been wrongfully punished ; and went the length of
observing he did1 not wish to sail with the captain again. The prisoner read
a written defence, which seemed to make a due impression on the c«iurt. It
is remarkable that the paper was in his pocket during the time he was in
the water. We trust the unnecessary sacrifice of so many valuable lives wiU
not be suffered to pass unnoticed ; this passage is so notoriously dangerous,
in bad weather, that we hope steps will ere long be taken to prevent the
fatal accidents that so frequently occur.
The body of the unfortunate Lieut. Foot was picked up on the 13th, and
on the 16th, an inquest was held on it, when the jury returned a verdict—
Accidentally drowned.
Some experiments were lately repeated upon Mr. Lamb's patent
machine for rendering sea-water fresh, in the presence of a number of
gentlemen, at Mr. Rutherford's manufactory, East Smithfield, and gave
great satisfaction. The machine, which is designed for the island of
Antigua, produced pure fresh writer from the water of the ocean, at
the rate of from fifty to sixty gallons per hour. Great ingenuity is disco-
vered in the manner of obtaining fresh water ; and the improvements which
Mr. Lamb has introduced in the manufactory of fire hearths, with condens-
ing apparatus attached to them, promise to be of great utility in his majes-
ty's navy, and merchantmen in general.
lletfers? on
Copied verbatim from the LONDON GAZETTE.
Copy of a Letter from Vice-admiral Rorcley, Commander-in-chief of his
Majesty's Ships and Vessels at Jamaica, to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated at
Port Royal, the 2%d of November, 1808.
T HAVE the honour to transmit, for the information of the Lords Com-
missioners of the Admiralty, a copy of a letter which I nave received
from Captain Cumby, oftiis majesty's ship Polyphemus, reporting the cap-
ture, by Lieutenant Joseph Daly, in that ship's barge, of the French
national schooner Colibry, of three guns, commanded by a lieutenant de
vaisseau, and having a complement of sixtv- three men.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Polt/phemns, off the City of St. Domingo*
SIR, 14th November, 1808.
Having detached the boats of his majesty's ship under my command at
half-past eight o'clock this morning, in chase of a schooner that -.va-
attempting to enter the harbour, I had the satisfaction, at twenty minutes
bast nine, to see her boarded and carried in the most handsome manner by
Lieutenant Joseph Daly, in the barge, under as brisk a lire of grape and
musketry us the impetuosity with which our boatb advanced would allow the.
enemy to keep up. She proves to be the French national schooner Colibry,
of three carriage guns, commanded by Mons. Deyrisse, lieutenant de
vaisaeau, with a complement of sixty-three men; reputed the fastest sailing
vessel attached to this colony, and, I trust, may be found well calcui ;ted
for his majesty's service.
In the execution of this service I have to regret the loss of one marine
(Samuel Crompton) killed in the barge; and on the part ef the enemy, one
killed and the severely wounded.
I have the honour to be, &c.
W. PRYCE CUMBY, Captain.
JB. S. Rowley, Esq. Vice-admiral of
the White, #c.
Copy of another Letter from Vice-admiral Rowley to the Hon. W. W. Pole,
dated at Port Royal, the 3d December, 1808.
The enclosed copy of a letter which I have received from Captain Dash-
wood, of his majesty's ship Franchise, will acquaint the Lords Commissioners
of the Admiralty with the capture of the French privateers Ouerrier and
Exchange, and some other vessels, in the harbour of Samana, by the ships
named in the margin;* and I have no doubt that their lordships will be
pleased with the promptitude and decision by which the enemy have been
dispossessed of almost the la.st port of refuge for their privateers in those
seas. I have tlie honour to be, Ike.
His JUajesty't Ship Franchise, Port Royal,
SIR, December 1, 1»()8.
His majesty's ships named in the margin* having accidentally met on the
10th ultimo, and conceiving the taking of the town and port of Samana
would facilitate the operations of the Spanish patriots blockading the city of
St. Domingo, I the nest morning entered and took possession of the har-
bour without any opposition, together with the vessels, agreeably to the list
which I have the honour of enclosing.
I have very sincere pleasure in reporting, that, in addition to the
assistance rendered our allies, I have every reason to suppose the com-
merce of his majesty's subjects will now pass unmolested, as Samana was
the last refuge for the host of privateers which have so long infested the
various passages to windward of bt. Domingo ; particularly so, as the enemy
were in the act of erecting batteries for their permanent establishment,
which, had they been completed, would, from -iheir position, have soon
rendered the place tenable against almost any force which might attack it.
I have allowed the French inhabitants to remain on their plantations, and
assured them that their persons and property will be respected by the Spa-
niards, for \\hich purpose 1 have entered into an agreement with Don Diego
de Lira, a Spanish ofjjcer, and authorised him to hoist Spanish colours, and
to keep the place, in trust, until your further pleasure is known.
I have supplied them with euch arms and ammunition as were taken in
the privateers ; and Don Diego deems himself competent to repel any
force which the common enemy might be enabled to bring against him.
I have, &c.
Vice-admiral Ron-ley, $f. C. DASHVv'OOD, Captain.
* Franchise, Aurora, Dsedalus, Rein Deer, Pert.
List of Vessels captured by a Squadron of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels at
Samana, between 10th and 17th November, 1808.
French schooner privateer Exchange? Louis Teljn, master, of 100 tons,
five guns, and 110 men.
French schooner privateer Guerner, Dominique, master, of 90 tons, five
guns, and 104 men.
French schooner Diane, of 160 tons, laden with fish, ptc.
French brig, name unknown, of 160 tons, laden with fish, &rc.
French sloop Brutus, of 50 tons and five men, laden with coffee, &c.
The following Vessels were recaptured at the. Mouth of the Bay by the. Rein
Deer and Pert, on the Morning if the Ifttk November, when running for
the Harbour.
English ship Jeannet, R. Bradshaw, master, of 10 guns and 185 tons^
bound from London to the Havanna, with bale goods, &c.
Spanish ship St. Erasmo, A. Gerona, master, of 350 tons, from Malaga
to the Havanua, with wine, bale goods, &c.
Captain and senior Officer.
Copy of a Letter from Vice-admiral Campbell, Commander-in-chief of his
Majesty's Ships and Vessels in Hie Downs, to the Hon. W- \V. 1'olt, dated,
on board the Princess of Orange, January 27, 1809.
Enclosed I transmit, for their lordships' information, a letter I have re-
ceived through Commodore Owen from Captain Ncwcombe, of the Beagle,
stating his having captured le Vengcur French privateer, of 16 guns and
48 men, being the second this active of lice r lias captured within a very short
On 'examining her log, If; appears this privateer has made no captures, and
that she has been repeatedly chased ; ftbieh will shew that our cruisers are
constantly on the alert when at sea.
I have the honour to he, &c.
SIR, His Majesty1* Ship Beagle, at Sea, January 24, 1R09.
I beg leave to state, that last night, his majesty's ship under my com-
mand chased two of the enemy's privateers, South Foreland bearing about
N.N.E. five leagues, the one, named le Vengeur, of 16 amis, and 43 men,
was captured; but such was the temerity of her commander (Captain
Bourgnie), who was wounded, with another of his crew, that he did not
yield until the Beagle ran him on board ; the other vessel, the Grand
Napoleon, I am sorry to observe, made her escape; they were both from
Boulogne, and had not made any captures.
I have the honour to he, &c.
To Commodore Owen, 4r. F. MEWCOMBE.
Admiral Lord Gambicr, commander- in-chief of a squadron of his
majesty's .*hips and vessels employed in the Channel, Soundings, cvc. has
transmitted to the lion. William Wcllesley Pole a letter his lordship had
received from Captain Ilodd, of his majesty's ship Indefatigable, giving an
account of tlie capture, on the 14th instant, of la Claris-e French lugger
privateer, pierced for fourteen guns, only three mounted, and forty-eisrht
men on board. She sailed from St. Maloes the uight preceding her cap-
ture, and had not made any prize.
fxtract of a Letter from Vice-admiral Lord Collingroood, Commander-in~
chief of his Majesty3 s Ships and Vessels in the Mediterranean, to the Hon.
W. W. Pole, dated on lourd tke Ocean, oft* Tvulon, the 1st of' I)fce/K~
ber, 1808.
The Excellent, having been relieved on the service at Rosas by tl»
Fame, joined me on the 2<ith, and Captain West gave me a relation of
icvents that have lately occurred there, in his letter dated the 21st ultimo,
which I enclose, together with a list of killed and wounded seamen and
marines of that ship and the Meteor bomb, employed on the same service.
But for the presence of his majesty's ships in that bay, and the powerful
assistance which Captain West, with the companies of those ships, afforded
the Spaniards, both on shore and by the fire from them, there is every reason
to believe the citadel of Ro^as and castle of the Trinity would both have
fallen; they were ill provided with every thing necessary to a siege; the
•works of the citadel in bad repair, and the garrison not sufficiently numerous
for the duties of its defence.
Captain West's ability, and the valour and perseverance of his officers
and men, removed as many of those defects as it was possible, and gave such
severe checks to the enemy as made it necessary they should proceed by
rules of art against a place that with their great force they intended to take
by a cou}>-dc~T)udn, which has given ample time for the Spanish government
to reinforce the garrison, and replenish the stores, &c. of this important
The French have on this occasion practised those arts which Frenchmen
are very expert in. A person was employed, it seems, to intercept the
letters written by Colonel O'Daly, the commandant of the garrison of Roj-tts,
to the Supreme Junta of Giroiui ; and they were two or three weeks with-
out having any kno%vledge of what was passing: — at the same time their
emissaries gave out that the English had taken possession of the fortress,
and suspended the Spanish otlicer from the duties of his office. The Junta
wrote to Captain West, informing him of part of those reports, and begging
he woujd inform them of the circumstances which had caused this change.
It was afterwards discovered to be an artitice of the enemy to prevent rein-
forcements coming
In another instance the French have shewn much art, by abandoning their
-.usual system of terror, deflation, and plunder; and in the neighbourhood
of FtguernsandBosas have lately treated the Spanish inhabitants with more
kindness to their persons, and forbearance of their property, endeavouring
to attach them by a feigned moderation.
The Spaniards are very sensible and very grateful for the support given
to them by the English ; the animating example of Captain West, his skill,
and the gallantry of his officers and men, is deserving of every praise; in
the sortie he made at the head of his seamen and marines, when they
attacked the enemy's advanced post, and rescued the miquelets, their con-
duct and their couraire were admirable; several men were wounded, and
Captain West's horse wa* shot under him, before they were obliged to re-
tire, to prevent being cut oft' by the cavalry, which was advancing for that
purpose. Captain Collins, of the Meteor, conducted the bombardment
with great ability, and was indefatigable in the annoyance he gave the enemy
by it. Lieutenant Howe, of the royal marines, belonging to the Excellent,
commanded a detachment of that corps, which was thrown into the castle
of Trinity for its defence ; and in two assaults made by the enemy with large
bodies of troops, this officer, and the marines under his command, were
highly distinguished for the gallantry which they displayed, and the resources
they found, where almost every thing was wanting.
The enemy suffered a very considerable loss of men. in tliese assaults;
but unless measures have been taken to raise the siege, I am apprehensive
this very important post will be reduced.
His Majesty's Ship Excellent, Rosas Bay,
MY LORD, November 21, 1808.
I have anxiously waited an opportunity to inform your lordship of the
investment of this port by the enemy, with a force computed at live or six
thousand men.
On the evening of the 6th instant, the enemy was first observed in motion
between Figueras and Castillern, and, on the following morning, was in
complete possession of the heights that encompass this bay. On the same
day at noon, a small body of the enemy entered the town of Rosas, which,
in an instant, was cleared of its inhabitants, who either fled to their boats or
the citadel for protection ; but a well directed fire from the Excellent and
Meteor bomb, both within point-blank shot of the town, obliged the enemy
precipitately to retire. On the first appearance of the enemy, Colonel
O'Daly, governor of this fortress, made application to me for assistance,
when I immediately reinforced his garrison witli the marines of the
Excellent (with the exception of an officer and twenty-five men, who had
been previously detached to Fort Trinite"), and an officer and fifty seamen.
On the 7th, the enemy took possession of several houses and ruins in the
rear of the town as an advanced post, from which he 1-as been repeatedly
dislodged by the citadel and the guns and shells of his majesty's ships in the
bay. On the 8th at noon, observing a body of miqnelets hard pressed by
the enemy from their advanced posts, I was induced to make a sortie from
the citadel with the seamen and marines, and the officers commanding
them, but the very superior force of the enemy, who endeavoured to sur-
round us, obliged us to retire, but not till my officers and men bad dis-
played a spirit and courage which gave me the most lively satisfaction. I
am sorry I am obliged by this little affair to send your lordship a return of
wounded men.
Late on the evening of the 9th I received from the governor the unplea-
sant advice, that a large breach was made in -the rampart of the citadel by
a part of the bulwark falling down, sufficiently capacious to admit twenty-
five men ahreait. I proffered to the governor every assistance that the
urgency of the moment required, and directed Captain Collins to imme-
diately weigh and place the Meteor as near the shoal as possible, to ilauk
the breach in the event of an attack I sent at the same time two boats to
enfilade the beach with the cannonades ; fortunately the latciics- of the hour
precluded the enemy gaining information of the event. The following
morning 1 sent an ofiicer and a party of seamen to assist in repairing the
breach, directing the senmen and marines in the citadel to be employed on
the same service. I3y every exertion the rampart was placed in a state of
security for the night, the defence of which was entrusted to an officer and
forty seamen, whom f sent on shore for that purpose. On the 3d flay I
was happy to see the repair completed, and the work as defensible as it was
previous to the disaster.
On the morning of the 15th instant, at eight o'clock, the enemy made a
most resolute assault on tlie Fort Trinite with about two hundred men, ami
a reserve of about two thousand to support diem. The etiemy was bravely
repulsed; but in a moment again advanced in greater force, when two of
the outt.r gates were broke open ; but by a most galling and steady lire of
musketry and hand-grenades from the fort, the enemy was a second time
obliged to retire with great loss, leaving their leader, a chief of brigade, and
many others, dead under its walls, and the second in command carried ot?
desperately wounded. Expecting a third assault would be made, I threw
i.u a reinforcement of thirty marines, with a captain and subaltern, by means
•fa rope ladder, which was effected without loss, and with one man but
slightly wounded, during an incessant fire of musketry.
I cannot speak in terms of sufficient praise of the officers and men in
their glorious defence of Fort Trinite', on \Vhich occasion five marines were
tvounded, and one Spaniard ; but I have the satisfaction to enclose to your
lordship a letter I have received from the Spanish officer commanding its'
garrison, which does him great honour.
No further attempt was made on this fort till the 20th instant, when the
enemy opened a battery of three heavy guns from a height commanding it ;
but as yet has made no impression on its \valls. The Lucifer bomb had
been throwing her shells the two preceding days to prevent the enemy
making a lodgment on this height; but was compelled to retire, after being
struck three times by the battery. During the previous night the enemy
threw up an extensive intrenchment three hundred yards from the citadel,
and at daybreak opened a fire upon the ships in the bay from three large
mortars, which obliged us to retire out of their reach: the bomb vessels,
from having a longer range of shells than the enemy, were enabled to throw
them with effect.
Fort Trinite, from its insulated situation and strength, I am of opinion,
may stand a long siege. But I am not so sanguine with respect to the
citadel, whose garrison is very inadequate to its defence, and having, as I
conceive, a vulnerable point. I waited on the governor on Sunday last, to
take my leave, when he informed me, that he was in expectation of a rein-
forcement; but I am apprehensive the blockade of the enemy in Barcelona
will prove an obstacle to his expected success.
I beg leave to conclude this despatch to your lordship, by expressing how
highly satisfied I have been with the conduct of the officers and company
of the ship I have the honour to command, as likewise of those of the
Meteor and Lucifer bombs, commanded by Captains Collins and Hall,
whose great exertions, during the arduous and most fatiguing service they
have imperiously been called upon to perform, reflect the greatest credit
upon them. I have, &c.
Right Hon. Vice-admiral Lord Collingwood, fyc.
List of Men belonging to his Majesty's Ship the Excellent, who inert
wounded in Action with the Enemy between the 8th and I6tk days of No-
vember. 1808, in Rosas Bay.
Robert Palmer, seaman ; John Sands, ditto ; Francis D. Coke, ditto, dan-
gerously ; James Lambe, marine ; Deliffe Closhin, ditto, badly ; John
Jtl'Xeal, seaman, slightly ; W. Brown, Serjeant of marines, slightly ; Ed-
ward Magennis, seaman ; James Roberts, marine ; Peter Hyson, ditto ;
James Martin, seaman, slightly; John Burrows, ditto, badly ; John Smith,
marine ; John Brady, ditto, dangerously; William Wilson, ditto, died 16th
November, 1808 ; Joseph Hanwood, ditto, slightly ; John Richardson,
ditto, slightly ; John M'Clarty, seaman, slightly ; Dennis Garrett, ditto,
ladly.— Total, 19.
List ofJlfen wounded in his Majesty's Ship Meteor, while engaging the Enemy
in the Bay of Rosas, between the 7th and 20tk days of November, 1808.
David Kerr, gunner of the royal marine artillery, lost both arms ; George
Gale, ditto, slightly ; Jos. Ilaynes, ditto, slightly ; Thomas Johnson, seaman,
a fracture ; Bastian Rausatto, ditto, slightly; George Ransden, quarter-
jnaster.— Total, 6.
Extract of another Letfer from Vice-admiral Lord Collinzwood, to the
Hon^W* W. Pok, dated on board the Ocean, December 14, 1808.
My letter of the 1st instant would inform you of the enemy having laid
ttege to the -.astle of Rosas, and of the measures taken by the British ships
in that bay in ai-1 of the Spaniards fur its defence. The Scout joined the
squadron off Toulon on the 7th, and by her I received further accounts
from Captain Bennett, of the Fame, of the progress the enemy wns making
against that important fortress. Captain Lord Cochrane has maintained
himself in the possession of Trinity Castle with great ability and heroism;
altho!":'i the fort is laid open by the breach in its works, he lias sustained
and repelled several assaults, having firmed a sort of rampart within the
breach, with Ins ship's hammock cloths, awnings, &c. filled with sand and
rubbish. The 2eal and energy, with which he has maintained that fortress,
excites the highest admiration. His resources for every exigency have no
«nd. The Spanish governor of this castle is wounded, and on board the
Copy of a letter from. Rear-admiral the IJon. Sir Alexander Cocfiranc, K. R
Commander-in-chief of his Majesty'* Ships and Vessels at the Leeward
Islands, to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated on board the Neptunet at Barba*
does, 19th December, 1808.
I enclose, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admi-
ralty, the copy of a letter which I have received from Captain Collier, of*
his majesty's ship Circe, the senior officer of the blockading squadron sta-
tioned from the Diamond to the Pearl Rocks, Martinique, giving an account
of the destruction of the French corvette le Cygne, whi;:h had sailed from
Cherbourg on the 12th November, with the Papillon, another corvette, and
la Verrus, la Junon, and TAmphitrite frigates.
In performing this service 1 ara sorry to send the enclosed report of the
loss which has been sustained by the several vessels engaged, owing to the
corvette having been supported by the batteries, field pieces, and musketry
from the shore, in her attempt to reach St. Pierre's ; but the object is fully
accomplished, as she is bilged in such a situation as to render it impossible
to recover the vessel, or the flour with which she was loaded. One of the
schooners in company with her was burnti and the other drove on shore and
destroyed ; each of them also having been loaded with flour and pro-
Captain Collier deserves great praise for his perseverance in overcoming
the obstacles which the enemy presented by the numerous batteries which
lined the shore in that part of the coast ; and he speaks in the highest terms
of Captain Brenton, of the Amaranthe, as well as of the gallantry and good
conduct of Lieutenant Wright, and a party of the Royal York Rangers, whe
ttere serving as marines.
I have the honour to be, &c.
His Majesty's Ship Circe, off" St. Pierre's, Martinique,
sin, December 14, 1808.
On Monday, at eleven A.M. his majesty's brig Morne Fortune^ informed
me by signal that an enemy's brig and two schooners were at anchor off
the Pearl. I immediately recalled the look-out vessels named as per mar-
gin,* and made all sail towards the enemy. On our ncaring St. Pierre's, I
perceived a Inrge French schooner towing along shore, under cover of a
number of troops. The schooner finding it impossible to get between St.
Pierre's and the Circe, the Stork closing fast, they run her on shore under
u buttery of four guns, flanked by two smaller ones, and the beach lined
with troops. The signal was then inude to close with t;,e enemy, and
engage in succession, the Circe leading, followed bv the Stork and Morne
Fortunee ; being within pistol-shot the small batteries were soon silenced,
and the troops driven from the beach. Seeing the brig and schooner un-
loading, I directed the M< rne I ortunee to watch the schooner in shore, and
to >;ive ?i'nilar orders to. the Epervier on her coming up. We then made
•svd towards the brig and the other schooner, which were lying well to wind-
ward close to the beach, under cover of four batteries, and an immense
number of troops and field p;ece~, which they had brought down on the
beach to protect her. Having placed the barge and two cutters under the
command of Lieutenant Crook, Mr. Collman, purser, Mr. Smith, master,
and Mr. Thomas, carpenter, who handsomely rolunteered with sixty-eight
men to bring the brig out, I then made sail with the Stork and Express to-
wards her, and directed the bi^ats to lie off until the brig's tire slackened.
It getting late, the vessels lying close in with the rocks, and having no pilot
on board, T stood in, and was handsomely seconded by Captain le Geyc of"
the Stork. The ships did not commence action until our men were wounded
from the beach with musketry. We then bore up under a heavy fire of great
guns and small arms. Having passed the batteries and the brig, the Circe's
boats, not waiting for the Stork's to come up, boarded in the most gallant
manner; and it is with extreme concern I have to add, that their gallantry
(fid not meet with its reward ; they wrre beat back with dreadful slaughter;
one boat taken and one sunk, the other entirely disabled. Our loss in the
boats are killed, wounded, and missing, fifty-six. By tins time it was dark;
I stood off until day-light, determining to persevere and destroy the brig,
if possible. In the evening I was joined by the Amarauthe, who watched the
brig during the night.
At eight A.M. we perceived she had weighed; Captain Brenton, in the
most handsome manner, volunteering to bring heir out, she was then towing
and sweeping close in shore towards St. Pierre's ; the boats of the Circe and
Stork, and men trotn the Express were sent to tow the Amaranthe up, who
xvas at this time sweeping and using every exertion to close with the enemy.
At ten, the French brig grounded near several batteries, to the northward
of St. Pierre's; the Amara'.uhe tacked and worked in under a heavy fire
from the batteries and brig, from which she suffered considerably, having
one killed and five wounded, followed by the Circe, the rest of the squadron
engaging the batteries to leeward. From the Amaranthe's well directed fire,
she soon obliged them to quit tiie brig. Lieutenant Hay, of the Amaranthe,
on tiiis service distinguished himself very much, and speaks of the gallantry
of Messrs. Biooke and Rigmaidcn of the same sloop, in vfry handsome
terms, who, with the boats of the Circe, Amaranthe, and Stork, bourderl
her under a heavy fire from the batteries and troops on shore. Lieutenant
Hay, finding her bilged, and impossible to get her off, effectually destroyed
her in the evening. Captain Brenton again volunteered to destroy the
schooner then on shore; I ordered Lieutenant George Robinson, second of
the Amaranthe, but acting first of the Circe, with inv order, on this occa-
sion, to follow the directions of Captain Brenton. At nine o'clock I bad
the pleasure to see her on fire, and burnt to the water's edge. 1 am sorry to
sdd that, on this service, Jilr. Jones, master of the Amnranihc, was \vouin!.
ed.; and one seiimau killed, and three wounded, belonging to the F-Npres*.
* Stork, Epcrvier, and Express
, <S"Uon. vjlcl, XXI. z
The captains, officers, and crews of the squadron you did me the honouf
to place under my command behaved with that coolness and intrepidity
inherent in British seamen, particularly the Amaranthe, whose gallant con-
duct was noticed by the whole squadron. From the troops of the Royal
York Rangers, under the command of Lieutenant Wright, doing duty as
marines, I received every assistance. Lieutenant Crook, who commanded
the boats, I am sorry to say, is severely wounded in four places; the loss of
this gallant young man's services are severely felt on board the Circe. I am
likewise sorry to add, that Mr. Colemau, purser, is among the number that
is dangerously wounded; his conduct on this, and other occasions, deserves
my warmest approbation.
On boarding, we discovered the brig destroyed was la Cygnc, of eighteen
guns, and one hundred and forty men, with flour, guns, and cartridge paper,
for the relief of Martinique. The two schooners had likewise flour, and were
armed; I have not yet learnt their force or names; I am happy to say that
the one left off the Pearl is on shore bilged.
In the performance of this service, our loss in killed and wounded, I am
sorry to say, has been very great ; but I have the consolation to think that
it was in the execution of an indispensable duty; and the grand object of
cutting off the supplies of the enemy, will, I trust, justify the means which
I have adopted, if not afford a small consolation to the relatives of those
who fell. I have the honour to be, &c.
Rear-admiral Sir A. Cochrane, $c.
A List of killed and wounded on board the Squadron under the command of
Francis A. Collier, Esq. in Action with the Enemy off" Martinique, the
12th and I3ih Days of December, 1808.
Circe — 9 killed, 2 1 wounded, 26 missing. — 56.
Amaranthe — 1 killed, 6 wounded.— 7.
Stork — 1 killed, 1 wounded. — 2.
Express — 1 killed,' 3 wounded. — 4.
Eficniier— None killed or wounded.
Morne Fortunte — None killed or wounded.
Total — 12 killed, 31 wounded, 26 missing. — 69.
F. A. COLLIER, Captain.
Copy of another Letter from Rear-admiral the. Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane,
K. B. to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated on board the Neptune, at Earbadoes,
the Zlst of December, 1808.
I enclose, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of the Admi-
ralty, the copy of a letter from Captain Sanders, of his majesty's sloop
Bellette, acquainting me with the capture of a French letter of marque,
laden with provisions, from Bourdeaux.
I also enclose Captain Spear's letter, of the Goree, which I had not before
received, giving an account of the capture of a French letter of marque
bound to Bourdeaux from Martinique.
I have the honour to be, &c.
His Majesty's Sloop Bellette, at Sea,
8IR> 'December, 5, 1808.
I have the honour to inform you, that his majesty's sloop Bellette, under
fhy command, has captured the French brig letter of marque Revanche, of
six tuns, 12-pounders, pierced for eighteen, with a complement of forty-
four men, laden with provisions, from Bourdeaux, bound to Guadaloupe,
She has been a very successful privateer all this war, and was intended for
a cruiser in those seas. I have the honour to be, &c.
To the Hon. Sir Alexander Cochrane, K. B.
I&ar-admiral of the Red, i$-c.
fits Majesty^s Sloop Goree, Barbadoes,
SIR, 30th November, 1808.
I have the honour to acquaint yon, on the 24th instant, thirty leagues
west of Guadaloupe, I captured, in his majesty's sloop under my command,
the Admiral Villaret, a French ship letter of marque, mounting eight guns
(four of which she threw overboard in the chase), and a complement of
thirty-two men , from Martinique bound to Bourdeaux, laden with sugar,
coffee, and cotton. I am, &c.
Rear-admirat Sir Alex. Cochrane, K. B, fyc.
Copy of a Letter from Admiral Lord Gambler, Commander-iri'chief of his
Majesty s Ships and Vessels in the Channel, Soundings, fyc. to the Hon.
W. ,W. Pole., dated on board the Caledonia, in Torbay, the 30th of last
I enclose herewith, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of
the Admiralty, a letter I have this day received from Captain Broke, dated
llifi 27th instant, acquainting me with the capture of the French cutter pri-
vateer Poramereuil. of fourteen guns, and sixty men, by his majesty's ship
Shannon, under his command.
I have the honour to be, &c.
H is Majesty's Ship Shannon, off" Isle Bas,
MY LORD, 17th January, 1809.
I have the honour to inform you, the Shannon captured this day, after a
long chase to leeward, the French cutter Pommereuil, of fourteen guns,
and sixty men, commanded by Felix 1 Allemande; fourteen days out from
Havre de Grace, and had only captured a transport with troops, which she
I have sent the prize to Plymouth. She is a fine new vessel, coppered,
and well found. J have the honour to be, &c.
To the Right Hon. Lord Gambier,
Cowmanderrin-chiej', $c.
Copy <?/*« Letter addressed by Lord George Stuart, Captain of his Majesty's
Ship l'Aimable,to the senior Officer oj'.his Majesty's Ships ami Vessels off
the Texel, dated the 7th inst. and transmitted to the Hon. W. W. Pole, by
Rear-admiral Sir Edmund Naglc.
i beg leave to acquaint you, on the 2d inst. while standing to the south-
ward to regain my station, his majesty's ship under my command being
driven by the late tempestuous weather from off the Texelon the Welbank,
I perceived, at eleven A.M. a strange sail on the weather quarter, standing
w» the northward and eastward ; concluding from this that she was an enemy,
I immediately wore round and made' all sail, and after a chase of twenty-
eight hours, at four P. M. on the 3d instant, (Aberdeen bearing north 'I'i
deg. W. distance 30 leagues.) came alongside of her, and having exchanged
broadsides, continued a running fig'it, and in a few minutes she struck.
She proved to be 1'Iris, French national 24-2un ship, commanded by Mon-
sieur Minuet, capitainc de frigate, but capable of carrying 32 trun*, had
only 24 when taken, twenty-two 24-pounder cannonades, and two long
twelves, a complement of 140 men. She is only ten months old, copper
fastened, and I think in every respect qualified for his majesty's service.
She sailed from Dunkirk on the 29th. ultimo, bound to Martinique, with 640
casks of Hour on board, besides being victualled and stored with every
specie- for four months. I am happy to say, only two men were slightly
wounded ; the enemy lost two killed and eight wounded. I am concerned
to add, we suffered materially in our masts and rigging ; the mainmast shot
in the head, main-yard shot away in the slings, the m zen-mast head and
xnizen-topmast shot away, also the try-sail-mast and the rigging aud sails
greatly cut up.
I have, £c. G. STUART.
• List of wounded.
Anthony Nelson, seaman ; Jacques Magra, marine.
Extract of a Letter from Cup fain Schomberg, of Ins Majesty Ship Loire, to
the Hon. William FV dies ley Pole, dated at Sea, the 6th instant.
I have the honour to inform you, that yesterday at noon, in latitude 39
deg. 24 rain, and lontritude 11 cleg. 41 min. W. his majesty's ship under my
command hud the good fortune to fall in with a French national ship of
war, in the act of taking a ship and a brig. On the Loire's approach she
bore up and made all sail, deserting her prizes, and Uaving the brig des-
titute of men. Every exertion was made in this ship to come up with the
enemy ; and much was necessary, I assure you, from the weather being
thick and squally.
At eight at night we got alongside of her, and brought her to close
action. She was defended for about twenty minutes, when she struck to
his majesty's ship. She proved to be le Hebe French national ship of war,
frigate-built, mounting eighteen 24- pounders, carronades, and two long
twelves, with a complement of lo'O men ; commanded by Monsieur le
Bretonneuiore, lieutenant de vaisseau. She had been out thirty-eight days
from Bourdeau.x, with 600 barrels of flour, bound to St. Domingo. She
has taken the English vessels as per mar-rin. *
Le Hebe is a very fine vessel, about 450 tons, quite new, and appears to
me a ship that may be serviceable to his majesty. I am most happy to
say not a man was hurt in the Loire.
Copy of a Letter from Thomas James Ma/ing, Esq. Captain of his fifajestyts
Ship Undaunted, to the Honourable W. W. Pole, dated on board that Ship
at Spithead, the 13th instant.
You will please to inform their lordships, that the Undaunted captured
the San Josephe yesterday forenoon, after a hard run of fotir hours. She
* Brig Enterprise, from Liverpool; brig Lord Mulgrave, bound to Vi«o;
irig Bacchus, bound to Gibraltar.
Is a fine copper bottomed privateer, out four days from St. Maloes, stored
for two mouths, • icrccd for 18 guns, (but mounting only 14,) and a com-
plement oi iiiiu iy-bix men. The San Josephe is nearly new, is reckoned
the fastest sailer out of St. Muloes, and is a desirable vessel for his majesty's
service. We met with her at dawn of day too near us to e^ape.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Copy of a Letter front Captain Netccombe, of his Majesty's Sloop JBeugfe,
addressed to Commodore Orcen. and transmitted by Vice- admiral, Camiibcll,
Coutmaitdcr-in-fhief of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels in the Dozens, to
the Honourable W. W. Pole, dated the IQth instant.
I beg leave to acquaint you, that early this morninp, (Boulogne bearing
about S.S.E. six leagues,) his majesty's sloop under my command captured
a French privateer, named la Fortune, of 14 guns and 68 men, and com-
manded by Captain Tucker. She was from Calais, two days on her cruise,
and had not made any capture.
From their -usual intrepidity, they did not surrender until the Beagle ran
her alongside, notwithstanding it blew strong with a heavy sea. One of
their crew was mortally wounded. •
I have the honour to be, &c.
•To Commodore Owen, 4 c. FRAS. NEWCOMBE,
Promstton0 anU appointments*
Admiral Sir Roger Curtis is appointed commander-in-chief at Portsmouth,
vice Admiral Montague .
Captain the Honourable Henry Dawson is appointed by Rear-admiral Sir
Edward Pel lew, commander-in-chief on the India station, to act as governor
of the naval hospital at Madras.
Captain William Browcll, of the royal hospital at Greenwich, is appoint-
ed to be lieutenant-governor of that institution, and a director of the hospi
tal and cliest of Greenwich, rice Captain Boachier deceased.
Captain William Edge is appointed to the royal hospital at Greenwich,
vi<~e Captain Browcll appointed lieutenant-governor of that institution.
His majesty the King of Sweden has been pleased, for the gallant conduct
displayed by Captain \V. H. Wibley, of the Centaur, in the late action with
the Russian fleet, off' Rogerwjck, in the Baltic, to confer on him the honour
of one of the knights companions of the most honourable military order of
the S« ord.
His majesty the King of Sweden has also been pleased to confer on Cap-
tain T. B. Martin, the honour of the Swedish order of the Sword.
Captain Joseph Hanwcil is appointed to be commissioner of the navy for
the payment of seamen's wages, at the port of Sheerness, vice Mansfield.
Captain Garrett, of [he royal navy, brother-in-law of Sir T. B. Thompson,
Bart, comptroller of the r?ayy, is appointed to preside over the victualling
department at Deptfprd, rice Mr. Cooper.
Captain Frederick CottereJl is appointed to the Nyaden, late Danish fri-
gate of 38 guns; Captain John Gourly to the San Juan prison ship ; Cap-
fain Francis Augustus Collier to the Circe; Captain Lucius Curtis, eldest
son of Admiral Sir Roger Curtis, to the Magicienne; Captain Dilkes, of
the Hazard sloop, to the Neptune, Admiral Cochrane's flag ship; Captain
Fahie, of. the Ethalion frigate, to the Belleisle; Captain Thomas Cochrane,
of the Jason, to the Etlialion; Captain William Maude, of the Ulysses, to
the Jason ; Captain Edward Woolcombe, of the Belleisle, to the Ulysses;
Captain Wood, of the Latona, to the Captain ; Captain Pigot, of the Circe,
to the Latona; Captain Patterson, of the Hawke, to the Star; Captain
Bouchier, of the Demerary, to the Hawke; Captain Pinto, of the Dart, to
the Achates sloop; Captain Cameron, of the Achates, to the Hazard; Cap-
tain Selby, to the Owen Gletidower, a new frigate of 36 guns; Captain
Davis to (he Tyrian ; Captain Boyce to the Bienfaisant prison-ship; Cap-
tain George Moubray, to the Rhodian; Captain Cunningham to the Ber-
muda sloop; Captain John Parish to the Onyx, vice Gill promoted; Captain
John M. Hauchett to the Raven.
Lieutenant Dowers, son of the governor of Deal hospital, is appointed
to command the Demerary; Captain Steuart, of the Port d'Espagne, to
the Snap ; and Lieutenant Kennedy of the Pompee, to command the Port
Captain Charles Gill, for his gallant action in the Onyx with the Manly
Dutch national brig of war, is posted.
Captain the Hon. Warwick Lake is appointed, by Admiral Rowley, td
act in the Intrepid.
Captain Wells, of his majesty's ship Captain, is appointed commissioner
of the navy, at Jamaica.
Mr. Cooper, late agent victualler at Deptford, is appointed by the Ad-
miralty to be storekeeper of the dock-yard at Chatham.
Lieutenants appointed.
Lieutenant John Longchamp is appointed to the Cordelia; Henry Rowe
to the Primrose: Henry Pryce to the Nymphen; Hon. Wm. Sommerville to
ditto; W. T. Chamberline to the Defence; Edward Stevenson to the Clio;
George Tnpman to the Magicienne; James Meara to ditto; Robert Wau-
chope to ditto; George Spence to the Blake; Archibald Hamilton to the
Repulse; John James Maxwell to the Rose; John Smith (9) to the Dread-
nought ; George Franklyn to the Victorious; James Walker to the Gibral-
tar; Richard Williams (2) to ditto; Robert Thomas to the Childers;
Charles Phillips to the Princess of Orange ; Robert Smith (?) to the Mon-
mouth; William Harris Smith to the Merope ; Edward Collier to the
Thames: Robert Foster to the Owen Glendower; Thomas L. Peake to do.
Frederick William Botirgoyne, son of the late celebrated general, to com.
mand the Defende gun^brig ; John Worth to the Roebuck ; Thomas Mit-
chell (2) to the Zebra ; Charles Day to the Norge ; John M'Kirdy to the
Alcmene ; Gilbert Broomhead to the Dolphin ; Samuel Hoare to the Cajsar ;
Robert Forder to the Dannemark ; Evan M'Kenzie to the St. Albans; John
Rude to the Standard ; Edward Medley to ditto ; Lewis Davis to the Op-
possum; James Stone (3) to the Vanguard; George Johnstone to the Ey-
deren; Joseph Eastwood to the Pluto; Alexander Ingram to the Mon-
tnouth; Charles Delancey to the Zealous; Alexander Young to the Dic-
tator ; James Meara to the Alexandria, commission for the Magicienne
cancelled; George Read to the Sybille; Thomas Lcvell to the Little Belt;
James Wilcox to the Hero; Hon. A. de Courcy to the Raven; Richard
Phillips to the Vanguard ; Peter Crawford to the Fury bomb ; Wm. James
Scott to the Triumph ; George Heacock to the Chanticleer ; Philip Duma-
resque to the Eclipse; William Carter to command the Mackarcl schooner;
Robert Folliot to the Barfleur ; Mr. M'Milian, midshipman of his majesty's
ship Neptune, is appointed to be a lieutenant of the Pompee ; Messrs.
Odger and Speck, midshipmen of the Neptune, to be lieutenants of the
List of midshipmen passed for lieutenants on the first Wednesday in the
month : — William Robins, Augustus Cannon, Joseph Treglohan, John
Willison, Henry Shiffher, David Price, P. H. Trant, B. 11. Borough, John
Dade, Samuel Hodgson.
Surgeons appointed.
Dr. Bell, late surgeon of his majesty's ship Edgar, is appointed to be sur-
geon of the royal marines, at Woolwich, vice Gladstone appointed to the
royal asylum at Greenwich park.
Mr. Bryan M'Laughlin, surgeon, is appointed by the Lords of the Admi-
ralty to be an assistant surgeon of the royal hospital at Greenwich, vice
Gladstone appointed to the marines at Woolwich.
Mr. Thomas Hooper is appeinted to be surgeon of his majesty's sloop
Zenobia; Mr. John Neill to the Victorious ; John Julius Inger to the Cyg-
net; Themas Cochrane to the Forrester; Charles Linton to the Glomen ;
Gregory Odell to the Caesar; Joseph White to the Drake; Richard Thomp-
son to the Ville de Paris; George Proctor to the Orestes; Edward Hopley
to- the Nymphen; Henry Ewing to the Resistance; Robert Marks to thtf
Lark; John Stckoe to the Magicienne; John Morgan to the Hibernia;
George Proctor to the Bustard; Robert Mulberry to the Ville de Paris ; vice
Thompson; Henry Parkin to the Caledonia; Duncan Campbell to the Ir.i-
petueux; George Wardiaw to the Weasel; William Norman to the Owen
Glendower; Thomas Dickson to the Nyaden ; George Pearson to the Sar-
pen, Henry William Bull to the Tyrian.
Assistants appointed.
Mr. Thomas Stewart is appointed assistant surgeon of the Amethyst; Mr.
John Dunthorn to be an hospital mate at the royal hospital at Plymouth;
S. R. Armstrong to be hospital mate of the naval hospital at Jamaica; J. E.
Gray to be assistant of the Acute gun-brig; John Johns to the Fervent <iun-
brig; J. Godard to the Blazer; P. Ramsay to the Dannemark ; William
Porteous to the Alphea cutter ; William Hector to the Castor ; Montgomery
Camth to the Victorious; John Baiston to the Iphigenia; Charles Miller to
the Eagle; William Duncan to the St. Albans; Robert Bateman to the Star-
dard; William M'Masters to the Argonaut hospital ship; Robert Brown to
the Defence; C. W. Vandenburg to the Majestic; Thomas Soden to the.
Safeguard gun-brig ; C. "Woolley to the Dannemark; Robert Muir to the
East Indies on promotion ; William Leslie to the Amazon : George M'Clure
to the Hibernia; George Roe fromtthe Redbreast to the Salvador del Mun-
do; Alexander Rae to the Bombay; Daniel Godbchere to the Royal Wil-
liam; William Miller to the Earnest gun-brig,
Of a daughter, at the apartments of her father, Lieutenant Spearing of
the royal hospital at Greenwich, Mrs. Ann Tooley, widow of the late Lieut.
Richard Tooley, of the royal navy.
On the 4th of February, in Upper Bedford-place, the wife of Captai^
Jonathan Birch, of the Hon. East India Company's service, of a son.
On the 9th instant, at her apartments in the royal hospital at Greenwich,
Mrs. Frederick Bedford, wife of Lieut. Bedford, of that institution, of a
lately, Mr. Alexander M'Coy, purser of his majesty's ship Brazen, to
Miss Elizabeth Catherine Aylward, of Portsmouth.
On the 26th of January, at Kingstoo., near Portsmouth, Lieutenant Tho-
jnas Button, of the royal navy, to M:ss Priscilla Edgcumbe, of Tavistock-
jjlace, Russel-square.
Lately, in Pulteney-strcct, Ball), Mrs. Peyton, wife of Rear-admiral
At Mount Tamar, the lady of Captain White, of the royal navy, and 4th
daughter of Commissioner Fanshaw, of his majesty's dock yard, Plymouth.
Lately, in the West Indies, of the yellow fever, Mr. S. W. Salmon, pur-
ser in the royal navy, aged 19 years, onh7 son of Mr. 8. Salmon, of Portsea,
Hants. — He was made a purser, and appointed to a ship on the 9th of No-
vember, 1808, and died the Hth of the same month, much lamented by his
friends and acquaintance.
Lately, at Mil ford Haven, Lieutenant Walter Jewell, of the royal navy.
On the 5th of February, at Edinburgh, much rcgrerted, James Ross Far-
quarhson, Esq. of TnvercauM. captain in the royal nuw, and second son of
tiie late Vice-admiral Sir John Lockhart Ross, of Balnagoun, Bart.
On the 23d of January, at Huntingdon, Captain Thomas Stephenson, of
the royal navy, aged 34.
Lately was drowned, in coming from Spain, on the Manacle Rocks, the
Hon. Lieutenant Watdcgravc, son of Admiral Lord lladstock.
At nearly the same time, Captain James Mein, of !>is majesty's late sloop
die Primrose, was lost on the said rocks, together with the greater part of
the crew of the said sloop.
Lately, in the West Indies, Mr. J. Stodart, surgeon of his majesty's ship
Lately was killed, in a most gallant attack on some cf the enemy's vessels
at Martinique, Captaia Co'jmbe, of bis majesty's ship lleureux, and nephew
of C. Coombe, Esq. of tl.c Admiralty-office.
On the 7th of February, was barbarously murdered, after a desperate
resistance, on the Greenwich road, near the Five Ik-.iis public-house, Lieut, f
John Johnstone, of his majesty's sloop Eyderen, Captain Charles Pengelly.
At his house, in Troy Town, Rochester, the lady of Captain A. Anderson,
of the royal marines.
In the royal hospital at Haslar, Mr. Gill, surgeon of the Royals.
On the 16th November, on his passage from Jamaica, Mr. John Hall,
surgeon in the royal navy.
In November List, at the naval hospital at Baibadoes, Mr. Samuel Price,
surgeon of his majesty's sloop Achates.
the columns reached with success their directed stations, but the centre
columns, having met with some unexpected difficulty, did not elioct their
" The Madras, Bcaulieu, Pelican, and Victorieuse were to support this
attack ; the Beaulieu had three seamen slightly wounded, and the head of
her foremast injured. The attack on shore not having been successful, the
Madras and Beaulieu have returned to Marigot des Rousseaux, to co-
operate with Major-general Morshead."
Sir Hugh Christian closes his letter with the following compli-
mentary tribute to the officers serving under him :* —
" It would be unjust to the merit of Captain M'Doual, of the Ganges,
nnd the officers acting under him at Bay Longueville, were I to omit report-
ing their just claim- to my commendation ; Captain Rvves, of the Bull Do?,
and Captain Meares, of the transport department, commanded the division
of boats at Longueville bay. Captains Evans, of the Fury, Dobree, of the
Woolwich, and Captain Hill and Lieutenant Skipsey, of the transport
service, commanded the several divisions of flat boats at the Choc and
Ance la Rare landing, and I had good reason to be satisfied with their
assiduity and proper exertions.
" The natural strength of this country is such, that time and great
exertion will be necessary for its reduction. There exists the most perfect
desire on the part of the officers and seamen of the squadron to share (he
fatigue and hazard with the army ; and I trust that this desire may be kept
awake to essential advantage."
Notwithstanding the difficulties which the assailants had to en-
counter, the blockade and siege of Morne Fortune was carried on
with such vigour and success, that, on the 24th of May, the enemy
desired a suspension of arms. On the following morning, a capi-
tulation for the whole island ensued ; and on the 26th, his majes-
ty's troops took possession of. Morne Fortune : the garrison of
which, at that time, amounted to 2,000 men. Captain Lane, of
the Astrea, was sent to England with the following despatches
from Sir II. C. Christian, announcing the event : —
" Thunderer, Choc Bay, St. Lucia,
" SIR, June 1, 1796.
tf I ana to communicate to you, for the information of my Lords Com-
missioners of the Admiralty, that the island of St. Lucia and its dependen-
* Another letter from Sir Hugh C. Christian, of. the same date (May 4),
encloses Captain Parr's account of the surrender of the Dutch settlement
of Dcmerara, and its dependencies, to his majesty's farces, under Majur-
general Whyte, and Captain Parr, en the '_'2d of April.— The colony of
Berbice surrendered to the same officers on the 2d of May.
tfJ.nto, CJjrom dol. XXI. B B
cics surrendered by capitulation on the 25th of May, and that the Morn*
•was taken possession of by his majesty's troops on the 26th, at noon.
" In the progress of the siege great difficulties were to be surmounted,
and much service of fatigue undertaken. The more effectually to assist the
operations of the army, I directed eight hundred seamen to land, under the
command of Captain Lane, of the Astrea, and Captain Ryves, of the Bull
Dog: the merit of their services will be better reported by the commander--
in-chief of his majesty's troops ; but I feel it an indispensable duty to
acquaint their lordships, that the conduct of the officers and seamen
equalled my most sanguine expectations, and that it has been in every
instance highly meritorious.
" Captain Lane, of the Astrea, is charged with my despatches ; that
officer, having served at St. Lucia from the moment of my arrival, will be
enabled to afford their lordships correct information of the naval occur-
rences connected with the siege.
" The state of the Astrea, by Captain Lane's report to me, is such, that
her proceeding to England became a necessary measure.
" Captain Ryves, of the Bull Dog, will proceed immediately to join his
ship; but I should be unjust to the merits of his exertion, were I to omit
recommending him to their lordships' notice and protection.
" I stated to their lordships, in my letter of the 4th instant, the services
of Captain Searle, of the Pelican, on the first landing ; since that period he
has with unremitting diligence and ability effectually blocked the ports of
the Carenage.
" The Madras, under the command of Captain Dilkes, had been, in the
first arrangements, detached to land, and co-operate with a division of
troops on the left wing of the army, anchored for that purpose at Marrigot
des Rosseaux, where his exertion and assiduity have been highly com-
mendable : he look possession of a point at the southern entrance of the
grand Cul de Sac, with great labour and perseverance, placed upon the pin-
nacle of the hill two eighteen-pounders and two carronades, from which he
considerably annoyed the batteries of Sisseron and Agille. The general
wishing to establish batteries on the southern side of the grand Cul de Sac,
Captain Wolley, of the Arethusa, was detached to join Captain Dilkes, and
directed to land a proportion of seamen to assist this service, which was
very speedily and cheerfully executed. More exertion 1ms not been
evinced, and 1 believe there never lias occurred an instance of more cordial
co-operation, than has subsisted between the army and navy during this
siege. Great have been the services of fatigue, considering the nature of
the country and the situation of tiie Morne, and very rapidly have thej
Jjeen brought to effect the reduction of the island.
" On the morning of the enemy's attack on the 24th instant, with a view-
to re-possess themselves of the advanced post from the Morne, it became
necessary to detach the 14th regiment to the support of the troops employed
at that post, in consequence of which 320 marines were landed to take thfc
iud occupied by the 14th. The conduct of the marines upon this, a«
.upon all other occasion,*, was most perfectly correct.
" The general's opinion of the conduct of the seamen and marines will
he best understood }>y the sentiments expressed in his public orders, an ex-
tract of which is herewith transmitted.
" I transmit a list of the small vessels found at this anchorage ;
" And have the honour to be, sir,
" Your most obedient bumbie servant,
" Evan Ncpean, Esq. " HUGH C. CHRISTIAN."
" Ilcud Quarters, St. Lu.ia, May 27, 1796,
" During the services which '.are been carried on in the island of St.
Lucia, all the courage anrl every exertion of the army would have proved
ineffectual, if Rear- ad mi nil Sir H. C. Christian, and the royal navy, had
not stepped forward witli the alacrity "-h.ch ^uj been so couspicuous in for-
warding the most arduous part of the public service : to the r skill and un-
remitting labour is in a great measure owing t.ie success which has attended
his majesty's arms. It will atfor.l the commander-iu-chief the greatest
satisfaction to be able to lay before his majesty the eminent services waich
have, on this occasion, been performed by the royal navy, and Admiral Sir
Hugh Cloberry Christian will confer a particular obligation on Lieutenant-
general Sir Ralph Abercromby, and the army at large, if he will be so
obliging as to communicate to the royal navy, and in particular to Captains
Lane, Ryves, and Stephenson, and the other «fficers who acted on shore,
and to the corps of marines, the great obligation which they consider them*
selves under to them.
" T. BUSBY, Assistant-Adj. Gen."
Sir Ralph Abercromby, in his despatch of the 31st of May,
announcing the surrender of St. Lucia, also says :— *•
" Rear-admiral Sir Hugh Christian, and the royal navy, have never ceased
to shew the utmost alacrity in forwarding the public service. To their skill
and unremitting labour the success which has attended his majesty's arms
i? in a great measure due. By their efforts alone the artillery was advauced
to the batteries, and every co-operation, which could possibly be expected
or desired, has been afforded in the fullest mauqer."
The shipping alluded to by Admiral Christian, in his official
letter, consisted of a ship, three brigs, five schooners, and a
shallop, which were taken in the Carenage. A great quantity of
ordnance, ammunition, and military stores, was found in the
several batteries.
After the reduction of the island of St. Lucia, Sir Hugh
Christian detached the following little squadron of frigates, under
tae command of Captain Wollcy, to co-operate with Sir Ralph
Abercromby, in quelling the insurrections, which raged with gvcat
virulence in the islands of St. Vincent and Grenada : —
Ships. Guns. Commanders.
Aretlmsn ........ 38 Captain Thomas Wolley.
Hebe ^8 M. H. Scott.
Mermaid 32 < 11. W. Otway.
pelican (brig) .... 16 • • T. C. Searle.
Beaver 16 • S. G. Warucr.
The insurgents were chiefly Charibs, and people of colour;
and after an obstinate resistance, they laid down their arms, and
surrendered by capitulation. On this service, two seamen be-
longing to the Arethusa, who were acting with the troops on
shore, were killed ; and at Grenada, seven seamen r/ere killed,
and five wounded, on board the Mermaid, by the bursting of one
of her main-deck guns.
Towards the latter end of June, Rear-admiral Hervey arrived at
Martinique, in the Prince of Wales ; and in the month of October
following, having resigned the command of the fleet to that
officer, Sir Hugh returned to England in the Beaulieu frigate.
On the 20th of February, 17S7, he was made rear-admiral of
the white ; and in the course of the year, he sailed to the Cape of
Good Hope, as second in command on that station, in the Vir-
ginie, of 44 guns. In the following year, he succeeded Admiral
Pringle, as Commander-in-chief at tho Cape ; but he enjoyed that
post only a very short time, as he died, rather suddenly we
believe, in November, 1798. His services, though not generally
of the most brilliant description, had been arduous and useful;
and by his death, the country lost an attentive, able, and excellent
officer. His remains were interred at the Cape.
Sir Hugh Christian's lady, whose bealth was in so critical a,state
when the admiral left England, that she despaired of ever seeing
him again, survived him about two months; but died, at the Isle
of Wight, before the intelligence had arrived of the death of her
Hugh Christian, the admiral's grandfather, was born in 1679,
and dLd about the year 1740, having married Letitia Awsitcr, the
only child of Anthony Brucer, of Hock Norton, in the county of
Oxford, Esq. by Mary his wife, daughter of Thomas Awsiter, of
Southall, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. and by her (who after
his decease married Thomas Mascall, but had no issue by him) had
issue Hugh and Anne, who both died young, and Thomas, the
father of the admiral. This Thomas was born at Liverpool, about
the year 1716, and died in 1751, having raarriftl Anne, the daugh-
ter ot O\voii Hughes, of Bangor, Esq. by whom (who after his
death married, secondly, Mr. Penny, of Oxfordshire, and died
•without issue by him. in February, 1785) he had issue an only
child, viz. the late Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian, K.B. the subject
of the preceding memoir, who married Anne, the only daughter of
Barnabas Leigh, of Thorley, in the Isle of Wight, Esq, on the
6th of March, 1775. She died at West Hill, in that island, on the
22d of January, 1799, and was buried at Northwood, in the same
island, leaving issue as follows: — 1st, Anne, born on the C21st of
November, 1775, married in 1799 to Major-general Frederick
Baron Hompesch, and died in December, 1807, leaving issue ;
2d, Mary, born on the 21st of August, 1781, married, in 1803,
Count William Byland, a colonel in the army, and was living in
1807, with issue ; 3d, Hood Hanway Christian, eldest son, born
on the 23d of July, 1784, now a captain in the royal navy, iu
•which he obtained post rank on the 30th of January, 1806;
4th, Hugh George, second son, born on the 23d of November,
1787, now in the East India Company's civil service, on the Bengal
establishment ; 5th, Johanna, born in 1794, and living in 1807.
ARMS.— Azure a cheveron, humetty between three covered cups
or, on a canton argent, an anchor erect, with part of the cable
round the stock proper.
CREST. — Out of a naval coronet, or, an unicorn's head, argent,
collared gules.
The above arms and crest, granted by patent under the hands
of Garter and Clarenceux Kings of Arms, dated 5th March, 1796.
SUPPORTERS.— On each side an unicorn, argent, collared gules,
pendent, therefrom a shield, azure, charged with a covered
cup, or.
Granted by patent under the hand and seal of Garter principal
King of Arms, 7th March, 1796.
MOTTO. — foluisscj sat, est.
T has been frequently remarked, that the dispositions of our
fellow-snbjects born in the tropical countries, are in a greak
degree similar to the genial warmth of those climates. This remark
is very strongly exemplified in the character of Captain Pringle,
who is a native of the Antilles, and possesses all the fire and bene-
volence of heart so peculiar to the West Indies.
The events of this worthy officer's life have been always marked
•with most consummate zeal, bravery, and propriety. To a sound
judgment, he joins a well informed mind, and a disposition alive to
every friendly virtue. Having received the principal parts of his
nautical instructions from his distinguished patron, Admiral Bar-
rington, it cannot be supposed that he is in any respect unfinished
as a naval character.
Captain Pringle, during a part of the late war, commanded the
armed vessels employed against the rebels on the vast lake of
Champlain, Ontario, &c. in North America; upon which service
his exertions were uncommonly great ; nor were his zeal and bra-
very less conspicuous, when captain of the Ariadne frigate, on the
Leeward Island station.
This gallant officer returned to England after his various ser-
vices on the other side the Atlantic, and was appointed to the com-
mand of his majesty's ship Daedalus, and was again ordered to the
coasts of America, being stationed for some time to cruise off
Quebec, Newfoundland, and the adjacent seas.
Captain Pringle's conduct throughout the whole of the war
illustrated his character in the highest degree, and will prove a
lasting testimony of his exalted Afrorth.
Is one of the ablest officers the British fleet can boast ; cool,
collected, brave, and active ; ever ready for service when called
upon, and rigidly attentive to the most trivial, as well as the more
important duties of his station. It may with truth be observed of
him, that his ship is like his mansion— the ship's company his
* This and the following articles are from The NAVAL ATALAXTIS, pub-»
lished in 1789,
family : the former in a constant state of regularity and neatness,
the latter governed by a rigid, but a just hand. A scrupulous ob-
server of the relative duties he owes his country, as a citizen and
a soldier, Captain Fanshaw exacts a like conduct on the part of all
with whom he may have any concern, whether civil or military.
The conduct of this gallant officer throughout the whole of the
late war is spoken of in terms of infinite praise. On the coast of
America he was ever most active and diligent. In the West In-
dies, his conduct as commander of his majesty's ship Monmouth,
in the engagement between the fleets of Admiral Byron and Comte
d'Estaing was truly gallant, nor was it less so in the Egmont,
which he afterwards commanded."
When Sir George (now Lord) Rodney was about to sail from
Plymouth, with a squadron for the West Indies ; the commander
of the Namur, of 90 guns, having desired to be superseded, Cap.
tain Fanshaw, v, no then lived at that port with his family, and
was out of employ, being sent to at the dead of night to fill up the
Tacancy, he immediately arose, and having arranged his family
affairs, embarked on board the Namur without delay, and proved
one of Admiral Rodney's most distinguished supporters on tbe
glorious 12th of April.
At the late election for Plymouth, the freemen of that borough
(of which Captain Fanshaw is one), unanimously made choice of
this brave veteran to serve as one of their representatives in Par-
Is the officer who struck the first blow last war as commander
of tlve Arethusa frigate, which engaged the Most Christian King's
ship la Belle Poule, and thereby brought on a commencement of
general hostilities between Great Britain and France.
Captain Marshall is deservedly esteemed a very excellent officer,
and an experienced seaman. He served throughout the war with
great credit and reputation ; first in the Aretbusa, which was sta-
tioned as a Channel cruiser, and afterwards in another frigate on
the West India station.
On his return from the West Indies, he retired from service, it
is said on account of his health being impaired, and was not
employed again till some time after the establishment of peace had
taken place. He was then appointed to the command of hi*
majesty's ship le Pegase, a guard-ship at Portsmouth.
A vacancy for a commissioner of the Victualling Office having
j and it b«iog a rule that one of them should be aa expe»
rienced captain in the navy, this officer gave up the command of
the Pegasc, and succeeded to the vacancy at the Victualling Board,
•where his abilities and integrity must render him every May
qualified to fill the office with credit to himself and to the advantage
of his country.
MR. PEPYS says, that " the Constant Warwick was the first
frigate built in England. She was built in 1649, by Mr. Peter
Pett, for a privateer for the Earl of Warwick, and was sold by
to the States. Mr. Pett took his model of a frigate from a French
frigate which he had seen in the Thames, as his son, Sir Phineas
Pett, acknowledged to me." His being styled the inventor of
frigates, in the inscription on his monument, in St. Nicholas
Church, Dept ford, is therefore not strictly true. Fuller, in his
Worthies of England, gives a similar account of the origin of
frigates in our navy. Surely then, the name of the Constant
Warwick should, on this account, be preserved in our navy. To
fhe above anecdote it may be added, that the old Hermione
frigate was taken from the French in 1757, by Captain Moore, of
the Unicorn. The Modeste and Terneraire were taken by Admiral
Uoscawen's fleet in 1759. (See the description of them, Gent.
Mag. vol. 29, page 4 3 9.)
SIR W. CLARGES, Bart, has constructed a life-boat on an
improved principle, the leading features of which are, that she will
not upset, sink, or be water-logged; that she affords cabin room,
and is like a man-of-war's launch, well built for rowing, the oars
not on a curve, but nearly in a right line, and low to the water,
of which she draws little. The description of this boat is as
follows : — her length is thirty feet, her breadth ten, her depth three
feet, six inches. The space between her timbers is fitted up with
pine wood : this is done with a view to prevent the water lodging
there ; the pine wood is well caulked and paid ; she is buoyed up
by eight metal cases, four on each side: these are water tight, and
independent of each other. They will serve to buoy up six tons,
but all the buoyant parts of the boat, taken collectively, will buoy
up ten tons. The cases are securely decked over, and boarded at
the sides with pine ; there is a scuttle to cacli case, to put goods
in ; the edges are lined with baize ; and over each scuttle in the
case, is one of wood of a larger size, the margin of which is lined
m the same manner to exclude the water : between the cases are
Norwegian balks, bolted to the bottom, fastened to each other by
iron clamps, and decked over. The depth of her keel is nine
inches below the garboard streak, the dead rising is four inches;
her heel is narrow at the under part, and wide above, for the pur-
pose of giving the timber a good bed, which will support the
boats, in case a necessity should arise to encounter sand-banks.
In sailing oVer a. bar, or in places where the water is shallow,
the rndder will, with ease, draw up even with the keel, and when,
in deep water, it will let down easily, and with equal facility, a foot
below it; in consequence of which advantage the boat is found to
steiT remarkably well. The forecastle of the boat forms a cabin ten
feet wide, six feet long, and four feet deep, into which women,
children, and disabled persons may be put ; it is amply supplied
with air, by means of two copper ventilators : it is furnished be-
sides with two grapnels, very proper to be thrown out on board a
wreck, to ride by ; the grapnel ropes will assist the sufferers to
remove and escape from the wreck to the boat. She is likewise
equipped with masts and sails, and is as manageable with them as
any boat of her dimensions can possibly be : in a tempest, how-
ever, she must be dismasted, and rowed by fourteen men, with oars
sixteen feet long, double banked ; the men are all fastened to the
thwarts by ropes, and cannot be washed fiom their seats, [a his
observations on this boat, Sir William says, " Having stated the
leading features of my boat, I need not dwell on a few secondary
points, which, however, it would be improper not to mention :
these are her being provided with small ropes, or lines, fastened to
hooks on the gunwale, and each having a piece of cork painted red
at the extremity ; intended not only for persons who fall over-
board, or swim from a wreck, to see and catch hold of, but to
tow those for whom there may not be room in the boat; and her
having a very powerful rudder. The copper cases, though afford-
ing additional Security to those who choose to be at the expense,
arc no more a necessary point of my plan, than coppering her
bottom. The wood-work alone, if well executed and properly
attended to, may be kept quite air-tight. If the assistance of
cork were to be called in, it appears to me that it might be better
applied than in other boats, by filling the cases with cork jackets,
to take to a crowded wreck ; in going off to which the cases would
not be wanted for any other purpose, and the jackets would not
be an incumbrance. Every one must be aware of the iniportau.ee
. fflol. XXI. c c
of flie side cabins or cases, for stowing valuable goods, from a
richly laden vessel. A boat of this kind, but somewhat smaller
dimensions, would be exceedingly useful to ships on voyages of
discovery ; and indeed to any large vessels, as it would not only
answer for wooding and watering, but is peculiarly adapted for
excursions up rivers or small inlets of the sea, or exploring clusters
of islands. As a pleasure boat she answers extremely well; and
•with respect to her safety, I can say that I have sailed in her from
Brighton, round the Cornish coast to Conway in North Wales,
without any accident, though we experienced some very dreadful
•\veather on the voyage."
IN the war raging at the accession of his present majesty, two
gallant sea-bred sons of a Captain Everett, in the royal navy, got
commands. One of them, Michael, was killed onboard the Ruby,
in the American war, many years after ; the other, Charles, in his
early years of post captain, had the Solebay, a small frigate ; and,
cruising near Weymouth, fell in with two very heavy French pri-
vateers ; he engaged both, winged one, and immediately closing
with the second, took her, and then at his leisure picked up the
first. This was much admired at the time.
Charles, from a lad, had a fiery red nose, but was always ready
to cry out " scaldings" with his messmates, whether the kettle of
boiling water was in sight, or his own fierce phiz. He married an
heiress in mid-life, and took, her name of Calmady.
After acquiring the rank of admiral, he was one day at a public
dinner of the Hampshire Hunt; and whilst the bottle was circu-
lating, up came a waiter to say " a poor sailor below wished to
speak with Admiral Calmady." The admiral was not allowed to
leave the room, and the chairman requested of him that the man.
should come up. Acccordingly, old Jack, very much in dishabille,
made his appearance ; and the chairman ordered him to find out
the admiral, if they had ever sailed together : now all the gen-
tlemen were in the same uniform of the hunt. Jack moved round
to Calmady's ehair : "Sailed together — he knows all that, but
Charles Everett was his name then, God bless him." The admiral
looked at him, without recollection of his face : " No tricks upon
travellers; I remember nothing about you." — " But, admiral, you
han't forgot poor Johnson, the marine : J was in the after-guard,
close to him, on board the Solebay." — " Well, what of Johnson,
the marine?" — " Why, admiral, don't you recollect when the
Frenchmen were peppering at us, that Johnson, the marine, burst
out a laughing, and rapt out an oath, hov narrowly they had
missed a certain person's d — d red note!''
Here the whole company enjoyed (he story ; and Calmady
laughed with the rest. " Well, what then, old boy ? " — " Why,
you turned about as sharp as fire, and promised poor Johnson a
d — d good do/en as soon as the action was over."
The admiral asked no more questions, gave his old shipmate
half-a-crown, and all the gentlemen did the same. Jack went
down to get a skinful of good liquor, and to laugh again amongst
the party-coloured lads in livery about Admiral Calrnady's red
THE Spanish Gerona Gazette, when inserting a letter from Lord
Cochraue, January 1, 1809, subjoins the following liberal testi-
mony to his noble conduct : —
" This gallant Englishman has been entitled to the admiration,
and gratitude of this country, from the first moment of its political
resurrection. His generosity in co-operating with our earliest
efforts, the encouragement we received from the interest he took
•with the commanders of the Balearic islands, to induce them to
succour us with troops and ammunition, can never be erased from,
our recollection. The extraordinary services which we owe to his
indefatigable activity, particularly this city and the adjacent coast,
in protecting us from the attempts of the enemy, are too well
known to be repeated here. It is a sufficient eulogium upon his
character to mention, that in the defence of the castle of Trinidad,
when the Spanish flag, hoisted on the wall, fell into the ditch,
under a most dreadful fire from the enemy, his lordship was the
only person, who, regardless of the shower of balls flying about
him, descended into the ditch, returned Avith the flag, and happily
succeeded in placing it where it was."
Ox the 28th of February, a member moved for leave in the
House of Commons to bring in bills to confirm an agreement
between government and Samuel Whitbread, Esq. for certain lands
purchased of him at Purfleet, and also to make compensation for
certain other lands and hereditaments, purchased in the same place
for the purpose of having docks there, which leave was given.
We believe that this important establishment of a new naval depot,
Originated with Mr. Whidbcy, the master attendant at Sheerness,
during the administration of Earl St. Vincent. We hope soon to
give a farther account.
Where building.
When expected
to be
of keel
for ton-
Ft. In.
Ft. In.
Ft. In!
Ft. In.
Q • .*n Charlotte
Peptford Yard.
yo o
156 5
52 4
22 10
Portsmouth Yard.
186 0
U«3 1
51 3
22 0
\;.1X -
17ti 0
145 1
47 6
21 0
Turncbapel, Devon.
176 0
176 0
US 1
145 1
47 6
47 C
21 0
21 0
Cressey -
C t'rinihurv, (near Chat-l
!,am.) i
176 0
145 1
47 6
21 0
GUI;,' urgh
fKotherhiilu, (Mr. \
«• Brent's Yard.) j
170 0
145 1
47 6
21 0
Hannibal -
f Bucklershard, (near •)
1 Southampton.) J
175 0
144 1J
47 6
29 6
Poictiers -
Kiver Medway.
176 0
145 1
47 6
21 0
Royal Oak
fDeptftjrd, (Mr. Dedo
man's.) J
Laun. 4 March.
175 2
144 1
47 11
20 6
Rodney -
( Deptford, fBarnard •>
I and Co.) j
176 0
145 1
47 6
21 0
St. Domingo -
Laim. 3d March
180 0
147 8
48 1
20 10
S'engeur -
176 0
145 1
47 6
21 0
Curacoa -
( Noitham, (near South-"
t ampton.)
145 0
121 9i
38 2
13 3
Hotspur -
i Warsash, (near South- •
I anipton.) J
145 0
121 9i
38 2
13 3
Orpheus -
Deptfont Yard.
145 0
121 9i
3S 4
13 3
Pyramus -
Portsmouth Yard.
145 0
115 11]
38 2
11 11
Saldanha -
Soutli Shields.
145 0
121 9J
38 2
13 3
i Warsash, (near South- •>
<• anipton.)
145 0
121 94
38 S
13 3
Nereus - -
South Shields.
144 1
121 8
37 8
12 5
Kingmore, Devon.
118 0
98 7
31 6
10 3
Partridge -
108 4
31 10
29 7
9 0
Plymouth Yard.
108 4
yo 10
29 7
9 0
Laun. 1 6th Feb
89 7
73 1
27 7
11 1
t Frinsbury, (near Chat- ^
<. ham.) j
100 0
77 Si
30 6
1? 9
Arachne -
100 21
77 9
30 7
13 !)
fHythe, (near South--)
I ampton.)
100 0
7 / • i
30 6
12 9
Castilian -
100 0
77 3}
30 6
12 9
Diver Medway.
100 0
100 0
77 3}
77 3!
30 6
30 fi
19 9
12 9
Cowes, Isle o'i' Wight.
100 0
77 3i
30 6
12 9
KiPeman -
100 0
77 .15
SO 6
12 9
100 0
77 3i
30 6
12 9
Tliracian -
100 0
100 0
77 3}
77 Si
30 (i
r.o (i
12 9
12 9
Xrplivr - •
Portsmouth Yard.
f)2 0
7* Si
25 6
K' ft
° > 1
Trinculo -
100 0
77 31
30 6
12 9
SIR, Admiralty Office, January 6, 1809.
I AM commanded by my Lords Commis?ioncrs of the Admiralty
to signify their direction to you, to acquaint the captains and com-
manders who signed the memorials which you transmitted to me
on the 22d of last month, that their lordships, upon a full exami-
nation of the contents of the said memorials, consider the prayer
therein contained to be wholly inadmissible. The pay of the cap.
tains and commanders of his majesty's fleet, in common with the
pay of all ranks of officers in his majesty's navy, and of the petty-
officers and seamen, was increased, by the king-^s order in council
of the 23d of April, 1806, in such proportions as were considered
to be just, after the most mature deliberation ; and nothing has
occurred within the very short period that has since elapsed, to
induce their lordships to think it expedient to recommend a farther
increase of pay to the captains and commanders of his majesty's
ships. I have their lordships' further commands to acquaint you,
that they regret that an application of this nature should have
been preferred so recently, after his majesty had extended his
gracious bounty to all ranks in the navy, and that you should
have been the channel through which a memorial, so ill-timed and
inadmissible, has been transmitted. I am, £c.
SIR, January 10, 1809.
THE undersigned captains and commanders of his majesty's
navy, who signed a memorial for the increase of their pay and
emoluments, on the 22d ult. having laid before them the senti-
ments of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty thereon, con-
veyed through you, beg leave, with proper respect to their lord-
ships, both personally and from their office, to express their grief
and surprize, that their memorial, couched as it ivas in respoct-
ful language, as well as the matter of it undeniable, should be
considered wholly inadmissible ; and farther, that it should be
stated to have been preferred so recently after the extension of his
majesty's gracious bounty to all ranks of his navy, insinuating
thereby that it was indecorous. They think it right respectfully
to observe, that the " inadraissibility " of the memorial is, and
can only be, in the breast of their lordships ; and that the gra-
cious bounty of his majesty was in fact putting into one hand what
was^taken out of the other by the Income Tax, and that a charge
of five per cent, was made on their prize-money paid into Green-
wich, and ultimately a third of it taken away altogether, without
their rank being consulted, except in a very slight degree, s'.nce
such bounty Avas extended to them.
The extraordinary rise in every article, from that of the first
necessity to those that may be dispensed with, it is scarcely
necessary to advert to ; their lordships and yourself feeling such
pressure on their incomes, in common with the rest of his majesty's
The undersigned, however, wish to impress upon their lordships,
and request with your usual ability you will do it, that they have
been operated upon by no other motive than a wish to make known,
in a proper and respectful manner, the extent of their pecuniary
situation. We are, &c.
In Volume XV of our CHRONICLE, page 195, is a letter from
c A Poor Post Captain,' relating to the pay of officers of that
THE following letter affordi us the hope that the sovereign of
the Brazils, should he be driven to assume this as his only efficient
title, will, in that character, shew himself a vigorous and formidable
adversary to his persecutor in Europe : —
" Extract of a leticr, dated Slatzrock, December 31, 1808.
cc By the Dolphin schooner, from Surinam, we have the impor-
tant and pleasing intelligence of a Portuguese expedition from the
Brazils against Cayenne having actually arrived in that latitude.
A Portuguese gun-boat wbich had dropped to leeward has put
into Surinam, and communicated the information. It was first
supposed that this expedition might be partly British, under Sir
Sidney Smith ; but it is stated to be wholly Portuguese, and to
consist of seven thousand men. The above boat has seventy
Indians on board, and three or four cannon, one of which is a
24-pounder. Several attempts were made to beat her up, that she
might join in the glory of her companions, but in vain. The plan
is said to be, to land a chosen body of Indians (good marksmen)
to windward of Cayennej to penetrate through the bushes, while
the grand attack is made by the gun-boats, &c. on the batteries.
Victor Hughes is said to hare a garrison of five hundred men ; but
his ordnance is in a bad state, many of the cannon being dis-
mounted. The Portuguese were very confident of success, and
we hope to have the pleasure of stating it in our next."
A 74, of great beauty, was launched at Deptford, on the 3d
of March ; she was first laid down in 1806. The wood is said to
have been obtained from Germany. We are unable to discover
why such a name was given her, which sounds more like that of a
West Indiaman. Sir Home Popham is appointed to command her.
Nothing is so little attended to, as giving appropriate names, and
such as have long been distinguished in naval history, to our ships.
The name of an individual should never be adopted, unless when
his heroism and naval service had been unprecedented.
I fear that the patience both of yourself and your readers will
begin to fail at my lengthened correspondence, and that you
wish me above all other qualifications, the power of compressing my
thoughts and opinions within more limited bounds. I rely, how-
ever, on the importance of the matters I have been discussing, as
the only excuse for my intrusion, being fully aware how inadequate
my manner of performing the task I have volunteered, is to the
consequence of its being well performed. In my last letter T con.
sidcred the difference of opinion which exists respecting popularity^
and I intend at present to offer a few observations with regard to
follorzerS) a subject which has also found many warm advocates as
well as opponents, and which I must allow from experience admits
almost beyond all others, " much to be said on both sides." Yet
that there should be any drawback upon a system so attractive as
that of being surrounded by old and faithful adherents, is much to
•* For her dimension5, &<:. see page l?c>.
be lamented, and it appears so unreasonable that any such should
exist, that I cannot help thinking some better management might
be adopted, by means of which the evils of the system might be
obviated, and its benefits enlarged.
One rule should be invariable, that in cases of petty officers and
seamen being permitted to remove from one ship to another with
their captain, both parties should have their option ; and when the
captain has selected his allowed number, the question should be
openly put, whether the men he has chosen are perfectly willing
or desirous of the proposed change. A captain should be always
indulged in his choice of a first lieutenant and master, whenever it
is possible, as it is of great importance that full confidence should
be placed in these officers. Young gentlemen under the care of a
captain can hardly ever be refused to be removed with him.
I conclude, that there are few captains so unconnected, as not
to be able, in the event of a war breaking out, to raise many men
on the terms of their being allowed to sail under his command as
long as the service could possibly admit of it, and of course of
being removed with him from one ship to another. I should think
that this measure would save a considerable expense in rendezvous
and the impress service, and certainly be more congenial to British
feelings, than the present mode, by which men are considered to
enter for the service at large, and not for the ship or captain of
their choice, and in consequence very many volunteers are kept
back from the navy. It damps that ardour of attachment, which,
stimulates to a proper pride of action, and deadens the genuine
fire of emulation, which is of such essential moment. In the pre-
sent mode we are reduced to the disgrace of having our between-
decks too often filled up by the off-scourings of jails, and the re-
fuse of the parishes. 1 am aware, that after the gallant, the heroic
exploits which have been performed, and are performing, by our
gallant tars under the present system, it may seem a presumption,
if not a folly, to attempt even a proposal of innovation ; and that
•we should rest satisfied with whatever mode it may be which pro-
duces men, who, under the guidance of their officers, perform such
noble acts of valour and bold daring. But Britons,' raised in any
other way, would undoubtedly be fully equal to whatever is now
done, and if to an equal degree of bodily exertion and energy of cou-
rage, we could add to the moral worth of our crews, and in a great
measure put an end to the prevalence of desertion, a crime so mor-
tifying to the officer, and so expensive to the country, very essen-
tial benefit would ensue. A small number of chosen men wouM
answer the purpose of a larger, in which many weak and worthless
are included, and the great article of health would be considerably
improved. After a considerable degree of attention with which I
have considered this important subject, I should be desirous, in
addition to the mode of volunteers before mentioned, to try to man.
our fleets as much as possible according to the admirable plan of
limited service proposed by Mr. Windham for the army. In-
creased pay, and other advantages, at the expiration of every seven
years of actual service, with the cheering certainty of a competence
in old age for all those " who weather the storm," would, I should
conceive, very soon make that ever hateful, however now unfor-
tunately necessary tyranny of the impress, only like a tale that is
told, and the next generation would hardly credit its having beea
really in existence.
A plan qf this immense importance, however, requires very
mature deliberation, and at present I only offer the above sugges-
tion, in the hopes that some one of your readers, of more ability
than myself, would endeavour to improve it into a practicable shape.
Should I be disappointed in my expectations, I shall probv.bly ven-
ture at an attempt to reduce my present crude ideas into some pro-
posal for a pla,n of such very high importance to this country.
The article followers, Mr. Editor, stands the last in the memo-
randum of the subjects I had allotted myself, when I first deter-
mined to offer any thing like a series of observations on the state
and discipline of the navy, and your indulgence has encouraged me
till I perceive my communications amount to a a round dozen ;"
and if the infliction of the punishment of reading twelve pretty
long letters, proves of any benefit to yourself and your subscribers,
I shall feel great and_ lively satisfaction. They have been written
with the most sincere good intentions, and not without some hope
that they might draw serious and attentive consideration to many
points of service, which are too often passed over as matters of
course; and as affairs of daily recurrence, are not thought worthy
of daily examination. But this shouM not be the case, for the
very important duties both of command and obedience, require no
small portion of accurate consideration and constant care, that they
may be performed upon a proper principle, in order that they may
lead to the most useful result.
Should my expectations and hopes be well founded, that my
remarks have in any degree served to elucidate the true and
rational nature of discipline in the various gradations of rank in
/9a&, ££1811. (Hoi. XXL D »
our service ; that they may benefit my readers by my recommen-
dation of a general feeling of benevolence to all our fellow crea-
tures, how low soever some of their stations may be ; and that my
expressed trust that the crews of the ships of the British navy are
improving in moral worth, and above all, in Christian excellence,
may be confirmed, then will the most heartfelt gratifications result
to your Correspondent,
A. F. Y.
ERRATA. — Present Vol. page 29, line 14, for island read islands; line
three from bottom, for store read stove ; page 30, line nine from bottom,
for vile read rife ; page 31, line eight from bottom, for me read one ; page
S4, bottom line, leave out, of it; page 35, line ten from the bottom, for
prop re&dfrap ; line eight from bottom, for by read beg; same page, line
seven from bottom, for board read boards.
Brest fleet has left its port, and although now blockaded
by ours of the Channel, in the neighbourhood of Rochefort,
may, before the expiration of another month, be again at liberty
on the ocean. Towards which point then is it destined to steer ?
To Ferrol, to Cadiz, to Ceuta, to the Balearic isles, to Marti-
nique, or to Spanish America ? All these have been conjectured
and named, and despatches, it is said, indicating their approach to
the Antilles., have lately been intercepted.
To such despatches, whether fabricated for the purpose or not,
the critical situation of several islands appear to give weight ; but
if we properly keep in mincl the uniform conduct of Buonaparte,
at momentous periods like this, if we recollect his utter contempt
for distant possessions, whenever their wants have clashed with the
interest of his battles for empire ; if we reckon up the months
that have been lost, while his fleets have continued in inactivity,
and now compare the aspect of Europe, with the actual appear-
ance of a fleet on the seas, we shall, in spite of these despatches,
and of various movements by his squadron, be unavoidably led to
conclude, that the object kept in view by the Brest fleet, is no
way, unless for the purposes of deception, connected with any
remote expedition. Among the conjectures that lean to the Con-
tinent, Ferrol, from its proximity, from the naval force it con-
tains, and from the interest created by recent events, is precisely
the conjecture, of all others, that possesses a claim to priority of
attention. At Ferrol, it is understood, there is now lying a naval
force, which to every maritime power trn-vl appear a desirable ac-
quisition. But is it, I would ask, before MO proceed, is :t at the
same ti-ne understood, that those ship* are at present in a condition
for sai':n,i r is it even believed, that a single Spanish sailor can be
brought forward for the purpci •?. of equipping them? Or if sailors
could \",-i procured, is it not probable that several weeks mu- n-
tervt-ne, befou; f!ie enemy could possibly be benefited by AT
actual co-operation ? And in that case, considering the activity of
ou; Hcvts, and that favourable weather is rapidly advancing, would
they not, in all human probability, be successfully blockaded?
Tin- troops of r ranee we are told, are in tranquil possession of
the port where the shipping are lying. Where then is the necessity
of risking a fleet to secure them ? Or if their co-operation be
wanted, where are the seamen to navigate them ; for, if even the
Spaniards are to be bribed into traitors, is the " ra/y Cor&ican"
so shallow a dupe as to trust them? Now, taking the opposite
side to that which has been premised, let us suppose, with many
politicians, that Buonaparte is on the eve of withdrawing his troops
into Germany, how then will the entrance of his fleet into Ferrol
at such a time be consistent with policy ? Can Cadiz be forgotten,
can he hope, on the retreat of his troops, for any better result
than capture by the English, or unconditional surrender to the
Spaniards. The improbability of Cadiz, Ceuta, the Balearic isles,
or any port in the Spanish peninsula, being its principal destina-
tion, may be argued in nearly a similar manner ; for, unless trea-
chery has bet n most triumphantly at work, there does not appear
any adequate object on this side of Toulon. But with whatever
justice this reasoning may apply to the islands and ports in the
lower Mediterranean, the jut bl the arguments becomes essentially
different, as we advance towards the kingdom of Naples ; for it is
in such countries as the kingdom of IN' a pies, that usurpers may
calculate. There, calculations may safely be relied on ; for
there, man is truly degenerate. It may safely be said, that,
except, in the mountains of Calabria, nothing remains of the
masters of the world but the vices which subdued them. The whole
of the territory of Naples, it is sufficiently known, has long since
been bowed down to the sway of the Buonapartes, while the
beautiful island of Sicily, so nearly united, and so closely con-
nected by individual and political relations, has hitherto bidden
successful defiance to the decrees and machinations of the enemy.
This island^ so endeared by classic and scientific recollections, has
in all ages been an object of contention among the powers of the
Mediterranean, «m<l in France, so long ago as immediately after
the assault of Alexandria, it became a subject of notorious regret,
thai the invasion , of Egypt, and Malta, should have been pre-
ferred by the directory, to those of Sicily and Greece. And
indeed, if*we consider the prodigious advantage of its geographical
position, the extent of its surface (9,400 square miles), the num-
ber and excellence of its ports, created as it were to control at
once the seas of the Adriatic and Levant ; that astonishing fertility
of soil, that constituted it so long the granary of Rome; the value
of its additional exports, its sugar, silk, cotton, oil, salt, sulphur,
amber, and precious stones, with all the rich variety of its wines ;
if we properly estimate these, together with the articles consumed
by the natives, and take also into just consideration, the osten-
tatious pledge of that decree, which was said to hurl Ferdinand
from his throne, the late insurrection in Calabria, the battle of
Maida, with the numerous troops which the residence of the
sovereign at Palermo, and the presence of a British army, make
absolutely necessary for the security of Naples, we shall,
I think, hardly be able to express our surprise, that some
great and extraordinary efforts have not long before this been
made at invasion. But if to those reflections, we add the incon-
trovertible fact, that vast preparations for such a purpose, at
different parts of the coast, have been daily accumulating; that a
nezzi and martial king, or, as the French call him, the brilliant
Murat, at this moment professes to head an army assembled for
the enterprise; that the capture of Capri is held out as a specimen ;
and to crown all, that nothing but the fear of our naval superiority
has hitherto deterred the fleet at Toulon from covering the opera-
tion ; we shall, most assuredly, I say, in spite of our Ferrol and
western predilection, be forcibly led to decide, that the sailing of
the Brest fleet is principally or solely directed to the subjugation
of Sicily. Now let us see in what respect, and in what degree,^-
the prosecution of this invasion interferes with the great and imme-
diate energies of the enemy. In every former continental war it
has been his uniform policy, disregarding all remote considera-
tions, to bring together from every part an overwhelming supe-
riority, wherever the decisive battle was likely to be fought with
the enemy. In pursuit of this object, Naples has been twice
altogether, or nearly abandoned, and the sea coast of France and
Holland left almost defenceless. But let it be recollected, that on
the latter coast3 unless some great preparation were exposed to 4
CQ8p-de-main from the English, there was in reality little or
nothing to be apprehended, and such places as Boulogne, it may
be presumed, were adequately defended ; for what but insanity
could carry an army for the mere purpose of devastation, and
what would be the immediate effect of such depredations ? What,
but furious irritation against the burners of their dwellings, and an
enthusiastic resort to those very measures of local defence, which
even the power of Buonaparte is cautious of commanding ? With
respect to the former abandonment of Naples, the ground on
•which it was ordered, was essentially different from that which the
question rests on at present. At first, that country was amused
with the name of an independant republic, and republics, it was
presumed, should readily arm themselves for their defence; since
then, the crown has been placed on the head of a Frenchman, and
on this consideration, a small proportion of troops, even in the
greatest emergency, were left by the enemy for its defence. But
the insurrection of the Calabrians, and the battle of Maida, have
shown their insufficiency. A large army has been subsequently
cantoned there, and as long as there is the slightest pretence for
calling Ferdinand their King, a considerable military force will be
required to overawe them. The events in Spain, among a people
similarly situated, must have added considerably to the distrust ;
and unless the Emperor of France, who aims at the force and the
character of a destiny among nations, is willing to see his predic-
tions and decrees stripped of all their illusions, he must not, at this
critical conjuncture, venture upon withdrawing the army from
Italy, or not till he has successfully availed himself of the means he
possesses for invasion.
It is now of importance to consider what will be the consequence
of his attempt at invasion. Let us take for granted that his means
are already prepared, and that he only waits the protection of a
naval force to insure him a landing. Let us suppose, that the fleet
at Rochefort has escaped during the approaching gales — that ours
has pursued them towards Cadiz, or the West Indies ; while they,
choosing their course, have entered the Straits, and steered either
direct for Naples, or to form a junction with the fleet that is ex-
pecting them at Toulon. If our ships are blockading Toulon, the
Frenchmen, aware of the fact, will proceed without opposition to
cover the invasion ; if, on the contrary, they arc assembled for the
protection of the island, the French fleet will proceed to the
junction, and afterwards have nothing to fear, from their num.
bers. Now supposing them lauded superior in numbers to the
English they will have to encounter, if they obtain possession of
Messina, and the land that is nearest to Calabria, a port of safety
will be found for (heir ships, while an uninterrupted intercourse
•with Naples from the possession of both shores, will be constantly
maintained ; here then, even during the struggle, they will bo
gainers ; for it is evident, that the same army that may be equal to
coping with an enemy in Sicily, might be glaringly insufficient to
protect, an extensive range of coast from their desultory warfare:
and if, as they confidently expect, they should succeed in the con-
flict, less troops may be found necessary to garrison it, and a great
army, comparatively,' set at liberty, by cutting up at the roots, iu
Palermo, the source of insurrection ir. Calabria. It is extremely,
natural, for persons unacquainted with the government, and the
flagitious oppressions of the feudal Barons in Sicily, to suppose,
that some assis.'ance might be expected by our armies from the
population which surrounds them. It is very natural to conclude,
-that the inhabitants o! an island, thrice chosen as an asylum by
fugitive royalty, must be eminently conspicuous, if riot for the
milder virtues, at least for their bravery, or if not for their bra-
very, for a virtue s'.ill dearer to kings, unquenchable loyalty ;
but alas! how miserably erroneous are ail such conclusions ! This
fugitive, but happy monarch — happy, because his gratifications are
inciependant of royalty ; * this persecuted Ferdinand, who, one
•would imagine, was adored by the subjects he flew to, has twice
been received by them, as a man whose necessities had forced him
to their dwellings, as one, who when his circumstances will no
longer admit of extortion by viceroys, returns to his domains
escorted by foreigners, to play the part of a viceroy, and plunder
them himself. Such is the tone of feeling which prevails among this
suffering population : such are the feelings which have prepared
1,300.000 souls to look on Avith indifference, or to hail with joy,
the army of invaders ; while an army of foreigners, rioting in lux-
uries in the midst of their privations ; boasting of their freedom
while sanctioning oppression, shame by comparison, and insult by
* Ferdinand, King of ilie Two Sicilies, is extraordinarily fond of fishing
and shooting, and it is said, that on the approach of the French army to
Naples, when, while all was tumult in the city, he and his court sought re-
fuge in the ship of' Lord Nelson ; the gallant admiral, who felt deeply for
his misfortunes, had prepared to escort him with an air indicative of his
feelings ; but what must have been the astonishment of our immortal hero,
when the fugitive monarch, hurrying into the cabin, eagerly demanded, »f
any of the fish' he was so fond of had been provided jor his suppsr!
comment, their silent apathy, and speaking miseries. Let the men
who expect energy from such a people, in the defence of royalty,
look to the gilded swarm of Iocu»ts, which in the name of nobility,
eat up every green herb reared by their industry ; Irt them look
to the chit-Is of the Baronies, who tax at their own pleasure, the
very necessaries of life produced by the toil of the peasant and his
family ; a race of tyrants, who are even tenacious of the rights^
by which they can condemn hundreds of families to starvation,
while every other district in the island is rebelling in abundance.
Let them go higher, to the general government; let them see the
accused who never knows the accus. r ; let them follow that
accused into the dreary dungeon, where his protestations of inno-
cence, and his prayers for a trial, are never heard but by his
Maker ; or let them, relieved from these horrible doings,
follow with gladdened heart the joyous steps of the emaciated
wretch, whose friends have bribed for his trial; let them see the
horrid conversion of smiling hope to dreadful agony, as .they
behold this climax of infamy — Sicilian justice^ founded on Sicilian
TORTUKE; then, let them say — Will Sicily be defended ? Equally
erroneous is the expectation that some defence will be made by the
army, and those nobility who fatten by the oppressions. * The prin-
cipal nobility have estates in the territory of Naples, but they are
an effeminate generation ; their fears and their property alike impel
them to wish evil to the men whose presence perpetuates the
disunion. As to the army, it is notorious, that wheu the King of
Naples made the greatest exertions for his safety, the greater part
of the commissions for officers were~bought by the French minister,
and given to men avowedly attached to their cause. Of the pri,
vateSj I shall conclude Avith an anecdote, worth a thousand argu-
ments, to prove howr little the pride or honour of a soldier is che-
rished among them. During the time a British ship of war was
lying at I\lessina, nothing was more common than for half disguised
soldiers to come and ofl'er themselves for sailors; so much so, that
guards were placed for the purpose of preventing desertion, and it
actually happened, that one, fully accoutred, having entered a
boat, refused to go back to his post, though a corporal's guard
came in much form to claim him ; in the course of the exclama-
tions and interrogatories put ny the corporal, it appeared that the
poor wreio.i had bsen enticed by the promise of eight dollars,
which he had heard some of the seamen say would be given fee
volunteers. iVo sooner was this sum mentioned, than the coun-
tenance of. the corporal and the \vhole guard underwent an install-
taneous change. Eight dollars, he exclaimed, and prize money (o
boot ! Holy virgin ! comrades, what can we better do ? And it
is an absolute fact, that the partly instantly piled their arms, and
it was only by shoving the boat away from the wharf, that the
-officer was able to reach his ship without this extraordinary
F. F. F.
IT is now three years since Parliament voted that 90,0001. should
be placed in the hands of certain commissioners, for the pur.
pose of purchasing a mansion and estate to be annexed to the title
of Earl Nelson. In common with the rest of my countryman, I
have long felt anxious to hear that the sum thus voted has been
applied to the end proposed. But as nothing has transpired upon
the subject, I can no longer resist the temptation which 1 feel to
inquire, through the medium of your work, what steps have been
taken by the commissioners, and whjBther they are, or have been,
in. treaty for any property in consequence of the powers which
they received from Parliament in 1806 ? You, Mr. Editor, may
perhaps possess some information upon this point. If such be the
case, I must beg you to communicate it to the public. Every
Englishman, I firmly believe, most heartily rejoiced at the grant
made by Parliament, and many would have been still better pleased,
had even a larger sum been voted ; but all are surprised at the
delay which has taken place, and are anxious to see the heir of
their beloved hero the possessor of a mansion, presented to him by
the British nation, instead of being the secluded inhabitant of a
Prebcndal dwelling at Canterbury.
I am, <tc.
*•** We have not the means of giving a perfectly satisfactory
answer to our Correspondent, " TUAFALGARIENSIS." Itis known,
however, that numerous advertisements have, from time to ti>ne,
appeared, calling upon the possessors of such estates as might be
thought fit for the purpose (if disposed to part with them) to send
in their terms to the commissioners ; but not one is supposed to
have been yet offered, corresponding with the munificent intention
of Parliament. In the mean time, Earl Nelson is understood
regularly to receive the interest of the money voted by Parliament,
which, if our memory deceive us not, was 100,0001. instead of
80,000.— Ez>.
MR. EDITOR, March 3, 1809.
HAVING in a former letter stated to you the opinions I had
seen and heard respecting the conduct of our late naval com.
rnander-in-chief in Portugal, I should be wanting in justice if I did
not acknowledge, that in the course of the late debate in Par-
liament, there appeared some exculpations which were not before
in the possession of the public. It appears that he was not the
original inventor of the abominable naval convention, but only
retains the demerit of having applied it to practice, when the vic-
tory of VimeirU) and other circumstances, had totally changed the
relative situations of the parties. This appears to me a very great
and important error in judgment. Now it is not long since, Air.
Editor, that Sir Robert Calder beat an enemy superior in force to
the fleet under his command, and captured two sail of the line.
The hopes and expectations of the nation, however, raised as they
had been to a high pitch from the recollection of former splendid
naval victories, were disappointed ; a LEGAL trial quickly ens iu-d,
and the victorious admiral was severely reprimanded for an error
in judgment^ in not having made a proper use of his victory : and
although I am of opinion that a different conduct was due to
an old, faithful, and meritorious officer, he has not since had an
opportunity afforded him of correcting the error that he was cen-
sured for committing. Now the admiral in his defence jiavo some
very cogent reasons, which might well have influenced hi'.i in the
conduct he pursued;* but what could have influenced Sir H.
Burrard to refuse to follow up the victory gained by Sir A. Wei.
lesley, even when urged to do so by the victorious general, whose
valour and abilities he had witnessed ? In a late debate in the
lower house of Parliament, it was said (according to the newspa-
pers) by one of his majesty's present ministers, that there was no
specific charge against either of the generals, and that the opinion
that had been asked of certain officers ought to satisfy the nation.
These said ministers may have some reasons not to bring forward
a charge, but after a diligent perusal of the proceedings of the
board of inquiry, I feel, and the country sorely feels, that there
lies a very heavy and serious charge against Sir Harry, in not
following up the victory, and in consequence being the great, if
* The more frequently I peruse die trial of this meritorious officer, the
less am I enabled to discover how the sentence given could have been pro-
duced from the evidence which appears in the minutes. Surely Sir R. C. has
had hard measure dealt to him. — Vide NA.V. CHRON. Vol. XVII, p. 99, et seg,
. (Hoi. XXI. E E
not sole cause, of the subsequent conventions, of our ships bearing
their disgraceful burdens to the ports of France, and of Junot
being so soon at the head of a division of the French troops in
Spain. Where does a shadow of blame attach to Sir R. Calder,
without the heaviest clouds of error hanging over Sir H. Burrard ?
The latter had no long coast to guard, no enemy in his rear, no
dread of his movements allowing the enemy to land in Ireland !
He had no orders but what propelled him onwards ; the plain road
to glory and national advantage was clearly before him, and he did
not pursue it. Sir R. Calder demanded a trial ; Sir II. Burrard
appears content with the opinion of certain officers, that he was
right not to follow up a victory, contrary to the remonstrance of
the general who had gained it ! ! ! Surely here is at least an error
in judgment. The convention of Cintra, even in the speech from
the throne, is admitted at least to bear the same stamp, bat we
have no trials on these important military cases ! The opinion of
some generals, some of whose names were now for the first time
known to the public, was indeed requested, and a long and very
odd opinion they have given, in my comprehension. Whence this'
difference ? Why is a naval officer only to be brought to legal
trial, and the ten million times more important errors of the
military, made a mere matter of opinion ? Are we to argue from
hence that the navy is indeed our true constitutional defence, and
the navy of the nation, while the army belongs to the executive
alone ? Do not the premises warrant the conclusion, that such aa
erroneous opinion must somewhere exist ?
I felt very sincere satisfaction in the thanks of the two houses
of Parliament to our brave armies ; they merit all the eulogium,
and all the more substantial reward, which an admiring and grateful
country can bestow ; for did they not by their own innate valour,
their genuine British spirit, gallantly enlighten us by two brilliant
rays of exultation, emanating from amidst the darkest gloom of
misfortune and mismanagement that ever lowered over our national
concerns ? They have presented us with two short but gratifying
pauses of intermission to our harrassed feelings,, which would
otherwise have been too shame and sorrow struck to have been
endured. Give then to our gallant soldiers all their merited praise
(they need no more) ; but let not the glare of their victories so daz-
ele and bewilderthe minds of our legislators, as to induce them to give
the credit of them to ministers, whose want of judgment would
have doomed any other armies to certain and entire destruction.
In the late memorable debate respecting the convention, where?
AS far as my understanding could penetrate, the argument lay all
on one side, and the majority of votes on the other, the question
appears to be set at rest. But that appearance is delusive. The
effect of the disgust at that measure, which filled the public mind,
has not been the less for not having been vented in addresses or
remonstrances ; as it was sufficiently evident that addresses from,
every county and corporate body would instantly have been laid
before the throne, had they not been suppressed by the strong
power of ministerial influence, and checked by the two prevalent
courtiership of the times. The difference of the manner in which
the address of thanks or praise had been a short time before
sanctioned and urged, is sufficiently remarkable. I therefore con-
clude, that the practice of addressing the throne is at an end, as
when people are not permitted the use of the language of reasonable
disapprobation, they will surely be very chary of their praise,
even if a tolerable occasion should, " by some kind stroke of
smiling chance," occur. But pray, Mr. Editor, although the
people in general were not permitted openly to complain of the
convention, or to remonstrate on the reply read by Lord Liver-
pool to the city of London,* yet while the sentiment that there
was cause to complain was so prevalent, by what policy did the
ministry refrain from consoling us with the information, that his
majesty by no means approved of that convention ? The news
M-ould have had a soothing effect, and softened down a good deal
of that asperity of feeling, which the prevalence of a contrary opi-
nion had produced.
It has been curious to observe how many men, who were loud
in their censure of the measures above stated, out of doors •, have
within the walls of St. Stephen's " kept silence even from good
words while the ministers were in sight." When we consider the
bad policy just before mentioned, and the mischief they have done
to the cause of their client in the unhappy matter now in suspence,
I cannot help exclaiming, from such ministers or advocates good
fortune deliver your correspondent, E. G. f ,
MR. EDITOR, Folk&tone, -February 15, 1809.
CURING the time that I commanded a brig in the late war,
<J we so often, while weighing the anchor in boisterous weather,
experienced a want of power from the precarious hold which the
feet of the seamen had on the deck, that I cannot help thinking
* It has been remarked, that this reply is remarkably like one given
to the Parliament of Paris in 1787.
a considerable advantage would be obtained in small vessels, hy
adopting the expedient which I am now about to propose. At the
heads of piers, and at the capstans in many places on shore, may
be seen strong battens nailed to the platforms on which they s.tand,
against which battens the people employed at the bars place the
soles of their feet, and thereby acquire a certain addition of power.
Now, if these battens are of great use on rough boards, and on
immoveable horizontal planes, how much more valuable must they
prove on the surface of polished and ascending planks, such as
from the motion of a ship, in spito of sand, the deck sq often be-
comes ? This advantage, I am told by an officer of much experi-
ence (Lieutenant Platt) has, on board some merchantmen, been
realised, as far as it relates to the hoisting in of cargoes ; but as in
such instances the battens arc permanent, and consequently intrude
on the walk of the deck, they cannot be brought here as examples
to prove the advantages of them afloat. What I would now
suggest is, that battens, of a similar description, might be made to
ship and unship at pleasure, like the capstan. bars ; and it appears
to me that this might very easily be done ; for, either b,y cutting
mortices in the rise on which the capstan stands, and in the planks
at the sides, or by nailing pieces of wood to form artificial ones
(so that they might be made to slip up and down), a certain num-
ber would be readily provided, and the ingenuity of (he carpenter
would supply the rest. I am so well convinced of the easy prac-
ticability, and great utility, of this simple expedient, that i hope
some of the officers of our gun. brigs will undertake to give it a
trial ; and should they be able to anchor off Folkstone, I should
feel particularly happy in hearing their report.
Plan of the capstan, and part
of the shifting battens fitted in
mortices : —
A. Rise on which the capstan
B. Gunwa'e with mortices.1
C. Ditts abaft the mast.
D. Battens on the deck.
e. Mortices.
S your biographical memoirs arc professedly intended to
rescue modest merit from oblivion, I make no apology for
observing, that, in the opinion of naval men, acquainted with the
circumstances attending Captain Downman's action off Oporto,
the public prints have never yet done sufficient, or even bare jus-
tice to its deserts. I remember it was said at the time, that after
all the shot of the Speedy had been fired awav, Captain D. had
recourse to the water-casks, the hoops of which were converted
into shot for the occasion. J do not mean to vouch for the authen-
ticity of this report ; but at all events it deserves to be known as a
curious resource in distress; and, whether true or false, serves to
mark the distinguished perseverance with which that action was
fought. It is something extraordinary, that the same little Speedy
should, In the course of the same war, have been engaged in three
most unequal and brilliant contests ; for that off Oporto is
indubitably one ; the second was fought by Captain Jahleel Bren-
ton, when he defeated the gun-boats from Algesiras, and elicited
the admiration of all Gibraltar ; the third and last — a most excellent
climax — had Lord Cochrane for ifs hero, when he combated and
overcame his gigantic antagonist, El Gamo. I am led to this latter
recital, not more perhaps from the pleasure which we feel in re-
counting gallant actions, than from that sort of indefinable interest,
which a sailor always takes in the services of the vessel vyhich
first bore him upon the ocean. — The Speedy mounted 14 four-
\V. R.
IT is said that Captain Bolton, who commands the Fisgard,
has invented some valuable substitute for a lower mast, which
may be resorted to under every disadvantage of weather. As the
great utility of such an invention depends on its publicity, I hope
some officer will favour us with a description of it in the NAVAL
THE town of Valetta, or Cltta Nuora, the capital of the
island of Malta, derives its name from the Grand Master,
Frederick John de Valetta, by whom it was built in the year
1566. It stands upon a hill, in the form of a neck of land, ex.
tending itself into the sea. Its wall, on which several batteries are
planted, is of large square stones, dug out of the rock.
On the point, towards the sea, stands the Castle of St. Elmo, a
fortress which commands the two harbours of Valetta. One of
these, called Marsa Mascictto^ lies at the entrance from the sea to
the right of the town, and incloses a small island, on which stand
a fort and a lazaretto.
The other harbour, on the left side, is simply called Marsa,
or the Great Harbour; as it is the largest, safest, and most com*
modious, in the island. Its entrance, of which the annexed plate
presents a view, besides the Castle of St. Elmo, is guarded by Fort
Ricasole, standing on the Punta del Orsa, to the left. The town
of VaJetta lies on its right ; and on its left, the towns, il Borgo,,
or Vittoriosa, and Senglea.
The town of Valetta contains a handsome palace, the residence
of the Grand Master, before which is a spacious area for exer.
cises. The principal church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist.
Formerly the Jesuits had a college at Valetta ; and there are still
several convents, a large hospital, aud a building in which Turkish
slaves are kept.
A gentleman, who has lately returned to England, after a
three years residence at Malta? has furnished the following re-
marks : —
" It is no less curious th,an amusing, to view the diversities of
dress and appearance among the motley crowd which business daily
assembles on the Marina, or shore of the harbour of Valetta.
Besides the English soldiers, sailors, and merchants (many of
whom have their warehouses placed there), one sees Barbaresque
traders wrapped in their long shawls, and adorned with waistcoats
of most splendid embroidery, with vehite or green turbans, black
bushy beards, yellow gipsy-like countenances, and dark sparkling
eyes. They generally sit down with pipes, a yard long, in their
mouths, or walk up and down very leisurely, while they negotiate
matters of business. Their settled gravity is contrasted with the
noise of the Maltese boatmen and porters, who are a lively set of
people, having much more of the Italian than of the African cha-
racter, although some of them evidently appear to be of the latter
origin. These men wear the peculiar dress of the lower classes of
Maltese, a bcrrctta^ or cap, red or black, a checked shirt, com-
monly tucked up to the elbows, a coarse cotton waistcoat and
trowscrs, generally ornamented with a set of globular silver but-
tons, a girdle of various colours bound round the loins ; their feet
are either bare or protected by a rude kind of sandals; and to
protect them from rough weather, they wear in the colder season.
a grego, or thick shaggy great coat, with a hood, which gives
them a very wild and barbarous appearance. There are also
about the harbour some few Maltese, of a superior class, such as
the port captains, the officers of the Sancta, and others, who imi-
tate the English ; but it is easy to distinguish them, not only by
their dingy countenances, but by their broad cocked hats, large
silver buckles, and other articles of dress, by no means of the
newest London mode. Before the present war with Turkey, the
Greeks, whose ships frequented this port, added greatly to the
diversity of the scene. They were a race of men exceedingly
distinguishable from the others; tall, and commanding in mien,
•with long mustachios and bushy hair : on the crown of the head
they wore a small skull-cap, with a black silk tassel ; often a
flower stuck behind the ear ; and always a rosary depending from
the neck ; with loose jackets and broad trowsers, the leg being
bare from the knee downwards. At a still earlier period, one
might have seen here the natives of every nation trading in the
Mediterranean ; Russians, Swedes, Danes, Americans, Spaniards,
Italians, Dalmatians, Ragusans. These indeed bore in their dress
and personal appearance no very striking characteristics ; but the
various forms of their shipping, and colours of their pendants,
gave an additional liveliness and picturesque effect to the harbour.
The events of the war have unfortunately banished most of the
foreign flags ; but have by no means limitted, in an equal degree,
the trade which they used to carry on at Malta. Circuitous modes
of conveyance are now found out ; and though no doubt the
tyrannical edicts of the oppressor of Europe have loaded commerce
with numberless difficulties and impediments, yet unless he should
attain an absolutely unlimitted controul over every part of the
Continent, and should continually direct the most severe and vigi-
lant attention to this single object, means would undoubtedly be
discovered to carry on a contraband trade, for which the situation
of Malta is so peculiarly favourable."
" NaateSj dales, and facts."''
Cobbett's worts. — Passim.
EDICATED as the NAVAL CHRONICLE is to the propagation
of maritime knowledge in all its branches, little apology cart
be requisite to bespeak a place on its pages for the state papers to
which this article serves for preface ; inasmuch as they relate to
the increase of British navigation, and contain a body of informa-
tion by no means immaterial, particularly at the present con-
At length an end has been put to the reluctant hostilities pro-
duced partly by hostile influence, and partly by mismanagement,
between England and Turkey. Having now to begin over again
in that empire, after the interruption of an amicable intercourse of
two centuries, it is to be hop.'d we shall retrieve past errors.
Political misfortune is but another name for misconduct. With
the terms of the treaty of peace concluded on the 5th of January,
we are not likely to be made acquainted until after the ratification.
But there is one point which we may take for granted cannot have
been neglected in framing the instructions for the negotiation, and
to which the attention of our merchants, ship-owners, and mariners,
cannot be too early directed, namely, the freedom of the Black
Sea, as established in favour of this country in 1799. Those
waters have been strangely overlooked by statesmen in our days,
as a sort of blank upon the map. In fact, the Genoese and the
Venetian republics seem to have been the only powers of modern
Europe thoroughly aware of the importance of access to the very
heart of the continent, afforded by that inlet ; although the policy
of the Romans, on that head, is discoverable, in the war against
Mithridatcs. The principal treaty extant between the Crown of
England and the Ottoman Sultans, does indeed shew some vestiges
of our having had footing there in the days of Queen Elizabeth,
or James I. but when we ceased to frequent the Black Sea is not
ascertained. All the information upon record seems to be made
use of in the first of the three documents annexed ; which is the
memorial whereby Mr. Smith, his majesty's minister plenipoten-
tiary at the Porte, solicited a fresh recognition, tantamount to a
new creation, of the right of access, in favour of the British flag,
already alluded to. This was speedily obtained, as appears by the
second document, which declares the assent of the late Sultan
Selim thereto. By one of those eccentric movements, which cha-
racterise English diplomacy, that minister was superseded a few
weeks afterwards by the Earl of Elgin, who was invested with the
rank of ambassador extraordinary. But it was not until after the
noble Earl had been replaced by Mr. Straton, in the character of
ckarge-d* affaires, that the third and last document of the series
was published in the London Gazette of 14th September, 1802.
Concerning which dilatory notice of a grant, so replete with
interest to the commercial Avorld at large, and to the Levant Com-
pany in particular, that acute and spirited writer, Mr. Cobbctt,
makes the following comment in his Political Register for that
year, Vol. II. page 348.
" To the treaty (of peace) between France and the PertCj we now add
a note from the Reis-Effeudi, addressed to our minister at that court, dated
29th July last, by which we also are permitted to navigate and trade in the
Black Sea, a privilege obtained by France in the treaty above mentioned.
That we, who have been the saviours of Turkey, should obtain from her
favours, equal to those obtained by a power which, in the mi. 1st of profuuud
peace, invaded her territory, and endeavoured to subvert ner government,
is certainly no very great proof of the vigilance, the skill, or the conse-
quence, of our diplomatic persons in that country: but what shall be said
of Lord Elgin, when it is known that, had it not been for his reflect, what
has nozo been granted to put us upon a level with the French, we should
have been in full enjoyment of more than two years ago ? Jt was the sub-
ject of an application from our ambassador in 1799, and the grant was
communicated, in nearly the same manner that it is now, on the 30th of
October of that year. All that was wanted was to settle the mode of
execution, the Custom-house rates, £c. &c. This Lord E. never did>
the right remained unenjoyed ; and we have now had to beg it as a new
favour, which, by hazard, we have obtained. '
To what extent the enjoyment of our privilege, thus renovated,
was carried during the subsequent embassy of Air. Drummond, is
not precisely known : at last, however, a total interruption of
this beneficial pursuit, in its still infant state, was one of the la-
/9atJ, «T$ron» ffiol* XXI. r i? •
218 6LACK SEA.
niontablc consequences, amongst others, of Mr. Arbutlinofsi
unaccountable Hegira from Constantinople in 1807, (on board
the Endymion frigate).
Although it may not be habitually within the province of the
NAVAL CHRONICLE, to trace political effects to their causes, yet
this slight retrospect has already introduced such a catalogue of
names, as it is impossible to take leave of without a word of
regret that the pernicious influence of what is by common consent,
called interest (although a more appropriate epithet might be
employed), should be found to extend its discouraging effects to
the filling important foreign missions with novices ; while ministers,
regularly brought up in the diplomatic school, are laid upon the
shelf like yellow admirals. With the two exceptions of the gen-
tlemen first named, Mr. Smith, and of Mr. Stratou, both of whom
compleated their servitude in the subaltern ranks of the foreign
line (the former as secretary, under Mr. Liston, when ambassador
at Constantinople in 1793, and the latter under Sir R. M. Keith,
at Vienna, in 1788,) the other representatives of his majesty at
•ihe Porte, during the interval under review, cannot be considered
as qualified either by professional education, by official experience,
or by local residence, to manage our concerns in the Levant.
Even down to the very last appointment, to a special mission thi-
ther, destined to treat with a country convulsed by internal coin-
motions, can it be said that personal knowledge of the Orientals
was in the slightest degree attended to ? It is not the aim of this
allusion ad hontincm, to detract from the possible merit of the
candidate, nor to withhold approbation from the useful employ-
ment of his abilities: although something might be said upon the
palpable combination of the Turkish negotiation with the change
of system, in one, at least, of the imperial courts : otherwise the
preservation of amity, with a power so critically situated in its
interior, as well as iu i!s exterior relations, as the Ottoman
Porte, would be precarious indeed. But the general respecta-
bility of the choice, any more than the success attending the
experiment, cannot militate against the fact that, with the third
report of the finance- committee laying on the table of the House of
Commons, in the appendix to which (No. 63, dated 15th March,
are registered the names of five ex-diplomatists, who had
served in that quarter, and arc pensioned off to the amount of
8,9501. annually : with the contingent pension list thus charged,
Mr. Adair was sent to set foot in Turkey for the first time in his
To conclude. After re-organising our old establishments on this
side of the Bosphorus, we shall, iu all probability, have to form
new ones in the Euxine regions. \Ve have .the successful ex-
ample of our natural rivals before our eye-, as to the advan-
tages derivable from preliminary information, whether statis-
tical, geographical, or hydrographical, in the intercourse with
foreign countries. Every intelligent traveller knows how inde-
fatigable the French are in the acquisition, and how methodical in
the application, of all those branches of local knowledge to the pur-
poses of war or peace. This department of study is too much left
to chance amongst us. In proportion to our population, we
possess a greater number of well informed individuals than any
other country, perhaps, except parts of Germany. But our pro.
gressive knowledge of the globe is not digested into convenient
and authentic form. Our marine charts, some local surveys attached
to expensive publications excepted, are in general so defective as
to disgrace a naval nation. One map-maker copies the antiquated
blunders of another : and thus is error perpetuated by each suc-
•eeding publication ; in which the map-seller is more attentive to
the workman-like appearance of the article, than to the scientific
merit of the performance. The revival of Levantine navigation
offers a desirable opportunity for rectifying the hydrography of
the Black Sea. If the readers and correspondents of the NAVAL
CHRONICLE would take the trouble of communicating, through
the same medium, such details as they may have collected, a
tolerable stock of materials might soon ba formed. To which
shall be added the occasional contribution of
Join's Coffee- House, 9lh March, 1809.
Memorial to the Sublime Ottoman Porte.
His Britannic Majesty's minister plenipotentiary has already
taken occasion to apprise the Sublime Ottoman Porte of a petition
;>g been presented to his majesty's government on the part cf
an anticnt corporation (not unknown to the illustrious Ottoman
ministry) cntituled by Royal charter, " the Company of Merchants
of England trading into the Levant Seas." The prayer of -which
petition is to obtain from the Sublime Porte the same advantages as
are enjoyed within the Ottoman empire, by other more favoured
nations, meaning thereby, in express terms, the privilege suc-
cessively recognised in favour of the Russians and Germans,
relative to the navigation of the Black Sea. In addition to the
earliest communication of the fact, the English minister thought
it expedient to avail himself of the friendly intercourse arising out
of the mutual dutios of alliance, in order to prepare the Ottoman
ministers of state tor the more formal agitation of the question, by
previous confidential explanation of the opinion entertained by
his superiors upon its merits. He is glad of this public opportu.
nity to acknowledge) the favourable reception of those preliminary
overtures, which it is now become his duty to authenticate, as
•well as to substantiate his verbal arguments, by the present detailed
Prior to the treaty of defensive alliance concluded on the 5th
of January, 17&9, the political relations of the two empires rested
PEACE," as th y have been digested in the times of several ambassa-
dors : * and as they have been revised and amplified in 1661-2 by the
Earl of Wiu chelsea, T ambassador extraerdinary from King Charles
II. And also as they have been since augmented and renewed at
Adrianople in 1086, A.H. 1675, A.O. by Sir John Finch, Knt.
ambassador in ordinary from his said Majesty to the Emperor
Sultan Mahommed Khaan.
This treaty contains several articles which apply with peculiar
force to the present case, viz. 1. 4. 7. 18. 22. 27. 36. and 38.+ to
•which the under- igned begs leave respectfully to refer.
The text of articles 1. 4. and 7. sets forth in general, but in most
comprehensive terms, that " the English subjects and dependants
may, with their merchandise and faculties, freely pass and repass
into all parts of the Ottoman dominions; and that their ships
* Amongst whom are named Sir Thomas Roe, Knt. Sir Sackvill Crow,
Bart, and Sir Thomas Bendish.
f Stiled in the text Sir Heneage Finch, Knt. Earl of Winchelsea, Viscount
Maidston, Baron Fit/herbert. of Eastwell, Lord of the Royal Manor of
Wye, Lieutenant of the county of Kent, and city of Canterbury.
£ See Appendix.
may come and harbour in any of the ports or scales* of the same."
Article 22. recapitulating the preceding permission to " na-igate
and abide, buy and sell all leg A! merchandise," enumerates prohi-
bited commodities. Article 18. sufficiently secures to the English
<i all privileges granted to other nations : " but (o make the point
more clear, it is corroborated by the prospective language of
article 27. which declares that the u privileges granted by divers
imperial decrees, whether before or after the date of these capitu-
lations, shall always be understood and interpreted in favour of
the English nation." Article 36. distinctly defines the general
permission of ingress and egress to enable " the English merchants,
and all under their banner, to go by the way of the 7b/jai**+ into
Moscovia ; and also to and from Persia ; and to traffic, by land or
by sea., through all those confines." Finally, as if it were decreed
that not a shadow of doubt should remain respecting the extent of
of our navigation, article 38 contains the following remarkable
maritime provision, viz. '• If English ships, bound to Consian-
tinople, shall be forced by stress of weather into Coffa.^ or to such
like port, they are not to be compelled to break bulk arbitrarily,"
&:•. &c. The local description given by this and the preceding
article can need no comment.
This is our case, as far as it rests on historical testimony ; w Inch
incontrovertibly proves that, in point of fact, the English have
once enjoyed a right, recognised by an authentic instrument,
afterwards reduced by the vicissitudes of human affairs to a dormant
state; but never extinguished: nicer disuse, occasioned by the
varying circumstances of succeeding times, is surely very different
from renunciation or forfeiture.
But supposing that the implied riant to equality of favour was
not so explicitly admitted as it is by article 18 ; supposing farther,
that the fact of the waters of the Ivrimca had not been so specifically
established as it is by article 38 ; nay, that England could produce
no title at all in support of this claim, there are other arguments to
influence the decision of the question in our favour, derived from
* Scale. Term employed in the levant factories from Scald in the
lingua Franca dialect, or from the Turkish word Iskeli, signifying literally a
ladder or stairs, and figuratively a commercial quay.
t 7Wi'<:'j>>or Don, a river of llu-shi falling ir.to the sea of Azof, or Pa'us-
Mczo'is: accessible only from the Black Sea by the straight of Tuman or
Yimi-Kalch, formerly tlie Cimmerian Bospliorus.
+ Ctffit, Knffu, Kfffcfi, alias Tlicodosia, a port in the Black .Sea, on the
S.E. coast of Kriinea, formerly il;c Tunnc
the liberal system of (lie Subliir. [ \me jtsclf in Us foreign relation^
from the fitness of things, and connected wuh the interests of this
In the daily transactions between the chancery of state and the
clifferentEjropeauiegations,hovr often do pretensions come under dis.
cussion which arc unsupported by conventions ad hoc. Theinvariable
practice is to refer all such doubtful cases to the tcot of antient usage,
which is almost always considered as equivalent ; and lapse of lime so
far rendering precedent obsolete, generally stamps it with additional
value in the eyes of the Porte. In proof of which may be cited the
conduct of the Ilsii^-EJfendi towards the English embassy in 1795,
•when certain reforms were projected in the custom-house tariff^
by which the duties on foreign merchandise were collected, ad va-
lorem^ in order to bring the chargeable valuation nearer to the
current prices of the day. The two Imperial courts not acceding
to the proposed change, on the ground of their commercial tariff's
forming an integral part of the text of their respective treaties of
peace, the Sublime Porte desisted from the measure with respect
to them : and, although we could not make the same plea (inasmuch
as our tariff stood upon the ground of a simple contract between
the customer of Constantinople and the English factory, with the
exception of very few articles enumerated in the capitulations),
yet, for the sole reason above-mentioned, Rashid Eiiemli, then
in office, voluntarily and formally exempted Mr. Listen from any
farther discussion of the subject. A memorable instance of that
exemplary good faith manifested by the Ottoman government in
the observance of treaties, and particularly shewing its equitable
construction of their meaning relative to the English.
Since the time when the Black Sea formed, as it were, a lake
encircled by the Turkish territory, circumstances, unnecessary to
retrace here, have transferred a part of the Kuxine coasts to
Russia: and collateral causes have rendered the house of Austria a
participator in -the same privilege of access to the Black Sea, al-
though not possessing, like the former power, any territorial pro.
perty in its shores. However natural it might be for any power
which was sole possessor of the key of those inland waters to con-
reive iis duty as guardian of the commerce and navigation of i's
subjects best fulfilled by a rigid exclusion of strangers; yet,
the ice once broken, by the admission of a single foreign flag, the
argument s for the original system of monopoly, not only cease <o
be tenable, but actually change their bearing in favour of ano<h ,
order of things, whereby the .excessive benefit of the first grantee
shall be shared and subdivided with one or more competitors,
leaving the particular shades of their rival ity out of the question.
So far from the Turkish coasting trade being interfered with by
the direct voyages of foreign vessels, it is rather to be expected
that the seamanship of the Ottoman mariners would be improved
by the example of a naval nation like the English, and the ship,
builders be advanced in their art by the inspection of more perfect
models. The. government can always keep the concourse of foreign,
shipping within due bounds by navigation laws ; while the trea-
sury cannot but feel the beneficial effects of the transit by Con-
stantinople. The commodities furnished by the trade with Eng-
land are of admitted utility to all classes of this nation, and of
prime necessity to some. By enabling the English navigator to
penetrate the deep gulfs of the Black Sea, and thus rendering the
remotest districts accessible to the English merchant, instead of the
present languid routine of a single factory superintending two or
throe annual cargoes assorted according to the Ihnitted consumption
of the metropolis, with the refuse of which the provincial traders
are scantily furnished at second and third hand, we shall see whole
fleets laden with the richest productions of the old and new world.
British capital and credit would attract flourishing establishments in
the solitary harbours of Anatolia; from whence the adjacent citi-s
would receive less indirect supplies ; and where the land owners
would find a more ready exchange for their produce. Sinope ami
Trebizoud would again emuhiu the prosperity and poj uLuion of
Aleppo and Smyrna. The Abuses* Laies, and other turbulent
hordes who inhabit the mountainous fastnesses, by mixing more
frequently with their fellow-subjects at those marts, could not fail
to learn their real interest to be. inseparable from the performance
of their duty.
After this solution of the problem, in one sense, there are still
some other substantial reasons, to evnect the Ottoman ministry
will consent to an arrangement, tending to consolidate more and
more, the c.oisii.-ctioii it has pleased the Supreme Providence to
ordain between the two empires: but the most elevated ground of
hope is found in the magnanimous sentiments of his Imperial
Majesty. That monarch will MI rely not suffer the ancient and
unalterable friend, the zealou» and devoted ally of his empire, to
sustain a disadvantageous comparison with any other power, ia
point of the enjoyment oi' immunities within his dominions ; on
the contrary, the English Minister .ndulgcs himself in the Haltering
persuasion, that even v.y.s this tjuestio: ".ew ecu-
cession in favour of his countrymen, provided their desires were
not unreasonable in themselves, nor incompatible with the essen-
tial interests of the Ottoman empire : it would encounter no
difficulty on the part of -the Emperor; whereas, what is solicited,
is the revival of the dead letter of a venerable compact; the
favourable interpretation of an ancient grant, become equivocal by
change of circumstances ; the restoration of a privilege, become
questionable, solely for Avant of exercise. It is suggested, to
seize the present auspicious moment, for assimilating that
banner which is the victorious antagonist of the enemies of
the Ottoman name, the violators of its territory, to the flags
of its neighbours and friends, not less the friends of England.
Can Russia, for instance, take umbrage at any arrangement that
•would open its southern ports to those who are the harbingers
of abundance and wealth, to the northern provinces of that
empire ?
Nor are certain moral effects inseparable from such a cause as
the arrangement in question, to be overlooked by governments, in
the cultivation of political relations ; for although diplomatic
contracts may organize the body, yet national feeling must
animate the soul of alliance. It is impossible, but that such an
unequivocal proof of the interest taken by the Emperor, in the
•welfare of the King's subjects, must make the most lively and
lasting impression on his majesty's mind ; and must augment, if
possible, the just confidence he already entertains in the person and
government of his august ally. The people of England, distin-
guished as they are by active industry and speculative habits, will
fully appreciate a concession at once so valuable and so seasonable.
Public opinion will derive therefrom that additional intensity and
permanent direction, in favour of the connection between the two
countries, no less desirable to ensure its durability, than requisite
mutually to realise all its immediate benefits. To appropriate the
enterprising energies of a warlike people, is no unfair equivalent
for mercantile encouragement: the cordial voice of an independent
nation is no unworthy return for an act of grace. British gratitude .
will pay this tribute to Sultan Selim.
Here closes the case which the English minister, in obedience to
his instructions, has the honour to submit to the consideration of
the illustrious ministry. In the first place, he has endeavoured to
bring the existence of the privilege within the scope of historical
evidence, as a claim of unextinguished right. Secondly, he has
discussed the question upon the ground of political expediency. And
lastly, solicits the imperial assent as a national boon. The re-
liance that he places in the justice and -wisdom of the Sublime
Porte; and, above all, in 'the generosity of the Emperor, hardly
permits him to harbour a doubt adverse to the issue of a nego-
ciation, which, if committed to feeble hands, is founded on such
a solid basis.
It now becomes the duty of the undersigned to state, in the
name of his court, the distinct object of this memorial : namely,
the promulgation of an imperial Fermaan (edict), enacting the
re-establishment of the English navigation in the Black Sea, on the
footing it appears, by the sacred capitulations, to have been in
the reign of Sultan Mahommed Khaan, the most puissant Emperor
of the Ottomans, and of Queen Elizabeth of glorious memory,
or of her immediate royal successors. It is more particularly
wished to move the Sublime Porte to decree the same, according to
the tenor of its treaty with Russia, dated at Constantinople, 10th
June, 1783, of the Christian aera ; confirmed by the treaty of
peace concluded at Yassy* on the 9th January, 1792, from
article 17 to article 35 inclusive; subject, nevertheless, to such
provisions as existing circumstances may render expedient. To
•which end the proper officers on both sides shall be instructed to
take arrangements in concert, consulting the regulations for the
passage of the Sound into the Baltic Sea, or such other acts de
transita as obtain authority in the public or maritime law of
Individually, there remains one other duty for the undersigned
to" fulfil ; and that is, to offer his most respectful thanks to the
illustrious Ottoman ministry, for the courteous attention always
paid to his representations, in transacting the business of the
station he has the honour to hold, and especially on the present
affair ; as well as for the ready access allowed him on all occasions.
Also to renew the assurances of that conscientious discharge of
duty towards the court where he is sent to reside, of which he
trusts the labours of his ministry, in critical times, have furnished
too frequent and ample testimony for those assurances not to be
accepted as sincere by the Sublime Porte.
(Signed) I. S. SMITH.
Heli'grad) near Constantinople,
1st September, 1799.
* Yassv, or lassi, the capital of Moldivia, a frontier province of Turkey,
the governor or Vdivoda of which is always selected from the Greek oobility.
JRJato, Gfrom Ool* XXI. G e
225 BLACK SE*.
Extract from the Treaty, entitled Hie Capitulations or Articles of tke-
Fifst, That the said nation and the English merchants, and any other
nation or merchants which are or shall come under the English banner and
protection, with their ships small and great, merchandise, faculties, and aH
other their goods, may always pass safe in our seas, and freely and in all
security may come and go into any part of the imperial limits of our
dominions in such sort, that neither any of the nation, their goods' and
faculties, shall receive any hindrance or molestation from any person what-
All English ships or vessels, small or great, shall and may at any time
safely and securely come and harbour in any of the scales and ports of our
dominions, and likewise may from thence depart at their pleasure, without
detention or hindrance of any man.
The English merchants, interpreters, brokers, and all other subjects
of that nation, whether by sea or land, may freely and safely come and go
in all the ports of our dominions ; or, returning; into their own country, al! our
bezlcrbegs, ministers., governors, and other officers, captains by sea of ship*,
and others whomsoever our slaves and subjects, we command that none of
them do or shall lay hands upon their persons, or faculties, or upon any
pretence shall do them any hindrance or injury.
All those particular privileges and capitulations, which in former times
have been granted to the French, Venetians, or any other Christian nation,
whose king is in peace and friendship with the Porte, in like manner, the
same were granted, and given to the said English nation ; to the end, that
in time to come, the tenor of this our imperial capitulation may be always
observed by all men ; and that none may, in any manner, upon any pretence,
presume to contradict, or violate it.
The English nation, and all those that come under their banner, their
vessels, small or great, shall and may navigate, traffic, buy, sell, and abide
in all parts of our dominions, arid, excepting arms, gunpowder, and other
such prohibited commodities, they may load, and carry away in their ship*,
whatsoever of our merchandize, at their own pleasure, without the
impeachment or trouble of any man ; and their ships and vessels may come
safely and securely to anchor at all times and traffic at all limes in any part
of our dominions, and with their money buy victuals, and all other things,
without any contradiction or hindrance of any maix
.AH these privileges, and ot!>cr liberties granted to the English nation,
and those who come under their protection, by divers imperial commands,
whether Jbeforc or after the date of tiiese imperial capitulations, shall be
ahvays obeyed and observed, and shall always be understood and interpreted
in favour of t!ie English nation, according to the tenor and true contents
The English merchants, and all under their banner, shall and may safelv,
throughout o-.ir dominion, tra<ie, buy, sell, (except only commodities pro-
hibited) all sorts of merchandise ; likewise either by land or sea, they maj
go and traffic, or by the way of the river Timais, in Moscavia, or by Russia,
and from thence may bring their merchandise into our empire; also to and
from Persia they may <io and trade, and through all that part newly by us
conquered, and throusli those confines, without the impediment or molesta-
tion of any of our ministers : and they shall pay the custom or other duties
of that country, and nothing more.
The English ships which shall come to this our city of Constantinople, if
by fortune of seas, or ill weather, they shall be forced to Coffii, or to such
like port, as long as the English will not unlade or sell their own merchan-
dise and " goods, no man shall enforce nor give them any trouble or an-
noyance : but in all places of danger the Caddtcs, or other of our ministers,
shall alwavs protect and defend the said English ships, men, and goods;
that no damage may come unto them : and with their money may buy
victuals and other necessaries: and desiring also with their money to hire
carts or vessels, which before were not hired by any other, to transport their
goods from place to place ; no man shall do them any hindrance or trouble
Of the Original Grunt of the Freedom of the Black Sea, as ddhered
to I. S. SMITH, Esq. and recorded in the Public Register of' the Ciiancery,
of the British Factory at Constantinople.
The friendship and good intelligence which subsist sines the most remote
times, between the Sublime Porte, of solid glory, and the court of England,
being now crowned by an alliance founded on principles of the most invi-
olable sincerity and cordiality; and these new bands thus strengthened
between the two courts having hitherto produced a series of reciprocal ad-
vantages, it is not presumptuous to suppose, that their salutary fruits will
be reaped stiii more abundantly in time to come. New, after mature
reflection on the representations that the English minister plenipotentiary
residing, at the Sublime Porte, our very esteemed friend, has made relative
to the privilege of navigation in tiip Black Ser^ for the merchant vessels cf
liis nation; representations that he lias reiterated, both in writing and ver-
bally, in conformity to his instructions, and with a just confidence in the
lively attachment of the Porte towards his court: therefore, to give a new
proof of these sentiments, as well as of the hopes entertained by the Sublime
Porte, of seeing henceforward a multiplicity of new fruits spring from the
connection that has been renewed between the two courts, the assent
granted to the before-named minister's solicitations is hereby sanctioned as
a sovereign concession and gratuitous act on the part of his Imperial Ma-
jesty ; and to take full and entire effect as soon as farther amicable con-
ferences shall have taken place with the minister our friend, for the purpose
of determining the burthen of the English vessels, the mode of transit by
the canal of Constantinople, and such other regulations and conventions as
appertain to the object; and which shall be as exactly maintained and
observed with regard to the English navigation, as towards any other the
most favoured nation. A"d in order that the minister, our friend, do
inform his court of this valuable grant, the present rescript has been drawn
up, and is delivered to him,
Constantinople, I Jemazi'ul-Evrell, A. H. 1214.
30 October, A.D. 1799.
Official Note delivered by the REIS EFFENDI to ALEXANDER STRATON, Esq.
at a Conference in his Excellency's House on the Canal, the '29t/i
July, 1802,
It behoves the character of true friendship, all sincere regard to promote
with cheerfulness, all such affairs and objects as may be reciprocally useful,
and may have a rank among the salutary fruits of those steady bonds of
alliance and perfect good harmony, which happily subsists between the Sub-
lime Porte and the court of Great Britain ; and as permission has heretofore
been granted for the English merchants ships to navigate in the Black Sea
for the purposes of trade, the same having been a voluntary trait of his
•Imperial Majesty's own gracious heart, as more amply appears by an offi-
cial note presented to our friend, the English minister, residing at the Sub-
lime Porte, dated 1 Jemazi-ul-Akhirt 1214,* this present Takrir\ is
issued ; the imperial court hereby engaging, that the same treatment shall
be observed towards the English merchant ships coming to that sea, as is
offered to ships of powers most favoured by the Sublime Porte, oil the
score of that navigation.
23 R6bi-ul-Ewcl, 1217.
23 July, 1802.
* 00th October, 1799. } Official note.
(Translated from the Danish.)
STfTlHE Feroe Islands are situated in the North Sea, between the
Jl_ latitude of 61 deg. 15 min. and 62 deg. 21 min. In regard
to longitude, the town of Thorsharn lies 19 deg. 15 rain. 15 sec.
west from Copenhagen, and 9 deg. 47 min. 45 sec, east from
Tencriffe. They are eighty-four miles distant from the coast of
Norway on the eastern side, and forty-five miles from the Shet-
land isles towards the south-west.
These islands are in number twenty-two, seventeen of which are
inhabited. They occupy, in a direction from north to south,
fifteen miles; extend in breadth, from cast to west, ten miles;
and contain altogether nearly twenty-three and a half square miles-
They consist of a group of steep rocks or hills, rising from the sea,
chiefly of a conical form, and placed for the most part close to
each other, some of which proceed with an even declivity to the
shore ; but the greater part of these declivities have two, three, or
more sloping terraces, formed by projecting rocks, and covered
with a thin stratum of earth, which produces grass. Close to the
sea, however, the land in general consists of perpendicular rocks,
from two to three hundred fathoms in height. The highest of all
the hills in these islands, and that first seen by navigators, particu-
larly from the west, is Skaelling, which lies in the southern part ef
Nordstromoc. Its perpendicular height is 400 Danish fathoms, or
2,240 English feet; and though it is the steepest of all these hills,
jt is possible to ascend to the top of it. When viewed from the
bottom, it appears to terminate in a long sharp point ; but when
you have climbed up to its summit, you find a pretty level plain
covered with moss, about three hundred ells in length, and a hun-
dred in breadth. When the weather is clear, the whole of the
Ferae islands may be scfcn from it.
The hills lie so close to each other, that the termination of the
bottom of one is the commencement of the bottom of another,
being separated merely by a brook or rivulet. There are no
vallies of any extent between them : in the higher ground between
their summits a few dales, covered with wretched grass, are some-
times seen ; but these arc not letel, being interrupted sometime*
by collections of large loo.se stones, which have the appearance of
being thrown together by a volcanic eruption. On some heights
there are found considerable tracts covered with rubbish, which
seems to be effloresced matter thrown down from the rocks ; and
these tracts produce no grass, for the finer mould, fit for the pur-
poses of vegetation, which might be collected in them, is swept
away by the violence of the winds, or washed down by the rain
and snow-water. Some moist places, less exposed to the impetuo-
sity of the winds, a!Tord a scanty nourishment to the Ka'nigia
islundica, and the drisr spots produce the Saxijraga oppositifoiia,
and the Stalicc Armeria. But such is the smoothness and steep-
ness of many parts of these hills, that no earth can remain on them ;
and, in general, the stratum of earth by which the rocks of the
Fcroe islands are covered is so thin, that it is sometimes no more
than a quarter of an ell in depth ; and in the vall.es, where the
land is arable, it never exceeds two ells.
The form of the hills is different, according to their situation,
•whether more to the north or to the south. Those in Sudcroe
exhibit, in general, an evener surface; but those in Stromoe and
Ostcroc have on their side several sloping terraces and hillocks,
lying close to each other. These hillocks present nearly the same
appearance; so that when viewed at some distance, particularly
from another hill or eminence, they resemble a camp consisting of
pitched tents ; and when these hillocks are covered with snow,
which is often the case when there is no snow in the lower regions,
this resemblance is still more striking ; but the case with Norderoc
is entirely diifercnt ; the hills are steeper, and of a more conical
form ; and they have rough ridges on their summits, beset with
projecting paps and asperities.
The rocks in general consist of trap, almost every where hit; r-
mixed with feld-spar, some glimmer, and small grains of zeolite.
The ridges of the hills sometimes exhibit cle'ts or fissures, which
the inhabitants call skaurc ; and very often these fissures may be
traced, in a strait line, through other islands, notwithstanding the
interposition of the sea.
No certain traces of any crater or signs of volcanic eruption are
here to be found ; nor did I ever observe any pumice-stone or
lava in these islands, unless basaltes can be considered as belonging
to that kind of production.
Besides the large collections of stones already mentioned, which
'arc occasionally found in the hills, there are seen sometimes in thw
Tallies single stones, three, four, or five ells in diameter, but lii
places where it is Impossible they could have fallen down from the
hills. Such stones are found also here and there at a considerable
height in the hills, where there is no other eminence in the neigh-
bourhood from which they might have rolled down. On the side
of many of the hills, and particularly on the lower projecting de-
clivities, there are often found great heaps of stones, among which
there are some large ones ; but it may be plainly perceived that
these have been thrown down from (he higher projections, in the
fissures of which the rain-water lodges, and when it freezes in win-
tor it splits the rock by its expansion, and on a thaw taking place
these fragments tumble down, and by their fall destroy the grass
plats below. But the stones thrown down in this manner arc
tlifierent from those before mentioned ; for the latter have two
sides, which stand at a right angle, or, at least, they have one or
more flat surfaces ; whereas the former are in general round.
In some of the hills there are strata of basaltic columns, standing
in a perpendicular position ; in other places they have an oblique
direction. At Fredeboe, in Suderoe, is a series of these columns,
the bottoms of which are concealed ; but their summits are all
visible. It extends to a considerable height in the side of the hill
proceeding north to north-west, but sinks down towards the shore
in a south or south-east direction ; and at the bottom of the hill
these columns stretch out several fathoms into the sea, always
sinking lower, till they at length disappear beneath the water.
In several parts of those islands may be seen lofty columns,
bearing large arches, which support huge masses of rock; and
under these arches there are large apertures 0r cavities, six, eight,
or more ells in length and breadth, the bottoms of which are
covered by the sea. There are also in some places narrower
cavities, but these extend to a greater distance within the hills,
and produce a very loud echo when a person calls out before the
mouth of them. Some of these cavities, which serve as places of
retreat for the seals, are of such length, that one can proceed for-
wards in them with a boat from thirty to a hundred fathoms.
Others extend quite through the hill, so as to be open at both
ends; and some of them stretch across a whole island.
In some siyall creeks at the bottom of the steep lulls, or which
form indentations in them, there are frequently seen tall rugged
rocks, of a pyramidal form, some of them like towers, and at *uch
a distance from the parent rock, that a boat can row betwcca
them. These rocks, to which the inhabitants gave the name of
are of various heights, for some of them rise scarcely to
the fourth part or half the height of the parent rock, while other*
rise to the same height. But these rocks are not confined merely
to the creeks ; some of them are found at the projecting extremities
of the islands ; others stand close to the. sides of the hills, at the dis-
tance of a few fathoms from the land : and some so close, that the
water can scarcely find passage between them ; but it is cvidenfly
seen that they have once formed a part of the coast from which
tluy have by some means or other been torn.
At the bottom of the rocks there are sometimes seen immense
columns, between some of which and the rock there is a vacant
space towards the foot of them, while the tops, bent towards the
rock, are united with it, as if they had been raised on purpose to
support it, and prevent it from falling into the sea. Others of
them arc connected with the hill at the bottom, and have their tops
entirely free and disengaged from it.
The Fcroe islands contain a great many streams and rivulets,
but none of considerable size. At most seasons of the year they
arc all fordable, and may be crossed with safety, except at the
time of heavy rains, when they receive such an addition of water1
that they become impassable. Some of them produce trout, which
are caught after rain, by angling for them with a rod and line.
Sometimes the inhabitants kill them by striking them with a stick,
or take them by groping with their hands in the holes under the
banks. This kind of fishing, however, is of very little importance.
There are some fresh-\vater lak^s also between the hills, where
trout are canght, but seldom in any considerable quantity. The
largest lake, and that most abundant in fish, as far as I could learn,
is iu Vaagoc, to the north of Midwaag ; it is about two miles in
circumference. Leinum, and some smaller pieces of water in.
Nordstromoe, contain a few fish ; and in the latter is found a spe-
cies of trout, which are red on the belly ; on that account they are
called red-bellies. Some rivulets and small lakes afford likewise
a few eels, but they seldom attain to a large size. These are the
only kinds of fresh water fish in these islands with which I am
As the hills are for the most part steep, the streams pour down
their sides with great impetuosity, and some of them form small
water-falls, which are very convenient to the inhabitants, parti-
cularly when they are in the neighbourhood of villages, as they
afford them the means of erecting water-mills.
Some of these falls appear only after a heavy rain, and precipitate
themselves ftora the bare rocks, m places where, at other
tbsre is no appearance of them. If a strong wind happens at the
same period to blow towards the rock, the water is dispersed, and
falls down in the form of small rain ; but if the wind increases to
a hurricane, none of the water falls down ; the whole being forced
tip into the atmosphere, it assumes the appearance of a thick mist
or smoke, in which a rainbow of the most vivid colours is some-
times observed. The most remarkable water-fall which I ever had
an opportunity of seeing in these islands is Fosaa, between Qualvig
and Haldervig, in Nordstromoe. It consists properly of two
falls, one above the other, each of which, judging by the eye, for
I did not measure them, is from twelve to sixteen fathoms in height;
and the higher one projects so far from the rock, that a person can
walk between it and the rock without being wet. An inhabitant
of Qualvig assured me, that he had stood and seen trouts work
themselves up this impetuous fall ; a circumstance which, if true,
appears to be very remarkable. The water of the rivulets here is
in general pure, wholesome, and well tasted, or rather has no taste
at all. But there are two exceptions ; that is, when the water
becomes turbid after a few hours rain, or when a small stream runs
through ground that is muddy, or abundant in cupreous particles ;
for in these cases the water becomes noxious and ill tasted. Some
times these small streams run into the larger rivulets which sup-
ply the inhabitants with water ; but the quantity of corrupted
water they contain is too small, when mixed with that of the larger
rivulet, to produce any bad effect.
These islands abound also in springs, some of which rise from
deep cavities in the fields, or burst out at the bottoms of the hills,
and, making their way through the fissures in the rocks, flow
incessantly, even during the driest weather. They are of two
kinds, cold and warm ; but the greater part of them belong to the
former class. They produce excellent water, which in some places
is said to be endowed with the property of strengthening the sto-
mach and checking diarrhoea.
The most remarkable of the warm springs is Vermakielde, fn
Osteroe, which spouts out from a bank of earth in the neighbour-
hood of the sea. It is said to be so warm in winter, that if a lira-
pet (patella testudinalis) be put into it, the animal will be sepa-
rated froKi its shell. In the mouth of Noveaiber, at which time I
*aw it, I found it to be almost milk warm ; the bottom of it is
covered with that species of moss called Fontintdis antipyretica.
In former times people were accustomed to assemble here at Mid«
/2it>. C&ton. QoU XXI. H H
summer, partly to amuse themselves with singing, dancing, and
various sports, and partly to use the water as a remedy for different
disorders. It is still frequented by a few, but the confidence in it#
healing qualities is much lessened.
Papers presenfed to the House of Commons, relative to the
Rustiajt Fleet in the Tagus, and to the Contention concluded
teith the Russian Admiral. — Ordered to be printed on the Qth
if February ) 1809.
HO. 1 is the following extract of an order, from the Admiralty
to Sir Charles Cotton, dated on the 9th of December,
1807 :—
" Whereas since thr orders given to Rear-admiral Sir Sydney Smith, in-
formation has been received of the entrance of a Russian squadron, consist-
ing of seven sail of the line and two frigates, into the river Tagus, and orders
have been issued for seizing and sending into port all Russian ships of war
and merchant ships ; and whereas it has in consequence become necessary,
that the officer commanding his majesty's ships off the Tagus should be fur-
nished with further instructions : — We do hereby require and direct you, if
the Portuguese government should recur to its original intention of pro-,
reeding to the Bra/ils, but should represent to you that the Russian squadron
interposes an obstacle to their departure, to demand possession of the prin-
cipal forts upon the Tagus^ as you may deem necessary for the safe passage
of the squadron under your orders ; and having obtained it, to proceed up
the river for the purpose of attacking the Russian squadron, and conveying
the Portuguese fleet out of the Tagus.
" And where/is, in consequence of the recent conduct of the court of
Russia, in renouncing ail intercqurse with his Majesty, the capture of the
Russian squadron in the Tagus has become an object of the greatest im-
portance, and Major-general Spencer, with a corps of seven thousand men,
who is destined for Sicily, is directed to proceed with you off Lisbon on his
way thither, to co-operate with you for the attainment of that object, and
to put himself under the command of Lieutenant-general Sir John Mooref
who may be expected on that station with a similar force from Sicily, and
with whom Rear-admiral Sir William Sydney Smith was by our secretary's
letter of the 7th ultimo, directed to co-operate; we herewith transmit to
you a copy of the instructions which have been given to the Lieutenar/r-
ccncral by Lord Hawkcsbury, one of his Majesty's principal secretaries of
state, and do hereby require and direct you to co-operate with the
Lieutenant-general, or in his absence, with Major-general Spencer, for th*
purpose of effecting the capture of die Russian squadron above-mentioned.
** In the event of its not being judged prudent or practicable to make aix
attack on the ships in the Ta^us, or in the event of the failure of such
attack, you are to continue with tiie fleet off that river, for the purpose of
maintaining and enforcing a strict blockade thereof, so as to prevent the
entrance of any supplies whatever, even of provisions.
" Siiould the Portuguese government, in consequence of the strictness of
the blockade, surrender to th-j fleet under your com nand the Portuguese
and Russian squadrons*, you are in timt case (hut in no other) to relax th*
blockade of the Tagus, so far as relates to the supply of provisions to the
inhabitants, and in that case only."
No. 2 consists of instructions to Sir Charles Cotton, for pro*
curing the surrender of the Russian fleet. — A letter from Mr. Can-
ping to Lord Castlereagh, dated December 28, 1807, says : —
" It also appears from Lord Strangford's information, that the Russian
fleet in the Ta»us must shortly be reduced by the continuance of the block-
ade, to a state of the utmost distress ; and as, iu such a state, it maybe not
impossible that a proposal for the surrender of that fleet, upon honourable
conditions, might be listened to by the Russian admiral, it might be desirable
that instructions should be sent to the commander of his Majesty's fleet, to
convey to the Russian admiral a proposal for the surrender of the fleet to
his Majesty, offering as a condition, that the officers and men shall not b«
considered as prisoners of war, but shall be conveyed to Russia by thf
earliest opportunity, at the expense of Great Britain."
No. 3 is a copy of a letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole,
dated January 25, 1808, enclosing a copy of a letter from him to
Vice-admiral ^eniavin, and stating the difficulties under which lie
laboured, wiih regard to communication with that admiral
No. 4, a letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole, dated Hibernia,
off the Tagus, February 8, 1808, mentions the arrival of two
Russian, and one French, officers, in a tlag of truce. From one
of the former having found means to separate them, he understood
the Russians to be extremely dissatisfied witri their situation, sub-
ject as they were to the immediate controul of the French, who
had possession of all the old batteries on the banks of the Tagus,
and were daily erecting new ones. " The Russian ships," saya
Sir Charles, " are said to be full of provisions of every descrip-
tion, completed to ten months ; all the Irish provision*, &c. that
were in store previous to the entry of a French army, having, in
preference to its falling a prey to them, been sent to the Russian
squadron. — The port of St. Ubes and coast to the southward, is,
I understand, to be immediately occupied by French troops, in,
ijrder to prevent a possibility of any supplies being seat tOj o?
communication whatever held with, the squadron under fliy
No. 5 is a letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole, dated Marcb
29, 1808, stating that Mr. Setarro, (formerly contractor, or agent
for supplying the British army and navy with provisions, but now
commissary to the French army) had come on board the Hibernia,
to request permission for the importation of flour, for the relief of
the suffering inhabitants of Lisbon. To this request Sir Charles
gave a decided negative. Mr. Setarro also requested permission
for about fifteen merchant vessels, which were lying in the Tagus,
to proceed to the Brazils. Sir Charles replied, that all persons of
respectability attached to their Prince would meet with no obstacle
to their intention of proceeding, but that they must first pass under
an examination.
No. 6. Sir Charles Cotton, in a letter to Mr. Pole, dated
April 1, intimates a probability that the Russian squadron will
come out, in consequence of their disagreeing with the French.
Nos. 7 and 8, relate to the following order from the Admi-
ralty to Sir Charles Cotton, for the provisional relaxation of th,e
blockade of the Tagus :—
" Whereas the Right Honourable Lord Castlereagh, one of his Majesty's
principal secretaries of state, hath by his letter of this day's date signified
to us the King's pleasure, that in consequence of the application made to
you by Mr. Setarro. as represented in your letter of the 29th of last month,
for allowing the entrance into the Tagus of vessels laden with flour for the
use of the inh bitants of Portugal, we should give you instructions for your
further proceedings; we do in pursuance of his Majesty's pleasure signified
to us as aforesaid, hereby require and direct you immediately to open a
communication by a flag of truce with the existing government at Lisbcyi,
and to conform to the following instructions.
As it does not appear by your letter above-mentioned, by what authority
Mr. Setarro was commissioned to solicit you tp permit the importation of
flour for the support of the native inhabitants of Portugal, nor whether he
professed to speak on the part jointly of the French commander and of the
Portuguese government, it is, in either case material, that the proposals
which you are herein directed to make should if possible be transmitted at
the same time to the Portuguese commander, (Don Gomes Frero) to the
Civil government of Lisbon, and to Vice-admiral Seniavin ; and lastly
(should Mr. Setarro have come to you on the part of General Junot) to the
French commander also.
" In the communications above mentioned, you are expressly to declare,
that the blockade of the ports of Portugal lias not been established with any
view of inflicting the calamity of famine on the natives of Portugal, but on
the contrary, that you deeply lament their sufferings, as the inevitable cooi«
«equence of a necessary operation of war ; that Lisbon, having become in
the bands of the enemy a port of equipment tor the invasion of his Majesty's
dominions, the rigid enforcement of a strict blockade has followed as an
indispensible measure of self defence, a measure which can neither be with-
drawn or relaxed whilst the port of Lisbon shall retain that character .
that the relief of the suffering inhabitants of Portugal rests, therefore, en-
tirely with those who exercise the powers of government at Lisbon ; that
the interest and compassion with which his Majesty considers these sutler-
ings, have induced him to authorize you to offer the most liberal terms of
maritime capitulation, by which the pressure of blockade may be removed,
and the people be entirely relieved from distress ; but, that in the event of
the rejection of the terms proposed, you are at the same time commanded
to render the blockade still more rigorous.
" You are then to proceed to state, that in consideration of the urgency
of distress which has been represented, you are authorized to open at once,
the full extent of liberal terms which you are prepared to grant, as the con-
dition of raising the strict blockade of the ports of Portugal.
" You are to accompany the foregoing declaration with the drafts of
article? of convention in due form, and to the following effect :—
- " 1st. The ships of war of the Emperor of Russia, now in the Tagus,
shall be delivered immediately to you, to be held as a deposit by his
Majesty, and to be restored to his Imperial Majesty within six months after
thtf conclusion of a peace between his Majesty and the King of Sweden*
together witli any other powers, being the allies of his Majesty at the time,
and the Emperor of Russia.
" 2dly. Vice-admiral Seniavin, with the officers, sailors, and marines
Vnder his command, to return .to Russia without any condition or stipula-
tion respecting their future services.
" 3diy. The Portuguese ships of war and merchant vessels to be
delivered over to you, with all their stores, sails, and equipment, subject only
to such arrangements respecting such ships of war and merchant vessels, as
shall be subsequently agreed upon and concluded on the part of his
Majesty, and on that of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of
" 4thly. All merchant vessels belonging to the enemy, now in the
Tagus, shall be taken in deposit to be restored to the powers to which they
ihall respectively belong on the conclusion of peace.
" Sthly. All neutral vessels actually in the Tagus, to be required to saif
cut in ballast, or with such cargoes, destined for Great Britain or the Bra-
zils, as shall be specified in a schedule to be annexed to the convention, the
cargoes of such neutral ships to be verified by examination either under
your direction, or in some British port to which the vessel shall be sent for
that fiirpose.
" 6thly. On the part of his Majesty, you shall suffer the free entry of
provisions, not being enemy's property, into the several ports of Portugal,
jtnd shall relax the strict military blockade of such ports.
f? The foregoing draft or a convention contains the full extent of the
terms which you are hen by authorized to offer on the part of his Majesty .
but as it may possibly happen that the Russian Admiral may not consider
himself at liberty to negotiate for the surrender of ti.e ships under his coiu-
mand, although the Portuguese inhabitants may prevail with the French
Commander to allow of the surrender of any other enemy's ships, and of
the Portuguese ships, for the purpose of procuring a supply which may
avert the dreadful calamity of famine ; you are hereby further required and
directed (in the event of every condition of the terms proposed by you being
admitted, with the exception of the suiTt-mler of ihe llussian tleei) in that
case to conclude a convention xvith that exception, and to permit the intro-
duction of provisions into the ports of Portugal.
" But as this arrangement would render it necessary still to maintain a
large force off the Rock of Lisbon to watch the Russian squadron, to the
manifest detriment'of other important services, you are on no account to
open this arrangement as a proposal on your part, but are only hereby
authorized to agree to it ys a suggestion from the enemy, in tiie event of the
failure of the more general surrender of the maritime means collected ia
the Tagus. Given, &c. 16th April, IbOS.
« W. J. HOPE.1'
u Sir Charles Cotton, Bar!. Vice-admiral
of the Red, Sfc. off the Tugus.
" By command of their Lordships,
" VV. W. POLE."
No. 9 acknowledges the receipt of the above order, by Sir
C. Cotton.
No. 10 encloses to Mr. Pole, the copy of a proclamation whicli
Sir C. Cotton had issued to the Portuguese, on the 28th of April,
pointing out the means by which they might obtain, a relief from
No. 11 is a letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole, dated May
18, stating the events which had been occasioned by the above
mentioned proclamation. The following is an extract :-—
" I request you will please to acquaint the Lords Commissioners of the
Admiralty, that in consequence of the proclamation issued by me, copy
of which I had the honour to transmit to you on the 28th ult. Mr. Setarro
this day came on board the Ilibernia^ and declared that he was sent express,
by General Junot, to say, that one of my proclamations had reached him
on Thursday the 12th inst. which had immediately been transmitted tc»
Bayonne, and orders thereupon requested from the Emperor of the French,
whose answer might be shortly expected ; that in the mean time, if I had,
any thing to propose, as stated in the proclamation, respecting a maritime
capitulation, it might accelerate the business by communicatinj; the same tq
feyii (Mr. Setarro.)
•' To which I replied, that General Junot must be aware that all com-
munications of the nature solicited, between respective comrnanders-in-
chief', usually pass through officers of rank ; and b.e having thought proper to
prohibit the entry of flags of truce, threatening to destroy one, and when
employer! upon purposes of humanity regarding his own wounded country-
men, prevented my sending a flag of truce ; but if his assurance in writing
was conveyed to me by an officer of rank, that a flag of truce should meet
due respect in the Tagus, an officer should be sent to communicate the
terms for a maritime capitulation, by which the blockade of the .ports of
Portugal may be immediately raised, and a free entry of provisions per-
mitted; terms the most liberal, influenced solely by the lively interest and
great compassion his Britannic Majesty felt for the sufferings of an unfor-
tunate people, whose present misery and probable increase of calamity from
approaching scarcity, Mr. Sctarro took infinite pains to depict.
" With respect to Vice-admiral Senia'vin, and the Russian squadron,
Mr. Setarro said the following questions had been agitated:—' What would
be the conduct of the Russian Admiral if the French met with a disaster in
Spain, and were opposed in Portugal ?' — To which the generally ascribed
reply is, ' That Russia, not being at war with Spain or Portugal, the flceV
could not act in any manner hostile to either of those countries.'
" ' What would be the conduct of the Russian Admiral should the
British fleet enter the Tagus ?' — To which the reply ascribed in like manner
is, ' Unless a very commanding and superior force rendered such a mea-
sure improper — light them.' "
No. 12 is a lottcr from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole, dated June
12, recommending that .5 or 6,000 British troops should be landed)
to occupy the forts on the Tagus (as, from intelligence received,
the French had not above 4,000 men at Lisbon), to enable the
fleet to enter and take possession of the maritime means in the
No. 13. Sir C. Cotton states his having requested 5 or 6,000
men from Sir Hew Dalrymple, for the purpose above mentioned.
No. 14. A letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole, encloses the
convention entered into with Vice-admiral Seniavin relating to the
Russian fleet. — Vide NAVAL CHUOMCLE, Vol. XX. page 245.
No. 15 is the following letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole,
with additional proposals made by the Russian admiral : —
«« sin, " Hibernia,in the Tagis, 1th September, 1808.
" I have the honour to enclose herewith, for the information of the
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, copy of the translation of two
additional proposals, made by the Russian Vice-admiral Seniavin, since my
letter to you of the -1th instant, which being of so unimportant a nature,
in order to gratify the Vice-admiral, I havf acceeded to without hesitation.
"I beg leave further tu observe to their Lordships, iu. additiuif w mj
before-mentioned letter, that upon the whole, the Russian squadron having
entered the Tagus previous to the departure of the Prince Regent of Por-
tugal ; having committed no act of hostility against Portugal, or joined the
French in opposing us, as they were repeatedly requested to do; and
having their Lordships' instructions for ray conduct towards them upon a
former occasion (the supposed famine in Portugal) I feel satisfied their
Lordship* will approve of the favourable terms that have been granted.
" I have the honour to be, Sir,
*' Your most obedient humble servant,
" Hon. W. WeUesky Pole, $c."
" P.S. No account or charge has been taken of the stores on board the
Russian ships, it being understood, that the fame will be delivered up to
the proper officers on their arrival at Spithcad."
" The colours of his Imperial Majesty on board the flag-ship, or on board
any of the others, are not to be struck until tho admiral quits the ship, or
until the respective captains do the same.
" At the conclusion of a peace, the ships and the frigate will be restored
to his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias in the same state in which
they arc actually delivered up.
*' Of the nine ships the Yaroslarf and Rafael * will remain in the Tagus^
and their crews be distributed amongst the other seven ships that proceed
to England.
" The above two articles will be regarded as forming part of the conven-
tion concluded and signed 3d September, 1808.
" Given and concluded on board the ship Twerdoy in the Tagus, and OR
board the Hibernia at the mouth of the said river, 4th September, 1808.
" By command of the Admiral,
« J. SASS,
" Assesseur de College.
" By command of the Admiral,
" Secretary.**
No, H6 announces the sailing of Admiral Tyler from the
Tagus, with the Russian squadron.
No. 17 is the following letter from the Secretary of the Admi-
ralty to Sir C. Cotton : —
" sin, " Admiralty-Office, 17th. September, 18,08.
" I am commanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to ac-
Icnovs ledge the receipt of your despatches of the 3d and 4th instant, togethef
* These iliips uot sea-ivorUy.
vrith the articles of agreement concluded between you and the Russian
Admiral Seniavin.
" Their Lordships, comparing those articles with the articles of an
armistice and basis of convention, signed at the head quarters of the British
army on the 22d August, and transmitted to you for your concurrence, have
commanded me to express their fullest approbation of your having rejected
the stipulation of the neutrality of the Tagus fur the Russian fleet: their
Lordships observe with regret, in the convention which you have concluded
with the Russian admiral, the adoption of a new principle of maritime sur-
render, by the qualified detention and eventual restoration of the ships of
war of the enemy. Their Lordships, however, taking into their considera-
tion all the circumstances of the moment at which these conditions were
adopted, and that you may have acted under a misapprehension of the na-
ture of their temporary instructions of the 16th April last, which were issued
solely with an anxious desire to relieve the people of Lisbon from the
pressure of famine, are not prepared to mark the transaction with their
disapprobation, trusting that the measure will not be drawn into a prece-
dent on any future occasion.
" I am directed by their Lordships, to express their entire approbation
of the zeal, vigilance, and discretion, manifested by you during your com-
mand off the coast of Portugal, as well in the judicious measures with which
you have met the political events that have arisen in that kingdom, as in
the maintenance of the diflicult blockade of the Tagus.
" I am, Sir, &c.
" Admiral Sir Charles Cotton:' " W. W. POLE."
No. 18 is the following order from the Admiralty, to Rear,
admiral Tyler, respecting the additional articles agreed to by Sir
C. Cotton with the Russian admiral.
" Whereas Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, bart. hath transmitted to us,
with his letter of the 7th instant, two articles whichjVke-admiral Seniaviu,
late commanding the Russian squadron in the Tagus, had proposed to him
subsequent to the convention concluded between them on the 3d instant,
for the surrender of the said squadron in deposit to his Majesty, and at the
same time acquainted us, that he had, for the reasons therein mentioned,
agreed thereto. And whereas the Right Hun. Lord Viscount Castlereagh,
one of his Majesty's principal secretaries of state, by his letter to us of this
day's date, luuh by the King's command acquainted us, that the two arti-
cles which have thus arisen subsequent to the conclusion, signature, and
exchange of the original convention, cannot be admitted as forming a part
of that instrument, inasmuch as the said articles do not bear the character
of explanatory articles, but on the contrary, are in form and substance of
the nature of a distinct snti supplementary convention, a measure which the
parties contracting were not at liberty to negociate and conclude, after the
exchange of a perfect instrument and its transmission to the Government,
by which the provisions of the said convention were to be carried into
. «J$ion. (Hoi. XXI. 1 1
212 KAf At KJETRT,
effect, and that bis Majesty cannot allow the flag of an hosttle power to be
displayed in the ports and harbours of his dominions ; we do therefore
hereby require, and direct you to cat»e the flag of his Imperial Majesty to-
be removed from the mast-heads, and flag-staves of the said ships as soon a*
they shall have come to an anchor, but not to order any other colours to be
displayed on board them; and you are to acquaint their respective com-
manders, that they are at liberty to land, and remain on shore until the
period of their return to Russia, and you are to take such measures, as iu
your judgment may be best calculated to secure the stores on board the said
ships from- injury, embezzlement, or loss of any kind whatever. Given,
&c. 30th September 1808.
" R. WARD,
" Charles Tyler, Esqr Rear-atfiniral
of the Blue, &-c, at sea."
"• By command of their k>?dshrps>
" W.W. POLE,"
No. 19 is a letter from the Secretary of the Admiralty, of
the same date as above, and announcing its purport, to Sir
C. Cotton.
No. 20 announces the arrival of the Russian squadron at
No. 21 is a copy of a letter from Sir C. Cotton to Mr. Pole,
inclosing reports of survey on two Russian ships represented imser.
viceable, and stating his intention to get them repaired, to enable
them to proceed to England in the next spring.
The heart's remote recesses to explore,
And touch its springs, when prose avail'd BO more.
(From Poems ly RICHARD WESTALL, Esq. Rjl*}
AWAY with sloth ! for I would climb
With cautious steps, the rock sublime,
What, thouch the snow hath all the night
Been falling fast, and cover'd light
With a pale mantle, hill and plain,
the ploughshare of the swain :
I know the path that leads on high,
Where the bold Pilot's signals fly ;
While vent'rous, they with daring hand
Launch their Hght vessels from the land,
And change the distant ship's distress
To safety, and to happiness.
'Tis in its wint'ry garb, the most
I love upon our rocky coast
To stand, and from the mountains height
Muse on the vast, the solemn sight.
Deep at my feet, with sullen roar,
The dark waves roll upon the shore ;
And far beyond the stretching eye
The broad the boundless waters lie,
Meeting with mighty line the bellied sky.
Here thou, my country — thou, my pride,
The God of battles on thy side,
Insulting Europe hath defied
Full oft; and fill'd with dare alarm,
Europe hath fled thy lifted arm ;
Each struggle shall but fix thy reign,
Sole empress of the circling main ;
Till fell ambition's rage shall cease,
And the wide wprld repose jn peace.
When first I gain'd the mouatain's brow,
One only vessel rode below ;
I saw her anchor rais'd, and heard,
Or seem'd to hear, the vows preferr'd
By those, whom iat'rest, anxious care,
Or love more anxious, gather'd near.
The sailor, long in battle tried,
Call'd by his country, left his bride :
" Farewell, my love ! (he seem'd to say)
We'll meet again some happier day :
Farewell ! farewell ! "—The op'ning sails5
Bending caught the rising gales.
But ot't, as gentler roll'd the swell,
Methought I heard, farewell ! farewell ?
Slow from the shore, with heavy heart,,
I saw the kindred group depart,
One fairest form, with head reclin'd,
Lingering fond, was still behind,
And trembled at the passing wind :
She trembled then, when all was calm,
And love alone could feel alarm.
Now from the north, with vengeful force,
The wild winds drive their destin'd course j
The vex'd sea lifts its monstrous form,
And raging, meets the raging storm ;
The welUtrimm'd ship, that rode butlate,
(Proud of her strength) in gallant state,
That buoyant on the treach'rous seas,
Spread wide her sails and caught the breeze ;
Now, with those sails defaced and torn,
By adverse winds like light'ning borne ;
Full on yon rock (a sullen throne
"Where desolation sits alone)
Unheeding feels the steersman's hand,
Who shudd'ring at the dreadful land,
Strains every nerve ; the hardy crew,
By danger prcss'd, again renew
Their utmost effort, and again
Urge her torn head to meet the main.
The effort fails, like corn unmown,
Swept by the rage of autumn, down,
'Down come her masts ! with horrid shock
The liquid mountains 'gainst the rock
Crash her vast hulk! her bulging side
Drinks deep the dark unpitying tide. •
More loud the wild chaotic rdar,
Sweeps o'er the main and rends the shore;
She parts, she sinks ! the troubled air
Rings with the scream of deep dispair !
Fierce, and more fierce the billows rise,
Spout tlu'ir white foam amid the skies,
And hide the ruin from my eyes.
Ah ! wherefore turn'd my search below ?
There once again the form I know.
The lovely form with head reclin'd,
Who liog'ring fond was ?till i ehind,
And trembled at the passim' wind;
She trembled then, when all was calm,
And only love could feel alarm.
What doth she now ? nor groans, nor sighs !
She faints, she falls ! she dies, she dies !
O'er their lost child an aged pair,
Low bending, tear their rev'rend hair,
While pale, around, their kindred train
Pour wide an agonizing strain.
The mingled horrors fill my heart,
And n:v biood chills in ev'ry part.
Swift down the fatal steep I haste,
And trembling quit the wat'ry waste;
And press with fault'ring steps the plain,
And mourning, reach my home again.
There, tho' the crackling faggots sound,
There, tho' the merry flask goes round;
There, tho' the sparkling sallies flit,
New from the ready tongue of wit ;
Awhile to cheer me tries the jest
In vain, and vainly smiles the feast ;
My thoughts o'er ev'ry joy prevail,
And vain appears each soothing tale :
Till anxious friendship, by degrees,
Pours o'er my soul a kind of ease;
Won by her voice, I strive to join
The mirth, and lose my cares in wine.
But when the dying embers fade,
And I upon my couch am laid,
Memory then asserts her sway ;
And all the misery of the day
I feel with added force again
Whirl round my dream distemper'd brain;
Nor those alone which late I knew,
But other horrors cross my view ;
E'en now, methinks, the south wind blows,
E'en now, perhaps, the melted snows,
From the hoar mountain's rugged side.
Spread impetuous ruiu wide:
I hear pale terror's thrilling cry,
I feel the groan of agony !
On yonder bank the mourner stand-
With fixed eyes and clasped hands,
The wild waves rolling at her feet,
Roll o'er her lately blest retreat,
Roll o'er the husband of her soul,
O'er her lost children, dreadful roll.
No more ray fever'd spirit bears—
Fast flowing fall the healing tears ;
And as they fall, my thoughts revolve ;
The visions fly ! the dreams dissolve !
List'ning J stand — the stream remains
Fast bound in winter's icy chains ;
Bright shine the stars, and .shining show
The plains all wrapt in crisped snow ;
The new moon sinks beneath yon hill,
Hush'd are the winds, and all is still.
And be thou hush'd, my troubled soul !
Lo ! the calm scene, with soft controul,
Steals o'er my frame, all languid grown,
And weighs my weary eye-lids down :
No more I muse on human coil,
On short-Iiv'd joys, or lasting toilj
My alter'd spirit, void of fear,
Rises above its mortal sphere,
And wing'd with strength, but newly given,
Looks upwards and aspires to Heav'n.
A S an addition to your memoir of the late Admiral Barring-
~^*- ton,* it may, perhaps, gratify many of your readcri to be
informed, that his remains were interred in the family vault, at
Shrivenham, in the county of Berks ; and that a monument to his
memory has since been erected in Shrivenham church, bearing the
following inscription, the poetical part of which is from the pen
of the well-known Miss Hannah More.
I am, &c. H.
* Vide NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol. IV. page 169.
Sacred to the Memory of the Honourable SAMUEL
Admiral of the White, and General of Marines. Born Feb-
ruary 15, 1730; died August 16, 1800.
Here rests the hero, who, in glory's page,
Wrote his fair deeds for more than half an age.
Here rests the patriot, who, for England's good,
Each toil encounter'd, and each clime withstood.
Here rests the Christian ; his the loftier theme
To seize the conquest, yet renounce the fame.
He, when his arm St. Lucia's trophies boastsa
Ascribes the glory to the Lord of hosts;
And, when the harder task remain'd behind,
The passive courage, and the will resign'd ;
Patient the veteran victor yields his breath,
Secure in Him who conquer'd sin and death.
(February — March. )
great object on which the House of Commons have been so long
- engaged, on the motion of Mr. Wardle, has so entirely taken up the
attention of the public, that little else has been thought of during these
important proceedings. His Royal Highness the Duke of York has re-
signed, and Sir David Dundas U appointed his successoi.
We still direct our attention towards Spain with considerable interest
and hope. Saragossa, notwithstanding all the lies which the French pub-
liah under the title of bulletins, was defended in a most noble and gallant
ruanuer by the Spanish hero Palafox, who is thought to have been poisoned
or murdered by the French tyrant. In a private letter, which he addressed
to one of the Spaniards of rank in this country, and which has not been
published, was the following beautiful passage .—Saragossa has been lom-
barded seren days and seven nights; two thirds of the city is now in ashes.
But whilst there remains a single house, standing, so long shall Saragossa
atund against the French. Palafox began the siege with about 200 regular
troops ; and the amount of the money in the public treasury was little more
than 251. English. An excellent account of tlie various Spanish state
papers which have been issued by the different Juntas, and of the opinions
that have been given by different writers in our own country, respecting
the Spanish patriots, forms the first article in the new QUARTERLY RE-
VIEW that lias been published.
A complete revolution has been very suddenly effected in Sweden. The
king has been deposed, and is in close confinement; and the reins of go-
vernment have been assumed by his uncle, the Duke of Sudermania. The
particulars of these events have riot yet reached us ; but we understand
that the king was attacked in his palace, and that he wounded several of
his assailants before he was secured.
The following letter contains some of the latest information respecting
the court of Rio de Janeiro. There are some parts which do not entirely
agree with what we had heard respecting Sir S. Smith. The Diana frigate
conveyed Admiral De Courcy from Plymouth to the Brazils, to succeed Sir
Sydney. We regret that the intelligence is so slight concerning the affairs
of South America, which are every day rising in importance. —
" Rio dc Janeiro, Dec. 18.
" The affairs of the Spanish colonies have produced very serious mis-
understandings at the palace. The princess was desirous to go in the
Spanish frigate to Monte Video, in order, it is supposed, to promote some
plan of obtaining possession of the settlements on the north of the river.
The prince applied to Sir Sydney Smith for his advice on the projected
journey of the princess, who of course resisted strongly giving support to
any thing which might alarm the Spaniards. The prince followed his ad-
vice, and the princess and Sir Sydney have been very cool. Sir Sydney
ordered the squadron to prepare for sea, but the voyage was delayed from
day to day, and they are now, I believe, on better terms. Sir Sydney was
at court yesterday (being the queen's birth-day) for the first time since
the dispute, and was presented with a grand cross of the Order of the
Tower, and the sword of a new created order. Lord Strangford had the
same; and thecaptains of the squadron were presented with commanderies
of the order; and all the first lieutenants of the fleet were made knights of
the order.
" Accounts from the River Plata are very uncertain. Two vessels have
lately been allowed to land their cargoes, and deposit them, with liberty to
dispose of one third thereof to pay for rrpairs,&c. This is the state of affairs
at Monte Video; and at Buenos Ayres things are much worse, for Liniers
is taking every step to render Ellis, the governor of Monte Video, un-
popular. We are anxious to hear what steps the new governor will take
on his arrival."
The last accounts from Portugal, dated the 20th of February, stale,
that Sir Robert Wilson, with a division, consisting of Portuguese, and some
Spanish cavalry, had taken considerable property, in money, provisions, and
horses, collected by the French at Zamora. Portugal itself, up to the
20th, had no accounts of French movements towards that country.
Private letters from Holland report, that according to a secret article
of the recent treaty between Great Britain and Turkey, the Porte is to join
with Austria in the war against France, and Great Britain is to furnish the
Turkish government with arms and ammunition at Malta or the Morea.
This intelligence, it is said, comes from Malta.
It is stated in the foreign papers, that the treaty with Mr. Adair was
signed on the part of the Turkish government by Ilakki Pacha. Such may
have beep the fact; but, at the time of Mr, Adair's arrival ia the Parda-
s, Hakki war, in disgrace, having been banished by Bairactar to the
to the Isle of Leinnos, to make room for Selim Schambli Ratib, who was
entrusted by the Vizier with the command of the castles of the Dardanelles
and from whom Mr. Adair received much attention and facility in the.
business of his mission.
The Vienna Gazette contains the following article, under the head of
" Ou the 5th of January peace was concluded between England and the
Sublime Porte, by the English Minister Mr. Adair, and Hakki Eilendi;
in consequence of which all the ports in the Turkish empire are open to
the English ships. This important intelligence was immediately trans-
mitted to the principal commercial towns in Eurupe, Asia, and Africa;
and a great change may be expected in the trade of the great towns of the
Levant, and the price of most commodities."
Early on the morning of the 2-1-th of February, the enemy's squadron,
which had escaped from Brest, consisting of eight sail of the line, ap-
peared off Rochefort, in a widely extended semi-circle. Their first object,
there is no doubt, was to capture the squadron of three sail of the line
under Captain Beresfordj which had been at anchor in Basque Jloads.
But Captain Bercsford had fortunately learnt the precedirg day, that the
French admiral had struck his flag, and gone to L'Orient to bring out the
squadron Jying there, in order to join in the attack upon the British Squa-
dron off Rochefort. In consequence of this information, Captain Beres-
ford got under weigh, and stood off, and very soon after he observed the
entrance into the bay of the .French squadron. Here the enemy was joined
by three sail of the line lying in Rochefort, which, exclusively of smaller
vessels, make his force consist of eleven sail of the line.
Towards the latter end of February, the Medusa frigate having sailed
from Falmouth, in company with his Majesty's &h:ps Resistance and Are-
thusa, to cruise off Brest; the Arethusa stood into that harbour to recon-
noitre, and found that the French squadron had sailed : she immediately
proceeded in quest of the Channel fleet, but could not meet with them.
The French fleet consisted of ten sail of the line; the English seven, five
of which are three deckers. The Medusa having fallen in with the Lyra
gun-brig, Lieutenant Bevians, immediately despatched her home with the
intelligence. A messenger was immediately sent off to town, and a
telegraphic communication made to the Admiralty.
The Brest fleet had or. the 26'th been joined by three large ships from
Rochefort; when joined by the whole of the squadron there, it would con-
sist of 14 sail of the ':ne (two of which are three-deckers) two 50-gim
ships, 10 frigates, and several small vessels.
An official report baa been made concerning the escape of the Brest
squadron ; and the enemy triumphs in the succeps which attended the
artifice by which " Captain Tronde'has been able to run out with his
division to fulfil the mission which the emperor had entrusted to him."
This is the division met by the Surveillante, and which it has been guessed
is destined to attempt effecting a counter-revolution in South "America.
The frigates which were chased under the batteries in the roads of Sables,
2iol, XXI. ' K *
we are told, drove away four ships ; but their being themselves drive*
aground is wisely concealed.
Lord Gambier, in the Caledonia, took the command of the blockading
squadron off Rochefort, on 8th of March.
Should the squadron from L'Orient have proceeded to the West Indies,
they will probably fall in with Sir John Duckworth's squadron, which there
is no doubt has proceeded in that direction in search of the Brest fleet.
The escape of the fleet which had been so long weather-bound at Oporto,
and which crossed the Bar on the 23d ult. is a matter of consolation, con-
sidering the menaced condition of that country. The property on board is
estimated at the value of 400,0001. and hisurances have been done at
Lloyd's to that amount. There are from eight to ten thousand pipes of
wine in the fleet.
At Constantinople an occurrence has taken place, which may throw some
light upon the situation of Austria. The Austrian Internuwcio, Baron Von
Sturmer, had, on occasion of the marriage of one of his kinsmen, given a
dinner, and invited to it the secretary of the English legation. The French
charge d'affaires, M. Latour-Mauburg, who was also invited, wrote to M. Von
Sturmer that he could not be present at any entertainment while an enemy
of France was of the party. M. Von Stunner not answering this letter, M.
Latour-Mauburg communicated the circumstance to the diplomatic agents,
and invited them to break off all intercourse with M. Von Sturmer; whicii
all the agents who were at Constantinople have carried into effect.
The Dutch papers, as well as the private letters from Holland, state the
capture of his Majesty's frigate Proserpine, in the Mediterranean, by two
French frigates, la Penelope and la Pauline: she was carried into Toulon.
From the French official accounts, it appears- that the Proserpine had been
very audacious, frequently standing so close to the shore as to look into the
port. of Toulon. This provoked the French admiral, who sent out against her
the two abovementioned frigates. Once she escaped by flight, but on a second
occasion her pursuers came up with her about half past four o'clock in the
morning. An engagement ensued, whieh was fought close alongside for
three quarters of an hour; at length the Proserpine struck to her two
opponents. The enemy states the Proserpine to have had 11 men killed,
arid 15 wounded, and that both the French frigates came out of the action
without the loss of a man killed or wounded.
Private accounts from Holland state, that the crews of two Danish ships
of the line lyiug at Flushing had refused to obey the orders of the French
government. They were ordered to sail for Brest, but the captains de-
clined compliance till they received instructions f;;nn their government;
upon which they were arrested. The crews having likewise declared their
resolution to refuse obedience, a representation of the affair was at lenjth
sent to the Danish government.
The Hon. John Hope has resigned his appointment as one of the Lords of
the Admiralty, and has set off for Scotland. Captain Moorsom has suc-
'ceeded him.
The Emperor Alexander has recently issued an Ukase, ordering that ail
commerce with Finland shall he carried on agreeably to the laws already in
existence as to the other dominions of his empire.
The Topaze French frigate, of 40 guns and 360 men, from Brest, was
captured on the 22d of January at anchor at Point Noire, Guadaloupe, by
the Cleopatra frigate and Hazard sloop of war, after an action of 45
minutes. The Topaze had 10 men killed and 19 wounded; the Cleopatra
two killed and one wounded.
The French brigs Napoleon and Josephine, from Bayonne to Martinique,
with wines, flour, &c. were captured in January off Martinique by the Wol-
verine and Dominica sloops of war, and carried into Barbadoes.
Sir James Saumarez is to have the chief command of a large fleet, which
is to be sent to the Baltic, and Sir Samuel Hood is to accompany him.
They will hoist their flags on board the Victory and Centaur. The fol-
lowing litre of battle ships are to compose part of the fleet :—
Vanguard . 74 guns, Captain Glynn.
Minotaur 74- • Thompson.
Standard 64 Harvey.
Ardent 64 — — Vashon.
Dictator .......... 64 Pierson.
Ruby 64 Hall.
Africa 64 Barrett.
Besides several frigates and bomb-vessels.
The reports of an early adjustment of the differences which snbsist be-
tween Kussia and England, had induced a considerable reduction in the
price of colonial produce in the former country. Sugar, in particular, had
fallen near 30 per cent, namely, from 78 to 56, and 53 rubles per pud
The following is an account of the last convoy which sailed from Carls-
crona the 22d of December, bou:id to England, consisting of five English
ships of war, three Swedish ships of war, and twelve merchant vessels,
principally large Prussians. British vessels of war, viz.
" Salcctte fri»ate, drifted from the Mahno channel, among the ice in
the Baltic, without anchors or cables; Magnet gun-brig, totally wrecked
the llth of January, near Malnio, crew saved; Argent gun-brig, sent round
by the Baltic with despatches, the 28th of December; Fama, brig-cutter,
totally lost in Bornholm, on the 23d of December, with her commander
and three of her crew ; Sacorner, sloop-cutter, totally lost near Ystadtj
crew saved ; Camilla, frigate, drifted into the Baltic, from the Mahno
Channel, without anchors, &c. Wen tali t a brig-cutter, drifted through the
.Sound the 6th of January, and got into the Swedish port Toreko; Frau«h-
ton, brig-cutter, drifted through the Sound the 6ih of January, and got
into the Swedish port \Varberg.
" The names of the merchant vessels chiefly loaded from different Rus-
sian ports, with hemp, &c. — Recommencement, Captain Kruger burnt
while on shore in the Mahno Channel by the Danes, on the 17th January;
Britannia, Anderson, taken by the Danes the 9th; JoshinaFortunaUsshen-
dorf, drifted into the Baltic with Daues on board; Satisfaction, Becker,
drifted through the Sound the 6th of January, and not since heard of;
Four Friends, Grenson, an English vessel, taken by the Danes the 6th of
January; Three Davids, Bulk, stranded nearSkani, cargo saved; Minorca,
Wegner, taken by the Danes the 10th of January; Nadicashda, Dottas,
drifted into the Baltic without anchors, and returned with Danes on board,
•and sunk near Malino, crew saved ; Yeschkenshal, Sandboy, burnt by the
Danes while on shore near Malmo, the iSth of January ; Eneykeil, Eliza-
beth, and another galliot, taken by the Danes near Ilornbeck."
RANGER, Henderson, master. — This was a question of salvage. The,
vessel, under British colours, was captured by a French privateer, and
afterwards recaptured by the exertions of the mate and a boy, the only
part of the crew that were suffered to remain on board, who, when the
Frenchmen were below, threw the companion-hatch over them, and
steered for the English coast, when they were met by one of his
majesty's ships, who took possession of her, and claimed as joint salvors.
The Court pronounced for the usual salvage, and directed that the male
should be paid SOI. and the boy 101. thereof, and the remainder to be
equally shared amongst the other salvors.
THE ADVENTURE, Lisby, master. — This British vessel was also cap-
tured by a French privateer, and recaptured by a British cruiser. The
Court pronounced for one-sixth salvage.
ECONOMIE. — This was a Danish vessel bound from Petersburg!! to Lis-
bon, and the question was respecting a claim for a certain quantity of
goods on board. The Court rejected the claim.
ANNA DOROTHEA, Schroeder, master. — This vessel was under Prussian
colours, in ballast, at the time of capture. Ship condemned.
^Imperial parliament,
thanks of the House were unanimously voted to Rear-admirals
De Courcy and Sir Samuel Hood, and to the captains and officers of
the fleet under their command, for the assistance which they had af«
forded to the British array at Corunna.
An address of thanks was unanimously voted to his Majesty, for his
communication of the papers relating to the negotialion for peace, pro-
posed by the Emperor of Russia, and Buonaparte, at Erfurth.
Lord Grenville made his promised motion on the Orders in Council,
(recommending conciliatory measures towards America, and the rescind-
ing the Orders ; assuring his Majesty at the same time, that the House
was disposed to resist all novel claims on the part of America, and to
maintain the maritime rights of his Majesty.
Lord Bathurst went into a discussion of the French decrees, that »ave
rise to the Orders of Council, and justified the expediency of the latter,
which he said the late ministry had themselves admitted by the Orders
pf Council issued on the 7th of January, 1807. He said, that whenever
the object of those Orders in Council should be effected, that of brin^-
ing France to reason, and inducing her to repeal her decree against our
commerce, then would his Majesty rescind the Orders in Council.
When the question was put, the House divided on Lord Grenville'g
motion — Contents 70 — Non-contents 115 — Majority against the motion
The thanks of the House were unanimously voted to Rear-admirals
De Courcy and Sir Samuel Hood, and to the captains, officers, seamen,
and marines of the fleet which they commanded, for the assistance
which they had afforded in the embarkation of the British troops at
Mr. Canning moved an address to his Majesty, thanking him for his
communication of the papers, &c. respecting the proposal of peace made
from Erfurth.
Mr. Whilliread moved an amendment, importing a censure on minis-
try for their answer to the overture, as unwise, impolitic, intemperate,
Mr. Ward moved, in a Committee of Supply, 130,000 seamen for
1809, including 31,400 marines.
Wages for 130,000 seamen and marines, for 13 months,
at ll. 17s. per man per month ...=£3,126,000
Wear and tear of ships during the same period, at ll. 19s.
per man per month ......... 3,295,500
Victuals for ditto, at 2l. 19s. per man per month 4,985,500
Agreed to.
Mr. Pole presented several papers from the Admiralty, one of which
related to the circumstance of Admiral Montague, declaring, if the
Russian Admiral, in the Tagus, did not haul down his colours before sun-
set, he would send him on shore, and never suffer them to be hoisted
Sir C. M. Pole, referring to the Navy Estimates upon the table, ob-
served, that an additional commissioner had been appointed at the Pay
Board ; he would ask then how it was, that the crew of a 64 gun ship
bad lately paraded the streets of London for want of pay, and had been
sent back to their ship? He thought he could shew that of late, in many
departments of the navy, several appointments had taken place, in which
patronage was more consulted than the interests of the public service.
He should be happy to hear that there were other reasons for such ap-
pointments, than being merely a relative, a brother-in-law of some
personage high in office. (Hear! Hear!}
Mr. Wcllesley Pole said, he was perfectly ready to meet the hon.
l>aronet on these points. The hon. baronet had been pleased to represent
a ship's company (the Standard), as assailing the Admiralty, almost in a
state of mutiny, for their pay ; but the fact, when it came to be
explained, would shew there was no foundation for such insinuation. The
present lords of the Admiralty had lately made a regulation, that when a
ship's company had been long at sea, on their coming home they should
receive their pay, and leave to visit their friends. The Standard, after
feeing long on a foreign station, had come home to England, and the
ship's crew got leave of absence, without receiving an advance of pay,
in consequence of their not coming exactly within the general regulation
laid down by the Admiralty. They came to London, and represented"
their case to thelAdmiralty in the most respectful manner. They were
told that their case should be considered, and also desired to return to
their ship, which they did in the most orderly way. Their case was
taken into consideration, and they obtained an advance of pay. He
•would not libel the character of British seamen, by saying there was any
thing like a mutiny on that occasion. The honourable baronet had also
thrown out a broad insinuation against Lord Mulgrave, to the effect that
he had made various appointments rather from personal favour to indivi-
duals that a sense of public duty. He denied the charge. The appoint-
ment to the office of commissioners at the Navy Board had been made
from lists given in by the other lords of the Admiralty, containing the
names of many captains : and the appointments had taken place from
seniority alone, without the persons themselves being so much as known
by the noble lord, lie could also stale, that the business at the Victual-
ling Board had been lately carried on upon the most vicious and
faulty system; and it was absolutely necessary, in order to abolish
the system, that those at the head of it should be removed. This had
been done, and successors to them appointed in the manner he had stated
above. The persons now appointed were a Peter Brown, who had been
long a purser in the navy, and a Mr. Overs, of whom the noble lord at
the head of the Admiralty had no personal knowledge whatever. When
the hon. baronet thought fit to mention a brother-in-law, he conceived
^he allusion must Lave been to Cplonel Walsh, who is married to a sister
•f Lady Mulgrave. Now the fact was, that Mr. Harrison, the gentleman
whom Colonel Walsh succeeded, had long wished to resign from old age,
and he was permitted to retire with a pension of 5001. a-year. Colonel
Walsh, who was appointed in his room, was an officer who had b'een long
in active service in India, a man perfectly conversant in business, and
likely, from his habits and talents, to be of public service. Was there
anything like a job in this, as had been insinuated ? Unless a person was
bound to exclude his friends and relations from all offices to which he
had the appointment (a doctrine certainly which was quite absurd), he
did not see that Lord Mulgrave had much to answer for in this appoint-
The Attorney General obtained leave to bring in a bill for altering
and amending the Police of Plymouth Dock.
Mr. JVhitbread made the following motion relating to America :—
" That an humble address be presented to his majesty, representing to
his majesty, that in consequence of the decree of Berlin of the enemy,
the orders in Council had been issued by his majesty's government, both
equally contrary to the usages of nations; that, however, it had been at
the same time vested in his majesty to rescind these orders as circum-
stances might require; that America, feeling the danger likely to accrue
from those measures to the neutral trade, had laid an embargo on her
ports, prohibiting all commercial intercourse with foreign states; that
America, willing to put an end to these inconveniences, and finding the
enemy to persist in his Berlin decree, had made an offer to this country
to remove the embargo with respect to us, should we, on the other hand,
consent to rescind the orders in Council ; that this offer, on the part of
America, was Justin its principle, and advantageous to Great Britain, a*
it would infallibly secure to us the trade of America: though this offer
had not at first been accepted, that we still believe it is in the power of
his majesty's government to restore a good understanding between the
two countries ; and that therefore we heartily pray his majesty may be
pleased to adopt such measures as are calculated to restore a good under-
standing, and to re-establish the commercial intercourse between thi*
country and America."
This motion was negatived by 1-15 against 83.
In a committee on the Marine Mutiny bill, Mr. /?- Jlrard rose to answer
*ome observations made by an hon. baronet (Sir C. Pole), on a former
night, respecting the pay captains of the marines. The statement of the
hon. baronet was totally fallacious. Those paymasters were established
under the administration of Lord St. Vincent ; they were selected from
the oldest captains in that service; and in consideration of the duty of
paymaster allotted them, they were exempted from all duty afloat, and
kad nothing to do but to attend courts-martial in the places where they
were quartered ; and instead of having imposed on them the duty of
paying the whole body of marines, amounting to 32,000 men, they had
not above one-fourth, or perhaps one-sixth of the whole, for the
remainder were always afloat, and the pay was only to be issued to
divisions occasionally landing, even for this purpose they had Pay-
masters'-serjeants allowed them, and had only toconlroul their accounts.
With respect to the stoppages of one day's pay in a year from the marines
to Chelsea Hospital, from which they derived no advantage, he found no
stoppage whatever was made from the privates, except for Greenwich
Hospital, to the benefits of which they were entitled, in common with
seamen ; and as to the stoppage of a day's pay in each year, and the
poundage of five per cent, upon the pay of officers, it was handed over
to the War Office for the benefit of the Widows'* Fund ; which the relicts
of marine officers enjoyed in common with those of officers of the line f
but those stoppages had never been made since the year 1806, as the pay
was issued net, to all officers under the rank of colonel, on the same oot-
ing as the other officers of the army.
Sir Cliarfca Pole said, he still held the same opinion with respect to the
situation of the pay captains. He was wel! informed, they had a regular
ledger account to keep with every man and boy in the marine service, for
which they had no remuneration, although the captains of marine artil-
lery, for only paying their own companies, had 2s. per day additional
pay. Besides, those old officers, in any branch of the service, would have
been entitled to majorities, and many of theui now would have been old
Mr. Wellesley Pole said, it was the intention of the present Board of
Admiralty to afford to the marine corps every practicable and reasonable
indulgence. But there was a mistake with respect to the stoppages front
the pay of marine officers in general for the Widow's Fund. No such
stoppages were now made but from officers who retired on full pay ;
and the widows of the marine officers received their pensions at the War
Office, paid by the public. With respect to the situation of the pay
captains, he begged leave to refer the hon. baronet to a petition, pre-
sented by those very officers to the Admiralty, when he himself was at
that board, praying for this very allowance, which the hon. baronet now
sought to obtain for them ; and the answer then given to their petition
•was, that the birth was a pretty good one, and it was very desirable it
should continue to exist ; but if they did not like it with full p;vy, and
exemption from all other duty, they might take their turns of service:
ever since, they had been pretty well satisfied to remain as they were.
With respect to the Compassionate List, for which there was a bill now
in progress, it was only for such widows and orphans as were not entitled
to any provision otherwise; nor was it ever thought of before the esta-
blishment of the present Admiralty Boaid; and it was his intention, in
the committee on this bill, to place the widows of marine officers on
the same footing in this respect with those of the officers of the navy and
Copied verbatim from the LONDON GAZETTE.
Copy of a Letter from Captain Worth, of his Myesty's Sloop Helena,
dated at Sta, 28M February 1809, to Admiral Young, Commander
•in Chief at Plymouth, and transmitted by the latter to the Hon. W.
W. Pole.
T HAVE the honour to acquaint you, that before day-light this morning; a
suspicious vessel was seen coming from under the Dodman, and standing
for the convoy under my protection. The wind being very light, I sent the
boats after her. She proved to be I'Auguste, of St. Maloes, armed with two
carriage guns, large swivels, and twenty-four men; out six days without
making any captures. She sailed in company with the Speculator lugger, of
10 guns, and seventy men, parted from her yesterday; the Speculator
had that day captured two brigs, which are now in sight. " I lost no time in
dispatching my First Lieutenant, who was in charge of a fast sailing brig,
which I had previously captured, after one, and the master, with a suffi-
cient number of men, in the privateer, after the other.
I have the honour to be, &c.
Copy qfa Letter from the Hon. Robert Stopford, Rear-Admiral of the Slue,
to the Hon. William Wellesley Pole, dated on board his Majesty's ship
the Caesar, at Anchor, Baleine Light-House, N.E.byN. Four Miles,
Chussiron S.S.E. Ten, the 27th February, 1809.
You will be pleased to acquaint my Lords Commissioners of the Admi-
ralty, that on the 23d instant, being at anchor to the N.W. of the Chassiron,
light-house, with the ships named in the margin,* the Amethyst looking out
in the N.W. the wind being to the eastward, about ten P.M. I observed
several rockets in the N.W. quarter, which induced me to get under sail,
and stand towards them. At eleven observed several strange sail to the
eastward, to which I gave chase with the squadron until day-light next
morning; at which time the strange ships were standing into the Pertuis
d'Antioche, consisting of eight sail of the line, one of them a three decker,
and two frigates. They hoisted French colours, and conceiving them to be
the squadron from Brest, I immediately detached the Naiad by signal, to
acquaint Admiral Lord Gambier.
The Naiad having stood a few miles to the N.W. made the signal for
three sail appearing suspicious, I immediately chased them with the squa-
dron under my command, Heaving the Amethyst and Emerald to watch
the enemy,) and I soon discovered them to be three French frigates
standing in for the Sable d'Olonne; I was at the same time joined by the
Amelia and Dotterel.
* Caesar, Defiance, Donegal, Emerald, Naiad.
The French frigates having anchored in a position which I thought s&-
tackahle, I stood in with the Caesar, Defiance, Donegal, and Amelia, and
opened our fire in passing as near as the depth of the water would permit
the Caesar and Donegal to go. The Defiance being of much less draught
of water, anchored within half a mile of them ; in which situation, so judi-
ciously chosen by Captain Hothatn, the fire of the Defiance and the other
ships obliged two of the frigates to cut their cables and go on shore. The /
ebb tide making, and the water falling fast, obliged the Defiance to get
under sail, and all the ships to stand out ; leaving all the frigates ashore,
two of them heeling much. They have been noticed closely, and from
Captain Rodd's report yesterday afternoon, they appeared with all their
topmasts on deck, sails unbent, main- yards rigged for getting guns out, and
several boats clearing them. I fancy they will endeavour to get over
the bar into a small pier, but I am informed by the pilots that it is
scarcely practicable.
The batteries protecting these frigates are strong and numerous. The
Caesar had her bowsprit wounded and rigging cut. The Defiance has all
her masts badly wounded; two men killed, and twenty-five wounded.
Donegal, one killed and six wounded.
The French frigates had been out from POrient two days; and, by Cap-
tain Irby's report, appear to be the Italienne, Calypso, and Furieuse. I
am very confident they will never go to sea again. I\Jy chief object in
attacking tLese frigates so near a superior force of the enemy, was to en-
deavour to draw them out, and to give our squadron more time to assemble;
but in this I was disappointed. I returned to the Chassiron at sun-set, and
observed the enemy anchored in Basque roads.
On the 25th I was joined by Captain Beresford, in the Theseus, with the
Triumph, Revenge, Valiant, and Indefatigable, I therefore resumed the
blockade of the enemy's ships in Basque Roads, and shall continue it till
further orders.
The enemy's force consists of eleven sail of the line, four frigates, and
the Calcutta. The force under my command consists of seven sail of tiie
line and five frigates.
* I have the honour to be, &c.
"Extract of a Letter from Contain Seymour, of his Majesty's ship Amethyst,
to Rear-Admiral Stafford, dated near Chassiron, Feb. 27, 1000.
Yesterday the 26th the whole weighed from Basque Roads, and proceeded
to the Isle d'Aix anchorage, one frigate excepted, which run aground on
the shoals near Isle Madame, called les Palles, and after endeavouring to
force her off by press of sail she failed, and unrigged.
The enemy are anchored from, to the southward of the Isle of Aix, to the
northward of the end of the Boyart, with top gallant y^arcls across, but not
in a line of battle, or apparent order of defence ; and, I conclude, gone in
from not knowing our force; but seeing our numbers increased, they have
a third cable bent to the anchor in the main chains, and stopped along their
side. No movement to-day.
MARCH 1 1.
Copy cf a Letter from Vice-admiral Lord Colling&ood, Commander-in-chief
of hit Majesty i Ships and VeastU in the Meditei ranean, to the Hon. W,
— W, PolCf. dated oil board the Ocean, at Malta, the 20th of January,
si a,
The Iinperieuse having, with other ships, been employed in the Bay of
Rosas, to assist the Spaniards in defending that fortress, and Captain Lord
{Jochrane taken on him the defence of Trinity Castle, an outwork of that
•garrison, I have received from him a letter, dated the 5th December, a.
<;opy of which is inclosed, stating the surrender of the citadel of Rosas by
the Spaniards on that day, and of his having embarked the garrison of
Trinity Castle on board the ships, which castle he had however
The heroic spirit and ability which has been evinced by Lord Cochrane
in defending this castle, although so shattered in its works, against the
repeated attacks of the enemy, is an admirable instance of his Lordship's
zeal; and the distinguished conduct of Lieutenants Johnson and Hoare, of
the royal marines, and the officers and men employed in this affair
tinder his Lordship, will doubtless be very gratifying to my Lords Com-
missioners of the Admiralty.
I have, &c. COLLTNGWOOD.
Laperieutf, Bay of Rosas,
MY LORD, December 5, 1808.
The Fortress of Rosas being attacked by an army of Italians in the ser-
vice of France, in pursuance of discretionary orders that your lordship had
given me, to assist the Spaniards wherever it could be dune with the most
•effect, I hastened here. The citadel, on the 22d ultimo, was already half
invested, and the en-emy making his approaches towards the south-west
bastion, which your lordship knows was blown down last war by the ex-
plosion of a magazine, and tumbled into the ditch; a few thin planks and
dry stones had been put up by the Spanish engineers, perhaps to hide the
defect; all things were in the most deplorable state, both without and
within; even measures for their powder, and saws for their fusees were not
to be had — hats and axtrs supplied their place. The castle of Trinidad,
.situated on an eminence, but commanded by heights, was also invested;
three twenty-four pounders battered in breach, to which a fourth was after-
wards added, and a passage through the wall to the lower bomb proof being
nearly erlected, on the 53d the marines of the Fame were withdrawn. I.
went to examine the state of the castle, and, as the senior officer in the bay
had not officially altered the orders I received from your Lordship, to give
every possible assistance to the Spaniards, I thought this a good oppor-
tunity, bv occupying a post on which the acknowledged safety of the citadel
depended, to render tticni an effectual service. The garrison then consisted
of about eighty Spaniards, and were on the point of surrendering; accord-
ingly I threw nivself into it, with fifty seamen and thirty marines of the
linperieuse. The arrangement made I need not dotsiil to your Lordship ;
suffice it to say, that about one thousand bags, besides barrels and pali-
sadoes, supplied the place of walls and ditches; and that the enemy, who
assaulted the castle on the 30th, with a thousand picked men, were repulsed
with the l-.ss of their commanding othcer, storming equipage, and all who
had attempted to mount the breaclu The Spanish garrison being changed,
gave good assistance; and Lieutenant Botmnao, of the regiment of Ulto-
,nia, who succeeded to the command of the Spanish soldiers in the castle,
•on Captain Fitzgerald's being wounded in the hand, deserves every thing
his country can do for an active and gallant officer. Inocenti Maranger,
cadet of the same regiment, particularly distinguished himself by his ztal
and vigilance. As to the officers, seamen, and marines of this ship, the
fatigues they underwent, and the gallant manner in which they behaved,
deserve every praise. 1 must, however, particularly mention Lieutenant
Johnson of the navy, Lieutenant Hoare of the marines, Mr. Bnrney,
•gunner, Mr. Lodwick, carpenter, and Messrs. Stewart, Stovin, and Maryat,
Captain Hall, of the Lucifer, at all times and in every way, gave his
zealous assistance. I feel also indebted to Captain Collins, of the Meteor,
for his aid.
The citadel of Rosas capitulated at twelve o'clock this day. Seeing, my
Lord, further resistance in the castle of Trinidad useless and impracticable
against the whole army, the attention of which had naturally turned to its
reduction, after firing the trains for exploding the magazines, we embarked
in the boats of the Magnificent, Impeneuse, and Fame.
I have, &c. COCHRANE.
List of Killed and Wounded, between the 23d November and 5th Decem-
ber, 1808.
John Lloyd, marine, killed ; John Hitchins, ditto, ditto; William Fawkes,
ditto, ditto; four seamen and three marines wounded.
Spaniards of the Regiment of Ultonia.
Two killed, five wounded.
Extract of a Letter from the Honourable Rear- Admiral Stafford to the
Honourable W. W. Pole, dated Cassar, at Anchor, March 2/1809, Ckas-
siron Light House S. E. \ S. Eleven Miles } Balcine Light House N.E.
Four Miles. Wind North.
The enemy's ships remain at Tsle d'Aix. On the 28th I closely recon-
noitred them in the Caesar, and only counted ten sail of the line, four fri-
gates, and the Calcutta. The eleventh ship of the line was observed on her
beam ends, with all her masts gone, and apparently bilged. She grounded
upon the shoal called les Palles, within PIsle d'Aix; and is the same ship
mentioned in my letter of the 27th ultimo, supposed by Captain Seymour
to have been a frigate. From many circumstances, I apprehend this ship
is the Warsaw, a new eighty. There are two rear-admiral's flags and a
broad pendant at the main. One rear-admiral is on board the three
The enemy's frigates remain at the Sables d'Olonne. One of them is
abandoned by the crew, and bilged upon the beach; another is hauled up
close to the opening of a small inlet, but grounding every tide; and the
third is in the same situation, but not quite so near the inlet. These two
sail appear to float at high water, but are on their beam ends at low water;
a western swell, which has set in, will completely destroy them.
The loss of a French line-of-battle ship is confirmed by the masters of
three doggers which came out of the Charante, and were boarded in the
night by our frigates, but they did not know her name.
I st-nd this account to England by the King George cutter, and a similar
report for the information of Admiral Lord Gambier, in the event of the
latter falling in with his lordship on her passage.
Vice-admiral Doyglr.s, commandcr-in-chief at Yarmouth, has transmitted
to the Hon. William Wellesley Pole, a letter from Captain Hole, of his
Majesty's sloop the Egeria, giving an account of his having captured on the
2d instant off the Scaxv, the Danish national cutter Aalborg, of six guns,
and twenty-five men, bound to Norway with army clothing.
Mr. Stewart, commander of the Lord Nelson packet, had brought the
above vessel to close action, and assisted in her capture.
Copy of a Letter from Vice-admiral Sir J. B. Warren, Barf, and K. B.
Commander in Chief of -his Majesty" s Ships and Vessels at Halifax, to the
tion. W. W. Pole, dated Bermuda, January 27, 1809.
I have the honour herewith to enclose, for their lordships' information,
the copy of a letter I have received from Captain Wales giving; an account
of the French privateer Becune having been captured by the Ferret.
I hare the honour to be, &c.
SIR, His Majesty's Sloop Ferret, Oct. 27, 1808.
I have the honour to acquaint you, that yesterday his Majesty's sloop
under my command, after a chase of four hours, came up with and cap-
tured la Becune, French privateer schooner, mounting one long nine-
pounder amidships, and two carronades. small arms, &c. with a complement
of thirty-eight men. She is coppered, and sails very fast; out ten days
from Martinique on a three months' cruize, and has one made capture.
I have the honour to be, &c.
11. WALES.
To the Right Hon. Sir J. B. Warren, Bart. K. B,
Vice-admiral of the White, and Commander in
Chief, 4-c. 4-c. $<-.
Copy of another Letter from Vice-admiral Sir J. B. Warren, Bart, and K.B.
to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated Bermuda, the Id of February last.
I have inclosed a letter for their lordships' information from Captain
Hawker, of his Majesty's ship Melampus, who, with his usual activity and
zeal, has captured, after some resistance, the French corvette Colibri, of
fourteen twenty-four pounder carronades and two long eight-pounders,
with a complement of ninety-two men, commanded by Lieutenant de
Vaisseau des Landes, and having on board 570 barrels of Hour, and a great
quantity of gunpowder, for the relief of the enemy's islands. The above
vessel is new off the stocks, and of a superior class of workmanship;
coppered and fastened, and appears well calculated for his Majesty's service.
I have the honour to be, &c.
jflis Majesty's Ship Melampus, at Seat
SJTR, 29th January, 1809.
Having seen the transports in safety to Barbadoes agreeably to your
orders, ami. being on my return to the northward on the 16th instant, in lat.
19 deg. 30 rain. long. 59 deg. 39 min. the Melampus captured the French
national brig le Colibri, Mons. Desjandes, lieutenant de vaisseau, com-
mander, of sixteen twenty-four pounder carronades and ninety-two men,
three of which were killed, a lieutenant with eleven wounded, through the
persevering endeavours of her commander to escape, who had the temerity
to return our fire for a short time when fairly alongside. She is quite new;
from Cherbourg, bound with a cargo of flour and gunpowder for the relief
of St. Domingo; had taken and sunk two English brigs from Newfoundland
to Lisbon, (the Hannibal and Priscilla of Dartmouth.)
I have the honour to be, &c.
Vice-Admiral Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart. $c.
ipromotions anU appointments*
Captain Moorsom, private secretary to Lord Mulgravc, has succeeded
Captain Hope, as one of the Lords of the Admiralty.
Captain Hamond is appointed to the Victorious ; Captain John Bligh to
the Valiant, vice Kerr, acting ; Captain Alexander Robert Kerr to the Re-
venge; Captain Cocks to the Naiad, vice Dundas; Captain Edward Ster-
ling Dickson to the Inconstant; Captain Serrel to the Helder, late Guel-
derland, Dutch frigate captured by the Phoenix; Captain Morris of the
Magnet, to the command of the sea-fencibles at Lynn, in Norfolk; Cap-
tain Bvam, late of the Bermuda, to the Oppossum; Captain Thompson of
the Minotaur to the Perlin ; Captain Phillip Sommerville, of the Nemesis,
to die Rosa; Captain Henderson to the Champion, vice Crawford; Captain
Henry Whitby to the Cerberus;" Capt. Richard If. Pearson, eldest son of
the late Sir Richard Pearson, lieutenant-governor of Greenwich hospital,
to the Dictator; Captain Zachariah Mudge, to the Phoenix; Captain Major
Henniker to the Mermaid; Captain Hugh Cook to the Diomede; Captaiu
W. Ferris, to the Nemesis; Captain R. T. Hancock to the Foudroyant;
Captain Jos. Bi"gham, to the Sceptre; Captain Thomas Usher to the Ley-
den ; Captain Hew Steuart to the Renard ; Capt. Jos. R. Watson to the
Alfred ; Captain William Mather to the Rapid; Captain W. Sanders to the
Vesuvius ; and Captain Alexander Renney to the Alert.
Colonel Richard Williams, of the royal marines, is appointed to be 2d
colonel commandant of the Plymouth division; Colonel L. Desborough to
be 2d commandant at Chatham ; Colonel James Meredith to be ad com-
mandant at Portsmouth ; and Colonel Richard Hill Fanner to be 2d com-
mandant at Woolwich,
Majors Robert Moncreet, James CasscI, and Lewis Charles Mears are
appointed lieutenant-colonels of the Plymouth division; and Major John
M'Intosh, lieutenant-colonel at Portsmouth.
. Captain Thomas Davey is appointed to be a major of the Woolwich di-
vision; Captain Robert Smith, ditto at Woolwich; Captain Richard Wil-
liams, late commander of the royal marine artillery, to be a major of the
Portsmouth division; and Captain James Errol Gordon, to be a major of
Woolwich ditto. /
Lieutenants appointed.
Lieutenant Thomas Davis is appointed to the Weasel; the Hon. J. A.
Maude to the Ville de Paris; Henry Gary to ditto; James Brasier to the
Alfred; James N. Taylcr to the Victorious; Robert John Fayrer to the Ni-
jaden; Edward Kelly to the Lynx; Charles Adams to the St. George ; John
Rude to the Implacable ; Samuel Mann to the Standard ; John Hi^gins to
the Badger; George Hay to the Vulture; G. B. Maxwell to the Victory;
Richard Williams (2) to the Helder; James M'Ghie to ditto; Michael No-
vosielski to the Repulse; James Thomas to the Raven; Charles C. Dobson
to the Brevdrageren ; Henry Rokeby to the Crocus; John Armstrong to the
Illustrious; Edward Fliu to the Castor; D. Philpot to the Myrtle; Richard
Welch to the Surly cutter; Thomas John Ley to the Standard; William
Pearce (2) to ditto; Charles Letch to the Plover; John Boulton to the 1m-
petueuxj E. Turner to the Ruby; C. Ilaultain to the Decade; Edward S.
Cotgrave to the Achates; William Webb (2) to the Dreadnought; William
Nicholson to the Resolution; Wm. C. Hillyar to the llovalist ; John Bucke
to the Impetuetix ; Samuel Slout to the Champion ; John Alexander (2) to
the Glomen ; William M. Wyatt to the Sparrow-hawk; Matthew Daven-
hill to the Childers; John Roberts (2) to the Gluckstadt; John R. Colraau
to tbe Princess of Orange; Edmund Bennett to the Africa; George Young
to the Bermuda; Thomas Kingston to the Tyrian ; Lewis Campbell to die
Phcenix; Doweil O'Reilly to the Tisiphone; Walter Croker to the Aided ;
Wm. Broad water to the Princess; Thomas Carter to the Minotaur; Magnes
M* Kelly to the Phoenix; Ethelbert Turner to the Rota, commission for the
Ruby cancelled ; William Hoe Walker to the Euryalus; Charles Augustus
Baumgart to the Gibraltar; James G. Harrington to the Eagle; Charles Hill
to the Rota; Henry L. Baker to the Ea-^le; George Elliott to the Dictator;
John Greeiilaw to the Naiad; John Mann to the Ephira; John Ellis to the
Lieutenants A. Anderson, II. Garthwaite, Frederick Delmont and T. J.
Matthews are appointed captains of the royal marines; and 2d Lieutenants
Henry Doswell, G. J. Richardso-), W. L. Wigg, and Wm. Gray 1st lieu-
tenants of the said corps.
List of midshipmen passed for lieutenants on the first Wednesday in the
month: — William Wade West, Robert Speirs, Edward William Pitt, Thos.
Robbins, William Henry Rowcroft, Richard Langdon; William Roberts,
Charles Butts, George Peters Browne, Charles Coppen, George Renny,
Jarnes Reid, Wm. Syfrett, Jos. Churchill, Simon Edward Antram, J. G.
Surgeons appointed.
Mr. W.H. Bull is promoted to the rank of surgeon, and appointed to the
Tyrian sloop; Andrew Gewmel to the Cherokee; Richard Thompson to
the Impetueux ; Stephen Jones t« the Rhodian; John Oickson, from the
Zebra, to the Bermuda; Walter Steel, assistant of the Implacable, surgeon
of the Achates; J«hn Adams to the Raven; Francis Jotmstoue to the Hel-
der; H. Baillie to the Lavinia; John Edwards to the Rapid sloop; Cuthbert
Eden to the Galgo; William Davis to the Thetis; J. S. L. Miehad to the
Linnet; Hugh Monk to the Phcenix ; James Wade to 1' Argus; William
Dingwall, from the Nemesis, to the Rota; Evau Edwards to the Eagle;
H. Hutchison to the Crown prison ship; Joseph Arnold to the Hindostan;
William M'Laughlin, from the Brunswick, to the Sceptre; Jos. Olliver to
the Tigress; James Carroll to the Pluto sloop ; L. Armstrong to the Clyde;
D.James to the Cerberus; H. Baillie to the Naiad; Jarnes Hoi brook to
the Wrangler; John Adams to the Helder; William Wilson to the Neme-
sis; James Milligan, from the Trusty, to the Princess of Oraijge.
Mr. Robert Mulberry, surgeon of the Ville de Paris, who performed the
operation on Lieutenant-general Sir David Baird, after the battle of Co-
runna, is appointed, by the Lords of die Admiralty, to be surgeon of the
division of royal marines, at Chatham.
A. Dalrymple, Esq. purser of his Majesty's hospital ship Tromp, is ap-
pointed to the The ban, a new frigate.
Assistants appointed.
Mr. G.T. Webb is appointed to be assistant surgeon of his Majesty's ship
Eagle; Mr. J. Dunthorn, from Plymouth hospital, to the Gibraltar; Win.
Hector to ditto; Wm. Porteous, from the Alpaca cutter, to be an hospital
mate at Haslar; Wm. Bland, to be an hospital mate at Plymouth; Archi-
bald Robertson to be an assistant of the Caledonia; J. F. Bailey to the
Protector gun-brig; H. D. Morrison to be an hospital mute at Barbadoes
hospital; Win. Chrichton to be an hospital mate at Plymouth; Alexander
Osborue to be an assistant surgeon on board the Bellona; James Forrie to
the Victory; James Carrol to the Martial gun-brig; S. J. Dickeuson to
the Thetis; and Richard Morgan to be au hospital mate at Haslar.
Lately, at Blackheath, the lady of Captain Thomas Larkins, of the HOD.
East India Company's service, of a daughter.
On the 6th of March, the lady of Captain Hawtayne, of the royal navy,
of a daughter.
Lately, the lady of Captain Pultney Malcolm, of a son.
In Charles-street, St. James's-square, the lady of Robert Mitford,
Esq. brother to Captain Mitford who was unfortunately lost in his Majes-
ty's ship York, of a son.
At St. Mary-le-bone church, Captain Peter Parker, of his Majesty's ship
Melpomene, son of the late Vice-admiral C. Parker, and grandson of Sir
Peter Parker, admiral of the fleet, to Miss Marrianue Dallas, second
daughter of Sir George Dallas, Bart.
At Winterhorhe, in Wilts, by the Rev. Mr. Goddard, Lieutenant Henry
Haytfard Budd, of the royal navy, to Miss Turkey, daughter to John Tur-
key, Esq. of that place.
On the 16th of March, at Mary-le-bone church, Captain Woodley Lo-
sack, of the royal navy, to Miss Gordon, only daughter of the late George
Gordon, Esq. — Viscount Melville gave Miss Gordon away.
On the 18th of March, by his Grace the Archbishop of York, Captain T.
le M. Gosselin, of the royal navy, to Miss Hadsley, eldest daughter of the
late J. II. Hadsley, Esq. of Ware Priory, Herts.
On the 5th of March, at his mother's house in South Wales, Maurice
Beauchamp Bissel, Esq. of the royal navv, nephew to Walter Bagenal,
Esq. M. P.
Lately, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with unshaken
fortitude, Miss Percival, only sister of Lieutenant Thomas Percival, of his
Majesty's ship Valiant.
Lately, was unfortunately drowned at Bermuda, by the boat upsetting,
Lieutenant Ram of the royal navy, brother of Lieutenant Ram, who fell in
the glorious victory, off Trafalgar, on board the Victory.
Also, at the same time, Captain Peake, of the royal marines.
On the 4th of March, in consequence of a duel with P. Powell, Esq. the
Right Hon. Lord Viscount Falkland, a captain in his Majesty's navy, and
premier viscount of Scotland. He is succeeded, in his titles, by his eldest
son, who is about live years old.
Lately, at Chatham, Mr. Skinner, surgeon of the royal marine infirmary,
at that place.
In the royal hospital at Haslar, on the 18th of March, of a typhus fever,
Mr. William Bragg, surgeon of his Majesty's prison ship San Antonio. He
had been upwards of 20 years a surgeon in the royal navy, and was much
respected for his gentlemanly conduct.
" Spotless Integrity in a brave and a firm mind."
men have served their conntry more faithfully than this
officer, and still fewer in this age of egotism and vanity, have
taken so little pains to make (heir services known.
Mr. C. Pole, the son of Reginald Pole, Esq. of Stoke Damarell,
in Devonshire, and of Anne, second daughter of John Francis
Buller, Esq. of Morval, in Cornwall, was born at Stoke on the
18th of January, 1757. He is a descendant from the eminent
family of Pole, belonging to Shute, in Devonshire, being great
grandson of Sir John Pole, the third baronet, and of Anne}/
youngest daughter of Sir William Morice, Krrt. one of the secre-
taries of state to Charles II.
Mr. Charles Pole received the first rudiments of his education at
<he grammar school at Plympton, and thence was entered at tliti
Royal Academy at Portsmouth, June 18, 1770. After having
gone through the plan, which is prescribed for the midshipmen
brought up at that institution, he embarked with the early patron
of Nelson, Captain Locker, in his Majesty's ship Thames,* of 32
guns, in which he served until December 1773 ; when he was dis-
charged into the Salisbury. It was on board this ship that Sir
E. Hughes afterwards hoisted his broad pendant, Captain G. R.
Walters, and proceeded to the East Indies in 1774. Previous to
the sailing of the squadron, Mr. Pole commenced an intimate
friendship with a young seaman, Horatio Nelson, -who was then
in the Seahorse. Captain Farmer. — Mr. Pole afterwards received
liis first commission as lieutenant of the Seahorse, then commanded
by that most able officer, Captain Panton. Soon after Sir Edward
Vernon arrived in India to supsrcede Commodore1 Hughes, a
war with France commenced, when Lieutenant Pole was removed
* NAVAL CHRONICLE, Vol. V. page 112.
Jfcac. eijjron, Slot. XXL w M
from the Seahorse to the commodore's ship the Rippon. The first
operations of that campaign in India being the attack of Pondi-
cherry, the squadron proceeded immediately to blockade that port
by sea, whilst the army under Sir Hector Munro completely sur-
rounded it by land. On Sir Edward Vernon's approach, the
French squadron, under the command of Mons. Tronjolly, was
descried on the 8th of August, 1778, consisting of the Brilliant,
of 64 guns, Pourvoyeuse, of 36 guns, eighteen-pounders, the Sar-
tine,* of 32 guns, and two of their country ships armed as men
of war. There being such light airs of wind, they could not near
the enemy until the 10th, when at 6 A.M. they saw the above-
mentioned five ships, bearing down in a regular line abreast. Sir
Edward stood for them, forming his line ahead with the Rippon,
Coventry, Seahorse, and Valentine India ship, and having the
Cormorant sloop in company ; and at noon brought to, ready to
receive the enemy. At three quarters past noon, the breeze shift-
ing to the seaward gave Sir Edward the weather gage, when he
immediately made the signal to bear down upon the enemy, who
had formed upon the starboard tack. Mons. Tronjolly afterwards
made sail upon a wind to the S.W. and 'nothing decisive was
effected. Mons. Tronjolly, however, left Pondicherry and tha
coast to take care of themselves. Sir Edward then anchored on
the 20th, between Pondicherry and Cuddajore, and on the 25th
the Sartinc frigate was captured by the Seahorse. During the
ensuing siege, Lieutenant Pole was sent on shore to command the
seamen and marines that were landed to assist in reducing Pondi-
clierry, which offered to surrender on the 16th of October, 1778,
ami the articles of capitulation were signed on the 17th. During
the siege our ships took three small vessels bound to that port.
Lieutenant Pole was immediately afterwards appointed to thu
command of the Cormorant, which sloop brought home the
despatches to England. ( He arrived there on the 12th of March,
1779. On the 2'2d he was advanced to post rank, and appointed
to his Majesty's ship Britannia, destined for Vice-admiral Darby's
flag ; in which situation Captain Pole remained, until a favourable
* Another French ship is mentioned, but not named in Sir Edward Ver-
non's official letter, as being teen wn tlic ptli, but sh« did ngt bear down,
with tl»e rest.
opportunity offered of obtaining a more active situation, in the
command of the Hussar, of 28 guns. When on a cruise near
home, Mr. Beatson in his Memoirs * informs us, that the Hussar,
Captain Pole, in 1780, fell in with three French luggers, to which
he immediately gave chase. He took two of them, le Jcune Lion
and le Renard, and having twelve guns, eight swivels, and 44 men.
Previous to this, Captain Pole had sailed from Corke, as convoy
to a fleet of victuallers, with the Charon, of 44 guns, and Licorne
frigate, which sailed frv;n that port on the 20th of August, Cap-
tain Pole was afterwards sent in the Hussar to America, and was
scarcely arrived on that station, when he had the misfortune to
lose the Hussar on the Pot-Rock in the passage of Hell Gates,
whilst under the charge of a pilot. The passage, so called, is a
narrow part of the channel of the East River, which communicates
with and forms the passage to North Island Sound, N.E. from
New York. Ott his return thither, the Commander-in-chief,
Vice-admiral Arbulhnot, delivered his public despatches to Cap-
tain Pole, for his Majesty's government.
Soon after his return to England, Captain Pole was appointed
to the Success frigate, then on the stocks at Liverpool, which ship
he commissioned; and in 1782 fought a most gallant action in her
against the Santa Catalina, a Spanish frigate. The following account
of which, is given by Mr. Beatson in his Naval and Military
Memoirs : +
" At daylight, on the 16th of March, 1782, the Success frigate, Captain
Charles Morice Pole, in latitude 55 cleg. 40 min. N. Cape Spartel bearing
E.N.E. distant eighteen leagues, and the wind at S.W. was standing lor the
Gut, and had the Vernon storeship,+ bound for Gibraltar, under his con-
voy, when he discovered a sail ri^ht ahead, close hauled on the larboard
tack. The weather being hazy, she appeared to be a ship of the line. The
two ships made sail from her, on which she gave chase, which continued
until half-past two in the afternoou. Captain Pole then perceiving, that the
strange sail gained ground on the ''ernon, shortened sail, dropped astern,
came nearer tlie ship in chase, and then brought to, in hopes of drawing hei
* Vol. V. page 141.
t Vol. V. page 070.
+ The Vernon carried 22 guns, six-pounders, and had on board
Lieutenant-colonel Gladstone?, four captains, seven subalterns, and 100
privates, belonging to the reginieiiu in Gibraltar; besides her captain, Mr.
John Falconer, two mates, and 3U acumen.
attention from the storeship. The weather clearing up, she was discovered
to be a large frigate with a poop ; and a little after five, she hoisted a
Spanish ensign with a broad pendant, and fired a gun. At six, being within
random shot, the Success wore, and stemmed for the enemy's lee-bow,
until she had just distance sufficient to weather her, then hauled close
athwart her forefoot, and poured her whole fire into her within half pistol
shot. The Success passed close to windward, engaging, while the Spaniards,
having expected the attack to be made to leeward, were firing their lee guns
into the water. The enemy were thrown into great disorder by the first
broadside from the Success; and their confusion increased, by a smart fire
from the Vernon, which, having wore, came up and engaged very closely.
Both the British ships got into most advantageous positions, and poured into
their opponent an incessant and well-directed fire until twenty minutes past
eight, when she struck. They then took possession of the Santa Catalina,
a frigate belonging to the King of Spain, mounting 3-1 guns, viz. 26 twelve-
pounders on the main-deck, and eight six-pounders on the quarter-deck,
and having upwards of three hundred men. She was commanded by Don
Miguel Tacon, who was a captain in the line, had a distinguishing pendant
as such, and was senior officer of the Spanish frigates cruising off the Straits'
mouth. lie had been furnished with a very particular description of the
Success, for which he was particularly instructed to look out, and had been
cruising for her three weeks. lie had seen the Success and Vernon four
times, and chased them twice with his squadron, which then consisted of
four frigates and six sail of xebeques, from which he had parted two days
before he was taken. He spoke with much displeasure of the behaviour of
his officers and men. The enemy had twenty-five men killed, and only
eight wounded in the action : the prisoners amounted to two hundred and
eighty-six. The Success had only one man killed and four wounded. The
Yernori had but one man wounded. Captain Pole was extremely well pleased
with the behaviour of his officers and crew, both before and after the en-
gagement. The smallness of their numbers had encouraged the prisoners
to form a plan for rising on them, which was fortunately discovered, and,
"by their alertness, prevented from being put into execution. Lieutenant*
colonel Gladstanes, of the 72d regiment, who, with several other officers,
and about one hundred recruits, was on board of the Vernon storeship, had
very great merit, as well as Mr. Falconer, the master of that vessel, and his
crew, for the conspicuous bravery and good conduct which they displayed
in the action, and for the assistance which they afforded in securing the
prisoners. Captain Pole sent his first lieutenant, Mr. Oakley, to take
possession of the Santa Catahna, which had suffered severely in hull, masts,
and rigging. He was indefatigable in clearing away the wreck. Her mizen-
mast had fallen a short time before she struck : her main-mast fell imme-
diately after that, and her foremast must have shared the same fate, if the
sea had not been remarkably smooth. Her hull was like a sieve, the shot
having gone through both sides. From the disabled state of the prize, small
hopes were entertained of being able to conduct her to port. On the 18th
at daylight, when the Success had scarcely had time to repair her own
damages, which were considerable, in her yards, masts, and sails, and wlnlaE
•borne of her men were endeavouring to secure the foremast of her prize, six
sail appeared in sight: from these, two frigate- had been detached ahead,
which seemed to be reconnoitring. Captain Pole, unable to combat
such a force, ordered the Vernon to make all the sail she could, hoisted
out all his boats, sent on board the Santa Catalina fjr Lieutenant Oakley
and the seamen, and gave orders that before leaving her they should set her
on fire. She blew up in a quarter of an hour : she was coppered, and was
the largest frigate in the Spanish navy.* The wind being at S.E. the cap-
tain made sail from the strange ships : and, as the Vernon was in want of
water and provision?, he determined to proceed with her to Madeira. From
the reports marie to Captain Pole, of the state of the Santa Catalina, it ap-
peared, that if he had not been obliged to set her on fire, she must have
sunk ; for a gale of wind soon came on, which obliged the Success to lay-
to, under a storm-stay-sail."
The strange sail afterwards proved to be his Majesty's ships
the Apollo, and Cerberus frigates, with four transports. Captain
Pole's friend, the then Captain Sir Horatio Nelson, on perusing
(he unassuming manner in which the captain of the Hussar spoke
of this action in his official letter, observed (when writing to theif
former commander, Captain Locker), " I am exceedingly happy
at Charles Pole's success. In his seamanship he shewed himself as
superior to the Don as in his gallantry, and no man in the world,
•was ever so modest in his account of it." And afterwards, in
another letter to Captain Locker (who then was Lieutenant,
governor of Greenwich Hospital) Captain Nelson added — Never
icas there <i young man zcho bore his ozsn merits zcilh so muck
modesty. I esteem him as a brother. The Success afterwards
made sail for England.
During the peace which commenced in 1783, Captain Pole com-
inaiuled the Crown guard-ship; and, upon occasion of the Spanish
arm am -.in, was appointed to the Melampus, at that time the largest
and most approved frigate in the navy. While the discussion*
with the Spanish government existed, he was wholly employed off
* Dimensions of the Santa Catalina.
Fee/. Inches.
Length of the keel 133 11
Length of the deck 3jl 1°
Jixti erne breadth ^9 4
Height of the middle port, when victualled
for i'utir month* 8 0
Brest to watch the motions of the French. From the Mclampus
he went into the Illustrious, and was afterwards appointed to
command the Colossus, in which ship he accompanied Lord Hood
to the Mediterranean, and was present at the surrender of Toulon.
He was promoted to the rank of admiral in 1795, and hoisted his
flag on board the Colossus.
Admiral Pole afterwards proceeded to the West Indies, with
his flag on board the Carnatic, as second in command, and took
an able part in the various important services on which that squadron
was engaged. After his return home, he was, in 1798, appointed
captain of the Channel fleet under Lord Bridport; and the
arrangements made by Admiral Pole for the discipline, health, and
support of the fleet, did him the greatest credit, and gave general
satisfaction. On the 27th of June, 1799, when Lord Bridport
struck his flag, Admiral Pole, as we learn from Captain Schom-
berg's Chronology,* hoisted bis flag on board the Royal George,
and put to sea from Cawsand Bay, in company with the Sulphur,
Explosion, and Volcano bombs. " On the 1st of July he joined
Admiral Berkeley off the Isle of Rhe, and the next day proceeded
to the attack of the five Spanish ships of the line, which had taken,
shelter under the protection of the batteries on that island, and a
floating mortar battery which was moored in the passage between
a shoal and the Isle of Oleron. The squadron having anchored
at eleven o'clock in Basque Road, the bomb ketches took their
stations under cover of the frigatts, commanded by Captain Keates,
and opened their fire upon the Spanish ships, which was continued
with great briskness for three hours : but with no effect, the
Spanish squadron being at too great a distance. The batteries
from the Isle of Aix, during this time, kept up an incessant can.
onade. The wind dying away, and the enemy having brought
forward several gun. boats, the admiral called off the ships engaged,
got under weigh, and stood to sea. Soon after Rear-admiral
Berkeley returned to Plymouth with three sail of the line and the
bomb ketches, whilst Admiral Pole remained off Rochefort to pre-
vent the Spaniards escaping."
Admiral Pole's services were now directed to another object,
* Vol. IK. page 200.
on being appointed governor and commander-in-chief at New-
foundland, to which station he sailed in 1800, with his flag on
board the Agincourt, of 64 guns, as vice-admiral of the blue.
From this duty, he was called on to succeed his early friend,
Lord Nelson, during the month of July, 1801, in the important
command of the Baltic fleet : as that great officer, after the fatigue
and severe service he had experienced, both during the battle of
Copenhagen and afterwards, had transmitted the most earnest
solicitations to be relieved. To succeed such an officer, who was
the beloved hero of that fleet, and of every other he had commanded,
was no common task, nor inconsiderable honour. Admiral Pol*
sailed in the Blonde frigate, and hoisting his flag on board the St.
George, executed this arduous service with his wonted ability.
During the performance of it, he rendered an essential service to
his country, by exploring the passage of the Great Belt, which
has since been of advantage to our operations in those seas. Qu
his return to Spithead with his fleet, August 10, 1801, his Majesty
on the 18th was pleased to confer on him the honour of a
Baronetcy, as a mark of his gracious approbation of his conduct.
Sir Charles was immediately ordered off Cadiz, where he arrived
at the end of August, and where nothing material * occurred until
the signing of the preliminaries of peace, when he returned in De-
cember to England.
In 1802 he was elected a member of Parliament for Newark ;
and when it was deemed necessary to bring in a bill to appoint
commissioners for inquiring into the abuse? in the civil branches of
the navy, Admiral Sir C. Pole was named by the House of Com-
mons chairman of that commission ; in which highly distinguished
and important situation he remained until February, 1806. Of
the labours of that valuable commission it is not necessary to say
more, than that the [louse of Commons passed a vote of approba-
tion of the conduct of its members, which was communicated to
them by the Speaker in his usual handsome manner.
In February 1S06 he resigned his seat as chairman of the Naval
Inquiry, being called by Mr. Grey (now Lord Grey) to take a
place at the Board of Admiralty, where Sit Charles rendered
» An official letter ironi him, giving an account of two captures that had
been made by his squadron, was ituerteJ in Vol. VI. page 4.04.
essential service to his profession, and increased that experience
or knowledge of the interests of his profession, which lie has since
so uniformly supported in Parliament. He left the Admiralty in.
October, on the change which then took place in the administra-
tion. Daring the short period in which he had remained at the
Board, it afforded his noble mind particular gratification to assist
in that wise measure which was then adopted, of increasing tho
petty officers of the navy, and augmenting the pay of every class,
It was during this time, under the auspices of Mr. Grey, that a
considerable superannuation list was added to the captains, com-
manders, and lieutenants. Under the same auspices, a bill was
brought into Parliament enabling the pensioners of the chest to
receive their pay at their own homes, as had been recommended
by the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry ; and the pay of this
suffering and meritorious class of men was augmented from 71. to
181, per annum.
We come in the next place to consider the public services of
this officer, as an eminent and most valuable naval member of the
House of Commons ; where he has appeared as an example to such
of his profession, as may there wish to serve its interests and to
support their own independence. The continued exertions of Sir
Charles Pole in the House on naval subjects, have acquired him a
general and well merited popularity. We can only dwell on
some of the most important of his speeches ; and this we are the
more glad to do, as owing to the press of other matter at the time,
we have not hitherto been able to notice these debates as they
In the debate on the Droits of Admiralty (February 11, 1808),
on the motion, that there be laid before the House fin account of
all captures made at sea by the naval forces of this country,
which zcere claimed to remain, and rchich did remain, at the dis-
posal of the Crown, since the year 1792, specifying each capture
and its amount, Kith the particular appropriation of the proceeds
thereof — Sir Charles observed, ii that all his reflections on the sub-
ject convinced him, that the Admiralty Court ought to be upon a
new footing." At the close of this debate, he disapproved of both
the original motion and the amendment by Mr. Huskisson, and
proposed a motion of his own, by which the gross proceeds* and
* COBBETT'S Debates, Vol. X. pages 450, and 460.
n*t proceeds were required to be stated in distinct columns, &c.
Alluding to the delay in the distribution of prize money, he
instanced an officer who had received only in the month of May,
1807, his share of prize money for a vessel captured twenty years
In the months of February, and March, 1808,* Sir Charlel
endeavoured to call the attention of the House of Commons, to the
Appointments in Greenwich Hospital and the Nai-al Asylum;
and proposed to bring in a bill to preclude the chusing of any,
but persons connected with the naval service, or holding situations
in either. In this measure he was defeated. The following is the
interesting debate which took place on so important a moment
to the navy :—
" House of Commons,^ March 8.— Sir C. Pole, pursuant to notice, rose to
submit his motion to the House, founded upon the 14th Report of the
Commissioners of Naval Inquiry. The object of the bill which he had to
propose, was to carry into effect both the spirit and letter of the charter of
Greenwich Hospital. Before he proceeded to make las motion, he begged
that the report of the commissioners who had been appointed on a former
occasion to inquire into the state of that Hospital should be read. Bv the
charter of the Hospital, which was granted in the IGth Gco. HI. it was re-
quired, that all the officers of the Hospital should be persons who had
served his Majesty in the navy, and had lost limbs or been disabled in the
service. The provisions of the charter it appeared haci not been complied
with ; but it was not the object of his bill to interfere with any of the
existing appointments or emoluments; its sole purpose being to provide
that the charter should in future be complied with, both in letter and in
spirit. .Another part of his bill would provide for a public saving,* by re-
quiring persons holding such offices to give up their halt-pay. His bill was
also to extend to the institution of the Naval Asylum, which had been
established for the encouragement of the naval service : and if ever there
had been a time, when they ought to do every thing consistent with economy
and the interest of the service for that object, it was the present. These
were the clau-es which he intended to introduce into this bill; and there
was also another, to provide that the bjll should not extend to any persons
holding offices at this moment, cither in the Naval Asylum or Greenwich
Hospital, though it was to provide, that in future no persons but such as
had served a certain number of years in the navy, or been disabled in the
service, should hold any office in either establishment. It bad also been hj&
* Sir C. Pole was twice returned member for Newark ; and has been
twice returned for Plymouth, for which place he at present holds his seat,
* COBBETT'S Debates, Vol. X. page 97C.
ol* XXL * H
intention to introduce a clause to provide, that all sums panted for
t'ic use of Greenwich Hospital, should be paid into the Bank of England;:
but as he understood that regulations were to Be adopted, which would
render that clause unnecessary, Tie should not press it. lie therefore
moved for leave to bring in a bill for the encouragement of his Majesty7*
naval service, by regulating the appointment to officers in the Naval Asylum*
and in Greenwich Hospital.
Mr. Rose, (Treasurer of the Navy) stated, that immediately after his
appointment to the office he then held, he iiad inquired into the lacts stated
in the Report of the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry; and that in conse-
quence of the representation made by him to the Admiralty, prosecution*
were now carrying on against the persons who had l>cen guilty- of wtalversw-
tion in that department. But having said this, he did- not think that the
lion. Baronet had made out any case to induce the House to accede to his
motion. About thirty years ago, an inquiry had been made into the state
and management of Greenwich Hospital ; but no legislative enactment wat
thought necessary. There were various offices, such as that of Organist,
Surveyor, and Architect, which persons of naval education would not be
competent to fill* The Auditor was an officer who required' a competent
skill in the law. The noble lord who now held that office had succeeded
Lord Thurlow, who must be allowed to have been skilled in the law.
Besides, the revenues of the Hospital exceeded 760,0001.- per annum, and
the receiver would require other qualifications than a naval education. A»
to the question respecting the Naval Asylum, he thought that the Hoii.
Baronet would do well to wait for the report from the commissioners oa
that head. He was as desirous as any person, that none bust those who
had served in the navy, should be employed in the offices of that institution,
* We wonder that a person of Mr. Rose's experience, who has bee»
acquainted with many eminent naval characters; and from his situation at
Treasurer of the Navy, may be supposed to be possessed, of" much informa-
tion on such a subject, should have advanced such an opinion. There ace
many seamen, who from having been in the various bauds belonging to
captains of ships, possess a competent knowledge of music, and would cer-
tainly fill the situation of Organist with- credit ; or if none could be found
amongst the common men, there doubtless might amongst superannuated
•midshipmen, or even the lieutenants. Some of our great Architects^ who
have figured away and amassed great riches in the fashionable world, hate
been carpenters ; and we see no reason why lull as able men might not ba
found amongst our very skilful ship carpenters, when they arc worn out, or
liave had their health injured in the service of their country. Many of tliiB
masters in the navy, who greatly demand attention, would make excellent
Hurvfi/ors. Naval situations should undoubtedly, in^ point of justice, he
always occupied by naval men ; and with all our respect for the HOIK G.
Rose, we think that the situation of Treasurer of the. Navy should be
expressly given to some eminent naval servant of his country. Sir
Nepean, and man; others, would fill it wilh jyeat credit^
ADMHlAL SIR C. M. ?O1E, BABT. M.P. 275
for which they would be qualified ; and if, when the regulations of tiie com-
missioner* should he produced, the Hon. Baronet should not be satisfied
with them, it would be perfectly competent to him to move for such a
measure as the present.
" Mr. Wliitbreud was of opinion, that -many musical persons were disa-
bled in the navy, who might be competent to the office of Organist ; and
observed, that the Right Hon. Gentleman who had just sat down, and
another Gentleman, a member of that House, were proofs that a naval
education did not vender persons unfit for such offices as those he had men-
tioned At any rate scctfuring men 7iiigkt /told sinecure offices as veil as any
»!hcr description of persone ; and -it appeared that the barber of the Hos-
pital, Mr. Henry Clew, a Swiss, employed six deputies, and derived an
income of 1501. per annum from his office, without any duty to perform,
bnt the superintendence of the shaving of the pensioners. He highly
•praised the labours of the Naval .Commissioners, and of the Hon. B:»ronet
in particular, and he was decidedly of opinion, I/tut no person should be
ailowed to hotd any office in either the Naval Asylum, or Greenwich Hos-
Jh'ul, wh'.i a- 1 is not a seafaring mati.
" Mr. Lwkiiurt regretted that the Hon. Baronet had connected the two
.establishments, which were so different in their object and nature. The
Naval Asylum had been instituted by public spirited persons, as strongly
attached to the naval service as the Hon. Baronet, who had subscribed a
sum of 50,0001. for the establishment. The proposal of the Hon. Baronet
went to shew a distrust that men having acted under such motives, would
not make regulations for ks management in the same spirit. Such distrust
might excite discontent in the navy, and a lukevvarmness in those who had
originated and promoted the institution. The commissioners were coin-
j .'••• :i of 17 gentlemen of the navy, and 11 who had not been of that pro-
fcssion. The latter could not dictate anv thing inimical to the interests of
the navy; ond he therefore thought that those who had framed the institu-
tion in favour of the navy, should not be deprived of their influence upon it
ky the vote of the Hon. Baronet.
" 3J.r. pontonby observed, that the arguments employed applied only to
that part of the motion which concerned the Naval Asylum, and not
against that which applied -to the carrying into effect the charter of Grcei>
wirh Hospital. That charter had, k appeared, been departed from, and
therefore there was a necessity for the interference of Parliament. He
suggested to the Hon. Baronet, whether he ought not to separate the ob-
jects of his bill, and move, Jn the first instance, for a bill to regulate
Greenwich Hospital; and afterwards, if it should be necessary, bring for-
ward si motion to regulate the Naval Asylum.
Sir C. Pole acceded tojhe suggestion of the Right Hon. Gentleman, and
«onfmcd his motion to the first object.
" The CfunicelLn- nf the. Exchequer, as the question had been narrowed,
should then only say, with respect to the Naval Asylum, that it v/ould be
competent to the Hon. Baronet to move an address to his Majesty for the
regulations of the comm'» -loners, and to make the or the subject of any tup.
ther proceeding be might think necessary. But as to the remaining part of
his motion, he did not think the House could agree to it, without having the
charter of the Hospital before it. It was as much the duty of the trustees,
under the charter, to correct any abuses that might exist, as it would if an
act of Parliament were to pass for the purpose. But the question was,
whether it would be desirable, if only a single candidate, who had been con-
nected with the navy, should offer for an oftice, who might not be as well
qualified as other candidates, that any peremptory order for his appoint-
ment should be enacted. He contended that there was no necessity for an
act of Parliament. The Hon. Baronet himself had been, whilst in the
office of a Lord of the Admiralty, in a situation to correct these abuses, and
if he had not done so, it was not a matter of blame to him, as he had.
followed the course pursued by his predecessors; and if any mischief had
arisen, it must have been only from inadvertency on his part. The House
lie was sure would not accede to the motion, until it should have the charter
of the Hospital before it.
" Sir John Nezrport contended, that every statement of the Right Hon.
Gentleman shewed the necessity of the bill. As abuses existed, it was
highly necessary that an act of Parliament should be made to correct them.
And many of the trustees would be glad to be protected against the appli-
cations of their frie'nds, by the provisions of an act of Parliament. The
IJon. Baronet appeared to him to deserve the thanks of the House and the
country, fur his accurate attention to the interests of a profession to which
he was an ornament; and as to the unfitness of naval men for the offices in
the Hospital, he never could forget that the late Lord Chancellor hud been
in that profession.
" Mr. Pole Curew contended, that either there were rules in the charter
requiring persons holding offices to be seafaring men, or there were not ;
and that in either case it would be necessary for the House to interfere, to
ailow qualified persons to be appointed, or to prevent persons not qualified
from being appointed.
" Admiral Sir John Ord could not agree to the motion, as he thought it
could neither be consistent with justice, nor promote the advanlai>es of the
institution, to take it out of the hands of t lie trustees,
" Sir F. Burdctt was extremely surprised at the opposition given to
this bill, which was to remedy gross abuses acknowledged to be existing.
All that had been said, applied solely to the bill, the exceptionable parts
of which, if any, might be left out. The principal object he had in rising,
was to thank the lion. Baronet for the course he was pursuing in spite of
all obstacles. He could not suppose that the House could object to the
introduction of the bill, because no negative had been given to the state-
ment of the Hon. Baronet. He never had been more astonished, than at
the frivolous objections which had been made to the motion. The object
of the bill was to inflict a penalty on those who should violate the pi ^visions
of the charter; and he did hope that the House would never come to any
determination that would preclude the Hon. Baronet from bringing forward
his bill. A division then look place— For the motion, 52— .Against it, 78.
Majority, 2o."
. M- POLE, BAjaT. M,P. 277
This measure of Sir Charles Pole being thus defeated, Ije sooa
afterwards proposed, and carried an address to his Majesty, pray,
jug, he would be pleased to dirept, that the charter of Greenwich
Hospital should be so amended, or a new charter drawn, which
might prevent the recurrence of abuses now complained of. The
following is what passed on that occasion in the House of Com-
mons, March 22 (18Q8) :—
" Sir C. Pole, pursuant to notice, called the attention of the House to
some appointments on the establishment of Greenwich Hospital, in which
due regard was not had, to the preference that ought to be shewn to per-
sons who had served in the navy. He cited all the commissions relative t9
Greenwich Hospital, from the first under William and Mary, to shew that
such a preference ought always to be given ; and concluded with moving an
address to his Majesty, praying, that he would be graciously pleased to gir«
directions, that all appointments belonging to the said Hospital, should
henceforth be filled with persons who had served in the navy.
" The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, it must be the object of .every
one to promote as much as possible what the Hon. Baronet was desirous to
accomplish. But there were offices, for which persons properly qualified
could not be found in the navy, such as Clerk of the Works, who should be
an architect; Auditor, who should be a lawyer; Organist, Brewer, Clerk
of the Cheque, Surveyor, and other?. Wich these exceptions, lie thought
110 other office should be filled otherwise than from the navy; except when
after a months notice in the newspapers, no naval person should present
himself with proper qualifications to fill the office vacant. He should pro-
pose an amendment, adopting the Hon. Baronet's idea, with this limitation;
and he should, in the event of the amendment being adopted, propose an
address to his Majesty, praying that he would cause a corresponding altera-
tion to be made in the charter of Greenwich Hospital.
After some observations from Mr. Whitbread, Mr. Rose, Mr. N. Calvert,
and Mr. R. Ward, Sir C. Pole agreed to the exceptions proposed by the
Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the motions were passed accordingly."*
." House of Commons, April Jl.t— Sir Charles Pole rose, in pursuance of
his notice, to move a certain Resolution relative to the Royal Naval Asylum,
somewhat similar to that which he had lately proposed as to Greenwich
Hospital. He knew it would be objected to what he was about to propose,
that this charitable institution had been originally supported by private
voluntary donations; but it appeared to him to be now under the immediate
management of government, the more especially as Parliament had been
cailed^on to vote considerable sums of money for its support. No doubt
the private donations from other individuals were very important; but still
* COBBETX'S DEBATES, Vol. X. page 1243. i Ibid. Vol. XI. page 3.
there appeared no reason for separating its mode of management from that
p{ Greenwich Hospital, as described in the charter. Here the IIoiv
Baronet gave a statement of the post important public and private contrir
billions to this Asylum, lie observed, that a very large- portion of that
called prhate contribution, was given from the Patriotic Fund, which was
avowedly for the purpose of relieving the distresses of the relations of thosa
xvho fell in the naval battles of their country. ' Surely, then,' heexclaimeo^
* the offices of this charitable and naval institution could not be better
bestowed than upon those who had survived these battles, but unfortunately
were disabled. The sum subscribed by the Patriotic Fund amounted to
40,0001. and such being the intention of that fund, it surely never could be
supposed, that other persons subscribing small sums, could mean that their
donations should be bestowed otherwise, than upon individuals connected
•with the navy. They could, never imagine, that they were subscribing
towards the relief of persons, such as those already appointed to offices in
that Asylum, who were as far removed from the naval service as Jhe Great
.Mogul. The House was formerly told, that the office of Auditor of Green-
\vich Hospital must be filled by a lawyer, that Hospital possessing great
sugar estates, and also great estates of other descriptions in the north ; but
in the present case, what was there of law business to transact for the
Naval Asylum. It was not, however, a lawyer that had been appointed to
the As\lum, but a wealthy clergyman, who, for doing little or nothing, was
to enjoy, in addition to other incoine, a salary of 3001. a year as Auditor.
Besides which, he was to possess a free house and garden, and a very large
sum of money had been laid out in repairing a house for his residence,
amounting, he believed, to about 1,7001. and added to ajl this, even furni?
ture to the house. I really, Sir, am convinced the duties of the office I
allude to, might be performed by some poor worn out or disabled naval qr
marine officer, at a salary less than 1001. a year ; but instead of this, no
less than 7001. was thus squandered away upon a spiritual gentleman, who
had no occasion for any assistance whatever. Another thing he should obr
ject to upon this establishment, was, the appointment of a surgeon, u'/io had
«ewr been at sea during his life, and inducing him by a great salary, to give
up his private practice, instead of appointing a naval surgeon, who would,
lie less expensive, and more thankful for the favour bestowed upon him.
There were various other appointments, which he thought objectionable,
such as the Clerk of the Institution, the Clerk of Instructions, &c. but
the rhief ones were those I have mentioned, the Auditor and Surgeon. I
have no difficulty, Sir, in saving, that the persons who have appointed an
Irish clergyman to the office of Auditor of the Nava! Asylum, have done
wrong, if they knew that he was already possessed of four church livings in
Ireland, and a glebe land so extensive as to contain 540 Irish acres. The
gentleman he alluded to was Dr. Thomas Brooke Clarke, to whom besides
there had been granted several very large sums, by resolutions of the House,
as might be seen by their journals.' (Here certain resolutions were read
by the clerk at the desire of the Hon. Baronet. Amongst these was the
'sum of 5561. grautcd to Dr. Tljomas Brooke Clarke, fur his trouble in en*
ADMIRAL siu c. M. POLE, BAIIT. nr.p. 97$
Jtfrcing tks residence of the Clergyi whilst he himself hi 'ended lo establish
hi* residence at tlit N&vai Asylum, instead of biing at air/ <f liis li;-i:igs in
Ireland.) Had all this been known, continued Sir Charles, when thii
reverend divine was rccommeiuled, I certainly do thin!; he could not have
been appointed to that .lucrative situation". There are many of the old
disabled oriicers of the navy, with lar^e families, who would have been most
thankful and grateful for the appointments of Auditor, Surgeon, or Clerks
to the Institution. I shall now, Sir, sit down, with the hope that the Reso-
lution which I shall propose may meet with some consideration; for in doing
this we are saving the public money, and adding to the comforts of those
really entitled to relief, and who would ever be grateful for the favour
bestowed.- It is with this view that I propose this Resolution — That it ap-
pears to this House, that the ajipointinent of competent and qualified pcrsunt
from the naval and marine service, to hold offices and employment* in the
ttterul departments of the Royal Naval Asylum, will le. productive vf much
advantage, to the empire, by materially encouraging tite naral service, and
diminishing the public expenditure. — This Resolution the Hon. Baronet said,
if acceded to, he should follow up with another, for an address to hi*
Majesty, praying that he would be graciously pleased to take the most sum-
mary ineaus of carrying that object into effect." — After a long debate the
H.OUSC divided, for the Resolution, 46, against it, 78. Majority, 25.
Previous to the debate* on the Rochfort squadron (May 9th,
I SOS) which succeeded what had passed in the House ou the samo
evening, respecting the expedition to the Dardanelles, Sir Charles
Pole had shewn a laudable anxiety for the fame of a brother
officer, by observing, That the question respecting the Rochfort
squadron, ought not to be brought on in the absence of S/r
H. Strachan, or of some person qualified and authorised lo defend.
his conduct, as far at it might be implicated in the question.
Mr. Calcraft, in rising to bring forward the motion of which he
had given notice, declared that nothing was more distant from his
intention, than to throw out the slightest reflection upon the con-
duct of Sir Richard Strachan, for whose character both as a naval
officer and a man, he entertained the highest veneration; and
nothing which had fallen from the Right Hon. Baronet went to
impute to him any such intention. All that the Hon. Baronet had
said was, that the testimony of Sir R. Strachan would be very
material in guiding the decision of the House upon the question
which he was now bringing before it, and in this he perfectly agreed
with him. After going at large into the state of Sir R. Strachan's
squadron, as to iis means not only of remaining on the blockading
* COLBBTT'S Debates, Vol. XI. page 13?.
service on which it had been employed, but also of following ff?«
enemy ; Mr. Calcraft declared that Sir R. Strachan wds reduced to
such distress for provisions, that instead of addressing his letters,
as he had been in the habit of doing, lo Lord Gardner, lie wrote
directly to the Admiralty, to make his distress knoivrn to that
Board j a state of distress to which lie could not IUITC been reduced
tvithout the grossest negligence in that department of government.
Mr. CaJcraft, after fully discussing this subject, moved fire Resolu-
tions, rising out of the question he had brought forward. When,
after Mr. Wellesley Pole had spoken in defence of the conduct of
the Admiralty, and been called to order by Mr. Tierney, for
offering to read a paper not regularly before the House, and Mr.
"VV. Pole had replied,
" Sir Charles Pole arose, — He totally differed from the Hon. Gentleman
who had just sat down, both as to the facts themselves, and the inferences
which he drew from them. He read extracts from many different letters on
the tahle, by which he shewed that the fleet off Ilochfort was very badly
provided, and could not have followed the enemy more than three or four
days. The power of despatching ships to relieve Sir R. Strachan, it wa&
plain, was not vested in Lord Gardner; else he surely would not have sent
oiF five different and anxious letters to the Admiralty on the subject, lie
read extracts from a letter dated 11th of December, stating to the Admi-
ralty the distress of the fleet, which letter was answered by the Admiralty
on the 18th, sending a supply of provisions in one victualling ship :
although this ship was intended for the supply of three squadrons, namely,
that off L 'Orient, off Ferrol and Ilochfort, yet she did not convey more than
sixteen days bread for the line-of-battle ships off Ilochfort alone. He said,
if every pound of bread which had been so sent, had been received by the
Ilochfort fleet alone, it would not have put it in a situation to follow the
enemy. Such inattention on the part of the Admiralty was the greatest
blow England could receive, as it would be the greatest triumph the enemy
could obtain. That day was perilous to us indeed, when we found our-
selves unable to furnish seven sail of the line sufficiently to keep their sta-
tion. He could not conceive what was meant by sending one store-ship out
to supply such a fleet with bread, wine, and water. He could not foretel
what would be the decision of the House, but he knew well what would be
the sense of the country on such conduct. The House might divide threo
to one in its favour, but the nation would not be a whit the more con-
•unced. He then read an extract from a letter to the Board of Admiralty,
dated the loth December, in which it was declared, that the fleet was in
total waut both of sails, water, and every other necessary with which a fleet
should be provided. In consequence of such a situation, Sir Richard
Strac'lmn was compelled to quit his anchorage, to look out for victuallers.
"What was the event? The enemy, taking the advantage of his absence^
escaped out of Rochforr, which tliev never could have done, nor would
have attempted, had Sir Richard heen sufficiently provided to have kept his
station in Basque Road*. At length, however, lie did obtain a supply of'
340 tons oi' water, which exactly provided his fleet for 26 days; and although
he admitted that the Superb and Colossus further increased his store, stiil
they did not so increase it, as to enable him to pursue the enemy with
safety. On the 2Cth the Admiralty had an acknowledgment from the fleet
of 23 days bread, 45 days water, and 24 days wine; this supply added to
the former supplies, made a total of right weeks and three days provisions;
awd he would ask, was that a sufficiency for a pursuit, for instance, to the
Cape of Good Hope ? — The present Board of Admiralty might be actuated
by as pure and praise-worthy a zeal as possible; but he lamented their
talents were not equal to their zeal. He said as to Sir Richard StrachanV
squadron quitting Basque Roads, he believed there was a reason for it, but
too serious for him to state in that House. As to the transports which it
had been stated were sent to relieve the squadron, although three had been,
sent, still but one arrived. He complained loudly of the mischief which
would ensue, from keeping ships at sea on urgent duty, waiting for the
arrival of transports ; they should be so situated as totally to feel abova
contingencies; but here so fatal was the adoption of a contrary course, that
even had our blockading admiral seen the fleet which he blockaded standing
out to sea on the 21st of January, he could not have chased them twenty
leagues from land ! From the very weekly accounts laid upon the table for
the perusal of the country, it appeared that there was at that time on board
the fleet, only bread for 1 6'days, and water for 25 days ! — The Hon. Baronet -
declared he did not wish idly to declaim against the measures of any man,
or set of men, but he solemnly did assert, that had a charge of the nature
of this inquiry, been brought before a court martial, with no other justifica-
tion than what the papers on the table of the House offered, he shouid have
no hesitation in deciding on his oath, that the British squadron otfRochfort
had not been supplied in the manner in which the exigency of the service
required, and the safety of the country demanded. He could not conceive
how men could bring themselves lo sport thus with the feelings of a gallant
and deserving officer. What must those feelings have been, when, after
all his hope, his anxiety, and fatigue, he had seen the French stealing out of
llochfort, unable to follow and defeat them from the unmerited neglect
with which he had been treated. The arrival of the Colossus and Superb,
had, however, been much dwelt upon ; and after all, even when they
divided their supplies among the fleet, what provision had it ? Exactly seven
days bread, 63 days wine and spirits, and 40 days water! He was ashamed
to take up the time and trouble of the House in detailing such broad and
simple facts as these, when in truth any observation on the subject was ren-
dered quite unnecessary, by the able statement of the Hon. Gentleman who
opened the debate. This was a question to which the House should give
all its attention. It involved the dearest interests, of the country, whose
•afety was identified with the welfare of the fleet. As to the new system
which the Hon. Gentleman (Mr. Yv . Pole) had broached to-night, he was .
/Rat!, fffcron. tBof, XXI. o o
sorry to see any such attempted; if its effects were to be the allowing a sliip
to remain at sea for eleven months, and when she had remained at home
only as many days, sending her out again — if such were to be its effects, he
disclaimed and denounced such a measure : the name of the ship so treated
•was the Defiance. He deprecated leaving ships so long, and so ill provided'
at sea, for such a length of time.. He did not profess himself friendly to-
a vote of censure on the Admiralty, however ho might have thought them
inefficient; before such a measure was adopted, evidence should be heard
tit the bar of the House; and then, and not until then, a-censure could be
warrantably passed on so public and respectable a Board ; but what must
the squadron off Rochfort think, what must be the feelings of the whole
British fleet, and of the country at large, when an impartialand temperate
examination of the papers laid on the table of the House by the Admiralty,
proved, that the blockading squadron had been cruelly neglected? And
admitting for the sake of argument, that every pound) of bread, and every
gallon of wine, and spirits, which reached Sir Richard Straohan before the
departure of the French squadron,, had been correctly distributed, still ic
WRS most notorious, that the British squadron would not have been in astute
to have followed the enemy.''
After a speech from Mr. Ward in defence of the Board, Mr.
G. Ponsonby closed the debate by observing, That the Resolution
went to say, that Sir R. Strachan was not supplied with provisions,
and that was proved by the documents ou the table beyond a
question. Mr. Ponsonby concluded a very spirited speech by
declaring, that he did not charge the Board of Admiralty with in-
tentional neglect, but he charged them with want of judgment.—
The House then divided on the previous question. — Ayes^ 146.
Noes, 69. Majority against the Resolution, 77.
In the same session this indefatigable guardian of the welfare of
the British navy, on the 14th of June, 1808, endeavoured to call
the attention of the House of Commons to the office of King's
Proctor; and moved an adiltess to his* Majesty, praying, that he
would appoint two or more proctors, in order that the naval service
might have an option. y The following is the speech which he made-
on that occasion : —
" He declared,* thnt ke rose in pursuance of the notice which he had
given, to call the attention of the House and the country to the mode of coiv
ducting the business of the jiavy in the High Court of Admiralty. It was a
subject which he had considered of the first importance tO' his Majesty's
naval service, and on which he had more than once endeavoured to express
iis sentiments to the House, ami to urge ancl pray for amendment; but he
was sorry to say, the influence which the Right Hon. and Hon. Member
* COBBHTI'S Debates, Vol. II. page 8vO.
AUMIRAL Sill C. M. frOLT, BART. M.P. 283
<«onnected whli that Court possessed, had hitherto effectually prevented the
alteration required. Yet thisshould not deter him from exerting his utmost
to correct evils which were notorious, and which must continue to exist
whilst the Court was-conducted as at present. — It was his intention to move
two Resolutions, the one purporting that 'the duties of the King's Proctor,
or Procurator General were so numerous, that no one perion was equal to
discharge them; tl>e other that an humble address be presented to his
Majesty, praying that he would appoint three or more persons to be
employed as Proctors in the High Court of Admiralty, and High Court of
Appeal. It would require little argument to satisfy any impartial mind,
with the necessity of these Resolutions, without meaning to cast the smallest
censure on the character of the individual who held the office of proctor, or
those connected with him. On the -contrary, he was ready to give them
due credit for exerting themselves to the utmost ; but the business of that
Court was so increased since the establishment of one proctor was deemed
sufficient, that it was impossible it could be executed in a manner to do
justice to the individuals in his Majesty's navy. Great delays, enormous
charges, and injustice, must be the natural, and is the actual consequence.
In the course of the last four years, more than 3000 ships have beea
;libelled by the King's Proctor; on an average, each of those ships may be
5aid to produce three distinct causes, which would encrease them to 9000.
Be it always remembered by the House, that the whole of what he was now
stating, and about to state, is the special duty of the King's Proctor, ztr.'io is
.exclusively employed for the whole navy of England in all matters of prize,
.•besides all cases in uliich the interest of Ids Majesty is agitated ; in all
appeals to the privi/ council, as well a$ in all memorials and reports : the
number of appeal cases in the last four years have not been less than 500,
.all of which are under his immediate direction, and on many of them very in-
.tricate and diilicult questions arise; the papers upon the table of the House
shew the number of ships Hbelled in the last four years by the King's proc-
,tor, are above 3000 ; there are other papers on the table which shew the
-amount of the proctor's bills on ships condemned as droits. If Gentlejnen
will take the trouble to average those bills, they will find them to give -an
average of 951. on each case; but faking the average profit of the proctor's
bill at less than a moiety of that sum, the .500 appeal cases at an average of
1001. would produce a sum which he was satisfied the House would deem
sufficient for at least three or foqr King's proctors. To the cases of ships
libelled, and appeals to the privy council, must be added the numerous list
of memorials and reports, which make a large portion of the profits of the
office. But it was not the enormity of the sum that he so much objected
.to, it was the impossibility of justice being rendered to the British navy, by
the system now persevered in, that induced him to offer his Resolutions ;
and if he were not so fortunntu as to succeed this day, he still flattered him-
self the period was not far oiF, when his Majesty's government would see
the necessity of revising this Court. He was aware he should be told, that
vessels captured by men of war, did not belong to the captors, but to the
erovvn,$ therefore his Resolution and- Address were. an improper iitter£erciu»
with the prerogative. Most sincerely should he regret such an objection to
rendering justice to a most valuable portion of his Majesty's subjects. The
delays and cxpences of the Admiralty Court, and the numerous evils and
abuses which have occurred, were so well known to almost every individual
connected with the navy, that he had not troubled the House with a long list
of them in detad, meaning to rest the expediency of his motion on what
must be obvious to every impartial man, in or out of that House ; namely,
the impossibility of one Proctor executing the duties allotted to him. He had
uever been able to collect any substantial objection to the appointment by
Lis Majesty of three or more learned and discreet proctors, ft) officiate as
King's proctors in the said Courts. With this view of the subject, he
should take the liberty of moving the Resolution and Address as before
The Advocate General feltit necessary to oppose the Resolutions,
as injurious to the interests of the nation and of the navy itself. Mr.
II. Martin supported the motion. Neither the prerogative of the
crown, nor the interests of the nation, would be at all injured by the
appointment of more than one proctor, for all the proceedings would
be as much under the eye of government a^ before. The proctor
considered himself as totally independent of the captors : it would
be much better for the navy that they should be enabled to choose
a proctor who would be responsible to themselves. Mr. Stephens
observed, that the business could not be better managed, than it
vas by the King's proctor and his assistants. Mr. Bastard, in the
course of his speech, replied to some arguments adduced on the
opposite side, "It has been said, Sir, that the interests of the navy
itself were better provided for by the present practice; but the
contrary was the impression universally felt in the navy, though
most unwarrantable measures had been employed by the Admiralty
to stille their complaint*. I know the fact^ because a petition has
been put into my hands, complaining of gross abuses, and signed
by many of the most respectable persons in the navy ; some of
ivhora had withdrawn their names, in consequence of their having
been menaced with the vengeance of the Admiralty, and I refused
to present the petition afterwards, lest I should thereby draw down
that vengeance on the parties." Mr. Whitbread spoke in support
of the Resolutions. Sir Samuel Romilly thought that the best
time to reform the constitution of a court of justice was "when the
offices in the court were respectably and unexccptionaWy filled;
because, at such a time) all personal and parly motives must
ADMIRAL sift c. M. POLE, BART. M.P. 285
necessarily be excluded. He did not pretend to be intimately ac-
quainted with the mode of proceeding in the Admiralty Courts ;
but he conceived it to be a very extraordinary principle, and one
contrary to that which was recognised in all other courts, that one
person, however able and however distinguished, cither by his
talents or integrity, should engross the whole practice of the
Sir Charles Pole made a short reply, in which he stated, that
some causes had been pending in the Admiralty Courts more than
ten years ; and that a majority had been pending more than seven
years. He should think that he was wanting in his duty, if he did
not take the sense of the House upon the motion -which he had the
honour to have proposed. The House then divided upon the Hon.
Barojiefs motion, Ayes, 16, Noes, 35. Majority, 19.
The next instance in which this valuable and patriotic officer
displayed his political courage and vigilance was on the succeeding
17th of July, ( 1808) when opposing the Grant moved for by the
Chancellor of the Exchequer, " Towards carrying on the building
of the Naval Asylum at Greenwich."
Sir C. Pole opposed the Grant; for which he said the trustees ought not
to have applied to Parliament whilst they had in their hands a sum of
50,0001. towards carrying on the purposes of that Institution; no account
of the application of which was laid before the House, nor the interest of
that sum, which ought also to be applied to the purposes of the establish-
ment. He said, that a great wast£ of public money already granted had
been committed, in paying a large salary and allowances to an useless and
unnecessary officer, namely, the Auditor ; and expended in building for him
a house, with extensive gardens, and ounces. There was no such officer in
the military Asylum, and he thought this a wasteful profusion of public
money ; and towards a clergyman too, who- possessed two valuable livings
in Ireland, upon which it was his duty to reside, and which in the spirit of
the Act lately passed in that House, he ought to be obliged to reside. He
objected also to the employment of a surgeon with a large saliiry, house, and
othces, who never had been in the navy; because he thought that all officer*
of a naval in-»titut:on ought to be naval men, and that this institution, by
employing men wholly unconnected with the navy, was rather a discou-
racement to the navy than otherwise,
" Mr. Roue expressed his astonishment, that the Hon. Baronet could
expect that a sum of 50,0001. which was the donation of private persons,
and i^iven expressly on the condition of providing for such children of sea-
men^s they should recommend, was to be applied, in the first instance,
for the quite different purpose of carrying on the building now adopted bv
tiis Majesty, and sanctioned by Parliament. lie was ready to give the Hes.
Admiral credit for the .friendship he had always professed towards the
navy ; but was utterly at a loss to reconcile that profession with the Hon.
Admiral's opposition to the means of carrying on the building of an Institu-
tion, where a thousand children, the orphans of seamen, were to be pro.
vided for, and which must actually be stopt, if the means were not imme-
diately granted for continuing the business of architecture ; and this merely
because two gentlemen were employed as officers in the Institution, who
were not actually naval men. He was utterly at a loss to account for thi*
persevering opposition from the Hon. Admiral, who, while he professed a
jreal for the interests of officers in the navy, was actually, in effect, endea-
vouring to impede objects most interesting to the feelings of those officers.
There was a •school instituted at Greenwich Hospital, designed originally
for the tons of naval officers, to the number of 200. That school was now
full, but nol entirely with the children of officers, of whom there were but
73, the rest being the son* of common seamen ; an-d for want of room, the
son of an Admiral was now obliged to sleep in the same bed with one of
those common boys. It was designed to remove from the school to tho
Asylum, all the children of common seamen, so as to leave the Institution
free for the full number of officers' children ; and yet to this intention, the
Hon. Admiral was, in effect, offering every opposition in his power. As to
the gentleman who filled the office of auditor, he was not employed by the
present Commissioners, they found him in the employment, while under
private direction, and they thought it not right to discontinue him. But he
begged leave to s:iy, there was an officer in the Military Asylum to execute
the same duties, but he was under the denomination of treasurer. The
auditor was personally quite a stranger to him, except in his official capa-
city, and he had himself inspected the house and garden allotted, ami
thought them by no means unreasonable for the person who filled the
situation. But as to his livings in Ireland, and his own residence there, it
had nothing to do with this question, so long as he was obliged by the strict
rules of the Asylum, to be constantly resident there, or resign his situation.
" The House then resolved into the Committee, and on tlie Chancellor
•of the Exchequer moving for the sum of 3o,000l. for the Asylum,
" Sir C. Pole said, that his motives for persevering were the same which
had actuated him with respect to Greenwich Hospital; namely, to preserve
the exclusive right of the navy to the official appointments originally intended
for them, but which principle had been shamefully violated in the case of
Greenwich Hospital. The like violation of principle had commenced in
the Naval Asvlum, and if it were not resisted in the outset, he should expect
shortly to see the governorship there, conferred perhaps upon some Ger-
man captain of cavalry, and the minor situations filled by Hanoverian
subalterns or Serjeants, instead of British naval officers. He would not,
however, divide the committee,
"Mr. Windliam vindicated the motives of the lion. Admiral, withouf
entering into the examination of his objections. The Resolution was then
put and carried.''
On the 16th of March, in the present year, 1809, Mr. Robert
Ward rose to answer somc'-observations made by Sir C. Pole ou a
former night, respecting the Pay Captains of the Marines.
" The statement of the Hon. TCaronet was totally fallacious. Those pay-
masters were established under the administration of Earl St. Vincent ;
they were selected fraia the oldest raptaius in that service ; and in considera-
tion of the duty of paymaster allotted them, tliey were exempted from all
duty afloat, and had nothing else to do than merely to attend courts martial
til the places where they were quartered ; and instead of having imposed
on them the duty of paying tlie whole body of marines, amounting to 32,CGQ
men, t!;cv had not ahove one-fourth, OH perhaps one-sixth of the wh.>le, for
the remainder were always afloat, and the pay was only to be issued to
division; 01 rationally landing : even for this purpose (hey had payraasters'-
serjeaius allowed them, and had only to controul their accounts. Willi
refptct to the stoppages of one day's pay in a year from the marines t»
(. i.:'i=ea Hospital, from which they derived no advan'aae, he found no stop-
page whatever was made from the privates, except for Greenwich Hospital,
to the benefits of which they were entitled, in common with seamen ; and
as to the stoppage of a day's pay in each venr, and the poundage of five per
ceut. upon the pay of officers, it was handed over to the War Office for the
benefit of the Widow's Fund ; which the relicts of marine officers enjsyed
in common with those of officer* of the line ; but those stoppages had never
been made since the year 180G, as the pay was issued net, to all officers
under the rank of colonel, on the same footing as the other officers of 'the
" Sir Charles Pole said, if the Hon. Gentleman had given this exphmatioa
as to the stoppages of pay before, it would have altered his own view of the
subject. But he still held the same opinion with respect to the situation of
the Pay Captains. He was wall informed they had a regulaj- ledger account
Co keep with every mm and boy in the marine sen ice, for which they hnd
BO remuneration, although the captain? of marine artillery, for only paying
their own companies, had 2s. per day additional pay. Besides those old
officers, in any branch of the service, would have been entitled to majorities,
and many of them now would have been old field officers. Any advantage,
therefore, which could be given them, without great expence to the public,
ought not to be withheld from a brave class of men, whose existence was
scarcely known to their country except by their brilliant services in he*
" Mr. Ward explained.
" Mr. Calcraft felt it his duty to state, that it wns understood rery
generally, that the stoppages from the marine troops were as stated by th»
Hon. Baronet; and it now seemed the power actually did exist for leaking
those stoppages, although it was not exercised to the extent supposed, but
confined to Marine officers and towards the Widow's Fund. But he saw
no reason why U*e Marine Oaioers should not have a distinct Widow's Fund
9* their ywa.
" Mr. Wclleslf.)/ Pole, said, it was the intention of the present Bonn? of
Admiralty to afford to the marine corps every practicable and reasonable
indulgence. But there was a mistake with respect to the stoppages from
the pay of marjne officers in general for the Widow's Fund. No such stop-
pages were now made but from officers who retired on full pay ; and the
widows of the marine officers received their pensions at the War Office, paid
by the public. With respect to the situation of the Pay Captains, he begged
leave to refer the lion. Baronet to a petition presented by those very officers
to the Admiralty, when he himself was at that Board, praying for this very
allowance, which the Hon. Baronet now sought to obtain for them, and the
answer then given to their petition was, that the berth was a pretty good
one, and it was very desirable it should continue to exist; but if they did
not like it with full pay, and exemption from all other duty, they might
take their turns of service : ever since, they had been pretty well satisfied
to remain as they were. With respect to the Compassionate List, for which
there was a bill now in progress, it was only for such widows and orphans
as were not entitled to any provision otherwise, nor was it ever thought of
before the establishment of the present Admiralty Board; and it was his
intention in the committee on this bill, to place the widows of marine officer*
on the same footing in this respect with thost; of the officers of the navy and.
" Sir C. Po/t'had no recollection of the petition from the pay captains just
" Mr. Hutc/iinson said, that an opinion had been very generally enter-
tained by marine officers, that the corps !md contributed by stoppages,
some 30,0001. to Chelsea Hospital, without receiving any advantage.
" Mr. Ward said, that no trace of such stoppages could be found in thq
navy books since the year 175.5.
" After some further conversation, in which Mr. Pole, Colouel Bastard,
nnd Sir Charles Pole spoke, the House went into committee on the bill,
made several amendments, and it was ordered to be reported on the next
On the 2Ist of March, Sir Charles Pole brought another
important object before the House, which again shewed a neglect
of naval officers in those {situations at the Victualling Board, which
they had generally been allowed to occupy, and which Sir Charles
•was particularly induced to make, from circumstances that had
been brought to light by the report of the Commissioners of Naval
" House of Commons, March 21, 1809.— -Sir C. Pole, pursuant to notice,
rose to call the attention of the House to the necessity which existed on the
part of the Board of Admiralty, of selecting such members only for appoint-
ment to this Bo.Td as were men of professional experience, ability, integrity,
and indefatigable industry, in the duties of their office; and to the inc.onvc-
iiienceii-aud losses whigh obviously had, and unavoidably must continue to
accrae to the public service, and to the country, from the want of due
attention to this salutary principle. The lion. Baronet, in support of his
position, recurred to a long series of documents in the Reports of the Com-
mittees of Finance and of Naval Revision, and took an historical view of
the state of the navy at different periods, in order as well to shew that that
state was always affected either by the possession or the want of pro-
fessional experience in those who at different times undertook its manage-
ment, and directed its operations, as to prove, that within the present reign,
for the want of such experience, ability, and industry in those who at
different periods superintended the various branches of naval expenditure,
the most gross and flagitious profusion, improvidence, and peculation had
prevailed in our dock-yards at home, and our fleets in foreign service; and
that the public accounts in that department had been suffered to run into
such arrear and confusion, a» to render the audit of them totally imprac-
ticable, for a series of twenty years together, to the preclusion of all effectual
means to check the progress of peculation .and fraud. In no one branch of
the naval department had tkis system of inefficiency more mischievously
prevailed than in that of the Victualling Board, where, it appcaif-J by one
©f the latest Reports of the Commissioners of Naval Revision, that accounts
to a very considerable extent had continued in arrear for above twenty years
without liquidation. But it was not merely of late years that such com-
plaints had existed in this department; for ever since the reign of Queen
Anne t!»e Victualling Office accounts had been always in arrear, and at the
time of the last Report of tlie Commissioners of Naval Revision, there
were actually accounts to die amount of nine millions unsettled. He
trusted, however, that since that Report had been laid upon the table, no
new arrears of account had been suffered to accumulate. At a time when
tlie urgent affairs of this country called for great expenditure, and conse-
quently for a heavy pressure of taxation on the people, it was but right and
reasonable that the people should be convinced that a scrupulous and effi-
cient vigilance was exerted in every department of office, in order to secure
the fair application of every shilling granted for the public service ; and his
principal motive for BOW calling the attention of the House to this subject,
•was, not to cast any blame oa the present Board of Admiralty, but in order
to record on the Journals of the House a resolution which he should have
the honour to propose now, before the Navy Estimates came to be voted,
in order to prove that die House coincided with the recommendation stated
in thd Reports of the Commissioners of Naval Revision. He concluded-by
moving a Resolution, " That it is the opinion of tl-js House that neither live
plan recommended by the Commissioners of Naval Revision, respecting the
Victualling Board, nor any other plan can be effectual, if that Board be
.composed of any other than men of extensive experience, knowledge,
ability, integrity, and indefatigable j>erseverance in their duties."
" Mr. R. Ward spoke at considerable length, in answer to the lion.
Baronet. He said that he should be totally at a loss to understand the real
.object of the Honourable Baronet's motion from his speech this night, if h«
Jia'd not heard the conversations both within and without those walls, which
el. XXI, P *•
had their origin in the suggestions of the lion. Baronet, and were calculated
to throw blame on the present Board of Admiralty. This, he conceived, to
be the true motive of the Hon. Baronet for wishing now to enter upon the
Journals of the House the Resolution which he proposed ; the truth of
which no man cr-uld deny, and which was the very ground laid for what
the present Board of Admiralty had done, towards the very system of reform
in the naval department, now urged by the Honi" Baronet. lie must, there-
fore, be excused from imputing the motion of the Hon. Baronet merely to
the motives he avowed. He must call tilings by their right names, and
freely avow his own conviction, that the true object of the Hon. Baronet's
motion was to cast an indirect censure on the Board of Admiralty; and,
therefore, without dissenting from the truth of the Resolution, he would
oppose it by the previous question. It would have been more honourable
and manly to name the persons to whose appointments he had objected, and
thereby give to the friends of those gentlemen the opportunity of defending
them fairly and openly. The Hon. Member then named severally the
different Members of the Victualling Board, to whose characters he paid
hi^h encomiums, and wished the lion. Baronet to state to which, if to any
of them, he could personally object. The persons at that Board, against
whom he conceived the Hon. Baronet's motion chiefly directed, were
Colonel Welsh and Captain Stuart, and this for no other cause than that
they were military men, and therefore in the Hon. Baronet's estimation
unfit to sit at the Victualling Board. He (Mr. Ward) however conceived
that military experience was as necessary as naval experience to the
efficiency of that Board; inasmuch as ever since the year 1793, by a new
arrangement of the Board, with increased salaries, additional clerks, and the
appointment of a military inspector of provisions, the duty of purchasing
victualling stores for the army in foreign stations, as well as for the navy,
devolved upon them, although the victualling of both branches of the public
force was carried on under distinct departments, was different in kind, and
distributed differently on shipboard, and in garrison. The Commi-.sioners
of Revision had said there should be some military and some civilians.
There could be no objection, nor was there any to Colonel Welsh, other
than his being appointed by Lord Mulgrave, and every one but the Hon.
Baronet allowed his merits. All he had said of Colonel Welsh was equally
applicable to Captain Stuart; and in point of justice the Hon. Baronet
ought to get up and state, that they have no abilities and no integrity, if he
wished to throw blame on the Admiralty for these appointments. The
motion went to charge the Admiralty with blame, without a single argu-
ment in support of it. He was, therefore, compelled to move the previous
Mr. H. Martin said he had never heard more warmth nor less argument
than in the speech just delivered by the Hon. Gentleman. The fact was,
the Admiralty had dismissed, or allowed to retire, Mr. Marsh, who pre-
sided at the Victualling Board, under the pretence of his age and in-
firmities, because the accounts were in a mar, and had appointed a person
hmch the senior of him they had removed: and the person so appointed.
had been longer in the Victualling Office than any other, so that if
bad habits were an objection, they applied in full force to him. Mr.
Budge had also been removed, without any application on his part;
and Mr. Moody, who was allowed to be one of the best accountants in the
country; and if it were true that the accounts of the office were so
tremendously in arrear as had been represented, it was very extraordinary
they should grt rid of such a man, who was in all respects so capable
of forwarding them.
Mr. Bus'anl said he could not but feel indignant at the manner in which
the Hon. Gentleman (Mr. Ward) had treated the motion of the Hon,
Baronet, to whom he thought the House and the country were highly in-
debted for bringing it forward, as well as for many other services he had
done to the puhlic. Public Boards were not the masters of that House,
but ought to be their servants, and liable to their controul; and the Hon.
Gentleman would have done well to have recollected the benefits the
country had received from a Board, of which the Hon. Baronet had been
an active member. The Commissioners of Naval Inquiry had said
many reports had been made a-> to the conduct of the Victualling Board,
but not one had been acted on. It. was the duty of the House to enforce
such a resolution as the present, which might probably prevent such
neglects in future. It was not the Hon. Baronet, but the Naval Commis-
sioners who asserted this to be necessary; and though it might be a
truism, it came before the House in a much more apposite shape
than many others had done. In saying this, he meant no slur on the
Admiralty, and the Hon. Gentleman hud gone very far out of his
way in saying so much on the appointment of Colonel Welsh. He thought
the Hon. Baronet was actuated by the best motives: he hoped he would
persist in his present conduct, and he should give the motion his
cordial support.
Mr. Welksley Pole defended, at considerable length, the several
removals, and the appointments made in their stead. He thought, however,
that what the Hon. Baronet had now brought forward did not call for what
his Hon. Friend (Mr. Ward) had said upon it. He was glad the Hon.
Baronet had stated the matter as he had done, which allowed that
the system of the Victualling Board was so vicious as loudly to call
for alteration and reform. There was, however, another Report, which the
Hon. Baronet ought to attend to, viz. the llth, which particularly related
to the outports, and which stated that in the Victualling Board at Plymouth
he had been charged with 4000 tons of casks more than by his account he
ought to be charged with, and another with 4000 tons of casks less than he
ought, and yet both accounts had been passed as right. When the Hon.
Baronet looked to the various Boards with so jealous an eye, he could have
wished the Hon. Baronet had not suffered his own Report, as a Com-
missioner of Naval Inquiry, to remain for ten months a mere dead letter,
though he was all that time in office, and might have brought it into action;
and during that period there were no less than eleven millions of accounts
i« his o2ke which were never looked to by the. Board. Many of tUos«
accounts had been standing 25 years, and many nearly that, and those of
16 had been reported ready for inspection, but no notice had been taken
of them by that Board, of which the Hon. Barowet was a member. Mr.
Marsh, the Deputy Chairman of the Victualling Board, had been allowed
to retire at his own request on three-fourths of his salary. Mr. Moody was
as incapable of discharging the duties of his office, as if he was defunct.
From all the inquiries he had made, it was universally agreed that he was
incapable of leading the Board to carry into effect those reforms which had
been recommended by the Naval Commissioners. He had also been
allowed, after 49 years service, to retire on three-fourJhs of his salary; and
the Victualling Board was at present constituted in the exact manner
recommended by the Commissioners of Revision. The lion. Gentleman
concluded by saying, that as there appeared no shadow of ground for
the present motion, he would vote for the previous question.
Mr. Wlndham said, in his opinion, the whole case lay in th* short
compass of how far it was necessary to remove some officers, and put others
in their place; he could not see the necessity of this; but it seemed
the Hon. Gentleman thought a reform necessary, and so he began, not by
changing principles, but by changing men — a very commodious system
of reform; he knew none of the officers- but Mr. Marsh, sind coukl see
no change in him which could warrant his removal ; time, however,, might
have an effect on his mind, which it had not on his body. He defended tlis
motion of Sir C. Pole.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer denied that a change of persons
only was intended, but a radical reform of system in the most economical
way possible. He contended the Right Hon. Gentleman hatl formed his
opinion on partial parts of the report and deduced therefrom general
propositions, which could not be denied in the abstract, bat which, when
particularly applied, were defective. He would, therefore, support the
previous question. He believed Mr, Marsh was a very zealous officer, but
he was incapacitated by age from active service. This was also the case
with respect to Mr. Moody.
Mr. Whitkread defended the motion of the Hon. Baronet, and said
he had never heard the present Board of Admiralty praised by any
but themselves, with whose testimony on the subject it was not to
be expected he should be satisfied. They abused the Hon. Baronet for not
doing every thing in ten months, and yet they, at the end of two years, had
only commenced a reform.
Mr. Peter Moore panegyrised the Hon. Baronet, and defended his
Admiral Markfiam supported the Hon. Baronet's motion, as he thought
hit arguments fully bore him out.
Sir C. Pole shortly replied, and the previous question was then carried
without a division.
In the present Session, this truly independent and patriotic
Member has been also occupied; with endeavouring to call tho
attention of the House of Commons to a subject, which was parti-
cularly recommended to him by his late friend Admiral Lord Nel-
son, The encouragement of a Marine Corps of Artillery^ to avoid
a return of those quarrels which had prevailed in the Mediterra-
nean, whilst Lord Nelson had the command in 1803 : in conse-
quence of some young artillery officers refusing to allow such of
their men as were embarked on board the bombs, to assist in case
of emergency to support the labours of the crew. Sir C. Pole's ob-
ject also, in calling the attention of Parliament to the Marine Corps,
is to establish a Fund for the orphans of its officers, to augment
the field officers, and to put the Royal Marine Artillery on a more
rational and respectable plan; endeavouring that some young men
should be purposely educated at Woolwich for that purpose*
We trust that we shall have very considerable additions to add to
this memoir, both as regarding his professional and senatorial du-
ties, in which we have endeavoured to direct the attention of our
readers to a subject, already glanced at by our sensible and worthy
Correspondent, E. G. F. The Parliamentary Duties of Naral
Officers. The subject at the present moment, particularly, is of
vast importance, and of great national interest : and we trust our
Correspondent will direct and confine his attention to naval par-
liamentary subjects alone, and a discussion of the various specche*
that have been thus made by officers in both Houses.
Such has been, and such we trust will long continue Admiral
Sir C. Pole. The early associate and intimate friend of the ever
to be lamented Nelson ; the great example to all naval officers in
Parliament, to whom the profession and ftie country may safely
look up for integrity and independence. By principle a strict
disciplinarian, by nature brave and enterprising, yet unassuming ;
simple in his manners, open in his character, and uniform in his
friendship. This may be the language of eulogy, but it is also the
language of truth. We trust he will resolutely stem the current he
has so nobly opposed, and support the hitherto-neglected interests
of the British navy in the House of Commons. And instead of
crouching, like too many whom we could mention, to men in
power for professional employment, or holding a situation in Par.
liament from motives of party or self interest, will keep on his
steady course with a press of canvass ; and though unfavourable
winds may sometimes retard Ms progress, or the three deckers oT
ministry may open their broadsides upon him, and fire stink pots
into his rigging ; still we trust, like an experienced and able sea-
man as he is, he will luff up and rake his opposcrs. We trust
that dijring many succeeding sessions, he will continue to burn
blue lights to caution other officers, when he thinks the good old
ship is standing into danger; or her crew, like that of a privateer,
becoming slovenly and thinking only of prize money, fall to
squabling amongst themselves ; and thus forget to scrub the decks,
and to square the yards, and allow the purser to serve out oakura
for tobacco, and the dust of corrupted maggots for burgoo.
*».* Sir Charles Pole has been many years one of the Grooms
of the Bedchamber to Admiral his Royal Highness the Duke of
The family of Pole is of great antiquify in Devonshire. Sir
John Pole, of Shute, in that county, was created a Baronet by
patent dated 12th September, Ui2S. His grandson, Sir John
Pole, married Anne, youngest daughter of Sir William Morice, of
Werington, Knight, and had issue, 1st, William, his successor in
the title of Baronet ; 2d, John, an officer in the army, who died
unmarried; 3d, Charles, who died young; and 4th, the Rev.
Carolus Pole, rector of St. Breoch, in Cornwall, grandfa-
ther of the present Admiral ; which Carolus married Sarah, daugh-
ter of Jonathan Rashleigh, of Meuabilly, in Cornwall, Esq. by
Jane, daughter and at length coheir of Sir John Carew, of
Anthony, in the same county, and by her had issue a daughter,
Jane, who married Philip Rashleigh, of Menabilly, Esq. and two
sons, viz. 1st, Reginald; 2d, John, rector of Faccumb cum Tang-
ley, Southampton, who died unmarried in 1750.
Reginald Pole, the eldest son, father of the subject of this
memoir, was of Stoke Damarell, in the county of Devon, and died
1 1th November, 1769, at the age of 53, leaving issue by Anne his
wife (2d daughter of John Francis Buller, of Mortal, Esq. which,
lady died 25th April, 1758) three sons and two daughters, of
whom Anne was 2d wife of Charles Cox, Lord Sommers, and
Sarah, married Henry Hippesley Coxe, Esq. of Stone Easton> in
Somersetshire, and died iu August 1787. The sons were, 1st, the
Right Honourable Reginald Pole Carevr, of Anthony, in t«*
county of Cornwall, one of his Majesty's most honourable Privy
Council, and M.P. for Fowey, who was born 28th July, 1753,
and assumed the surname and arms of Carcw, by Act of Par-
Jiament, pursuant to the will of Sir Coventry Carcw. He married
iu November, 1784, Jemima^ only child of the Hon. John Yorke,
4th son of Philip, 1st Earl of Hardwicke? by whom he had several
2d, Sir Charles Morice Pole, Baronet, (so created by patent
dated 12th September, 1801) an Admiral in the Royal Navy,
born 18th January, 1757, married 8th June, 1792, Henrietta, 3d
daughter of John Goddard, Esq. formerly of Rotterdam, and late
of Woodford Hall, in Essex, and niece of Henry Hope, Esq. late
of Amsterdam, but now of Harley Street, and by her has issue5
Henrrietra-Maria-Sarah, born 7th November, 1799.
3d, Edward Pole, Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. ,
ARMS. — Azure ) a lion rampant, argent, within an orle of 9
Fieurs de 15s, or.
SUPPORTERS. — Granted by his Majesty's Especial Royal War.
rant, dated 2d November, 1801. On the dexter a stag, gules^
attired, or ; and on the sinister a griffin, atrwre, beaked, legged,
and ducally gorged, or.
MOTTO. — Pallet Virtus.
ON New Year's Day, a very gallant and severe actios was
fought by the Sandwich lugger. She fell in with a large
JFrench lugger, soon after four o'clock in the afternoon, off the
Isle of Bass, which she engaged nearly two hours ; and so close
was the contest, that the enemy's main-sail caught fire two or three
times, from the fire of the Sandwich : it was evidently the intention
of the enemy to board, being full of men (it is supposed nearly
100), and for that purpose she ran her bowsprit between the
Sandwich's fore and main-masts; but the brisk fire of round and
cannister kept up by the brave crew of the Sandwich, prevented
her accomplishing this design. At length she disengaged herself,
and sheered off: the Sandwich pursued her, bat the weather being
dark and heavy, and the wind failing, she out with her sweeps,
and made her escape. The long and brisk cannonade kept up by
the Sandwich must have made great havoc among the enemy's
crew, and it is certain she must have been so much shattered as to
reach the shore with difficulty. The Sandwich had cm-, n iiii killed
and seven wounded : two of them so dangerously iLit th^y are not
expected to live. Lieutenant Atkins, the brave ..^inmander of the
Sandwich, received a ball in the upper part of his right arm, near
the shoulder; but it has been extracted. Mr. Phillips, the master,
was dangerously wounded ; a musket ball entered his right breast,
and passed out at his back. The first mate was wounded by a
ball passing through his leg. — The Sandwich mounts 14 guns, and
had 50 men on board.
THE fort wails at Malacca, were built by a colony from China,
at least three centuries before the Portuguese obtained possession
of the place in 1512. They are by no means so strong as has been
generally supposed, but they serve to strike terror into the Malays,
•who have a superstitious veneration for them. Preparations are
now making to blow up the works ; mines are excavated along the
side facing the sea, some of which are charged. Two were ex-
ploded with great skill and precision, on the 16th of October, 1807.
The wall was completely overturned on both sides, with a very
trilling explosion, and without injuring a building or a tree. The
country round Malacca to the distance of eight or ten miles from
the fort, is a pleasant and most productive spot. The rising
grounds are barren and rocky, and the acclivities have been used
by the Chinese, for places of sepulture. Redoubts are also raised
on the Bocca China, and St. Jonas. On the sides of the hills are
innumerable trees of a variety of species, including the sepharce
and the arcca, or betel-nut tree ; other fences of the fields are
bamboo, rattan, acacia, &c. Since the English took possession
of the place in 1793, the vajlies produce rice and sugar canes in.
great abundance, the cultivation of which, under a settled and
permanent government, might be much extended. The revenues
bring to the Company 80,000 dollars a year for land rents, taxes,
and customs. The latter are farmed, and there is a considerable
trade with the buggesses from Borneo, in the season between the
monsoons. They also trade with Sumatra, Rhio, and many of
the rivers of the Peninsula, both to the east and west, and hays
frequent communications with Java ; whence they import teak-
wood, pepper, and other productions. They procure spars fit for
masts from Stack and Arroes, but these growing in a low, marshy
country, are of inferior quality. In the river which runs close by
the walls of the fort, small vessels of 120 tons have been built.
They have good timber, including what they procure from
Samarang and Java, and skilful carpenters. Under the lee of the
island nearest to the fort, there is a kind of harbour, where in the
south-west monsoon, they can carry and secure vessels drawing
16 feet. The cultivators, sugar-makers, distillers, and farmers of
the customs are Chinese.
AMONG the extraordinary phenomena of the present age, so fer.
tile in revolutions political and national, may be justly reckoned
the formation of a new empire, and the introduction of European
civilization into the remote islands scattered over the yast expanse
of the Pacific Ocean. We are assured that Tahama, chief or
sovereign of the island O-Avy-hee, has not only subjected to his
dominion the surrounding islands, but is actively employed in ex.
tending his power on every side. This chieftain, the Buonaparte
of the Pacific, though he can neither write nor read, is, neverthe-
less, endowed with distinguished abilities, energy, and ambition.
Numbers of British and of French renegadoes, or deserters, are
employed in facilitating his projects of commerce and of conquest.
Already it is certain that he carries on a trade with China, with
some of the dependencies of Japan, with the Ladrone islands, and
Tinian ; nor is it doubted that he will soon navigate the South Sea
in the opposite direction, to the western shores of Mexico, Peru,
and Chili. However incredible it may appear, we are assured that
he possesses a marine consisting of nine vessels ; among which are
two armed and copper-bottomed. Tahama, it is believed, will
subject the Society and Friendly Islands, as well as many of the
others in that quarter of the globe. When we reflect on the
geographical position of the Sandwich islands, placed as it'were by
nature, to connect America with Asia; and competent to carry on
the most extensive commerce at once with the Philippines, China,
and Japan, on one hand ; no less than with 'California, Acapulco,
Lima, and the parts of Chili on the other side of the Pacific ; w«
are lost in contemplating or calculating the results which may take
place in the course of a few years from this event. 0-wy-hee and
t C$nm»®»I« XXI. Q «
Hayti, may both, in (he lapse of the IDth century, occupy a dis-
tinguished place in the history of the world ; and the dynasties of
Tahama or of Pction, like those of Buonaparte and Murat, may
arise to replace the distinguished families that antecedently ruled
in Europe or in America,
THE public papers have lately contained many contradictory
accounts of the state of afiairs at the court of Brazil, but we arc
as yet very scantily supplied with genuine intelligence ; we therefore
Conceive the following document will be read with interest, as
authentic testimony of the sentiments of that court relative to the
person and services of the British admiral commanding in those
seas. It is somewhat singular that Sir Sidney Smith's conduct
should be viewed in so different a light at the Admiralty from
what it is by our ally, that he has just been unexpectedly super-
seded in a manner, which we fear will be considered by the Avorthy
admiral as the most abrupt.
" Palace of Rio de Janeiro, Glh August, 1808.
" His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, our Sovereign Lord, being
desirous to shew the estimation in which he holds the high merit, abilities,
and valour of Sir Sidney Smith, rear-admiral and commander.in-chicf of his
Britannic majesty's naval forces in the Southern Seas; his royal highness has
been pleased to grant him the honour of enabling him to bear the arms of
Portugal, quartered with his own, and to bear them as the French express
it, oti shield and banner,* that he, and his descendants, may use them, and
in default of issue, his representatives in both the male and female lines :
but as the said Sir Sidney Smith cannot do this without his Britannic
majesty's licence, his royal highness orders that your excellency will request
this faculty through Mr. Canning, his minister of state for foreign affairs,
signifying the great pleasure and satisfaction his royal highness will receive
by his Britannic majesty's being pleased to accede to this his particular
desire. Your excellency will make known this minister's answer as soon
as possible. His royal highness flattering himself that this just request will
not meet any difficulty. God preserve your excellency.
*' To Don Domingos Antonio de
Souza Continho. London.
* En (tusson ft banniere.
Feet. Inches,
Breadth a-raidships 10 0
Depth 3 6
Exclusive of amoveable wash strakeof O 8
The form the same as the yawls of that coast ; the stern post
nearly upright.
External gunwales hollow, forming an oblique section of a
parabola with the side of the boat, and projecting nine inches from
it on each side : these gunwales are reduced a little in their pro-
jection towards their ends, and are first formed by brackets and
thin boards, covered at top and bottom with one thickness of good
sound cork, and the extremity or apex of the projection having
two thicknesses of cork, the better to defend it from any violent
blows it may meet with in hard service. The depth of these gun.
wales from top to bottom was fifteen inches, and the whole
covered with very strong canvas, laid on with strong cement to
resist the water, and that will not stick to anything laid upon it.
A false keel of wrought iron three inches deep, made of t'nrerc
bars rivetted together, ami bolted under the common keel, which
it greatly strengthens, and makes a very essential part of her
ballast; b.'ing fixed so much below the floor, it has nearly double
the power the same weight would have if laid on the floor, and
therefore much preferable to any other ballast that can be used for
sailing boats.
Thwarts and gang-board as usual : three masts and lugg sails,
and twelve short oars.
In this state, this boat is much safer than any common boat of
the same dimensions, will carry more sail, and bear more weather :
but to make it completely unimmergible, empty casks, of about
twenty-two inches diameter, were ranged along withinside of the
gunwales, lashed firmly to the boat, lying even with the tops of
the gunwales, and resting upon brackets fastened to the timbers
for that purpose ; also two such casks in the head, and two in the
stern, and all removable in a short time, if desired ; there were
also some empty casks placed under the gang-board; these woul
be an addition to the boat's buoyancy if empty, and an, increase to.
her ballast if full.
* For an account of the first launching of the kowestoff life-boat, on the
1 9th of Nov<jmber; 1607, vide NAVAL CuRCWCLfi, Vol. XIX. page 458.,
THE Island of Bombay, about seven leagues in circumference,
is situated in longitude 72 cleg. 38 min. east of Greenwich,
latitude 18 deg. 57 inin. north. It was first settled by the Portu-
guese, who gave it to Charles II. King of England, as a marriage
portion with the infanta Catherine. Its trade flourished exceed-
ingly; but its revenues were inadequate to the expence of keeping
it; in consequence of which, and of other political and commercial
reasons, the crown made it over to the East India Company, in
whose hands it remains.
The principal town is nearly a mile long ; and, within these
few years, the general appearance of the houses has been con-
siderably improved. The soil is barren, and the water is bad ;
notwithstanding which, there are some fine groves of cocoa-nut
trees on the island, and the gardens produce inargoes, jacks, and
other Indian fruits.
Salt, in large quantities, is made at Bombay, by letting the sea
into pits, and suffering it to evaporate by the heat of the sun.
The air and climate 'of iliis island are rather unhealthy, subject-
ing Europeans, on their first arrival, to fevers, fluxes, scrophulous
disorders, &c. Persons seasoned to the country, however, fre-
quently live to a good old age. Afte» the rains, a number of
venomous creatures appear, and attain an extraordinary size.
Bombay Castle, of which the annexed engraving, by Baily, from
a. drawing by W. Westal, is an accurate representation, stands in,
and forms part of the Fort of Bombay, which is by far the strongest,
and the most regular fortification in India. All, the arms, and
naval stores, for the Malabar coast, are kept in this castle.
AS you profess to be a faithful chronicler of naval events for
the future historian, you should candidly insert, as indeed
you have often done, the different naval documents that have cir-
culated amongst us in manuscript, but are in general little known
to the public. In your second volume, ,page 500, you inserted
Lord Nelson's remarks on his ship the Captain, February 14,
1797} which first appearedjn the Sun : but you have never in.
sorted the letter which those remarks produced from Admiral W.
Parker, of the St. George. I have therefore sent you a copy.
" DEAR BiNGir.vxr, " Blenheim, off" Cadiz, September 1,1797.
u I have heard some time back, by some of my friends in
England, that from a statement of the action of the 14th February,
by then Commodore Nelson, I had not that credit that properly
belonged to ran.
" I have had no power to do myself the justice I might be en-*
titled to, for want of a sight of that letter, which I did not get
until the 20th of July.
*' It is of no moment to me to make any observations further
than concerns myself; I have written to him upon the subject,
which, least any of my friends may not have considered me in the
situation I really stood, in the success of that day from that cause
also, I here send you the copy of what I have written, with his
" lie was absent from the fleet at the time I wrote, and when
he returned had lost his arm. I had no immediate answer ; it was
left with the commander-in-chief, by whom he de<ired it to be
delivered to me after he was gone to England, as I was told to pre-
vent a rejoinder ; but with assurances that no offence was meant
by him to me, and (hat he never thought it could be understood
that both ships had struck to him.
" This answer is little to the purpose, though after what he had
written it could not be much otherwise. He has got my observa-
tions as far as respects myself; and I receive in words what I sup-
pose was thought he should not commit to paper, for I believe he
had advice upon the occasion.
" 1 have no other object or wish than to be considered by my
friends in the way I am entitled, or any intention of making com-
ments upon Admiral Nelson's letter, but what concerned my own
situation, and the ships he did not mention.
u Dear Bingham,
" Your friend and well-wisher,
" P.S. You may shew this, with its enclosure, to any of my
friends w-ho.m you may suppose have read Admiral Nelson's
" MY DEAR SIR, " Blenheim, off Cadiz, 25th July, 1797.
<c It was not until the 21st of this inst. July, that I saw the
letter in the Sun, dated the 20th March, with remarks upon the
proceedings of his Majesty's ship the Captain, in the action of the
14th February, to the whole of which, from a near situation, J
was an eye witness.
" I very readily admit that you have all the credit (hat belongs
to an able officer and a brave man ; but in support of myself, the
officers of the Prince George, and Orion (and Blenheim, previous
to your acknowledging her) I cannot but express my surprize at
the state